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Barack Obama will be The Anti Christ

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posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 03:27 PM
This is funny. People stll believe that everything has been fortold from the bible and the anti-christ is coming and might be Obama. I belive it might be time for an educational lesson here.
-When reviewing these claims and scriptures, you have to revert back and think of the time that it all was written. Imagine from the authors perspective. People (men and women) are nothing more than evolved monkeys (some of which have not gotten that evolved yet). When the bible was written (by MAN I might add) it was during a time that people were highly influention and religion not science was the most influentual. During a time when people wore robes and looked into the sky at night and they could actually see the galaxy without light pollution and smog. Imagine if you can, being able to look into the nights sky that is completely and 100% clear and seeing the rings of our galaxy. How would you precieve that? Most likely as something GOD created (when in all actuallity its a combination of thermal gases and gravitaional pulls from the bing bang and over billions of years evolved into the galaxies we know today).
-If you review the bible, look at it closely. Its a book of astrology. And the belief that GOD instructed us in the bible how to live is laughable at best. Take the 10 commandments. What influenced them? That would the Egyptian book of the Dead. Thou shall not steal=I have not stole, etc.... Jesus is belived to be the son of god who died on the cross. Another myth. All religions going back before Christianity has had some form of son of god with a jesus name. Jesus is our sun w/i our solar system. During the winter soltice the sun sets and night last longer than any other time. After three days of this it rises again. When the sun sets during the winter soltice it is aligned with the celestral equator and earth equator and where they intersect is a celestral cross. Hence, Jesus was crucified on the cross, died, and resurrected on the third day. (I hope everyone looks at this objectively).
-So, with this basic information (within 4000 characters, lol) have we realized that their is no anti-christ? Now dont get me wrong, there is no way in hell that I will vote for Obama. He is way to liberal for me and a dis-enchanted Reganite wanting that type of leadership again. And there is absolutely zero chance of my vote going to the left wing liberal team of Obama, Pelosi, and Reed. If people allow this happen today, I will be very concerned for the country over the next 4 years.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by doctorex

While you are correct in the ascersion that no one man ever is reffered to as THE ANTICHRIST, the book of Daniel clearly states that at the time of the end there will come a single king that will speak great things against God. He is reffered to as a little horn, which according to Daniel's own writings horns represent kings while beasts represent kingdoms. Revelation reffers to a single leader in the same way, so while the beast must be seen as a kingdom, the 10 horns it posses must be seen as kings, the final little horn that comes up among them and speaks blasphemies must also be seen as a single leader. This leader is who is reffered to as Antichrist by most modern christians, though the title used by Jesus, Daniel, and Paul was the son of perdition. The entire book of Daniel contains both prophecy and how to decipher prophecy, when read and deciphered by this standard Revelation states exactly the same message. Daniel also tells where this man is from, the criteria one must use when looking at probable candidates, as well as how he comes to power.

A previous post was correct to state this man would come from a revived roman empire, Daniel states this himself. Jesus confirmed this in saying the prince of destruction would come from the land that destroyed the temple. The question then becomes, who and what land represent the second beast from revelation? So a better question would be will Obama represent one of the horns of the false prophet? This becomes a good question in light of the US recent support of a revived roman empire in the EU. Now for those who don't believe the EU is strong enough militarily, I would encourage you to look into EULEX missions in Kosovo, Chad and other parts of the world. These mission are basically military operations in which the US and several other countries have turned over control of military officers, soldiers, and equipment to the EU in order for them to fulfill their mission. Why does the EU need to have a strong military if they can borrow ours?

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 04:09 PM
Wow! I really don't know what to say. I suppose if the Anti-Christ wasn't a fictional creation to keep the masses in check, it would be a possibility.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 08:04 PM
The sad thing is, all that is true. It is very scary to know that our next president might be the Anti-Christ; and that doesn't scare anyone in America? I know, it scares me. This is not racism because i am not racists but if anything even pointed to the Anti-Christ then i would definitely vote against. John McCain would not be a bad president. Even though he is not as young as Obama, that does not mean he cannot do to great job. Obama and Biden or is it Osama Bin Laden? Ryhmes. That is very odd. People, look at the signs, it is crazy. Dont let this happen to America.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 10:00 PM


posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:18 PM
The most likely candidate to lead the European Union or the world for that matter will in fact be from the 11th Nation to join the European Union which is the country of Spain. While many will laugh at the thought, the King of Spain Mr. Juan Carlos is currently the most qualified candidate out of all of the rulers currently in the E.U. or believed to join the E.U. His resume of schooling, religious studies, and military tactics goes forever.

The most powerful man in the world is someone who can be trusted not only by the counties of the world but is someone on neutral ground of a financially sovereign country like Spain. The leader from Spain can be trusted to resolve the conflicts in the middleeast without the hidden agenda of oil in the background. He will be more trusted to enter into peace treaties between the Jews and Muslims.

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
The sad thing is, all that is true. It is very scary to know that our next president might be the Anti-Christ; and that doesn't scare anyone in America? I know, it scares me. This is not racism because i am not racists but if anything even pointed to the Anti-Christ then i would definitely vote against. John McCain would not be a bad president. Even though he is not as young as Obama, that does not mean he cannot do to great job. Obama and Biden or is it Osama Bin Laden? Ryhmes. That is very odd. People, look at the signs, it is crazy. Dont let this happen to America.

Forstarters, some whackos has been claiming those they dont like were the anti-christ since Nero. If you want to think about links, consider bush jr with bush sr. But then,, thats all arrogance to presume the anti-christ would be an American.

