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How "the law of attraction" works

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posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by whaaa

The basic misunderstanding between you and me is probably this:

You might not know that I think that observing something in your surroundings is also "giving something attention".

As we know from the double slot test, The act of observation is What causes the change between wave form energy and solid matter.

The mere act of observation creates constructs, that are further modified by the individuals belief structure. If even the lowly electron can think and change the way it acts to please us.....

I am ever so careful to not change the belief structure in a person for this reason. The students beliefs must be polished and displayed like fine silver that is being used for the first time in many years. In 99% of cases what is already there for belief is perfect in every way. Teaching others is no different Than them having a radio and tuning in the station on their own. I merely point out there is a fine tuning adjustment they may have missed.

Your belief has made you whole. Think on that for a bit.

Even though we have a few extreme cases like the woman that won the lottery three times in a short span, wanting to follow this path and wanting to be whole are two entirely different concepts with results on each end of the spectrum.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by thehumbleone
reply to post by whaaa

Whaa, I have asked the same question as you and I can't figure it out either.

All I know is if I am able to use LOA, I will know doubt help those people out.

There are probably a lot of greedy people who think they can become millionaires by applying LOA, but the only reason I would want that much money is so I can help out those starving people.

"Here is the rub. Most of the ones who utilize their Biblical talents are also aware, that reincarnation is a valid event. One of two things happenned to those persons. Either A they knew that would be their lot and came regardless. or B the Creator predetermined their adversities for the souls learning experiences."

Here again we are assuming to know the will of the Creator. His will may be to continue to grow your own soul and not interfere with what is already in motion. Myself I would never try to work on anything besides my own direction and helping others who ask.

If you choose to give that glass of water it comes from the heart at that moment. You can not set up a mechanical process to do good. That is a single act. You make change and do good by building the heart that is always ready to give the glass of water.

This sounds like extreme double talk but break it up in the smaller pieces and the meaning is clear.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:00 PM
Hi Skyfloating - great thread. I had never heard of the Law of Attraction until I happened upon this thread so I am doing some research and giving it a try. But I have two questions.

I read what was said about writing down desires, thoughts, wishes in the past or present tense. However, I like to keep a diary and I'm worried that if I write down concerns or worries that I have about anything at all then it will hamper my efforts. Should I not give negative possibilities credence by acknowledging them and writing them down?

Also, are children able to use the Law of Attraction? I would guess that everyone would learn to use it at a different age since we all mature at different rates. But I wondered if a child were taught, from what age would they begin to have the power to manifest things?

Thanks and again, great thread!

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by sc2099

Also, are children able to use the Law of Attraction? I would guess that everyone would learn to use it at a different age since we all mature at different rates. But I wondered if a child were taught, from what age would they begin to have the power to manifest things?

Thanks and again, great thread!

This really is a great thread. Probably the single best one so far on paranormal topics.

I defer to SkyFoating on the first part.

As for children they generally can start as soon as they have a good handle on what they should want out of life. Usually post puberty or early adult. Some sects teach around first grade. Some advanced children seem to figure it out on their own at a much younger age. I think myself, to fully support mental stability, that if they are active in church that it can be taught in that manner at about junior high level. In every case a childs mind is fragile and thoughts such as matter being form waves until its in our presence are not conducive to a stable well rounded youth. On the other hand if they are reading advanced physics books at 7, they may be ready for the quantum leap. It fragile ground and when in doubt, don't.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 06:50 PM
I think children are probably better than grownups at using reality creation. They have less needs (note that needs are not desires), less junk and less limiting beliefs than we do that would inhibit their ability to. That and the fact that children live more in the present moment than we do. We have our attention more focused on the future or the past.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:04 PM
Check out this link:

The parts: 3) In depth: Focus 1 and 4) In depth: Focus 2 give a nice further explanation on reality creation.

The rest of it is mainly a description of what goes on in the afterlife.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by sc2099

I read what was said about writing down desires, thoughts, wishes in the past or present tense. However, I like to keep a diary and I'm worried that if I write down concerns or worries that I have about anything at all then it will hamper my efforts. Should I not give negative possibilities credence by acknowledging them and writing them down?

General Primer:

Diary = Focus on the Past
Week-Plan: Focus on Work
Scripting/Intention-Writing: Focus on Desires.

The third option is the best.

However, it can be helpful to ocassionally write down negative thoughts and beliefs for examination, reflection, long as this is followed by fresh thoughts you´d like to replace them with.

The negative is not suppressed, but confronted and then replaced.

As for your question on children refer to what TheBandit and Illahee said.

[edit on 13-2-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by sc2099
Also, are children able to use the Law of Attraction? I would guess that everyone would learn to use it at a different age since we all mature at different rates. But I wondered if a child were taught, from what age would they begin to have the power to manifest things?

Alright, I want to say something here afterall. "Law of Attraction" is not something that is "learned", something you have to "rev yourself up to", something you have to "earn", something you have to "get into". According to LOA-Instruction, it happens all the time, anyway.

