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How "the law of attraction" works

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posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by AlphaCentauri
The part of LOA that I get confused about is "letting go without losing interest." I'm not really sure what letting go means. Does it mean that I need to stop dwelling on it constantly and let my desire come to me? Can anybody answer this? How long are we supposed to focus on what we want before we "let it go?"

My question there just certain things that I can't have? Truly, am I expecting too much to get hired at this highly selective company when I don't have a financial background? I have applied for 4 jobs total, I have been turned down for 3 of them, and one is still pending. I don't want the HR department to think that I am some nut job that keeps applying for jobs and everytime they deny me they say to themselves, "Why won't she stop applying? She'll never work here!" I mean, we can't grow a 3rd arm...isn't there just certain things with LOA that we can't do?

I would greatly appreciate any help you all could give me!


These are really good questions that deserve some input. The other folks here will have different insight that I may not be able to articulate properly so I look forward to their assessments myself.

Well you have some very good questions and the answers should be based on knowing a lot more about your individual situation. Now I'm not actualy saying any of these apply in this situation. I have had to deal with them myself in various cases so i'm sharing my own hurdles to see if any match.

The first part here can be summed up in one word. Belief. Do you believe it is coming without having to micromanage every little detail in a process that is beyond your management?

The second part is have you created requirements the first time and then allowed yourself to modify them once they have been created?

Third, Do you have the unconditional love needed to materialize the desire? Loving the change and lusting for it are too different things. Will you love it and respect it when it comes or are you just getting ready to examine every flaw under a microscope?

Now this second part is about the job you seek. You have so many preconceived ideas about education and requirements for work that they are interfering with possibility. First on this one. Most people hired have a specific level of education for a position. Many however do not. Those are hired based on known quality of previous work, a great attitude that is 'contagious'
or the hiring manager believe the person has great stability and can be trained into a position.

Whenever I hear of someone who failed to interview well, the first questions I ask are Did you demonstrate through example that you are capable of learning virtually anything that comes your way? Did you discuss specifics in your past? he second thing I ask Is how did you present yourself? Look in the mirror. Did you present yourself as the positive upbeat person they want on their team? Did you appear in the interview to be that really fun person that everyone wan't to be around and work with? A good hiring manager will overlook most things including education if you are representing yourself in the two instances above.

I'm saying this based on scraps and not much to go on. The facts are an interview or two has already taken place, so we need to back track a bit, to fix what is wrong.

LOA brought you to the interview table. That part is working fine. You did however choose something that required you to "work the table" once you got there.

Try this. Concentrate on meeting higher level managers in the company. Nothing more. Within a short period of time it will transpire. Form a friendship with those people but don't try for an in, or even mention it. When the relationships have been formed then go into the seeking mode but still don't bring it up. They will likely mention it to you. Figure on 120days or much more for the process. Keep in mind, if you don't really in your heart want this it won't transpire.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

I believe I understand what you're saying. In this example, I would live in the present and "coast" on the positive statement , that, I am already attractive to the opposite sex, for reasons X,Y and Z, that are ALREADY true.

If I want reasons, L, M, N,O and P, to be true, I could use the positive thinking from X,Y and Z to help me further my goals, maybe by helping change my attitude about exercise or grooming, etc?

I know this thread got a bit wrapped up in my example, but I was trying to think of a practical and effective use for LOA that wouldn't seem terribly greedy or upset the cosmic balance too much.
I would want to use this ability in a responsible and safe manner.

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by metatronscube
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

I believe I understand what you're saying. In this example, I would live in the present and "coast" on the positive statement , that, I am already attractive to the opposite sex, for reasons X,Y and Z, that are ALREADY true.

Yes, but dont bother trying to "lie" to yourself. If you really honestly dont feel that you are attractive to the opposite sex, dont bother trying to 'slap a smiley face' on it by PRETENDING you think you are. (Like an affirmation) If you genuinely can FEEL that belief when you do it without any "yeah right" going on somewhere, then affirmations are fine. But if your belief is pretty deeply entrenched, just notice it is there, notice it is not "true" (ie: that it is a creation of your own beliefs not some intractable state) and then focus on areas in which you ARE attractive that you can actually believe. Whatever they may be. Notice who or what IS attracted to you. And be grateful for them. Be grateful you have all your limbs, thats attractive, (assuming you do, if not focus on something you DO have) dont just say, "I am grateful." But sit down and really think about how lucky you are to be you, and not worse off. There is ALWAYS a worse off, so BE, FEEL, the sensation of gratitude for what you have right now related to the attractivness issue.

