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How "the law of attraction" works

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posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Well...then lets focus the magnifying glass on this.

We all want and deserve various successes.

Why? Because then "we can finally relax"

Therefore, rather than striving for success "in order to relax"...

LOA teaches to feel the relief/relaxation/joy beforehand...

by which one does not need the "outer evidence" of those successes anymore...

by which they are "paradoxically" easier to have.

And thats, imo, the basic misunderstanding involved in LOA. Looking at the "outer things" in order to get the "inner" rather than looking at the "inner" which the outer comes automatically (by which time it doesnt matter anymoer though).

The day I new that I could have it all, I didnt want it all anymore. My priorities shifted.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander

I care less, though I do care to some degree, about the things that can be achieved materially with these core principles. I care more about bringing them to light and getting the sludge off them, or at least helping to refine the method by which that occurs, in order that they be more useful either now or in the "future" to All. (The collective of which I am and will remain an aspect, as is everyone else.) Selfishness in a non "self" mode. I want "success" in this endeavor, but I dont care if this aspect (physical me) is the one who attains it. If Oneness has any meaning other than platitude, if one of us realizes, all of us do. Regardless how it may appear to us here, as we are. And the "time" in which this occurs is as inconsequential ultimately as "who" achieves it, as that is as illusory as the "individual" distinction. All is not actually ONE, that concept is actually as dual as multiplicity. All is both One/Many silmultaneously, and neither One/Many. The individual/collective is not "distinguishable." Our language and thinking are not geared toward communicating this concept, nor is our "thinking mind" very compatible with understanding it, UNLESS somehow, it is "seen" via what is commonly called "the third eye" which is simply a way of "knowing" that is apart from the one we habitually and consciously.

Agreed. We are all just passing through and there is no greater thing we can do but to leave behind a betterment, for those that come after. Why would we teach how to make money when we can teach how to be happy in a world that won't teach it?

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander

Anyway, the LOA is an important aspect of this understanding, and it is an area where I feel a great need to understand it more thoroughly, and following these "urges" is the best navigator I know. And you all have been enormously helpful in this, though there is still a large piece of the puzzle missing for me.

I have seen it mentioned a couple of times lately. The best study on the root is Mastership: The Divine Law. It tends to cover a lot of aspects on the shaping of the individual but is not easily understood by the poorly educated. I don't think the online copy has everything in it but reprints in a paperback version are available in an inexpensive format. I tend to like the classics like that one on a good quality binding.

EDIT: I will add that the Mastership volume is the single text I know of that clearly explains dark use of the LOA and the specifics that others do not teach. For the person who wishes to dissect all of the aspects it is the one to obtain.

[edit on 29-1-2008 by Illahee]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:31 PM
Skyfloating, i can't see your post and It says you just posted. Weird.

edit: never mind, i can see it now.

[edit on 29-1-2008 by thehumbleone]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

Well...then lets focus the magnifying glass on this.

We all want and deserve various successes.

Why? Because then "we can finally relax"

Therefore, rather than striving for success "in order to relax"...

LOA teaches to feel the relief/relaxation/joy beforehand...

by which one does not need the "outer evidence" of those successes anymore...

by which they are "paradoxically" easier to have.

And thats, imo, the basic misunderstanding involved in LOA. Looking at the "outer things" in order to get the "inner" rather than looking at the "inner" which the outer comes automatically (by which time it doesnt matter anymoer though).

The day I new that I could have it all, I didnt want it all anymore. My priorities shifted.

More gold. I hope folks are paying attention to what is being said here, because it would be a shame to have this quality of discussion not be given proper credit.

Feel it first. Peace Joy Relaxation. ATS may dump the rest of the site and have one thread if this keeps up.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:39 PM
So can anyone break down the "laws" of the Law of Attraction for me. You guys almost speak in cryptic writing.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by thehumbleone

nothing cryptic about my last post, is there?

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:44 PM
I don't know, you tell me.

Originally posted by Skyfloating

And thats, imo, the basic misunderstanding involved in LOA. Looking at the "outer things" in order to get the "inner" rather than looking at the "inner" which the outer comes automatically (by which time it doesnt matter anymoer though).

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by thehumbleone
So how do you make the law of attraction work?

I think I've read through this whole thread and I still don't understand. lol Confusing stuff.

To be honest it already is. What you have and who you are has determined who and what has been attracted to you.

The real question is do you want self improvement, Attraction of your desires, or the ability to create. They can all be different things or all the same thing together. (I know that sounds like double talk BS but it is not.)

Once you decide what you want the formula to get it is all you need.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by thehumbleone

Dozens of expert voices posted here. If there´s anything you wanna ask, Im sure theyd be delighted to respond.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Illahee

mostly self improvement. Plus I want to be able to do something great so I can help other people.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by thehumbleone

You do know what you want in your heart then. Now all that is left is to make that a priority in your life. Priority means that its what you spend the most time and attention on.

Any "yeah but" or extra knowledge would just be unneccesary baggage.

[edit on 29-1-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

So you mean all my attention physically and mentally.

Also, what do you mean by "yeah but?" Are you saying that I can't have any doubts?

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by thehumbleone

Sure, you can have doubts. But your decision and resolve from the heart mean that you look more for reasons to follow your heart than reasons not to. And you trust that by doing what your heart is telling you to do, everything else will be taken care of.

Once youve actually DECIDED for something, you can have doubts, but those ocassional doubts dont stop you...they help you strengthen your resolve.

By attention I mean more mentally than physically. Physically too of course, but physical action is driven by inner (mental/emotional) attitude.