So what we really mean is being consciously aware of it happening all the time (thinking, feeling, speaking, acting all the time) and consciously directing that thinking, feeling, speaking, acting in certain directions matching our hearts desire.

Kids have an easier time "going with the flow", adults have an easier time deliberately directing energy.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Check out this link:

The parts: 3) In depth: Focus 1 and 4) In depth: Focus 2 give a nice further explanation on reality creation.

The rest of it is mainly a description of what goes on in the afterlife.

Good link.

Most folks might have a tough time with it though. Its pretty advanced thought. The AP work sounds interesting. He doesn't seem to say much about what they call cling ons or as I refer to them parasites since that is what they actually are. Work without correct practices can have some pretty negative results at times. I do agree with his statement about the overly religious being at an unexplained lower level. If they are there that is where the teaching needs to focus. Still I find it as odd as he does.

I was supposed to go and survey an event that involves multiple person channeling on a concurrent basis, tonight but i'm too tired to give it the attention it deserves. They also focus on the continuation of resolution on that same level with both live and the passed. I watched about 8 hrs of actual film and have another 30 or so hrs to review. Oddly enough this group is very aware of parasites and still does little to prevent them in the work. I will need to be physically present to make any sort of determination as to the authenticity. Its pretty rare to get an invite as an observer so I suppose I shouldn't have blown it off.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating

Originally posted by sc2099
Also, are children able to use the Law of Attraction? I would guess that everyone would learn to use it at a different age since we all mature at different rates. But I wondered if a child were taught, from what age would they begin to have the power to manifest things?

Alright, I want to say something here afterall. "Law of Attraction" is not something that is "learned", something you have to "rev yourself up to", something you have to "earn", something you have to "get into". According to LOA-Instruction, it happens all the time, anyway.

So what we really mean is being consciously aware of it happening all the time (thinking, feeling, speaking, acting all the time) and consciously directing that thinking, feeling, speaking, acting in certain directions matching our hearts desire.

Kids have an easier time "going with the flow", adults have an easier time deliberately directing energy.

Thats gold. Pure gold.

You create constantly regardless of if you intend to. If you reject the idea you are merely choosing to 'create by default' or allow random thoughts and feelings to do it for you.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 09:37 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
I think children are probably better than grownups at using reality creation. They have less needs (note that needs are not desires), less junk and less limiting beliefs than we do that would inhibit their ability to. That and the fact that children live more in the present moment than we do. We have our attention more focused on the future or the past.

That's precisely what I was wondering! Since children have very little baggage or expectations of how things ought to occur in the "real world", I would have guessed that maybe they can create just instinctively.

Thanks everyone for the responses.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 01:14 PM
I'm getting my thoughts together for another wave of discussions on this topic and a further discussion on Creation since it is so interlinked it can hardly be separated from the first. Unlike just Being , Creation has work to be done but derives its essence in the very same manner.

So first off does the OP have any new commentary? Is there any old business to conclude as far as projects? How about success or failure results from previous posters?

Keep in mind a failure is as valuable as a success as it allows you to focus in and narrow your vision to what achieves success.


posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 01:34 PM
Well, I wasnt planning on posting anything more, but since you enjoy keeping this discussion alive...I dont mind the expertise-talk between us.
Here´s what comes to mind:

How all this relates to conspiracy theory

The "conspiracy" in this sense would be that we have been mis-educated to believe a number of things. Most things we learn in school and from our parents are the opposite of our spiritual potential and our ability to attract things by means of attention/mind.

* We learn that we should "stop dreaming" and that imagination is not real. We learn to rigidly seperate between "imagination" and "reality", rather than only seperating between manifest and unmanifest.

* We learn that the "cause" of reality are the "circumstances" and "the past" rather than our own inner vibration in the here and the now. So we start assigning causality to other people and events, thus giving away any power we had left

* We learn that "the truth" is this and that, rather than something one create oneself. By the time we´ve reached a certain age we dont even consider the possibility of creating our own truth anymore but instead go "looking for it"

* Rather than learning self-initiative and self-determination and creative expression we are told what to think, feel and do. Thinking oneself is replaced by indoctrination and reinforced by repetitive drill-like conditioning.

* We learn that we must "get a job" in order to have money and be happy (We learn we must make money for others). Neither are financial skills taught to build wealth for oneself, nor is the skill to create abundance with the mind taught. By removing this knowledge from schools and university, you create the perfect slave.

* What we learn about important issues such as the body, relationships, communication, love, buying/selling/investing, the mind, the soul, other realms of existence in school is laughable. A joke. The important things are replaced with dull and useless pieces of data...much of which we will never ever need in later life.

...and much more. So much more.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 01:49 PM
By U2U someone asked: "Is it true that the law of attraction cant create money because money is a concept created by us?"

To which I respond: Its easier to attract those things that you want to have/do with money rather than focussing on money itself. Nobody really wants dollar-bills, but the stuff that can be felt/bought with it.

