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Police officer records UFO

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posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 05:40 PM
Please groingrinder read the thread before you post. This has already been discussed.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
My reply is for the original post.

Fake! Notice how the camera tracks the object. Right away the camera picks up, tracks, and focuses on the object. This is not an UNMANNED CAMERA IN A PATROL CAR. This camera is under intelligent control. It did not ACCIDENTALLY FIND THE UFO, i

it went right to it, focused on it and tracked it.

[edit on 1-27-2008 by groingrinder]

I have not read anywhere where it states :


It is quite obvious that this is NOT the case. With all due respect, I do not believe anyone has tried to make the assertion that :

it went right to it, focused on it and tracked it.

.......all by itself....or did I miss something?

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by horsegiver
Clementine 4-60H1, has a single example plus two triangular craft,
and 4-106H1 has dozens plus two triangular craft.

Not Clementine. Lunar Orbiter IV.
They are visible on all even-numbered LO-IV picture and not triangular, their shape changes slowly.
A dozen in this one?


Regarding the triangular craft, most people write them off as 'glitches' without stopping to consider that the camera is focussed on the surface and not on the craft, in some shots you can see a raised cockpit area and just make out the windows.

A cockpit area? Really? Where?
If you want to discuss this please create a thread as this is off-topic.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 06:00 PM
I havn't read all the post here so I am not sure if anyone has pointed this out but every policecar cam I have ever seen- except this one- is taken with a camera mounted solidly on the dashboard. The zooms involved seem to indicate that the camera is a very high quality unit with Optical zoom. Maybe the Mexican Police have better equipment than American ones? Also worthy to note is that the camera"man" ( is it being operated by cop #2?) seems to be filming the traffic stop- then he suddenly decides to pan around then zoom in on that area? I am certain we are not alone and am not an auto denier but I had to voice my doubts here. If this video is indeed real this "orb" looks a heck of a lot like the odd orbs seen hovering around the WTC on Black Tuesday......

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 06:13 PM
reply to post by oLDWoRLDDiSoRDeR

good stuff. I want to see this dvd now.

Anyone else surprised at how good of an optical zoom they have as their dashboard cams? He zoomed in very far and retained a lot of quality. Much better than a lot of prosumer camcorders out there. I wonder what make that is.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Please groingrinder read the thread before you post. This has already been discussed.

And now I also have weighed in on the issue. I have an opinion and I am allowed to voice it. The narrator speaking English on the video states that the object was ACCIDENTALLY CAPTURED. It clearly was sought out by the camera operator.

[edit on 1-27-2008 by groingrinder]

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 06:28 PM
I took this pic with my blackberry phone a few months back and it looks very similar to the objects being discussed in both vids.

Tell me what you think.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 06:29 PM
I took this pic with my blackberry phone a few months back and it looks very similar to the objects being discussed in both vids.

Tell me what you think.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by Frankenchrist

Were you behind a window?

It could easily be a reflection...

[edit on 27-1-2008 by disownedsky]

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 06:44 PM
So we are to believe that both policeman and UFO were shot using the same camera and at the same place?
Well, look for yourself...

Left side of the image shows the scene that comes later, after the police footage (right side). The camera is only slightly tilted to the left in relation to the windshield, but the scenery is totally different: a hill in the background, yellow curb, narrow road winding to the right...

IMO, the rest of the footage is irrelevant, be it UFO or flying nun - this is fake.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by nekitamo

I agree with you. Especially looking at the side by side frames. Completely different areas - different vehicles.

If they are going to lie about this video, then why on earth would anyone believe that what we are seeing is some object worth talking about?

Whoever is sponsoring this video truly believes his viewers are idiots! I dont know who this Jamie is - im not a follower - but if this is the work he supports, he has no credibility in my book.

These fake videos are getting old.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by nekitamo

Starred-perfect, this is what Ignorant Ape and myself we're talking about.

Seems you need pictures to get a point across to some people here *sigh*, no offensed greeneyedleo, your posts are always on the money , and very intelligent.

But I really didn't think pictures we're needed when it was SO obvious on the film itself.

But to each thier own.

I guess it's true a pictures speaks a thousand words, I just didn't have the time early this morning to sntch the sceens out of the video, reformat them, upload them to imagehost, then here. Plus I didn't think it was neccesary, but apparently it does do alot more for ones argument, I'll remember this for future instances.

Again good job makeing Ignorant Ape and I's (and i think another person saw it), catching of this shady splicejob alot easier to see.

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 07:47 PM
There's no doubt in my mind this is a UFO:

1. It's flying.

2. It's unidentified.

3. It's an object.

Whether or not its from another world though...

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Nola213

Thanks *blushing*

Im trying to better myself by not always calling "fake" right off the bat - even if its obvious! Ive come a long way here! LOL

Normally I would have analyzed the video better - but didnt have the time. I knew someone else would come along and do it and make it all much clearer for the rest of us!!

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 09:19 PM
I find it funny how people here consider the people who video these things to be idiots.
These are police in the middle of stopping someone else for a violation. They of course can not get out, run over and see where it went. The camera was turned toward the event though.
It was stated that they did search and nothing was found so any sort of balloon or radar thingy is out of the question.
After seeing just about everything from driving all the time , the police automatically learn to deal with what a trick of the eye can do. So if they focused on this, turned it in as a UFO, then I respect that officer as sighting this as a UFO.

