posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by CavemanDD
I agree that an "occult" heading would be more appropriate.
I, however, disagree that it is not paranormal. I'm not going to ask you to prove you or anyone else can perform telekinesis, telepathy, remote
viewing, "energy control" etc... because the answer is you can't. If you could, you already would have. So they are definitely paranormal by
definition of the word.
However, assuming your attitude is the norm of those supporting this forum, then I am opposed to it. ATS is supposed to be about asking questions.
You have obviously already decided on what the answer and the truth is. As it is a forum in which A. The truth and nature of the subject matter has
already been decided, and B. It can't be proven, it is assuredly a BTS subject of the religious variety. You can say it isn't a religion, but
you're already talking about magic of the ESP variety.
You are fully entitled to your belief that ESP et al is real. I fully support research and discussion of the subjects of ESP and spirituality. But I
don't support a forum on ATS where the truth is already decided.