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Is There A Conspiracy Of Atheists To Overthrow Christianity?

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posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by Snoopy64

I'm afraid I'll just look naive, then, because tell you the truth, I worry a lot less about atheists than I do monotheists.

I'm thankful I re-read your post, 'cause I would have sworn you said "Sitchen" rather than "Hitchens"
That's a whole 'nother bowl of stupid.

By the way? The word you're looking for is anti-theist. Atheists are those who disbelieve, anti-theists are the ones who want others to disbelieve with them.

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 08:44 PM
There's a very easy way to call a truce on this: Separate politics and religion. (sorry if this ben said, but I have not read the whole thread)

Saddam, Osama and all the other "terrorists" fight (was fighting) in the name of their god.

Bush fights in the name of his god.......

Its all BS to me.

STOP the insanity.

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 09:14 PM
reply to post by Steff

Well, if you'd actually ever paid attention to these "Religious" terrorists, what you'll find is that in most cases, they say "...and god!" rather than "God and..." when outlining why htey fight.

Religion is tacked on. It's sort of a "what the hell, why not" thing. Asl Hamas why htey fight Israel. It's not for Allah, it's not for Mohammed. It's because they want the rest of Palestine back, and they will tell you as much. Why did Osama attack us? To try to get us the hell out of the Middle East. He's said so. Why did Saddam even get on this list, since he was probably more of an atheist than any of the oft-cited Communist leaders?

Even the American Christian terrorists do their murder in the name of politics first, "...and god" second.

posted on Apr, 14 2008 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Snoopy64


I like you fire! Though you might be casting pearls before swine. FMAs are blind in one eye and can't see out of the other. Atheism clearly perceives the fingerprints of God on all of creation, but refuses to admit He is the Creator. Atheism clearly perceives the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ, but refuses to admit His divinity. If an atheist could see the wounds in the body of Christ and actually feel them with his hands, he would deny that the wounds are there. Atheism is deliberate effort to never admit the existence of God. Snoopyy remember that if you change a fool against his will, he's of the same opinion still.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 12:13 AM

Such terminology would only lead us to yet another semantics shuffle don't you think?? What would the atheists be called who persecute-pressure-ridicule those of nontheistic spiritual philosophies??

Atheist is too general --- Antitheist is a possible misnomer. Thus I find myself being partial to FMA. It does not offend the sensible to-each-their-own atheist yet encompasses those who are against those of nonmaterialistic philosophies.

It does please me to see we share the same opinion on Hitchens and Sitchin. At least that is what you seemed to have implied.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by orangetom1999

excellent posts my friend twice you have asked for the name of their god it is -ignorance, arrogance and mindlessness aka. the folly of fools more commonly known as the blind leading the blind.What is truly amazing is that all of our world leaders have global conferences on the worlds economy and nothing ever comes out of it so why are we paying the man?They were not only elected to represent the people,businesses and their nations and yet they kowtow to the banks =who makes the rules and laws governing any nation the banks or the governments . Spineless little governmental officials are good for what answer NOTHING-The world banks need to be disbanded or the worlds governments now need to change the system through incredible lawmaking which outlaws these outrages interest rates exam.-master card 18% -visa 6.5 to 24% store cards 18 to 33 1/3%pay day loans 40% to 500% plus fees ,and the mother of all greed the mortgage 4% to 8% and all of this is compounded interest -the dreaded mortgage =$100,00.00 borrowed plus interest = $320.000.OO PAYED BACK PER $100,000.00 borrowed are you all paying attention to this but the bank is here to help us or so our parents told us -bah humbug-Oh but the banks will scream this is illegal why because it takes away from their bottom line -PROFIT-i was always told that the bank was there to help us don't you dare bet on this remember when the mortgage rates hit 20% not so many tears ago and most people lost there homes to the banks i remember that the Canadian government gave all control to the monetary system just days after this happened up her i wonder if it was world wide also-uhm it makes me wonder ?So why do the world`s governments not pass the law world wide that the maximum interest is a flat rate of lets say 5% on everything effective immediately and all cards -loans and lent money would be adjusted immediately to the new rate in other wards no debt would have to have the old rate of interest paid from that day on.part 2 effective the moment the laws change no bank or lenders in this world would have the right to call in any loans to protect all the worlds people and assets along with the business.Oh i can just hear the banks screaming poor mouth and all the doom and gloom other their spilled milk -QUESTION-What would they really be losing answer nothing at all really if you think about it all that they would lose is their projected profit which is money they don`t already have its the money they say that they are going to make in the future off of all of their loans but in reality they don't have it as its not in their pockets until it is paid back.It`s funny part of sizzles original thread was to save the usa. heres some hope -because if it does not happen soon what is coming is going to make the dirty 30`s look like a picnic no thanks to the world leaders or our banks-they say money makes the world go round agreed except we don't need the greed of a few trying to lead the masses like the blind little sheep that they are -this is your wake up call and the spoon had better stand up very straight in your coffee when your done stirring it all by its self. i am an army of one care to join the good fight petitions due wonders as does speaking out publicly or to one another -one is a lonely number but together we are many it is now time to begin all we ask is for changes and corrections to take place or will it fall on deaf ears-somebody needs to do something as saying god help us does not seem to be working!!

