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The Cross is a Satanic Symbol Used by the Illuminati to Control You!

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posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Vojvoda
This thread is disgusting and perfect example of twisted logic.

Anybody who studied Illuminati knows that one of primary targets of Illuminati is destruction of (organized) religion and creation of one world 'religion'.

What better way to destroy a religion, than to control its symbolism from its inception.

Its not like people were going around putting crosses up in remembrance of Jesus. It wasn't until the Roman Emperor Constantine, 300 years after the 'death' of Jesus, that it was 'safe' to be Christian.
Edict of Milan

Strange coincidence that his mother, Helena finds all the relics that support his 'conversion' to Christinaity, don't you think?

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by Illahee
I heard somewhere the three nails was to play to the gypsy culture, in that they tell a story of the nailmaker stealing one of the nails so three were used. The fact he stole the nail gave all gypsies the right to steal as a people.

I have never heard that story about gypsies. Which group of gypsies?

Many of the peoples who are derogatorily referred to as Gypsies are from the same area that Saint Helena was from before she 'married' Constantine's father.

So maybe we are both right, eh?

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 01:49 PM
The cross is a very simply a symbol of Jesus' sacrifice.

The extra piece on top (because yes, the Romans did crucify on T shaped crosses) is supposedly meant to signify the resurrection. At least, this is how it was explained to me by Christians I know.

That said, the cross emphasizes suffering. This is not something uncommon in Christianity, or other religions. Contained in the symbol of the cross are intense suffering and yet also redemption.

Yes the cross was used before, but rarely in its current form. There was, of course, the "world cross" of the Gnostics, and of course it was used as a symbol long before even then. But Christians charge it with a different meaning. Think about the swastika. It has been used for thousands and thousands of years in myriad religious traditions. Yet when the Nazis took hold of it, it came to represent a regime, and a changing future, and later on hatred and evil.

Symbols are powerful but only insofar as people attach meanings to them. Institutions can suggest meanings to you, of course, and symbols can come to be charged with heavy meanings as in the swastika, the bald eagle, etc. But they're vague. It's doubtful that the Illuminati or a Satanist group is trying to use a symbol like the cross to control people - since there's no real control implied in the symbol. It's an object that keeps people mindful of the redemption of their sins, and perhaps, a symbol of their church (and perhaps, for some people, they have talismanic uses: good luck charms, warding off evil, etc).

If anything, you could maybe say that the church uses the cross as a symbol of solidarity.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:10 PM
As a Christian i do agree with the other posters here that the cross is a symbol
of the sacrifice that was made by Jesus,

The meaning and consequences of that sacrifice lives within us,the symbol holds no power in itself,

If Jesus was shot would i wear a bullet round my neck?

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by refinement

Before the time of Jesus, the symbol we call a cross, represented the symbol of the Sun God. 2000 years before Jesus, in Babylon, it was the symbol of Anu, the Sky God. It had nothing to do with suffering. I am not saying that to followers of the religion called Christianity are wrong in their 'beliefs', I am only explaining the true 'propaganda' behind the present day symbolism.

It was not until Emperor Constantine's mother, Saint Helena went to Jerusalem and 'found' the relics that Christianity was 'legalized' and the symbol was used to represent the 'character' named Jesus. Previously, the symbol of the fish, pointed in a certain direction, directed the viewer to secret Christian meetings.

It was the political 'capital' to be gained from the conversion to Christianity by Constantine, and the saintly find by his mother that propelled the use of the Cross as a symbol for Christianity and its new Patron Emperor himself. It was the 'Pagan' use of the cross as the "Sun God's Staff" that eased the transition into Christian use in the people's minds. It also is the nexus point for the 'modern' belief of divine royalty.


posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by BlackViolet
As a Christian i do agree with the other posters here that the cross is a symbol
of the sacrifice that was made by Jesus,

The meaning and consequences of that sacrifice lives within us,the symbol holds no power in itself,

If Jesus was shot would i wear a bullet round my neck?

I understand. I am explaining to Christians and non Christians alike the true motives of propaganda behind its use as a symbol for the past 2000 years.

I am not trying to demean anyone's love or belief in "that sacrifice" nor stop you from using it as a symbol to represent it and yourselves. Hopefully, you can reflect on the many ways the symbol has been used to mentally enslave humanity for thousands of years to accept the lord/slave dichotomy. That perhaps, instead of blindly pledging allegiance to any flag or symbol, you will look inside yourself and ask why your Lord Jesus would want anything to do with the cross as his symbol.

The story of Jesus takes on a whole new light if you stop only remembering his death, and 'His sacrifice' that makes it okay for Christians to lie, cheat, steal, sin however they want so long as they repent. If you stop bowing down to the instrument of his destruction at the hands of the Romans. The same Romans who 300 years later decided it was 'okay' to be Christian now.