Saying "I need more x" just look at the language. Need, the implied lack by the word "more." Feel what feeling NEED and LACK feels like. It feels hungry, anxious, sort of sad. That feeling is a vibration, and energy level. Have you ever been next to someone really pissed off? Do they have to tell you they are pissed off? Or does it just emanate from them? You can "feel" the energy they are giving off. It is the same way with this, but less obvious. We are very clued in to anger energy because natural selection has made us very aware of people who have the potential to suddenly turn around and kill us or hurt us. But all emotions and feelings have a "frequency" a "vibration." However you feel comfortable describing it.

Saying "I am grateful I have x." HAVING in the present sense, "gratitude" instead of need. Feel what having feels like, and gratitude, it feels good, nice, uplifting. Which is why "lying to yourself" wont work. Because if you are just saying "affirmations" and you interanl dialog is "no way" and you feel like "this is stupid, or it wont work" what you are feeling will override what your mouth is saying. Find elements of what you want to attract more of that you can believe you already have so you can build off that energetically.

Originally posted by metatronscube
If I want reasons, L, M, N,O and P, to be true, I could use the positive thinking from X,Y and Z to help me further my goals, maybe by helping change my attitude about exercise or grooming, etc?

Dont put it into the future by thinking "when I look better." Over 60% of the US population is carrying some extra weight. You dont need to lose weight to be attractive, look around you at couples everywhere. People of all sizes, shapes, and grooming proficiency have mates. If you are really grateful for your body, it is much more likely that you will take care of it, like a well loved car. If you look at your body as "what is holding you back" that resentment will spill over into your treatment of it. So dont make "becoming" anything a pre-requisite for your being attractive to the opposite sex. Thats energy you just dont need. Work on how you are attractive right now, and being grateful for the raw material you already have. One of the people I know who gets the most action is NOT perfectly slim, is NOT movie star attractive, and is NOT rich. What they are is confident, happy, oh so SURE they are attractive, and it works. If someone acts like "I HAVE something," and really exudes that, believes it, other people want it too.

[edit on 1-2-2008 by Illusionsaregrander]

posted on Feb, 1 2008 @ 10:52 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander

Originally posted by metatronscube
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

I believe I understand what you're saying. In this example, I would live in the present and "coast" on the positive statement , that, I am already attractive to the opposite sex, for reasons X,Y and Z, that are ALREADY true.

Yes, but dont bother trying to "lie" to yourself. If you really honestly dont feel that you are attractive to the opposite sex, dont bother trying to 'slap a smiley face,' as SKyfloating phrased it, on it by PRETENDING you think you are. (Like an affirmation) If you genuinely can FEEL that belief when you do it without any "yeah right" going on somewhere, then affirmations are fine. But if your belief is pretty deeply entrenched, just notice it is there, notice it is not "true" (ie: that it is a creation of your own beliefs not some intractable state) and then focus on areas in which you ARE attractive that you can actually BELIEVE. Belief matters. It really, really matters. Whatever the areas where you are already attractive may be. Notice who or what IS attracted to you. No matter how you feel about them, and be grateful for the fact that they are attracted to you. Put your attention on it. Be grateful you have all your limbs, thats attractive, (assuming you do, if not focus on something you DO have) dont just say, "I am grateful." Clearly you are intelligent, and friendly, those are attractive qualities. Whatever they are, sit down and really think about how lucky you are to be you, and not worse off. Spend Awareness on what you have, not WANT. There is ALWAYS a worse off, so BE, FEEL, the sensation of gratitude for what you have right now related to the attractivness issue.

Saying "I need more x" just look at the language. Need, the implied lack by the word "more." Think of something you think you need. Feel what feeling NEED and LACK feels like. It feels hungry, anxious, sort of sad. That feeling is (or creates) a vibration, and energy level. Have you ever been next to someone really pissed off? Do they have to tell you they are pissed off? Or does it just emanate from them? You can "feel" the energy they are giving off. It is the same way with this, but less obvious. We are very clued in to anger energy because natural selection has made us very aware of people who have the potential to suddenly turn around and kill us or hurt us. But all emotions and feelings have a "frequency" a "vibration." However you feel comfortable describing it. Just because you cant consciously "name" them when you run across them like you can anger doesnt mean they arent there and registering somewhere.