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by Snoopy64

Examples:: I know this unwinnable technique and don't paint in those colours. Ask me to back up accusations that Bush is a reptilian and that will lay the burden of evidence upon myself. Ask me to provide sources Lincoln was assasinated in a theatre only to make yourself look naiive. Examples??:: Dawkins-Hitchens-Harris-MM O'Hair-Stalin-Lenin. Past and Present --- Literal millitants and Descriptive millitants. Caustic-Abrasive-Condescending-Faux Superiority. Consider this a token-gift-freebie. Don't ask me any more stupid questions.

I don't know if you are a Christian or what,, but WoW! I mean, just WoW!

Do you have them pegged! To a TEE!

Dead On

- Con

[edit on 15-4-2008 by Conspiriology]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul

...atheism has only 1 thing, not believing in god
all atheists would be fundamental atheists...

write a few best selling books, start organizing on the internet, and start objecting to statements like this:

Davis: I don’t know what you have against God, but some of us don’t have much against him. We look forward to him and his blessings. And it’s really a tragedy — it’s tragic — when a person who is engaged in anything related to God, they want to fight. They want to fight prayer in school.

I don’t see you (Sherman) fighting guns in school. You know?

I’m trying to understand the philosophy that you want to spread in the state of Illinois. This is the Land of Lincoln. This is the Land of Lincoln where people believe in God, where people believe in protecting their children.… What you have to spew and spread is extremely dangerous, it’s dangerous–

Sherman: What’s dangerous, ma’am?

Davis: It’s dangerous to the progression of this state. And it’s dangerous for our children to even know that your philosophy exists! Now you will go to court to fight kids to have the opportunity to be quiet for a minute. But damn if you’ll go to [court] to fight for them to keep guns out of their hands. I am fed up! Get out of that seat!

Sherman: Thank you for sharing your perspective with me, and I’m sure that if this matter does go to court—

Davis: You have no right to be here! We believe in something. You believe in destroying! You believe in destroying what this state was built upon.


and suddenly you're "militant"
... i wonder what people would have said if someone said that it's dangerous for people to know that judaism exists...or islam...or christianity...

but nah, it's ok to yell at atheists about how dangerous their philosophy is
no double standards here.

That pissant small minded little poop stain ought to have his butt kicked for being such a pain in the hind in. Jeeez does this guy have anything less noble to rain on. Is he that damn selfish, that small, that much of a pantywaisted wimp, what a JERK. I saw that crap and thought, man Atheists are pushing thier luck. Sunday, I had never seen so many pissed off christians at church in my life. So pissed off di that little idiot succeed in doing, they actually told the pastor to cancel his sermon and demanded he discuss THAT vermon and how or what we need to do to stick it to atheists. Like I said, they keep poking the bear.

You don't even get it, yeah she was an idiot but that isn't nothing to make a stink about when you consider what that JERK was making such a big deal about. That guy is done.

They WILL get smashed and I will be the first to say I told ya so.

First madd No one cares about what you don't believe. You can't even claim that as a thing or fundamental anything can you? Non beliefe?

Nope, if that were the case you may as well list all the other things you don't believe in if non belief is your fundamental belief. Do you even have to believe to not believe? So Atheism isn't what you don't believe in because as you said,, YOU DON'T.

