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FULL ET Discloure is coming...

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posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:03 PM
a child, shoved into a closet, will eventually grow big enough to kick down the door.

The "Top Secrets" of "alien" ET, UFO Phenomon is going to be disclosed to the public fully. It is only a matter of time. I believe that time isn't that far off from right now. However I'd like to discuss something.

What do you think this full disclousre will look like?

Do you think mankind, the government's paranoia, will melt away enough so that the men who think they are actually in "power" will tell their fellow men "the truth" about what is know?

Do you think the aliens forces will speak out for themselves?

Do you think there will be an event, phenomenon of such massive UFO/Alien scale that the government will have to let the "cat out the bag" to curb public fear?

What does that "Full disclosure" look like to you?

[edit on 11-1-2008 by Incarnated]

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:14 PM
I believe if there's gonna be a disclousure, it's gonna be supplied in small dosages, nothing big and nothing out of the blue.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:19 PM
Disclosure is happening already. Mars is an example of that. One week it's oooh look we found methane gas, the next it's cor we found ice below the surface of Mars. And then there was the "possible cave" find. eventually they will say wowowowowow we found bacterial life !! Little green blobs instead of little green men will be the stepping stone for a wider disclisure, cuase after that it will be someone twiddling th eknobs at SETI or other telescope facility and they will get a signal from an ET intellegence saying Hi to the people of Planet Earth. I dont think (sadly) we will see the perverbial ailen spaceship landing on the White House Lawn, though that would be huge fun!!.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:21 PM
I think when it is let out it will be a good thing, but there again for people who are in the dark and in a very old fashioned way of living (and thinking) it may come as a bad thing in someway (to them); which may lead to a bad effect with certain people. It would be so brilliant to find out that there is life outside our planet, let alone that they are visiting us

I have a real interest in Astrology and Science, which is the main reason I come on this site.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Breadfan
I believe if there's gonna be a disclousure, it's gonna be supplied in small dosages, nothing big and nothing out of the blue.

in context that is mostly already happened.

However I can't agree that that is "disclousure" as the small bits of truth that can be found are mixed with people's drama, missed perceptives, foolery, and other stuff.

There is a spirit of understanding (spirit of truth) that can be bestowed upon people so that they see through the "lines" to see "the truth" but that too has been lost in understandings.

No, one day, I feel some day soon, or at least some imagined day in the far off future, one "full disclosure" is going to come.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:26 PM
It's quite strange, I don't know if it's just me but on a number of programs here in the UK they have been saying about UFO's.. Also story lined programs have recently featured UFO's or Conspiracy of UFO's in some way, they even had a story line on Inspector Morse the other day with a UFO / Conspiracy story line!

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:27 PM
I believe the disclosure will be sudden and catastrophic. It will largely be a deception designed to destroy current religious thinking and replace it with worship of the state in the form of the antichrist. I have no doubt that there are hostile inerdimensional beings who will prop up the deception with lying miracles and false stories about how the aliens created man and the aliens created christ and so forth. This sort of thing is commonplace already in almost all of the abduction stories and alien contact stories.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Zemouk

I too think it will be a "good thing" but that is a perspective term.

There was this guy in the millatary, he was brung into the "top secret" atopsy of an "alien". That guy suffered massive doubts in his personal faith and understanding of God and religion.

Expressly that is not a "good thing".

Perhaps he was brought in on the atoposy because the millitary knew he was a "man of faith" and wanted to see what his reaction would be.

In all truth I tell you the "Aliens" in space are better "good" then these creatures "man" are now.

However a vast group of "Christian" and other religious peoples see "aliens" as "fallen angels", that which they are not, but if presented with understanding in knowledge how would those masses react?

No my friends, there really is no clear cut understanding of "good thing" or Not that can be affixed to the full disclosure event about to take place.

This is however "how the cookie crumbles" and when it happens mankind will have to "let the pieces fall where they may".

You could listen to me. However, why would you want to listen to a nutcase like me?

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
I believe the disclosure will be sudden and catastrophic. It will largely be a deception designed to destroy current religious thinking and replace it with worship of the state in the form of the antichrist. I have no doubt that there are hostile inerdimensional beings who will prop up the deception with lying miracles and false stories about how the aliens created man and the aliens created christ and so forth. This sort of thing is commonplace already in almost all of the abduction stories and alien contact stories.


This is a clear cut case of the irony of religious belief systems in the misunderstandings of the "alien" reality.

Note the users name "SevenThunders". this is a biblical passage, "locked up" until the "end of days" (2012). The "Seven Thunders" are actually in relitive context messages introduced to humanity via "aliens". So the contradiction of irony is that the person's name reflects the truth in understanding about the alien phenomenon, yet the human interlect rejects it.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:41 PM
Here is how I believe a public disclosure will go down.

It will start off with a big scientific community gathering with media coverage to "unveil one of mankinds biggest questions" in light of a relitivly recent finding. It will be said that we as intelligent beings are offically not alone in the universe. We will be told that contact has been made at their request and on their terms and that they are a friendly race of people who wish us peace and kindness. We will be told that our relationship with eachother will be an exciting and wonderful new chapter in human development, and will be taken slowly..... "baby steps"... if I may quote from the movie "Contact"..hehe.