Saying "I am grateful I have x." HAVING in the present sense, "gratitude" instead of need. Feel what having feels like, and gratitude, it feels good, nice, uplifting. Which is why "lying to yourself" wont work. Because if you are just saying "affirmations" and you interanl dialog is "no way" and you feel like "this is stupid, or it wont work" what you are feeling will override what your mouth is saying. Find elements of what you want to attract more of that you can believe you already have so you can build off that energetically.

Originally posted by metatronscube
If I want reasons, L, M, N,O and P, to be true, I could use the positive thinking from X,Y and Z to help me further my goals, maybe by helping change my attitude about exercise or grooming, etc?

Dont put it into the future by thinking "when I look better." Over 60% of the US population is carrying some extra weight. You dont need to lose weight to be attractive, look around you at couples everywhere. People of all sizes, shapes, and grooming proficiency have mates. If you are really grateful for your body, it is much more likely that you will take care of it, like a well loved car. If you look at your body as "what is holding you back" that resentment will spill over into your treatment of it. So dont make "becoming" anything a pre-requisite for your being attractive to the opposite sex. Thats energy you just dont need. Work on how you are attractive right now, and being grateful for the raw material you already have. One of the people I know who gets the most action is NOT perfectly slim, is NOT movie star attractive, and is NOT rich. What they are is confident, happy, oh so SURE they are attractive, and it works. If someone acts like "I HAVE something," and really exudes that, believes it, other people want it too.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by Illahee

Unfortunately my fathers recent passing was a true test of my own work and teaching, and I had to walk the talk in real time.

While remembering: There is a lot of beauty in the afterlife as well.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by AlphaCentauri

There are some pretty important things in your post referring to LOA and how it may be misapplied. I look forward to offering my 2 cents to your post very soon.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by Illahee

Unfortunately my fathers recent passing was a true test of my own work and teaching, and I had to walk the talk in real time.

While remembering: There is a lot of beauty in the afterlife as well.

There is a unique beauty in death, much the same as birth. Freedom to the afterlife should be seen as the ultimate in existence.

BTW: Great job on your debate. You were the clear winner.

[edit on 2-2-2008 by Illahee]

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by AlphaCentauri

There are some pretty important things in your post referring to LOA and how it may be misapplied. I look forward to offering my 2 cents to your post very soon.

Thank you, I will be looking forward to your advice! Hopefully others will learn from it as well!


posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Illahee

These are really good questions that deserve some input. The other folks here will have different insight that I may not be able to articulate properly so I look forward to their assessments myself.

I hope the answers to my questions will help me and others. Sometimes I feel that LOA can be confusing.

The first part here can be summed up in one word. Belief. Do you believe it is coming without having to micromanage every little detail in a process that is beyond your management?

I think I do tend to micromanage everything. I suppose I will just have to let the process work and not have to specify every detail. But I always read or hear that you are supposed to see what you desire in detail, and be specific! But by being TOO specific, are you shutting out ways your desire could come?

Now this second part is about the job you seek. You have so many preconceived ideas about education and requirements for work that they are interfering with possibility. First on this one. Most people hired have a specific level of education for a position. Many however do not. Those are hired based on known quality of previous work, a great attitude that is 'contagious' or the hiring manager believe the person has great stability and can be trained into a position.

I have heard of people getting jobs because of who they know and how they are, not what they know. It would be great to be one of those people!

Whenever I hear of someone who failed to interview well, the first questions I ask are Did you demonstrate through example that you are capable of learning virtually anything that comes your way? Did you discuss specifics in your past? he second thing I ask Is how did you present yourself? Look in the mirror. Did you present yourself as the positive upbeat person they want on their team? Did you appear in the interview to be that really fun person that everyone wan't to be around and work with? A good hiring manager will overlook most things including education if you are representing yourself in the two instances above.

Unfortunately this company hires very strangely. They have you fill out an electric application online, and you can only submit certain items like your education and where you worked, I don't get a change to explain all my skills properly! If I have any...haha! I have found a way to talk about what I can the "why did you leave this job" space---I put that I haven't left my current job, but I would in order to get job at said company. I went on to talk about my skill set and how I could contribute to the company. I wrote that I learn fast and that I can be taught anything if given the chance. Hopefully it doesn't come across as desperate. Technically, I "cheated" getting my info in there, but it was the only way. They haven't called me in to interview as of today. I have applied for 4 jobs and they have turned down 3 of them from me. They have rejected me before I have been interview physically. Do you think I should concentrate (focus) on being physically interviewed?