So what is it then,,?

It is EXACTLY about the INTOLERANCE of those who DO believe and their mission to make them stop. To take away the avenues of expression for those belief even when they are so nit picky and asinine they look like they are making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Atheists will use the ACLU to make sure Gays have a right to voice their brand of sexual depravity when it's none of our business. While they act like small minded little party poopers on the Christians parade, raining on one damn minute of a moment of silence, and it looks like THAT is more what Atheists are about.

A small group of the religiously intolerant crybabies who talk a big game about 1st amendment rights but says religious in science has no right to that speech when it comes to Science.

They talk smack about how Christians raise there children yet throw that whole idea they are even serious by advocating the deaths of millions of babies to abortion with their loose liberalism because those babies are just animals like any lab rat.

Like the A-sexual person so wrapped up in themselves so unattractive they have only themselves to meet the needs for gratification A-theists are also adding the same obstacles for finding them attractive.

Like the A-symetrical definition, being one off balance, the A-theist shows us the same unbalanced worldveiw where history has proven time and time again, they get a little power a little say in the process and the balance is left lop sided as they have tried to exterminate the Christian and speak the same way now as they did the many times in the past where communism, marxism, became the signature Atheists style of Government.

The American Association for the Advancement of Atheism, Inc., issued last week the second annual report of its anti-Christian activities. This report was prefaced with a statement of the decalogue of principles upon which the "4 A" conducts its goings-on. Thus "The United States not being a Christian nation and its godless Constitution requiring a secular government, the American Association for the Advancement of Atheism demands:

"(1) Taxation of church property.

"(6) Removal of 'In God We Trust' from coins and of the Cross from above the Flag. . . .

"(9) Secularization of marriage, with divorce upon request. . . ."

There followed "The five fundamentals of Atheism," each neatly defined: Materialism, Sensationalism, Evolution, The Existence of Evil ("The patent fact that renders irrational the belief in a beneficent, omnipotent being who cares for man"), Hedonism. There followed, throughout the Atheists' pamphlet, notes, comments, and exhortations on the progress of this form of religion. It was observed that ". . . there is much atheism in the church," that, "there is an increasing number of clergymen who conduct 'services' at which no prayers are offered and where no reference is made to God. ..." A final paragraph expounded the slogan, "Kill the Beast," with which the cover of the Annual Report was conspicuously adorned: "The hour to overthrow the Church has come.

Arise, ye prisoners of the priest! Strike down the God superstition! The Clergy are powerful because you are on your knees. Stand up! ... Be men! . . .

Prepare for the oncoming religious revolution." The "greatest achievement of the year" was described as the "founding ... of the American Anti-Bible Society." This organization has been denied a charter, to secure which atheists plan a legal campaign.

Like deism, atheism is an entirely logical postulate. Usually, however, an atheist's faith being a negative one, he is less likely, when its novelty has worn off, than a propagandist for God, to preach it on highway and byway.

He has not the exclusively Christian satisfaction of saving a soul. When he takes the offensive, he is in the position of a salesman selling precisely nothing at all. Nonetheless, atheists perhaps feel that their offspring are contaminated by biblical training in public schools, that in other respects they are at a disadvantage in the U. S. community. In the back of the Atheists' report is a list of the Board of Directors of the A. A. A. A. Of these, several are men well-known to the world for qualities other than their godlessness.

One is E. Haldeman-Julius, publisher of nickel books; another is Ira D. Cardiff, noted botanist.

I got news for those Atheists, that THEY don't OWN Science and anyone telling the truth about that bunk crap baloney called evolution is automatically black listed, their freedom of speech gag ordered by Atheist who say they don't think there is anything more than material worlds.

Then I'd say they don't have anything to worry about, so why not see if they don't just prove Darwin wrong? Those Scientists have the same Degree's in Science as anyone of the others, but what they don't have is the limits of materialism or the idea that their is no more to it then that.

They know evolutions "mountain" of evidence is no mountain but an ant hill
because that's Atheism dirty little secret.

They want to keep it that way.

because they know,

we know the


- Con
PS: ya now what is so ironic,, when she said "it’s dangerous for our children to even know that your philosophy exists! " That is exactly the same thing Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens says about us teaching our Christian philosophy to our kids. I'm begining to to think she wasn't so off the mark after all. Good Job Atheists, go ahead,, post up your double standards while those same Atheist's Justify our Bigotry towards them.

