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Is There A Conspiracy Of Atheists To Overthrow Christianity?

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posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by Conspiriology

YAWN - is this nonsense STILL going on??? Sheesh! You guys are unbelievable! Really - atheists find you guys irritating, foolish, a bit slow perhaps - but a conspiracy?? Nah....Does the teacher 'conspire' against the schoolchild, even though he knows it has still a lot to learn? Of course not!


posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by Gigatronix
If you really think science is a perversion, and an instrument of Atheists agenda to overthrow your faith, then try living without it for a while. Try living without any technology, any medicine, and machined tools, anything that science has provided us. I'm sure it won't take you long to concede that science has done more good than bad, and it has provided for you and I regardless of our respective belief systems. Science is not prejudiced, men are.

Gig I think Science HAS a potential to be a great benefit to mankind but seriously Why On Earth would I think so when

1) we have totally ruined our Oceans and depleted 90% of the fish using huge fishing ships that rape the ocean while we throw back the dead unwanted creatures. Most of this we have no idea how many "other" critters are being made extinct or on the verge of it.

2) We live in a world where Science makes the threat of nuclear extinction a possibility and gets closer to the result all the time.

4) we have raped our rain forests are rivers and streams

5) We have made the human soul meaningless a antecedent of a blob of soup struck by lightening then ,, oh,, I suppose *poof* spontaneous life !
we use that science calling it a fact without explaining that facts in Science are differen't then facts of life (no pun)

6) we use science to spy on ourselves and invade privacy

7) we use science to justify militant atheists unwarranted anger while science rejects the very idea of a creator as bad evidence when the evidence doesn't fit the dogma of the theory.

8) we used Science to justify eugenics and the mass murder of millions of jews.

Science is as bad as religion in the hands of zealots

you know it and

I know it

- Con

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by

With Jesus' desire being clear in this regard, that those who pray should not seek to brag that they are doing so, why would you want to impose your public moment of prayer on others? Such actions seem to flaunt a rejection of what Jesus would have you do.

Why on earth would YOU use Jesus against me when you won't accept him being used against YOU. If you want to use that double standard at least be honest about it. I never said anything should be imposed on you.

I never said they had to pray in fact I never was involved in the whole thing. Someone in illinois was if you read the post and they were not imposing it either. The option is there for the many tax paying religious believers who would appreciate it. Appreciation is something we understand and once it is been given, taking something from someone causes more alarm then offering something good, causes excitement.

Just imagine someone calls you at 3:00 am and says if you get out of bed right now and call this number, you will win a $1000 dollars.

You would hang up.

If they called at 3:00am and told you someone is in your driveway taking your new chrome rims from your car,,

You get pissed and you get up.

I was merely voicing my thoughts as to why Atheists have to stick there noses into things so small and make a mountain out of the mole hill.

Yeah that is what it is.

it's simply silly and

not necessary

- Con

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 09:14 PM
Over 26,000 hits and ten flags, wow! Keep those points comin for that good ol religion folks!!!!!

[edit on 4/18/08 by PooPooButt]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by PooPooButt

Come on, Dude. If you're going to troll, it is best to make a new Photobucket account instead of using the same PB account you use for your old ATS account. Look at the image source url of your image I quoted above:


Just like the Temeluchus that was banned from ATS. You're even using his old avatar.

It was obvious for a million other reasons but that is the easiest way to prove my case. Seriously. Dude. Come on.

Atheists. :shk:

[edit on 4/19/2008 by AshleyD]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 10:14 PM


AAAH HA HA HA HA BUSTED!! You are amazing Ashley Girl ha ha

Just amazing!

- Con

[edit on 18-4-2008 by Conspiriology]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by AshleyD
Very observant grasshopper. I don't have anything to hide so why change anything. If the folks at ATS want me to vaporize it's just a mouse click away. By the way is dude still a word? I've also heard lately that butterflies are a useless insect that are only good for a food source to predators. Could this be true?

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by PooPooButt

Typical atheist. :shk:

Caught red handed so he has to poke fun at the butterflies in my avatar.

Atheists. :shk:

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by PooPooButt
I don't have anything to hide so why change anything.

Well not anymore you don't lol

If the folks at ATS want me to vaporize it's just a mouse click away

Wasn't that the point the first time?

By the way is dude still a word?

Is dude a word?