All in all it has been 3 weeks total since I began applying for jobs at this company. I suppose I am expecting too much to happen in 3 weeks. I'm sure proper LOA manifestation takes time. Or I am just EXPECTING it to take too much time. Again, this is where LOA confuses me.

Try this. Concentrate on meeting higher level managers in the company. Nothing more. Within a short period of time it will transpire. Form a friendship with those people but don't try for an in, or even mention it. When the relationships have been formed then go into the seeking mode but still don't bring it up. They will likely mention it to you. Figure on 120days or much more for the process.

This is a good idea. I will try this!

Thanks for replying to my post. Hopefully we can both get answers!


posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 04:06 PM
At the risk of dumbing down this wonderful thread; because I am admittedly not as learned as some of the folks here, I would appreciate input:

I have been following along this thread (aka: lurking…lol) since its inception, and although I am absorbing daily a lot more than I ever thought I knew just by reading here, the basic fundamental concept of LOA seems to me to be : “as if “ thinking; is this not correct, on a very, very, VERY basic level?

I was taught as a child to “act as if”, “be as if”, and “live as if”, and honestly, it has never failed me, nor conversely, ceased to surprise me. To be able to temper the way one currently lives ones life with respect, compassion, and the absolute CERTAINTY that you ARE achieving, ARE succeeding, ARE being , or HAVE achieved, HAVE succeeded, HAVE become…all in present tense---ah…not so easy, yet easier that one may think... Just taking the steps one needs to take to place oneself in the proper position…

I’ve never read or seen a darn thing about LOA, never seen the Secret, just simply lived the way I was raised…

It matters not to me if specific “things” (insert personal goal here) have not yet come to pass; I believe that they ARE (always in the present tense), and live my life accordingly.

It’s not as simple as the person who wants a million bucks and lives their life, spending as though they already have it… it takes some modicum of decorum coupled with simple common sense. One needs only to be satisfied with NOW, and the rest does indeed, come, although, I have also learned to be careful what I personally “wish” ( and I know, it isn’t wishing…)for; you sometimes achieve your goals in life in very round-about and sometimes very sad ways…

My apologies to the thread for running on, and the stressed capital letters… I look forward to your response /s…and thank you for this tremendously informative thread.

posted on Feb, 2 2008 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by AlphaCentauri

My question there just certain things that I can't have? Truly, am I expecting too much to get hired at this highly selective company when I don't have a financial background? I have applied for 4 jobs total, I have been turned down for 3 of them, and one is still pending. I don't want the HR department to think that I am some nut job that keeps applying for jobs and everytime they deny me they say to themselves, "Why won't she stop applying? She'll never work here!" I mean, we can't grow a 3rd arm...isn't there just certain things with LOA that we can't do?

I would greatly appreciate any help you all could give me!


Alpha, I have had a similar experience, and you can judge for yourself if there are any possible connections. I dont know you well enough to judge.

I have a minor in business. (Accounting actually, oddly enough) I was nearly through with the program when I had a "spiritual event." This "event" led me to question everything I was pursuing, and eventually led to a health crisis that caused me to leave school. I stayed out for a year and sorted the spiritual issue as best I could, and then decided to return and finish my program as planned. I was so close to completing it it seemed the logical thing to do. I re-registered, and waited for everything to go through, I was nearly a straight A student and not worried in the least about the re-admission. Everything possible went wrong. They admitted me, then threw me out of the program on accident. I spoke to the people, reapplied, and then checked back regularly to make sure the application went through properly. They lost the paper work, found it, lost it, it languished on desks, you name it. The day the semester began, after being on the phone with the administration people for the umpteenth time, I sat down and asked myself "what could be blocking me?" After much deliberation, and discussion with some friends about the issue, I realized that I was letting logic dictate my choice of career. Logic, and fear. I wasnt choosing Business and Accounting because I loved it, and lived for it, I was choosing it because it was safe, approved of by others, and I was guaranteed a very good paying job at the end of my program with my GPA, etc.

I decided instead, I resolved inside, to not make my decisions in life based on fear or "logic" alone, and I resolved to go ahead and switch my major to Philosophy, which I have loved for quite a while, but would never have considered majoring in because, well, it qualifies you to work at McDonalds, no matter WHAT your GPA is.