God knows they sure work hard enough to earn it.

[edit on 15-4-2008 by Conspiriology]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by Jack Thomas Chick
reply to post by Snoopy64


I like you fire! Though you might be casting pearls before swine. FMAs are blind in one eye and can't see out of the other. Atheism clearly perceives the fingerprints of God on all of creation, but refuses to admit He is the Creator. Atheism clearly perceives the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ, but refuses to admit His divinity. If an atheist could see the wounds in the body of Christ and actually feel them with his hands, he would deny that the wounds are there. Atheism is deliberate effort to never admit the existence of God. Snoopyy remember that if you change a fool against his will, he's of the same opinion still.
Help me out here Jack,because I'm a little confused. I'm confused because,my understanding of an atheist is someone who doesn't believe in god or gods.Period. I don't recall deliberately making an effort to not believe in God. Actually, when I discovered that I didn't need god or religion to function, I realized it took no effort at all,it just kinda fell into place. Not only that, I realized that my notion of spirituality exploded into new directions. I was free to consider any manner of spiritual,scientific, or extraterrestrial theories, without the encumberance of a whole legion of people and institutions trying to tell em that THEIR truth is the only truth, that THEIR god is the only god. Never once did I say to myself, "Gee this waterfall or sunset is so beautiful, there's NO WAY that some God created it." Nor did I ever "perceive" the divinity of Christ, much less refute it. It's unneccessary to me, just like reptilian conspiracies, Aliens planting our species theories, and yes religion itself. But yet, according to you, I am actively refuting God and Jesus, despite the "fingerprints" of God all over the place. What? If I could see Jesus' body and feel his wounds, I would refute it? Besides the obvious dilemma of how something like that could ever be possible, how do you know what I would do in that situation? That's where I'm confused Jack, how do you know what I would do, how do you know what and how I think, and how do you know what I perceive?You're saying that ATheism refuses to admit the glory of God, as if we secretly believe it but our pride or social status or something is preventing us from admitting it. If there is an Atheist out there that reasons like that, well, he needs help, or he needs to figure it out before proclaiming himself to be one or the other. What's probably more likely, is Atheists believe what they believe, why would they admit to something contrary? To an Atheist, religion amounts to myths and legends. We might say that those religions and their respective histories exist, but that allowance in no way implies that we perceive Gods majesty or whatever. We only acknowledge that people believe in such things.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 06:55 AM
when a number pops up it's to refer to how many insults have been directed towards either a specific atheist or atheists in general

Originally posted by Conspiriology
That pissant


small minded


little poop stain


ought to have his butt kicked for being such a pain in the hind in.


Jeeez does this guy have anything less noble to rain on.

did you even read the source?

He was there arguing Governor Rod Blagojevich’s $1,000,000 grant to the Pilgrim Baptist Church — which was given to them via the more secular Loop Lab School. (Shadiness all around.)

government giving religious institution money via a secular institution...hmm
kind of not noble at all

and the moment of silence isn't noble either, by the way. it's state endorsed prayer. endorsing prayer is a general endorsement of religions that involve prayer. since not all people have a religion or practice a religion that involves prayer, this is a direct violation of the establishment clause.

Is he that damn selfish,


that small,


that much of a pantywaisted wimp,


says the man insulting him from behind a computer screen because he has absolutely no arguments to provide.

what a JERK.


I saw that crap and thought, man Atheists are pushing thier luck.

standing up for our rights and challenging direct violations of the law of the land isn't pushing our luck, it's called not "not taking your crap anymore"

Sunday, I had never seen so many pissed off christians at church in my life.

yeah, people tend to get upset when we atheists get all uppity, don't they?

arguing for our rights, the nerve of us.

So pissed off di that little idiot succeed in doing,


he succeeded in upholding the law, you shouldn't be pissed off
...unless you think that the law should unfairly favor certain religions.

they actually told the pastor to cancel his sermon and demanded he discuss THAT vermon


and how or what we need to do to stick it to atheists.

...hooray for bigotry!