It would be like bowing down to a Fasces, or the Roman symbol of authority.... Oh wait we do...
See the two Fasces on either side of the American Flag for an example in the US House of Representatives... Do a google image search for more...

I doubt that I will change anyone's mind who is wrapped up in their own fanatical fantasy. I just think the world would be a much better place if more "Christians" acted more like their "Christ" instead of using his sacrifice as an excuse to 'sin' again and again. I also think it is ironic the lengths that uninformed 'believers' will go to to try to discredit fact that doesn't support their belief system.

I blame a large part of this naivete on the hundred of years (maybe more?) lost in the Dark Ages. Our masters have pulled the wool over our eyes to try to make us, in this era feel special, and elite over our past ancestors. We fool ourselves into being evil everyday. Whether it is the cheap slave labor goods at Walmart, swindled petroleum from the 3rd world, or just about anything involving a profit, we allow ourselves to be apart of the system because heaven awaits, right?

What if this were Heaven? But organized religion has tricked us into thinking that we can screw this chance up....


posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 05:10 PM
I'm definetly no expert but I wanted to add this: The cross is also believed to represent the zodiac. Not sure what that adds to the thread but I felt like throwing my two cents in on this one, I enjoyed reading the thread so far. Thanks.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by skyshow

My view is that a symbol only has power that we as a person gives it. So, if it is a satanic symbol to you, so be it. If it's a symbol of love to another, even better. My point is, magick, prayer, symbols, idols, gods, demons, etc. only have the power that we give them.

Only mine own thoughts of course.

[edit on 1/29/2008 by Griff]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 05:19 PM
[edit on 29-1-2008 by Chaos Lord]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 05:28 PM
Please watch this excerpt of Zeitgeist. It explains what the post is about.

[edit on 29-1-2008 by Chaos Lord]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by DocMoreau

Some very good points there Doc,

Unfortunately some do evil in the name of God and it is never right to lie cheat and steal,sometimes this is understood in a greater sense by non Christians than Christians,God is very specific in what he asks us to be and how we should conduct ourselves and he will hold account.

There is an aspect of his character called Grace,it allows for the fact that we fall short of what he asks and that in no way are we perfect,but at the same time he doesn't like Grace being taken for granted,no one does.

The other aspect is that in some cases Christians tend to think that God wipes away the consequences of their actions and therefore they can do what they wish and justify it,utter rubbish,a lot of the time you will hear out of the mouths of believers that God is going to judge the unbeliever and there will be a great price to pay,so it is true for the believer,we are not immune to the wrath nor are we immune to consequences of what we do,
be it now in in some future time,i know this from personal experience and sometimes it is not pretty,I have fallen,done stupid things,many times,I know my Father loves me and he picks me up and dusts me off,tells me to keep walking but that doesn't mean that i escape having to make restitution in that area,

Unfortunately religion has perverted the character and love that God has for us,it has turned us against him, he weeps for those that turn from him for he has so much for them and it breaks his heart that they miss out and that ultimately at some time the rejection will be permanent.

There is much more than we understand,all that i can do is live according to what i believe and trust that He will lead me home,


posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 06:35 PM
The Cross is an Idol.

Specifically, The Human Jesus dead or dying on the Cross.

You know, the ones in every Roman Catholic Church, and many other types of Churches?

And yet other Churches just have the Cross, but no body hanging off of it.

Well I'm here to tell you that Jesus would be incredibly angry that people were bowing before HIS image, of him on the cross, or the cross representing him dying on it, IE his image. That is called Idolatry, and Jesus would never wish to be Idolized, because he is not the Father. The Father says there will be no Idols, including his own begotten son.

I'm out.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by runetang

And yet other Churches just have the Cross, but no body hanging off of it.

Some drape fine materials and linen around it, with flowers and roses either on it or around it, and put a spot light on it. Even some places will anoint their cross with oil...interesting because the background of that pagan ritual is one of a fertility ritual where the phallic symbol is anointed not with oil, but with semen. Yep that's right semen....that's where the whole "anointing" thing came from in the first place.

My my my, we have been sold a bill of goods!!! Idols, threats, promises...all just a bunch of smoke and mirrors with one purpose, and that's political and economic enslavement of the planet's inhabitants in order to benefit the few.

Looks like the cat is out of the bag. Well it has been for a while now, but with internet more and more people will finally get glimpses of the truth, then begin their own research and such...I wonder, when enough people begin to come out of the fog and see this incredible fraud and conspiracy for what it is, how will the church react to it in order to stay in business? I don't see her going down without a fight, just as any nation will defend herself based on national security, the vast empire of Christendom isn't going to allow herself to be flushed down the ca mode you know?

