posted on Aug, 13 2009 @ 11:38 AM
No. 2012 is about the Birth of the Golden Age, the Satya Yuga. The Ending of the 4th World Age and the Beginning of the 5th World Age. The Maya do not
Predict the End of the World. Just the End of a World Age. They do predict that after 7 World Ages, we will have figured out enough as a species to
not have to go through them anymore. A world Age = Maha Yuga = 1 Full Precession = 25,625. Or 5 Baktun Long Counts. I am a Mayan Day Keeper. I have
talked to the K'iche' Elders about this. This is a Time to Celebrate and Begin to understand the Cycles of Time. Not to Fear the "End of the
World" Which will not be for Billions of Years.