And, again, this is presuming you think the bible is accurate on anything, or valid for anything. But then, if you thought that you would see the points saying how Obama isnt the anti-christ. But then, that wouldnt fit the image of the small minded intellectually stunted who need to see satan in everything that they dislike would it?

God I need to listen to John Lennon about now

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:37 PM

God I need to listen to John Lennon about now

I'm with ya on that one...

posted on Nov, 4 2008 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by memememe

and so now he has and now he will

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:03 AM
weve been reading these and we feel strongly that barack could be antichrist. as most all of of the characteristics are dead on... there is one thing every one leaves out. as far as sighns and miracles and wonders go... the person who is to "become antichrist" has to be killed first. then arise in 3 days ... just as jesus did. this is when the jewish people are predictied to follow thier messiah when he -the anitchrist- returns in the clouds... just as jesus did, then miracles and wonders.... even if barak is to be anti christ. at this time,,, he has no idea of it himself yet..... 11/4/2008 peace be with you all kris and ashley

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:14 AM
Oh my gosh I was just reading the Jerusalem Post newspaper and I found out that Obama is JEWISH ...I did not know that ..did yall know that >?(I didnt read this whole thread) ...
That changes things as far as being a possible AC ....the AC will be at least partly Jewish ...
Here it is..

Regarding concern in Israel about an Obama presidency, Mikva said that "Barack will be the first Jewish president in the US."

PS I dont believe he is the real ac ..maybe this is a preshow before the real one comes ..I know there is great deception being played out right now ..
And I would not doubt some major events could happen to really cause confusion of end times events real soon ...

[edit on 5-11-2008 by Simplynoone]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:30 AM

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by bigbert81

Not really sure of the source, but I have heard it before, many times...

"The greatest victory Satan ever had was making people believe he doesn't exist"

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by bakednutz

What about Kenya? Isn't it geographically close enough to Jerusalem to qualify? or Indonesia? Are they close enough to qualify?

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 03:59 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Would his close association with Pfleger (an associate of Farrakhan and Jackson) make this more clear for you? Or J. Wright? Look to his actions, not his words for the answer. He is no friend of Jews; it was only a few days ago that Jackson told a conference in France that BHO would end 'zionistic domination' in America.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by Vojvoda

Who's laughing now? Don't recent events sort of bear out the things you call "a joke?" BHO is bas news, bible prophecy notwithstanding.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 04:15 AM
reply to post by DemonicAngelZero

Were you paying attention when BHO said he and Biden would change the world? Have you paid attention to other news sources, like BBC, who document world-wide acclamation of his victory? His acceptance speech, alone, addresses this as well.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by Buck Division

Islam denies the divine nature of Jesus by saying he was nothing more than a prophet and not the son of God.

Please get your facts straight before you speak.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 06:42 AM

Originally posted by jdl79
reply to post by doctorex

While you are correct in the ascersion that no one man ever is reffered to as THE ANTICHRIST, the book of Daniel clearly states that at the time of the end there will come a single king that will speak great things against God. He is reffered to as a little horn, which according to Daniel's own writings horns represent kings while beasts represent kingdoms. Revelation reffers to a single leader in the same way, so while the beast must be seen as a kingdom, the 10 horns it posses must be seen as kings, the final little horn that comes up among them and speaks blasphemies must also be seen as a single leader. This leader is who is reffered to as Antichrist by most modern christians, though the title used by Jesus, Daniel, and Paul was the son of perdition. The entire book of Daniel contains both prophecy and how to decipher prophecy, when read and deciphered by this standard Revelation states exactly the same message.

The Son of Perdition is not an earthly king. There are only two people in scripture referred to as the son of perdition, and they are quotes by Jesus and Paul, not Daniel. The first was Judas (John 17:6-12) , and his actions lead to the desolation of the physical body of Christ, until it was resurrected. The second son of perdition would do the same, but since now the body of Christ is spiritual, namely the church, his actions would desolate the church, again temporarily. The second mention of the Son of perdition is in the writings of Paul....

2Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

The word translated as falling away (apostasia) in this verse means apostasy, a defection from the truth. It is talking about a man would be cause the church to defect from truth, desolating the spiritual body of Christ, which as Paul said many times was the Temple of God. Now notice the next verse of the quote above, because it is talking of the same thing....

4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshiped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.

The word tranalsted as Sitteth is kathizo, it also means set or apointed in a postion of power, and it says in the temple of God, which as I will show is now the church. It is a religious figure, though most seem to think that this is talking of some "antichrist" earthly king who will desecrate some rebuilt physical temple, forgetting that since the death of Christ, God dwells in His church through his spirit and the church is the Temple....

1Corinthians 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

The abomination of desolation was a multi-staged prophecy concerning the betrayal of Jesus by Judas, the destruction of the physical temple, and the desolation of the spiritual body of Christ, the spiritual temple of God, the church in the end time, namely the falling away from the truth, or apostasy. The little horn is another character altogether, it is the false prophet mentioned in Revelation, which is smaller in power than the earthly kings, but that is another story.

Daniel also tells where this man is from, the criteria one must use when looking at probable candidates, as well as how he comes to power.

A previous post was correct to state this man would come from a revived roman empire, Daniel states this himself. Jesus confirmed this in saying the prince of destruction would come from the land that destroyed the temple.

Where does it say this?

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 07:36 AM
Now, when you say many blacks don't support him, are you talking about the minority 10% of black conservatives who didn't vote for hime or the 90% who did!!!

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