With this resolve in my heart, I picked up the phone, (remember this is the first day of classes) and got someone on the phone in admissions. She walked my paperwork to the appropriate desk, got the appropriate signatures, and had me enrolled in minutes. I then had to (at the last minute) find a full time schedule of upper division courses. (Not easy as I am sure you know) and did. Two of them required permission from the instructors because I was not a declared major in Philosophy. The Professors happened to be online when I emailed them I got their approval in a matter of another half an hour or so, and all told, in a few hours managed the impossible, while what SHOULD have been easily possible, the path that should of been the one of least resistance had taken me months of trying to end in failure.

Sometimes, what our heart/soul, (the Self,) wishes and what our mind, (the self,) wishes are not in alignment. When that is the case, the Self will win every time. No matter how "hard" you try.

With that in mind, ask yourself "Why THAT company? Why THAT job?" If the reason is reason alone, there may be a part of you that you are used to ignoring that has a stronger and deeper desire, and it is overriding your conscious desire. Ask yourself what you would do if you could do anything without practical considerations playing a role. What do you LONG to do? If it isnt working in the field you are applying in, perhaps it is time to consider following your most secret desires, no matter how "foolish" it may appear on the surface.

If, on the other hand, this field IS your deepest desire, then consider a different company. That company may just not be the correct path to some long range goal you have more energy invested in. All of your deepest longings are coordinating, and the route they manifest in can be "unpredictable" to the thinking mind. Follow the "flow," where is the way open to you that ALSO seems to correspond with your natural Self? Go that way. Dont beat your head on a closed door for months like I did.

Edit: Everything Illahee has suggested is wonderful btw. And when Skyfloating gets around to his two cents, it will be too. I just think one thing people, (I) have to remember is we are manifesting ALL the time. The situation you are in isnt random, it is the product of whatever you are feeling/desiring/focusing etc. on. If what we have isnt what makes us happy, there is something going on. It could be we dont really KNOW what makes us happy. Which has often been the case for me. I was so overwhelmingly practical, logical, responsible, I had no freakin idea what might be my deepest truest hearts desire. Even after the "event." I had ignored that side of myself for so long, there was no meaningful communication between my Self and my mind at all. There comes a time, however, when that Self refuses to let the mind run the show, the longings build up, those things we are meant and designed to do, and eventually they spill over the barriers we put them behind. That may not be the case for you, but something to consider.

[edit on 2-2-2008 by Illusionsaregrander]

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by AlphaCentauri
The part of LOA that I get confused about is "letting go without losing interest." I'm not really sure what letting go means. Does it mean that I need to stop dwelling on it constantly and let my desire come to me? Can anybody answer this? How long are we supposed to focus on what we want before we "let it go?"

You "let go" once you feel that it is "already" manifest. The feeling you have (without outside evidence) is enough to know you have created something. But once you are identified with some reality being true, you dont have to hold on to it anymore anyway. You "let go" naturally. Let go of what? Of neediness of and preoccupation with the subject.

An analogy: Lets say you desire sex. Sex is fullfilled. You let go of the need to have sex. Sweet relief. But first you build up energy towards it. And then you release the energy. Sexuality is a good example of how LOA works.

Another analogy: Grab an object. Feel it. Let go of it. What happens? The object is still there but you are not exerting more gripping hand.

There is a company where I live that I really would love to be employed at. It's a huge financial company. However, my backgroud is in the medical field. I have an Associate of Liberal Arts degree in general studies, an Associate of Applied Science degree in lab science, and I will be done taking onine courses in March 2008 for my Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science. I feel stupid saying this, but I am tired of the healthcare field already and need a change. I don't respect it anymore and that is just how I feel about it. I would love to get a job at this financial company but I don't have a degree in financing, accounting, etc, although I have a lot of schooling with a technical/science/math background. I enjoy working in an office setting with computers and doing project work. This is a great company and I would love to be a part of it.

Two issues here:

1. Some focus is still on what you dont want (the old job)
2. You are being too specific about what you want instead. In other words, if you fix on that one job you not only miss other, better jobs, but also have the danger of building up doubt on the subject. The more practiced you are at LOA, the more specific you can get. But as a beginner, being unspecific is better. When you therefore visualize/identify with your desired reality, say: "This, the equivalent, or better". Fixed attention = needy attention = non-manifestation.