In general its surprising how many U2Us I got to this thread. It somehow shows that its still kind of "taboo" to openly show one´s enthusiasm towards it.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
By U2U someone asked: "Is it true that the law of attraction cant create money because money is a concept created by us?"

To which I respond: Its easier to attract those things that you want to have/do with money rather than focussing on money itself. Nobody really wants dollar-bills, but the stuff that can be felt/bought with it.

In general its surprising how many U2Us I got to this thread. It somehow shows that its still kind of "taboo" to openly show one´s enthusiasm towards it.

I agree. Many people are highly interested but the topic itself seems to have both a social and multi cultural taboo tied to it.

The mere idea that such a concept is taboo is both Anti Christian and anti Christos is that is the perception by those groups. The concept is highly endorsed by Jesus himself on several occasions, and is in direct compliance with his teachings.

If anyone should doubt this They may feel free to U2U me for specifics so as not to further derail.

For the Atheist, it is equally wrong not to recognize a group of laws that keeps things in order. I never ask anyone to go outside their core beliefs. Only to be open to see where it already exist in their beliefs at present.

For other groups they may not have such an easy time but time spent will be rewarded none the less.

A heavy Taboo of the mind is more in force here. I believe it is a taboo given by the ego.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 02:10 PM
first double post?

[edit on 24-2-2008 by Illahee]

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by Illahee

If anyone should doubt this They may feel free to U2U me for specifics so as not to further derail.

Yes, dear 17 000 viewers of this thread, please kindly direct your U2Us at Illahee

(just kidding)

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Well, I wasnt planning on posting anything more, but since you enjoy keeping this discussion alive...I dont mind the expertise-talk between us.
Here´s what comes to mind:

How all this relates to conspiracy theory

The "conspiracy" in this sense would be that we have been mis-educated to believe a number of things. Most things we learn in school and from our parents are the opposite of our spiritual potential and our ability to attract things by means of attention/mind.

* We learn that we should "stop dreaming" and that imagination is not real. We learn to rigidly seperate between "imagination" and "reality", rather than only seperating between manifest and unmanifest.

* We learn that the "cause" of reality are the "circumstances" and "the past" rather than our own inner vibration in the here and the now. So we start assigning causality to other people and events, thus giving away any power we had left

* We learn that "the truth" is this and that, rather than something one create oneself. By the time we´ve reached a certain age we dont even consider the possibility of creating our own truth anymore but instead go "looking for it"

* Rather than learning self-initiative and self-determination and creative expression we are told what to think, feel and do. Thinking oneself is replaced by indoctrination and reinforced by repetitive drill-like conditioning.

* We learn that we must "get a job" in order to have money and be happy (We learn we must make money for others). Neither are financial skills taught to build wealth for oneself, nor is the skill to create abundance with the mind taught. By removing this knowledge from schools and university, you create the perfect slave.

* What we learn about important issues such as the body, relationships, communication, love, buying/selling/investing, the mind, the soul, other realms of existence in school is laughable. A joke. The important things are replaced with dull and useless pieces of data...much of which we will never ever need in later life.

...and much more. So much more.

This one requires (and deserves) far more time than I have right now and I will be back on it in the next day or so. Very valid points and well thought out concepts.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 05:08 PM
I'm still here, preferring to "speak little and listen much". Just because people are viewing and not posting, please don't think this thread isn't vitally important. I think a good many of us are scared to say something that may make us look ignorant- I know I am...normal human or they've gone to check out "the secret" (which I finally saw, btw... eh...) and it sounds soooo much easier than what you are discussing...they'll realize soon enough that learning half the story doesn't give them the tools to write the ending.
Both you and Illahee have offered so much information regarding this concept. ( I hesitate to put a title to it, as I was raised just thinking this was normal everyday thinking).
The "golden nuggets" offered here are so paramount, should people choose to seriously consider enhancing their lives with the concept. Those nuggets, imho, are what makes this all "work".
I am eternally grateful to you Skyfloating and Illahee both for having such a public, sometimes divergent discourse for us to follow along with.
I have started on several of the books suggested, and have seen dramatic changes within my own life path over the past two weeks-- That's saying something. Once I became of age, I really thought I was either crazy for having what I thought was a really cool ability to augment my life, or I was super special and the other people were nuts for not being able to effect changes within their own lives. Now, it's been magnified at least three-fold.
So, after my syncophantic gushing...thank you, so very much...I am learning to be Learned...please continue this thread.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by althea041724

Many people hre contributed nuggets of gold. I regret I didn't take the time to point out the specific points every time I saw them. There are several other posters that should be payed attention to as well.

Please do not be apprehensive about posing questions or thoughts. The only bad questions are the ones you do not ask. Many times I was in the physical presense of great men and women and I regret not speaking up. My education would have jumped light years ahead.

When I say education I mean the point where you have detached from or completed work in the formal classroom and take up study in earnest on your own. This is when you first begin to learn.

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