- Con

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by AshleyD
These people knew I was here as soon as I logged on. Try not to flatter yourself, I know it's hard for you but keep that good ol religion handy. It's so nice to see it in action as you use those familiar words that all of your people so nicely do. The Love just rolls off your fingertips. Please enlighten everyone more with your quick wit and forgiveness. Oh wait, I'm sorry that might not be proper for your religion. Please enlighten all the monkeys again, "Please!"

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by PooPooButt
It's so nice to see it in action as you use those familiar words that all of your people so nicely do.

Ya, ya. I've heard all this before. I'm supposed to be a 'good little Christian girl' and therefore I'm not allowed to have fun with trolls. I understand the standards you would love to set for me. It's just that I'm not willing to play. If you troll me, expect me to roll up my sleeves and have a little fun with you in return. Take care.

Conversation over before a mod comes in and busts some heads.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 10:49 PM

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 10:56 PM
reply to post by 2nts_astk

You sound vaguely familiar.
Could you be the reincarnation of PooPooButt?

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 11:26 PM
Let's get back on topic folks. The escaped monkey will be delt with.

Thanks Ash for seeing him.
Thanks Siz for re-seeing him.


posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 11:43 PM
Can we not discuss this matter with civility and decorum??? I understand that this is a personal matter to some people but for the love of mike, chill with the attacks. If you don't have anything to say to further the discussion don't say any thing at all.

Saying things like "Typical Christian" , "Typical atheist" , "Typical Buddhist" further this discussion none.

This thread is about whether there is a "conspiracy to over throw Christianity". I don't think hateful words from either side benefits any part of this discussion. Jimbo999 I don't think it is right to say "atheists find you guys irritating, foolish, a bit slow perhaps". I don't think of Christians as slow, I don't think of Muslims as slow, I don't think of Buddhists as slow. They are all people. All that I want is to not have any deity named or recognized on currency. I don't want any deity praised to publicly (especially in schools). If you are religious and want to practice thats fine, do it on your own or in a place of worship out side of gov. institutions (if that means walking off the grounds fine). I don't want government interfering with these peoples right to worship in the proper place (no matter the religion). I don't want peoples religion interfering with peoples right to practice their own or lack there of.

That being said, I do feel that people should have a right to practice what they believe SO LONG AS IT DOES NOT COME INTO THE PUBLIC REALM IN ANY WAY. I personally feel that at an early age we should have a class in school to cover ALL religions. We might have a better understanding of each other, and we might see the similarities between a lot of "different religions". At least the kids will know what each religion has to offer and the similarities between them all that some fight so fervently for.

That way we can have intelligent design in spades. Intelligent design from all walks and compare them equally unbiased. They might all end up full of holes but thats the way it goes. I can't tell someone what they should and should not feel in their heart.... It could be hatred, it could be love. I do know this, if it can't be tested or proven reliably, it should be taken with a grain of salt. If a God or Gods touched you, show the rest of the world how. If you can't then we will have to take it as a given that it can't be proven reliably.

Where some people may get mad at this consider how the world was flat for a point in time... Looking at the world from the moon you know it's round. (I am well aware that some feel we never did that) And to quote Carl Sagan, Looking at the earth from Saturn we are a pale blue dot. A dot against a resolution that is unfathomable. Where some see this as credence for a god or gods. You don't see boundaries from Saturn, you don't see religions from that point of view just the small rock we call home.

While people on this rock fight about who has it right and who has it wrong and shed so much blood... I guess thats O.K. if you "live forever in the afterlife" as so many religions have you believe. I just want to make the most of the time I have on this rock. That is really how I feel, and while people tell me what they believe does not matter while dropping bombs and firing rifles. killing one another over who has it right and who has it wrong is nothing short of stupidity, I don't care what religion you subscribe to.

That is why it's not about "a conspiracy to over throw Christianity" Just fine example of the harm people can do when they feel "justified". I know most people will say that's not "my religion" but history shows otherwise.

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posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Conspiriology
First are YOU a Scientist? Do you have any Degee in Science? If not then please refrain from speaking as if you were the spokesman of same.

This is what is the problem " I accept uncertainties and some details may be wrong and I am every day ready to change my mind if proved wrong."

Take evolution for instance, their is a Science that has been debunked so many times for fraud and manufactured junk evidence it isn't funny. In fact it is deplorable. Do they admit to being wrong?