Like I said, they keep poking the bear.

again, we're just standing up for our rights. if you consider that poking the bear, i can only imagine how you view other, far more historically important rights movements

You don't even get it, yeah she was an idiot

that's the only statement i'll agree with.

but that isn't nothing to make a stink about when you consider what that JERK was making such a big deal about.


and it's plenty to make a stink about. imagine if she was a catholic and had told a protestant that their philosophy was dangerous for children to know about.
i'm quite sure that there'd be a huge fuss

and he wasn't being a jerk, he was asserting constitutional rights.

That guy is done.

hooray for indirect threats!

They WILL get smashed and I will be the first to say I told ya so.

so now i have a bigoted crackdown on atheists to look forward to? what fun!

Atheists will use the ACLU to make sure Gays have a right to voice their brand of sexual depravity when it's none of our business.

1: you have absolutely no proof that it's mostly atheists that are pushing for homosexual rights. i can guarantee that. there isn't anything to show that we're the ones pushing for gay rights more than anyone else

2: everyone, and i mean everyone, has the right to free speech. if you don't like it, move to a country where there isn't free speech.

While they act like small minded little party poopers on the Christians parade,


raining on one damn minute of a moment of silence, and it looks like THAT is more what Atheists are about.

it's state sponsored prayer. if you want to debate the legal issue, we can, but i don't think that's the point of this thread.

A small group of the religiously intolerant crybabies


who talk a big game about 1st amendment rights but says religious in science has no right to that speech when it comes to Science.

...because religion has no place in science. the scientific curriculum is decided by science, not by what people's beliefs are

would you like to have astrology taught in the astronomy class?
or maybe the hindu story of creation?

how about this, mosey on over to O&C if you want to see why religion in science isn't taught (hint: because it's wrong...oops, i just gave it away)

They talk smack about how Christians raise there children

ugh, not this **** again (2 notes, i've been saying that a lot lately because people keep regurgitating the same ignorant arguments and i'm self censoring the word)

yet throw that whole idea they are even serious by advocating the deaths of millions of babies to abortion with their loose liberalism because those babies are just animals like any lab rat.

...for some reason you love to stereotype atheists
atheists aren't all liberals. i haven't seen any numbers on it, but i haven't seen anything to show that atheists are any more liberal on average than christians.

you're also assuming that we all advocate abortion... however, we don't. there's division because we actually look at the philosophical discussion over it. (odd note, aquinas would have been ok with abortion within the first 40 days of a pregnancy)

Like the A-sexual person so wrapped up in themselves so unattractive they have only themselves to meet the needs for gratification A-theists are also adding the same obstacles for finding them attractive.

if being attractive means i have my rights trampled on, i'd rather be the most repulsive man in the world.

Like the A-symetrical definition, being one off balance, the A-theist shows us the same unbalanced worldveiw

...atheists don't share a single world view
where are you getting these stereotypes from?

where history has proven time and time again, they get a little power a little say in the process and the balance is left lop sided as they have tried to exterminate the Christian

that was communism
it had nothing to do with the people being atheists. the communists would have still committed purges if they were shintoists, jews, christians, etc

and speak the same way now as they did the many times in the past where communism, marxism, became the signature Atheists style of Government.

...communism and marxism aren't inherently the same thing...

i'll snip out your external source
and i'll provide the date it was written:

Monday, Feb. 27, 1928

since i can't even find anything else on the organization supposedly reported on because of how archaic this is, i'll just leave it at that.

I got news for those Atheists, that THEY don't OWN Science

we never said we did, but any good scientist of any religious persuasion knows that religious issues have no place in science.

and anyone telling the truth about that bunk crap baloney called evolution is automatically black listed,

you still talk an awful game about how evolution is crap, why don't you show up on O&C anymore to actually see how wrong you are?

it isn't baloney, you just don't want to accept it. it's there, the evidence is there. if you have any problems with the theory, please try to refute it (but go to O&C and do that, we get off topic enough here as it is)

their freedom of speech gag ordered by Atheist who say they don't think there is anything more than material worlds.

the vast majority of religious scientists agree with evolution.
and it's not gag ordered, their speech isn't squashed. they publish materials all the time (oddly enough they never put it into journals where it can be peer reviewed by those who accept evolutionary theory), though their materials tend to be far from scientific.

