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“In 1932 the fascist and secret Freemason Benito Mussolini, advised by Jesuit Pietro Tacchi-Venturi (who was the Secretary of the Society of Jesus), gave military and financial aid to Ibn Saud, the first King of Saudi Arabia. (Indeed, the Order finances what it controls.) In 1937 Mussolini, the man who restored the Temporal Power of the Pope in 1929, was presented the Sword of Islam and hailed as the Defender of Islam by Libya. Later, America’s domestic oil wells would be shut down forcing trillions of our dollars to be spent overseas thereby consolidating massive wealth in Islamic Saudi Arabia while creating a dependence on Middle Eastern oil. This massive wealth in the hands of fanatical, Wahhabi Moslems would provide the basis for Saudi Arabia’s financing of the Black Pope’s International Masonic/Islamic Terrorist Network presently headed by Freemason Osama bin Laden and financed by Saudi Arabia’s Masonic House of Saud. This Masonic/Roman Catholic fascist connection to Masonic/Islam is imperative to understand if we are to come to grips with our present danger under the pro-Patriot Act I and II, Supreme Court appointed and darling of the Jesuit Order’s fascist Fox News Network mogul and Papal Knight of Malta, Rupert Murdock, anti-Bible and slave of Freemason Pope John Paul II, Skull and Bones initiate and Freemason, George W. Bush.” (emphasis mine)
"Masonry is distinctly a survival of the unfit and has no decent pretext to continue living. My principle is to do all the good we can to our friends and inflict all of the harm on our enemies - in this case the Masons."
- Benito Mussolini in his address to Parliament, May, 1925
Originally posted by LightinDarkness
I would be extremely suspicious of anyone who proposes such theories.
Originally posted by iezuit
reply to post by KilgoreTrout
If you really wanted an answer about Phelps work you would either email Phelps personally or you would read his book.
Originally posted by iezuit
You have set yourself up as some sort of authority on Phelps work, yet you admit that you haven't even read his updated book. You admit that your opinions have been formed by an article you read in a New York newspaper
Originally posted by KilgoreTrout
Originally posted by iezuit
The 13 books you are refering to aren't widely available and can really only be bought on the internet, and the internet is only a recent invention, so I think he can rightly claim those books have been surpressed.
A rare, out of print book does not equal suppression. Hundreds of books are published every year, only a few of those will be remembered or go to a second printing. Just because no one wants to promote it, due to the specialist nature of its subject matter does not mean it is suppressed. The majority of his sources are recognised, in some cases famous, items of anti-catholic propaganda from a period when such works were rife.
This is a good essay on one example;
A New York Times article discussing another;
Originally posted by iezuit
Phelps has done alot of indepth research, and if you contact him you will find him very open to discussion. Phelps always attempts to prove his points and if he feels he has been shown to be in error he is always ready to accept that position, I have found he is very open to new information and accepts challenges to his work.
Originally posted by iezuit
You should read his book before preaching about his work. Phelps explains the reasons for positions he has taken on certain issues.
Originally posted by iezuit
And you will find that Phelps is only one suich person who has highlighted the connection between the Jesuits/Vatican and Freemasonry (and don't forget the Templars served the Pope before their suppression)