I would very much enjoy even a minor accounting job that requires a AA in accounting or the equivlent. I have 2 AA (AS) and a Bachelor of Science....but is all that schooling not good enough? I have applied for other jobs at this company in the past 2 weeks and I have been declined for 3 different jobs tnat they felt I was not qualifed for even though these jobs at this financial company actually were somewhat healthcare related! ( I get upset when they say they want you to have such and such years of experience but how can one gain experience if one can't get hired in the first place??)

Getting upset is an indicator that your attention is oscillating between what you want and what you dont want. Anger is a strong indicator of being highly focussed upon what you DONT want and therefore manifesting more of what you dont want. This switching back and forth is apparent in your last paragraph. You will have to write and talk more about what you DO want (privately, not on this thread) in order to shift attention to where it feels good.

The last job I applied for I was really bummed out because I held intentions, visualized, and acted like I had the job for 3 days. After 3 days, I was informed I didn't get the job. I have been kindly informed by Skyfloating that my negative reaction to me not getting the job showed that I place to much emphasis on the physical.

Your reaction after being rejected showed where you really stand in terms of vibration/creation. Had you been able to stay in your belief WHILE getting have no idea how powerful that is. You would either change the persons mind (the person who is rejecting you) OR you would get an opportunity from SOMEWHERE ELSE. But nah...most people take what happens "out there" as evidence of "who they are and what they are manifesting"....and thats a gross missapplication of LOA. Check it out.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by althea041724

I have been following along this thread (aka: lurking…lol) since its inception, and although I am absorbing daily a lot more than I ever thought I knew just by reading here, the basic fundamental concept of LOA seems to me to be : “as if “ thinking; is this not correct, on a very, very, VERY basic level?

Thats one way to put it, and thats correct, in my most humble opinion.

However...beyond a certain point of progress with Loa you dont really use "as if" anymore, because "as if" still implies a tiny seperation...the implication of something being less real than reality.

So instead of saying "as if" I use the term "physicalizing" (the physical-action version of visualizing) or "being".

So rather than "What are things you could do to reach your goal?" I say "What are things you would be doing if you had already reached your goal?"...which is at least twice as powerful as the first question.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 08:45 AM
I commend you on this great thread and would like to add a few "key" ingrediants.

First, this is in the Bible(Jesus' words) under Mark 11:24 Therafter I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have recieved it, and it will be yours"

At first this seems impossible, but so does working out to a fat person. Though it's just like hitting the gym. If you go once, you'll feel it the next day but you wont see any results. However, if you make it a habit and retain this habit for a few months, not only will you feel and see the results, but others will comment on your new looks.

Same applies ot this. Once you start practicing can just Be that and with time, you "Being" that will be true. These are the laws of the universe and you attract this no matter you have to be careful with your attitude, what you think, say, and the company you keep.

On another note, if you want to magnify this process for it to happen quicker, you can impregnate all the food you eat through-out the day with the thought of what you are trying to attract and then by eating it, the food with the impreganted thought will be absorbed by your stomach walls and will flow into your blood stream/blood matrix and you will literally be permeating that thought.

Same applies to what-ever your drinking, though colder drinks seem to hold the impregnated thought much better than warm/hot, the colder the liquid the better.

You can also be/think what you are attracting and hold that though right in front of your face and then inhale that thought so that the thought gets absorbed by your lungs and again enters your blood stream and you again permeate this thought all day.

Besides this you can google, "though amplifiers" such as orgone devices and other chi devices help big time, as does doing tai chi while manifesting.

But the strongest and most powerful way to amplify by far is through Love. Whatever you are attracting and being, do it in a state of Love of self, of others, of everyone, of God, of Love. Reach the heights of Love and you will be amazed how fast things attract into your life, it will get to a point where you step back for a second because of how scary it is that you can literally manifest stuff within hours....

...thats when you have the understanding that it happens that fast cause you are reachng higher states of love, and in these higher states, it's impossible to choose the "wrong" things for your life.

Not only that, but for those greedy, selfish, and lower natured people that use any of these techniques to manifest the wrong things in life......lets jus say that God has a funny way of teaching you lessons. You reap what you there are mechanisms in place that will teach you lessons against choosing wrong/bad things.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

So rather than "What are things you could do to reach your goal?" I say "What are things you would be doing if you had already reached your goal?"...which is at least twice as powerful as the first question.

Skyfloating, thank you for your insight; I believe I have at least grasped the basic tenet. One must, by the very nature of "humanness", always continue to expand inside, in order to actually be human...Looks like I have a bit of challenging myself to do... thanks again!