Then I'd say they don't have anything to worry about, so why not see if they don't just prove Darwin wrong?

they're given the chance. they're given ample chance.
the problem is that they can't. they have nothing to prove the theory of evolution is wrong.

Those Scientists have the same Degree's in Science as anyone of the others, but what they don't have is the limits of materialism or the idea that their is no more to it then that.

...actually, there's plenty more to it. you're failing to realize that even the other religious scientists disagree with the creationists.

con, where's the beef? you have to show evidence when you throw out this sort of accusation.

They know evolutions "mountain" of evidence is no mountain but an ant hill
because that's Atheism dirty little secret.

no, it's a mountain

and this is just the tip of the iceberg (i know i'm mixing my metaphors here)

PS: ya now what is so ironic,, when she said "it’s dangerous for our children to even know that your philosophy exists! " That is exactly the same thing Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens says about us teaching our Christian philosophy to our kids.

really? can you prove it? nay, you can't, because you misconstruing what they said to prove your point. that, good sir, is called lying.

there are plenty of instances in which "teaching [your] Christian philosophy" is hell houses.

I'm begining to to think she wasn't so off the mark after all. Good Job Atheists, go ahead,, post up your double standards while those same Atheist's Justify our Bigotry towards them.

we don't have double standards and thanks for admitting that you're bigoted against atheists

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Conspiriology

Originally posted by rizla
reply to post by Bigwhammy

How old are you? You seem pretty young. I think when you mature you will change a lot of your ideas. Thinks will become less black and white and you will learn to think for yourself more. At least, I sure hope so!

aaah yes the old veiled you are too young to know jack tact.

That black and white thing is why answers are asked by Lawyers to be answered YES or NO so things don't get muddy.

People who like to muddy the waters do so to make it harder to find truth.

Truth is and should be

Black and white

Fallacy and Fact

Right and wrong

Get it?

- Con

[edit on 10-4-2008 by Conspiriology]

I rest my case.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Bigwhammy
reply to post by rizla

Well I felt like there was a hole in my life. I felt something missing that I couldn't fill with possessions or money or relationships. I was very critical of religion most of my life because I played in Rock bands. I used to always hear how it was the devils music and laugh at them. I went to church with my mom for her sake more than mine and for one they had a fantastic band with electric guitar, which was unheard of in a church like that 20 years ago. The message the pastor gave really intrigued me. I asked Jesus to come into my life, I admitted i was not happy with my way anymore and I felt a sense of comfort I had never experienced before. It grew from there.

It seems to work for you, so that's great. Quite why you believe there is a huge conspiracy against Christians, I have no idea. And why do you have to believe in the Bible so literally? Excuse the term, but it seems rather simple-minded. The Bible was written by men with agendas, not God, or even Jesus.

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by rizla

Well until you have the holy spirit it just isn't possible to understand the scriptures, I was like you are now ab0ut 7-8 years ago. I was very critical. Over time after accepting Christ I have come to a understanfing and many things have fallen in place.

As far as a conspiracy, its as old as time itself, I believe there are two competing spiritual forces. The dark side will do anything its power to discredit or otherwise smear the true God. Even if atheists are personally unaware, they are part of it by just casting doubt. It is plainly obvious if you ever visit an Atheist website. Most all of there material is about discrediting religions and predominantly Christianity. I think if they were actually more confident in their disbelief they wouldn't be so obsessed with it.

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 10:35 PM
What happens when you read the scriptures without the Holy Spirit, is it just seems much more like a history book or just another work of art. But as you study it WITH the Holy Spirit, you begin to see the larger picture within. You begin to see the spiritual aspect of each little scripture and how it fits into our lives here and now. Most of the literal readings must be taken within the context of the time period in which they are referring, etc., but as you read with the Holy Spirit, hidden (spiritual) meanings become evident that you missed before. We say hidden or mystery, only because they don't jump out at us until we read it with the Holy Spirit as our guide.

Others have commented here on ATS before, and I have realized it as well, that one can read the Bible two, three, or four times and then come back and read the same thing again, only to glean even more meaning out of it. It's always a delightful surprise when you find something new within something so old. It's just timeless! And it's very difficult to explain because it is of a spiritual nature, and spiritual things are always hard to put into words.