The presedent and other world leaders will address the nation/world with the same rehashed speech that the "scientists" have addressed. However the presedent will claim that contact with them is new and not been coverd up for decades. This way they come out looking clean on the last 50-60 years.. We all will be asured that there is no reason to panic and all is well.... that "this visit by benevolent beings from far away is much like waking early on Christmas morning as a child to see Santa Claus putting presents under the family tree". "Much like that very joyous moment of a childs life we as adults now get to share in."... blah blah blah.. All the required comforting words presedents seem to be able to putt out of their.... well you get the picture.

I think every precaution regardless of truth to prevent mass hysteria will be taken.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:41 PM
My Friend, the disclosure is happening in small doses... this internet, Ipod, computer evolution, and development in all the fields of knowledge... these all are the patterns that show that mankind is making progress that is never made in last 5000 years...

I will talk about the period before 500 years because the Men of that time were far developed than today, they were also spritually elevated ones...
and yes our development is at present very materialistic.. but big change will be when it turns spritual...

Life in third world countries is still miserable... hope the disclosure bring something good for all Humans... not just the ones who get the most always... you know what I mean...

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by communicator

my brother, again I personally am in fullness of aware of the events unfolding around about this topic. As I've stated within understanding of the "spirit of truth" the real truth and understanding can be seperated from the misperceptions.

I'd personally contend I know more of the reality then those in the ATS aspectuals of the government's secrets.

However, and yet again, this dribs and drabs of truth in disclousre, mixed with other peoples misunderstandings of the reality, is not the "discloure" I'm speaking about. I'm talking about full "disclosure" where the fact are stated as facts to all minds in one groupings united and unafraid.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:56 PM
Allright, I'll give this a shot and try to come up with something reasonable.. Lets see.

Now we need some goverment that is willing to disclose this information. Say we have one, now what? Goverments propably aren't irresponsible in such a grand scale that they wouldn't ask other goverments what to do, or even if they are allowed to do such a thing. So, they ask others for an opinion that they then quietly respect (or not). This happens because an announcement like this will affect the entire world. If you # up a country by doing this, you will get problems. So, you will not do it unless others agree.

What happens behind the curtains is that there will always be goverments of countries that have some significance, which are not willing to disclose any information based on a premise that it would case too much harm to them (and to people of that country). Every goverment knows that religions are not something that you can play with, it is serious business.

Also, goverments do realize that if they release information that can be considered inadequate at best, it will cause problems because there won't be enough answers to give when questions emerge. We have all seen completely irrational reasoning and questions here on ATS, and exopolitics is a nice word without any actual basis on reality. Such questions and irrational reasoning will follow on a grand scale after a disclosure, and some people will panic.

I don't really know what to tell for those people, who think that a thing like this wouldn't raise any cults and religious leaders to an importance last seen when religion ruled everything. This won't apply to everybody, nor would everybody follow something like that, but if majority does have a religion and they happen to listen to their leaders, there will be problems.

The good thing would propably be that people would be forced to realize that we would have to give a better picture of ourselves to alien species, if we are to be good companions to them (and no, i don't know if they are hostile or not, i'm just making an assumption that they aren't). Maybe that would reduce wars to a minimum.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 04:00 PM
Disclosure is already happening but we do have to watch out for false flag operations.
The people who are in control of the technologies and knowledge are the same people that love to create a universal fear of ET with the purpose of the new world order.
Reagan said it. Hillary is saying it. What if there was a alien threat would it unite mankind?
I'm sure the military has vehicles that would make our minds spin and is also capable of creating a false flag to fear the people.

If you don't know what i mean check out Dr. Carol Rosin.

[edit on 11-1-2008 by abovetech]

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 04:30 PM
Double poster, what happened?

I guess I went to hit (") quote marks and hit enter.... LOL

[edit on 11-1-2008 by Incarnated]

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by rawsom

WOW! That's a Global perspective.

Aliens know more about us then we know about ourselves.

[edit on 11-1-2008 by Incarnated]

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

Suit yourself but my 'interlect' is mindful of this passage in scripture,

2 Thess 2:

9 This man will come to do the work of Satan with counterfeit power and signs and miracles. 10 He will use every kind of evil deception to fool those on their way to destruction, because they refuse to love and accept the truth that would save them. 11 So God will cause them to be greatly deceived, and they will believe these lies. 12 Then they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth.

You can go to the site I provided and find lots of examples of what I'm talking about. Especially interesting is how abduction events have been stopped cold by calling on the name of Jesus.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Creedo

I totally agree with the 1st paragraph of your post but on the 2nd one: I do not believe we will ever be told about the past 50 years and the coverups because shaking the foundation of trust from out governments(not like anyone trusts them now anyway)is the last thing they will want at that time. They may somehow try to spin it it a later time but IMO full disclosure will only come from the "aliens" and not our fearless leaders.

To quote you who quoted 'Contact' "baby steps" seems like the most reasonable scenario.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Incarnated

The "Top Secrets" of "alien" ET, UFO Phenomon is going to be disclosed to the public fully. It is only a matter of time. I believe that time isn't that far off from right now. However I'd like to discuss something.

What do you think this full disclousre will look like?

I think your title is missleading wrong because you clearly post your believe here not a fact and want to discutate further how this disclosure could look like.

The Title "FULL ET Discloseure is coming" is read as a fact.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 04:46 PM
I think people should STOP using IS...

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