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by dominicus
But the strongest and most powerful way to amplify by far is through Love. Whatever you are attracting and being, do it in a state of Love of self, of others, of everyone, of God, of Love. Reach the heights of Love and you will be amazed how fast things attract into your life, it will get to a point where you step back for a second because of how scary it is that you can literally manifest stuff within hours....

I believe that this was a manifestation on my part and within the hour even! Let's see what you all think. This happened yesterday (Saturday, February 2nd).

I was on iTunes downloading music, and there was a song I had heard in the cafeteria at work a few weeks ago that I had always liked, I just didn't remember what the name of the song was or who even sang it! I had been trying to think of it, and now I was going to actually search for it onling. I just remembered that "loooovvveeee" was a huge part of the song, and it was extended in that way. I felt that the song had singers that were sang well in harmony together.

I searched for it online using the one word I had. Unfortunately, a lot of songs have the word love it it.
After about 15 minutes I let it go and thought well, I'm sure I'll find it sometime.

I started to go through my iTunes "Just For You" selection, which is tunes that have selected that you might like based on your previous purchases. I went through them, picking out ones I thought I might like and listening to the samples. I came across a song by the Doobie Brothers called "Listen to the Music." As I tried to think of what the song was, I started singing it in my head..."Ohhhhh.. I Listen to the Music..." I realized in that instant that the way they harmonized sounded exactly like the song I was searching for earlier! I typed in Doobie Brothers and searched their song database. I FOUND THE SONG I WAS LOOKING FOR!!! The song is "Long Train Runnin' " by the Doobie brothers. I had never before purchased a song by them, and was amazed that iTunes had picked one of their songs for me, although it is the type of music I listen to, hence, their selection of my preference of this type of music.

Well, within the hour I had found the song I had been searching for. I was so happy and amazed! With gratitude in my heart I thanked the Universe, God, my Spirit Guides, and Myself for giving me this gift.

I know finding a song might not be a big deal to some, but I was truly pleased and amazed that it came to me so fast. It took following my instincts which included looking at iTunes selections for me. Singing the Doobie Brothers song in my head, in which their harmonizing "Listen to the Music" reminded me of the song I was looking for...which in turn lead me to the song. The whole process was surprisingly easy because I wasn't focused on finding the song. I had "let go" and assumed I'd find the song sometime because when I am looking for a certain song, I usually do find it eventually. I'm sure my "knowing" that I'd find it eventually and my non-stressed attitude about helped to maximize the potential of finding it.

You know what is really funny? Has anyone ever seen the movie, "Romancing the Stone?" There is a part in it that the main character says, "The Doobie Brothers broke up.....s***, when did that happen?" I have been randomly saying this line in my head for the last week, at the most random moments. I have always liked that line because I've always thought it was funny. I have to wonder if my SELF was trying to give me the answer by randomly making that line appear in my head.


[edit on 2/3/2008 by AlphaCentauri]

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

You "let go" once you feel that it is "already" manifest. The feeling you have (without outside evidence) is enough to know you have created something. But once you are identified with some reality being true, you dont have to hold on to it anymore anyway. You "let go" naturally. Let go of what? Of neediness of and preoccupation with the subject.

This is good advice, Skyfloating. I get what you are saying about letting go. I recently had an experience with it...I tend to be really analytical and If there is a timeline to something, I like to know. If there isn't, I need to know what to do! I do get the "feeling" of having it already manifested with certain things. Now at the point I need to "let it go."

Two issues here:

1. Some focus is still on what you dont want (the old job)
2. You are being too specific about what you want instead. In other words, if you fix on that one job you not only miss other, better jobs, but also have the danger of building up doubt on the subject. The more practiced you are at LOA, the more specific you can get. But as a beginner, being unspecific is better. When you therefore visualize/identify with your desired reality, say: "This, the equivalent, or better". Fixed attention = needy attention = non-manifestation.

You are right. Sometimes (well, oftentimes) the sadness that I am not doing what I really desire overwhelms me. I know this is a cop out...but I would really love for someone to tell what what I would be the most happy and fulfilled as (career wise). I just feel so lost. Thanks for the advice about being unspecific for now as well. I have been wondering if I'm being way too specific in my visualizations, therefore cutting off possible routes of manifestation.

More to come.......

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by AlphaCentauri

You are right. Sometimes (well, oftentimes) the sadness that I am not doing what I really desire overwhelms me. I know this is a cop out...but I would really love for someone to tell what what I would be the most happy and fulfilled as (career wise). I just feel so lost. Thanks for the advice about being unspecific for now as well. I have been wondering if I'm being way too specific in my visualizations, therefore cutting off possible routes of manifestation.