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
when a number pops up it's to refer to how many insults have been directed towards either a specific atheist or atheists in general

Originally posted by Conspiriology
That pissant

1= LookY Maddness Can count everyone!

small minded

2: Cons Translation = I hope I can get this theist banned

little poop stain

3: Cons Translation = I hope I can get this theist banned for hurting my witto feewings

Grow up madd, this is life, and in life people do things deserving of such descriptions as heroic, selfless and kind. I haven't seen sherm baby do any of the kind. All I have seen him do is attack Americans who happen to be believers by taking money they have just as much right to as any non-believer.

All Atheists have accomplished here is to manipulate the U.S. Government into discriminating against American Theist's. I don't know if we have even figured that out yet but I know it sure has occured to me that is what is going on here. It also has occured to me who is behind it and why.

Atheists are and the reason, They hate us.


This is precious, when you think about it, the reason is, they just don't have anything better to do then hate things they say do not exist and the people the think are stupid for thinking otherwise.


In the meantime, that Church has done more good with what meager resources it can get then any Atheist who does nothing absolutely nothing good but try and stop those that do expecting no ill will towards them for doing it.

He was there arguing Governor Rod Blagojevich’s $1,000,000 grant to the Pilgrim Baptist Church — which was given to them via the more secular Loop Lab School. (Shadiness all around.)

government giving religious institution money via a secular institution...hmm
kind of not noble at all

and the moment of silence isn't noble either, by the way. it's state endorsed prayer. endorsing prayer is a general endorsement of religions that involve prayer. since not all people have a religion or practice a religion that involves prayer, this is a direct violation of the establishment clause.

The Government has NO RIGHT to stop religious expression of any kind and THAT is why the moment of silence can be about ANY religion NOT just yours. This again is Atheists picking on American Theists attempting to deprive them of our right to freedom of religious expression hiding behind the guise of a convoluted interpretation of separation of Church and State.

It seems to me that their is a contradiction going on in our Government and one I am going to bring to the attention of Theists so that we can get it corrected before Atheists completely destroy any more of the freedoms this country was built upon. One in particular, the freedom to worship in any religion I choose.

I thought you Buddists would like to have a minute of silence to meditate or perhaps chant a few nam me yo ho renge kyo's in there but, it seems ruining my moment of silence is so damn important to them, they would sacrifice their own chance at it to kill everyone elses.

You bet

Small minded?
Oh yeah

Deserving of our anger planting the seeds of bigotry against them for doing it?

standing up for our rights and challenging direct violations of the law of the land isn't pushing our luck, it's called not "not taking your crap anymore

First of all madd, it isn't MY crap and I wasn't throwing any at you just to make sure you get that because when you say "not taking your crap anymore" I feel like I did something to you. I didn't did I?

If you think that moment of silence is something you have to take as a personal affront or as you call it "crap" I can assure you madd, it had NOTHING and Ill say this again so you understand it, IT had NOTHING absolutely Nothing to do with you OR your freedom to spend that minute thinking about the many wonderful things done in Atheism's name. That would look like a flatline I suppose but hey it is a moment of silence not a minute of your own personal hell.

again, we're just standing up for our rights. if you consider that poking the bear, i can only imagine how you view other, far more historically important rights movements.

That's just it Madd,, all the other movements ARE more important!

Hell that Atheist doesn't even rate higher then the bowel movement because that may be the only minute in a day someone has to think about prayer thanks to Atheists is when they are on a toilet.

Or are they going to try to legislate what we might think about during THAT too?

and it's plenty to make a stink about. imagine if she was a catholic and had told a protestant that their philosophy was dangerous for children to know about.
i'm quite sure that there'd be a huge fuss

and he wasn't being a jerk, he was asserting constitutional rights

Madd That is EXACTLY what Atheists are trying to do!

Cant you see that! My GOD man Wake UP and smell the coffee. The fact is, she was not against ANY religious philosophy and is in fact saying she is for ALL of them while YOUR Atheist friend is against every single one of them and why?

Because he hates religion and religious people and he goes on as you do instigating trouble with them making enemy's of everyone while accusing them of bigotry when and after he has succesfully got all of them to hate his guts. That isn't Bigotry, that's what is called,,

Cause and Effect.