In the face of prosecution but do we have to go that far to get them to admit it? Then after they do, what happens to Science being taught about that fraud? Not a damn thing, they go on teaching it like nothing happened

First I am not scientist. Is it compulsory to be that I would have right to trust to overall honesty of community of scientists. I have studied in university so I have some kind of view to that world.

Look, scientific world is very harsh, cruel and unforgiven community to some degree in the case of honesty. If you get caught for being fraud, you lose your reputation as scientist and become misfit for community. If you are priest and get caught for example about adultery you can repent and be forgiven.

If you forge evidence, for e. fossils, you shall not be forgiven and you will be outcast for the community of science. Look, there are always people who want fame and glory and power by easy way. Fake scientist, fault evangelistas for money and power.

But trust me, I feel this scientific atheism little bit dull. I'd like the world of gods and demons and elves and spirits. For my hunger of romantism and fantasy, George W Bush is not enought as Evil Overlord Of The World. But I have to be honest to my reason.

If I see in 10 respectful scientific magazines article that evolution is fault, I change my mind. And if I see solid proof that hadron collider has found evidence of existence of God, I'll dismiss my atheism. But to that day I'll bet my money to atheism
and speak about my opinons freely as a free man should. Without any conspiracy.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by shizzle5150

That being said, I do feel that people should have a right to practice what they believe SO LONG AS IT DOES NOT COME INTO THE PUBLIC REALM IN ANY WAY.

Um, this IS a public realm.
Does that mean I am dissallowed???
Atheism gets a LARGE take and I'm supposed to stay at home?!!
Typical conspiritorial behavior!

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Clearskies

Originally posted by shizzle5150

That being said, I do feel that people should have a right to practice what they believe SO LONG AS IT DOES NOT COME INTO THE PUBLIC REALM IN ANY WAY.

Um, this IS a public realm.
Does that mean I am dissallowed???
Atheism gets a LARGE take and I'm supposed to stay at home?!!
Typical conspiritorial behavior!
Give me a break.Seriously. DO you see Atheists gathered around...doing what...what is that ATheists do again? Get together and and say God doesnt exists, ok that was easy see you next week?Excuse me but religion has the large take, and it wasnt until the lact couple centuries that you could even talk about being an Atheist without fear of being tried as a heretic, discredited, or at the very least shunned in public. Oh yeah Galileo just got pardoned not that long ago for his "Crime". SO really, give me a break, you're hardly a victim, you're hardly being discriminated against. I'm sure it seems that way to you, but then again the victim mentality is one fo the trademarks of religion.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by Gigatronix
Give me a break.Seriously. DO you see Atheists gathered around...doing what...what is that ATheists do again? Get together and and say God doesnt exists, ok that was easy see you next week?

Yes, I see atheists gathering around.
In Large groups at Universities and Foundations Paid for with tax dollars!
The last 'gathering' I know of, was the Crystal Clear Atheism one.

Excuse me but religion has the large take,

In America, it is only from what WE Christians donate, FOR the MOST part..
Little old ladies and single parents and families TRYING to afford to live and 'stuff' WHO donate and tithe!

Not and it wasnt until the lact couple centuries that you could even talk about being an Atheist without fear of being tried as a heretic, discredited, or at the very least shunned in public.

See my thread on the inquisitions, please.

Oh yeah Galileo just got pardoned not that long ago for his "Crime".

Well, protestants have yet to recieve an apology, so there you go.
Atheism WILL be a tool of the Roman church (for a while, at least) during the Great Tribulation.

I'm sure it seems that way to you, but then again the victim mentality is one fo the trademarks of religion.

It depends on WHICH religion. Christians have the victory over the World, Sin, Death, Hell and the Grave through Jeshua!

[edit on 19-4-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 02:44 PM
Christians act like a Howard Hughes, Donald Trump or the owners of the FED...always worried someone might have more money than they do. The Christians worry some other religion or group might have more members than them.

They tell you you MUST follow Jesus to be "saved." Saved from what? We're all going to die. We're all going to the same place. Christians think they have the power to save and priviledge over the rest of us. I think that constitutes playing God.

God just is (in spite of all religions). It's all about God, not the nonsense of religion, power and politics. Sadly, power and politics work hand in hand with religion. I don't believe in Satan, but if I did, I would consider religion to be Satan and Satanic.

[edit on 19-4-2008 by Excitable_Boy]

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