posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 08:07 PM
great reply Bhadhidar.
And that's absolutely true about close encounters of the third kind. I used to watch that movie alot when I was younger.
I would, generally, think that most people would have an idea of what a fighter jet looks like from the movies alone. But who knows. Perhaps these
Texans saw other smaller UFO's flying in the vicinity of the mile long craft and thought perhaps they were fighter jets trying to follow it. It's
one possibility.
I would be interested in seeing any report MUFON comes out with regarding this sighting and I'm sure they will investigate it
(Particularly the detailed correlations between the witness testimony of the UFO and the smaller craft that succeeded it).
The interesting thing here is that
1 - If the witness testimony points to UFO's and not military fighters, then there is that much more evidence to support the sighting. especially
since the large craft and the smaller ones were witnessed by multiple people..
2 - If the witness testimony points to jet fighters, that means that the military really does investigate UFO's (counter to their public statements).
as well as the fact that these were in-fact military aircraft (also counter to the military's public statements) because in the news story, none of
the service branches of the military said they had planes flying that day.
There is alot more data that we are not hearing about also. Did any of the nearby ground control tracking stations pick these objects up on radar?
If so, were they reported? If these were military aircraft, it means that either they were seen on radar first or they were seen in flight by other
aircraft and didn't have a radar signature. Either way, someone in the military or otherwise would have had to notify somone in order for the
military to dispatch fighter aircraft to invetsigate the unknown objects. Especially if they were seen right after the large object was, when the UFO
was apparently traveling over twice - 3times most normal fighter aircraft's max speed.
I'm pretty astounded that all these people saw this object but noone photographed or videotaped the event? It's possible it was just traveling too
fast and noone had time to react as they sat and watched in amazement.
IMO, This also couldn't have been an experimental military aircraft for 2 simple reasons.
1 - The size of this object was too large to have been powered by any known propulsion system out there. The capabilities of this vessel were
obviously pretty remarkable.
2 - Why would the military experiment with such a large aircraft, at such a low altitude, in the vicinity of towns and hundreds, if not, thousands of
people that might have seen it? Doesn't really make sense.