Remind you of anyone?

yeah, people tend to get upset when we atheists get all uppity, don't they?

arguing for our rights, the nerve of us.

Uppity? gimme a break, they aren't arguing for your rights to play they are arguing to take our right to play away just like the softball game religion I spoke of in the previous post. If you atheist's want to impress me, start standing up for something you believe in rather then attack those of us that do.

It is just pathetic what they did in Illinois

That my little adversary,

is a fact

- Con

[edit on 18-4-2008 by Conspiriology]

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by Conspiriology

You got me partner, My tired eyes did not see nor did I realize that I used weather rather than whether besides quite frankly I suck at spelling. I also tried to point out that I was not trying to be hateful in showing that logic is is the study of the principles of valid inference and demonstration. I do know that some people could perceive it as being hateful if they feel something strongly that can't be proven by any measurable means. Obviously you chose to take it that way.

In the future, if you don't mean to be hateful, then DON'T BE!

I will keep that in mind coming from a person that as madness already pointed out has so many "kind" words toward atheists. Keep in mind that all the hateful words you put forth are easily paralleled to what (some) Muslims uses to feel justified in the killing of infidels. Or, Perhaps you mean to be hateful so that's logical for you. I seem to think your good book sends a better message than that or did you take the intolerant parts to heart?

While there are many vs. of the bible that send great messages, there are many sending messages of intolerance much like the hateful intolerance you just put forth. There are many other religious books that have this equilibrium of good morals mixed with intolerance based on race, beliefs or lack thereof. I find them to be good reading material but thats about it. While I hear many religious people from many religions state the book is what you take away from it, I all to often see the wrong impressions implemented.

[edit on 113030p://444 by shizzle5150]

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by shizzle5150
reply to post by Conspiriology

You got me partner, My tired eyes did not see nor did I realize that I used weather rather than whether besides quite frankly I suck at spelling. I also tried to point out that I was not trying to be hateful in showing that logic is is the study of the principles of valid inference and demonstration. I do know that some people could perceive it as being hateful if they feel something strongly that can't be proven by any measurable means. Obviously you chose to take it that way.

In the future, if you don't mean to be hateful, then DON'T BE!

I will keep that in mind coming from a person that as madness already pointed out has so many "kind" words toward atheists. Keep in mind that all the hateful words you put forth are easily paralleled to what (some) Muslims uses to feel justified in the killing of infidels. Or, Perhaps you mean to be hateful so that's logical for you. I seem to think your good book sends a better message than that or did you take the intolerant parts to heart?

While there are many vs. of the bible that send great messages, there are many sending messages of intolerance much like the hateful intolerance you just put forth. There are many other religious books that have this equilibrium of good morals mixed with intolerance based on race, beliefs or lack thereof. I find them to be good reading material but thats about it. While I hear many religious people from many religions state the book is what you take away from it, I all to often see the wrong impressions implemented.

[edit on 113030p://444 by shizzle5150]

Oh, so Madness pointed that up for ya did he? Well I would say we have a true conspiracy going here now. What about everybody else? Is there a conspiracy for atheists on ATS to drown out Christians and gang up on us? Could Mad be at the bottom of it? Sounds like it to me.

[edit on 4/17/08 by idle_rocker]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 12:02 AM
Well, I think he just laid it out well. I suppose I could have been redundant and got ragged on for that. This is about a conspiracy to overthrow Christianity. I am simply stating that it's no conspiracy, I just don't adhere to religions that allow people to feel justified in spewing hateful things like based on their beliefs.

[edit on 123030p://555 by shizzle5150]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 12:08 AM
Oh yeah yeah, you're not the first one to say it. Go on admit it. We know it's a conspiracy.

Yeah yeah yeah

Edit for typos, lots of em

[edit on 4/18/08 by idle_rocker]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
Ok, this thread will be closed for 2 hours to let the members calm down. When it is reopened ANY personal posts will be acted upon by the staff.

As a reminder:

This will happen again if the attacks continue on the personal level. This is the last warning that will be given. Any further personal posts are subject to removal at staff discretion and I sincerely hope that we can all be mature enough to move ahead of these personal attacks in order to allow this thread to progress as it should.

Topic: Is There A Conspiracy Of Atheists To Overthrow Christianity?

Thank You.

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