Hold on their a second: That sadness is something valuable. In the moment of its occurence it is pointing at certain thoughts/behaviours that are in mis-alignment with your dream. Those are the moments you can root those thoughts out and ask what you would like to think instead.

Once you embody your career-vision you no longer need to wait, ask questions, seek answers, hope, try, be needy of others confirming, be needy of approval or let job rejections talk you out of your vibration. To EMBODY a certain frequency means it must manifest one way or the other.

posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 01:28 PM

by AlphaCentauri
The last job I applied for I was really bummed out because I held intentions, visualized, and acted like I had the job for 3 days. After 3 days, I was informed I didn't get the job. I have been kindly informed by Skyfloating that my negative reaction to me not getting the job showed that I place to much emphasis on the physical.

by Skyfloating
Your reaction after being rejected showed where you really stand in terms of vibration/creation. Had you been able to stay in your belief WHILE getting have no idea how powerful that is. You would either change the persons mind (the person who is rejecting you) OR you would get an opportunity from SOMEWHERE ELSE. But nah...most people take what happens "out there" as evidence of "who they are and what they are manifesting"....and thats a gross missapplication of LOA. Check it out.

I know exactly what you are saying here because I was told in a sense. When I checked the internet and "saw" that they had declined me for the position, along with shock, I got this overwhelming feeling of love and someone or something telling me to hold the faith because at this point it would be most powerful and important for me to do so. Basically, "they" wanted me to hold on to the knowledge that I would get a position there eventually. I inituively received this information in the form of feeling and knowledge and the question, "How powerful would this be if you held your intentions now?"

I did hold on to this feeling for a while, but I could slowly feel the negativity chipping away at my confidence. It was like acid rain hitting a concrete statue.

In the end, I let my negativity take over because I didn't want to put the proverbial smiley face over the situation. I knew doing that wouldn't manifest anything so I let the bad way.

Thanks, as always, for the advice Skyfloating.


posted on Feb, 3 2008 @ 01:48 PM

by Illusionsaregrander
Alpha, I have had a similar experience, and you can judge for yourself if there are any possible connections. I dont know you well enough to judge.

I have a minor in business. (Accounting actually, oddly enough) I was nearly through with the program when I had a "spiritual event."

That is odd indeed. Your story definitely was a major "spiritual event." It's strange to think that it worked itself the way it did. Amazing considering that they just couldn't enroll you into the accounting classes, and how easy it was for them to enroll you into the Philosophy classes.

I decided instead, I resolved inside, to not make my decisions in life based on fear or "logic" alone, and I resolved to go ahead and switch my major to Philosophy, which I have loved for quite a while, but would never have considered majoring in because, well, it qualifies you to work at McDonalds, no matter WHAT your GPA is.

--I know exactly what you mean. I would have loved to get into Philosophy--it's hard time find jobs in that area. If you don't mind me asking, since you majored in Philosophy have you gotten a job in this line of work. Don't respond to that if you feel uncomfortable. I really wanted to be an archeologist because I am in love with history. There is just something magically about picking up an object used by people so long ago. you wonder who the people who used it were like. I'm sure museums and the like hate me, because I love touching these objects (secretly) because I want to feel the past.

Sometimes, what our heart/soul, (the Self,) wishes and what our mind, (the self,) wishes are not in alignment. When that is the case, the Self will win every time. No matter how "hard" you try.

This is very frusterating for me, although I feel it to be true. What's the point of trying to manifest what you desire if your Self is running the big show anyway! If wish it (Self) would tell me what it wants...I think I would be happier in life. Have you had problems with manifestation because of what your Self desires?

I think your advice was very informative...sometimes things aren't meant to be, no matter how hard you try to manifest them.

Strange idea here...(I reference music and movies a lot). Has anyone seen that movie "Bedazzled" with Elizabeth Hurley and Brendan Fraiser? It's a remake, I know. The whole movie he was trying to get a certain girl, and at the end, he got a girl who was better matched for HIM. Plus, the song at the end of the movie was very good and made me think...I think it's by Sister Hazel. It's talking about how "there might be another way." And to "change the state of mind you are in", and how "if you want to be somebody else, change your mind." This might be a cheesy reference, but it makes me think that life really doesn't work out how you think it should.


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