As posted a little above this, the blur behind the reeds is severe so the distance has to be a few hundred yards imo if not more. That would make this a large object. How large? I'd say bigger than a firetruck.

so imo, you have here a ufo and i'm sure for someone on this earth it was long ago an ifo..


posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Bspiracy

Did you see the side by side pictures of 2 scenes from the video. They are completely different areas filmed. So, if they lie about *that*, then its possible that what we are seeing is CGI....and that they are lying about this or that.

In regards to idiots. I dont believe anyone is saying that the ones behind the camera are idiots. But I would most certainly say that the ones who are presenting this video as something - believe the viewers are idiots.

[edit on 27-1-2008 by greeneyedleo]

[edit on 27-1-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
The name was said on the tape. That whole police camera should do this and that has been discussed and put to grave already.

And I for the life of it cant understand where that last statement comes from. There was no claim made that the camera moves by itself. There were 2 officers in the car, you know what a passenger seat is right?

[edit on 27/1/2008 by PsykoOps]

So let me get this straight....

1.So when the officer sighted the object he stupidly waited in the car like an idiot?

2.He didn't even tell his partner about it?

3.He didn't go and chase the object to get a clearer view?

4. Where is the rest of the footage? The video ended abruptly like all the thousands fakes in YouTube.

5. Not anyone else in the scene bothered to check it out. The most significant incident in the history of mankind and not a single person cares!!! I mean that is utterly asinine. Those who believe this footage is the former.

6. Cuts. There are cuts in the video. THERE ARE CUTS! THE VIDEO JUMPED! That reason alone is enough to debunk this video 100%. It is so obvious that whoever think this video CANNOT be fake must analyze him/herself. ARE YOU TOO OBSESSED IN THE UFO STUFF THAT IT BLINDS YOUR ABILITY TO THINK CRITICALLY AND LOGICALLY?

I'm sorry but whoever buys this video as authentic don't even consider that PEOPLE DO LIE. And this video clearly insult the intelligence of a person. Those who doesn't get insulted doesn't have any...


[edit on 27-1-2008 by omnicron]

posted on Jan, 27 2008 @ 11:52 PM
1) I wouldn't call him an idiot, while the other officer left the car (to investigate?) the other one was smart enough to get the evidence.

2) Read above.

3) There are quite alot of limits to where a car can go. If you had actually watched the video you would see that there is a high railing on the roadside, usually a sign of dangerous terrain.

4) So when the object goes of the view you should just keep the video rolling untill it runs out of tape? I'm sure it's better to save tape in case it appears again.

5) They searched the area, that has been said tens of times in the thread. Also it's mentioned on the video too so put your speakers on when you watch it. Besides not all people think it's the best discovery of history, most like me think it's some man made balloon type of object.

6) There is a million reasons why there would be cuts. My guess is that the officer turned the camera off for awhile when he tried to get the camera out of the rack.

And for the rest of you guys, it's already been determined that the beginning is from a different incident. There was no claim that it's all from the same incident. Why it's shown I dont know. There could be 50mins of other traffic stops on it before this one comes up.

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 01:55 AM
The idiot comment: people are treated that way when in the video they say it's not a balloon but in this thread they say it is balloon? So no, no one called them and idiot but the implication is there. They said they searched the area in the video. If it had been a balloon dropping, it wouldn't have gone "poof" into thin air. ( oh wait, someone did call him an idiot now that I reread above.. good work..way to go .. congrats.. on the demeaning comments to someone that brought you an extraordinary video)

Yes, the presenter can be wrong in his assessment on this or other videos.
If his POLICE SOURCE tells him opposite then you kinda place yourself next to the guy on Larry King who was trying to tell the Phoenix light girls a 5 minute passover of a mile/s wide UFO ship that was blocking out the stars was a bunch of air force jets and flares.
Those guys saw the object through their own eyes which was not blurred like the camera. They are outside all the time and are less prone to becoming over excited and also less prone to false identifying a ufo when it was a balloon.

Thank you PsykoOps as you have just about mirrored my current take on the situation.
Refer to his statements above as my response to anyone else. I wish I said it first

I can't say for 100% that this is a real UFO, but with common sense applied to how real life really works when something like this is happening and being filmed and considering source of the video, which is beyond typical credibility, then it feels right at 99.832% real.

It's still an IFO to someone else and that's the part that ticks me off.

edited for spelling that was absolutely horrible ..
edited twice because I like editing? thhppttt..


[edit on 28-1-2008 by Bspiracy]

[edit on 28-1-2008 by Bspiracy]

posted on Jan, 28 2008 @ 02:55 AM
reply to post by oLDWoRLDDiSoRDeR

Forgive me if someone has already said this, but I didn't come across it on the first page. I believe this is a fake because at 11 seconds into the film the film cuts from the officer outside the vehicle to the camera inside the car.

It would have been easy to splice a shot of an actual patrol officer and then fake a dash camera. Notice that you see nothing on this dashboard that looks like it is an officer's car. Also, at least in the us, you have data like the date and time and officer number on the camera...that is not shown here.

Now, I'm not saying I'm right, I'm just saying I'm not sure if I buy this or not. I'm just so careful when it comes to ufo movies... remember that guy, is it in Sweden somewhere?, who has been videoing them for like 20 years and they are clearly fakes?

Does anyone else see anything else strange in this video besides me?

Thanks guys

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