Wow, what a great thread....thanks everyone for some remarkable posts.

[edit on 29-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Fish (Ichthus) as an Early Christian Symbol

Note the anchor, could the cross have morphed from the original anchor symbol?

I will make you fishers of men

Anchor, IV sec. d.c., Catacomb of Priscilla, via Salaria Nova, Roma

The Christian Catacombs of Ancient Rome: An Introduction

A "head stone", found near the entrance to the first century catacomb, is inscribed with the sign of the cross.

Reaching.. Reaching.. reaching.... It's not a good idea to use your own pre-programmed gestalt in an attempt to ascertain truth.

Please go back to your Enquirer reading...

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by refinement
The cross is a very simply a symbol of Jesus' sacrifice.

Oh I get it, so F all the other thousands which were crucified.. just focus on this one teacher who was crucified.

NO! The cross, in terms of Christianity, is a symbol of what happens when you claim to be the son of god. So that no body else tries it.


[edit on 29-1-2008 by Quazga]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by DocMoreau

What if this were Heaven? But organized religion has tricked us into thinking that we can screw this chance up....


Scary Thought... isnt it.. :-D

Originally posted by skyshow

My my my, we have been sold a bill of goods!!! Idols, threats, promises...all just a bunch of smoke and mirrors with one purpose, and that's political and economic enslavement of the planet's inhabitants in order to benefit the few.

[edit on 29-1-2008 by skyshow]

Just like Santy Clause.. except for grownups....
I mean If you knew for a fact that this was your one and only shot at life,
fun, love and happiness

and how much different would this world be if there was no concept
of god/afterlife/re-incarnation etc etc...

Im fairly certain that any society would be better off with the majority
believing in a god and an afterlife..
its just a damm shame that ppl think that if you pray to st. anthony
that hell help you find your keys.. or if you pray.. really REALLY hard...
good things will just happen to you.. and if something bad happens to
them or someone else.. they blame it on sins or lack of prayer..
bible thumpers of course.. not regular believers...

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Quazga

Oh I get it, so F all the other thousands which were crucified.. just focus on this one teacher who was crucified.

NO! The cross, in terms of Christianity, is a symbol of what happens when you claim to be the son of god. So that no body else tries it.


[edit on 29-1-2008 by Quazga]
... no. First off I'm not a Christian. But more importantly that is absurd.

Christ is an important symbolic figure in the Christian religion. His followers claimed that his death on the cross and so-called resurrection redeemed all humanity for its sins. It's not a warning of death for claiming to be the son of God, it's a reminder of this symbolic act that Christ endured for all humanity. Not everyone who was crucified made this claim (or more likely, had this claim made about them). Thus that is why the cross specifies Jesus. Sure, thousands and thousands were crucified, and they all suffered. That sucks. But the Christian religion (at least, after Constantine) wasn't so much about recognizing everyone who died on the cross as the teachings and sacrifice of Christ. You don't go to a funeral and complain that it doesn't commemorate everyone else who died of cancer. If someone gives you a heart pendant on a necklace, you don't think about everyone in the world who has ever been in love. You think about that person that gave it to you.

Also, if you claimed to be the son of God and really believed it, you probably wouldn't fear death. That would probably be the first thing you would get over. And if you claimed to be the son of God and didn't really believe it, then you get what you deserve.

Furthermore, there are a number of intelligent people in the Christian religion who are not slaves to the church. Just because you believe in something doesn't mean that you have to listen to so-called authorities about it.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by skyshow

We know that Constantine wanted a unification, and that the universal (Catholic) Christian church conspired for a unification of around a dozen belief systems all rolled up into one...

Uhhhhh, no, we don't know that.


posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by EricD

ok, would you agree then, to: he enforced the doctrine of the church as well as supported it's direction financially? (talking about Constantine the Great circa 300 something AD). Because he was able to unite the empire, put into place the Catholic Church / Holy Roman Empire, that co-opted at least a dozen religions, cults and belief systems....I'm sorry, but I stand my original point, unless you can show why you believe we don't know this...I'm curious and hope you haven't abandoned the thread for good so I can hear what you have to say on that...


[edit on 29-1-2008 by skyshow]

[edit on 29-1-2008 by skyshow]

[edit on 29-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by runetang
The Cross is an Idol.
Specifically, The Human Jesus dead or dying on the Cross.

That is called Idolatry, and Jesus would never wish to be Idolized, because he is not the Father.

Right on the nose. We shouldn't judge Christians for utilizing the symbol, but technically, it is just another external expression of Christ which distracts from his inner-spiritual teaching.

Seek NO holiness in external objects, not even symbols. This is an overriding rule in Islam too (I'm sure someone has mentioned that already.)

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