[edit on 29-1-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Cool, I understand what you're saying now.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by thehumbleone
So how do you make the law of attraction work?

I think I've read through this whole thread and I still don't understand. lol Confusing stuff.

We are also sharpening our "understanding" of it. I hesitate to speak for everyone on this thread, but myself, even though I have "made it work" I do not understand it completely enough to know precisely "how" I have made it work, or what prevents me from making it work mechanically at times.

Your siggy contains as good a clue as any. And take my advice with the above in mind, that I too am "sorting" through this on a "fine distinction" level. It appears to me that it is something like, (though the exact wording may be off) "Believe that it IS working, all the time, right NOW. It doesnt need to be MADE to work, it IS."

Look at your life and see what IS manifest, (what you HAVE attracted) and then become AWARE of what beliefs you MUST BE HOLDING (conscious or no) that would create what is manifest in your life NOW. If what is manifest in your life is not consistent with your conscious desire, or you do not find what is manifest pleasant to your being, either find the negative root belief that is creating without your conscious desire and examine it, refine it, or some how (and this is not clear to me Skyfloating has a much better grasp) express or release it so that it stops creating. Or, (again I am not clear which is the better route, sussing out the negative creators and releasing them or creating positive ones) look for the elements of what you wish more of in your life, (love, money) and BE grateful for them. Where BEING is not just saying "I am grateful," but FEELING that, making it the totality of who you are in the moment. And do this grateful "exercise" as often as it is possible to place your consciousness there.

I was "told" when examining the issue of what to do with negative belief that "Seeing the problem IS the solution." Awareness. Shining the light of consciousness alone, without applying "energy" or "effort" towards the "problem" which can act to empower that "problem" paradoxically. Accept that that is "What is" in your being, and accept that you do not enjoy it. Cause no struggle, either with "What Is" or with "what you want to be." Acceptance is the opposite of struggle and is the "Love" which many masters say is the Divine creative force. Unconditional acceptance of WHAT IS, where what is is "All that is NOW" is Love.

Some exercises that traditions have consistantly and repeatedly held to be useful to directing consciousness in a positive way are: Speaking the reality you ALREADY have but may desire more of. Writing down the reality you already have but may desire more of. Otherwise making manifest, (pulling from the realm of "idea" into the material plane) such as vision boards, visualizing, etc.

All of these are laden with pit falls though, and one can easily end up creating further "want" or "lack" if one is not clear about what one is actually believing or asking or stating. So, if you are not clear, working on Awareness or consciousness placement may be a good first step.

All others PLEASE feel free to correct or refine anything I have said that is inaccurate or misleading.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:11 PM
Lol. I worked on my last post for quite a while and missed all the in between. So, there you have it three different ways of expressing the same concept, with varying levels of clarity and word usage. Great stuff. And Illahee I will look for that text. Thank you. Skyfloating, as usual thank you for the simple breakdown.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Illusionsaregrander

It is a good post man. I'll have to read it a few more times in order to grasp the totality of it.

p.s. I noticed you're from the same state as me.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:21 PM
I just wanted to tell you guys the reason I'm so interested in this Law of attraction stuff is because a lot if the stuff about it has parallels to what Jesus taught. My signature is one example, the lesson of the fig tree is another. And also when he says stuff like " the kingdom of Heaven is within you. "

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by thehumbleone
reply to post by Illahee

mostly self improvement. Plus I want to be able to do something great so I can help other people.

swwweeeet. We have a winner.

I am going to make some assumptions here and you tell me if I am wrong or not. You feel like you don't treat people as good as you would like to and there is an off and on problem with negativity, anger, jealousy, contempt and downright nastiness on your part but not all the time just here and there and not often. Looking up skirts, taking a little extra if no one seems to care. Probably toss a few buck at church but not what they require, may be a peeking or two at the poker table. Stretching that donation ticket for your taxes.

That's the normal stuff they taught us. We didn't just show up being bad. We learned it from others. I say we.

1.I hate to say this but penance is first step to growth. I see you have a greater trend to Christianity. You have been taught guilt instead of doing things the right way and not worrying about what was done.

2.I have found the main cause of guilt to be the lie. Don't do it. If it requires a white lie don't say anything. If you feel uncomfortable about not saying anything excuse yourself from the situation. How good is life to go forward in the truth and never worry about what was said in the past? Its really refreshing. I mean there are few better feelings. Its good.

3. Change the volume of good you are involved with to a disproportionate amount. I generally buy blankets for the homeless when it gets cold. I make it a whole day shopping the thriftstores, talking to the managers and getting the best deals. Do it, or something like this and forget it. never speak of it to anyone or the blessing is gone. Find several things like this you can do that no one else but you will ever know. Sometimes its a coffee drive. if the price drops to a couple bucks a can, I load up a load and distribute it. Offset your guilt and Karma by getting out there and acting. Then tell no one.

4. Start living your life like everyone you meet may be an angel in disguise that is watching your actions. Often, often, often goes Christ in the strangers guise.

Do this for a while and then get started with LOA. Offsetting not having deep belief is very important for non believers. For believers it is critical to live the life, so there is no interference in the process. One overwhelming session of guilt can destroy the attractive process.

A believer has to get right with their beliefs before moving forward. The Master Teacher has lots of lessons on LOA in the four gospels. Atheists don't carry that baggage so its an easier start for them but in the middle its much harder, because they have no belief, and that is what will make you whole.

posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by thehumbleone

Yeah. This stuff has been taught since thousands of years. There are thousands of books on it. And someday...people might use it

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