posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 11:05 AM
The bigger p[oint that most people miss in all this is the fact that the Bush cabal fought tooth and nail to have NO investigation of 9-11, and
stalled and obstructed it once the public demanded one and made sure that their inside man, Zelikow, was in charge of what was done. I believe it was
that old fox Arlen Specter ( SPECTRE !) of Kennedy coverup fame who stated that Dick Cheney had asked him twice specifically not to hold ANY hearings
or investigations, supposedly because it would ' take resources away from the war on terror". Ha! What a slap in the face of all thinking people.
Just imagine it, they actually had the nerve to suggest that they didn't have enough resources or manpower to investigate the worst act of terror
in our history!! They were so consumed with hunting Osama that there was no need to bother with investigating 9-11 !! Then, when The Senator told
what Cheney said, Cheney denied it and said that he had been ' misunderstood ' !! What's to misunderstand? Either he asked for no investigation or
he didn't. And I believe the Senator. I believe that Cheney darn well tried to stop any investigation because that black hearted old criminal fears
sitting in a prison cell for his last miserable days on earth. He KNOWS he is a part of the operation, down in the bunker he was CAUGHT by Norman
Mineta standing down the protections at the Pentagon so the ' attack ' could proceed. He was ' fully in charge ' at 8:20 am, well before his lie
about geting there much later.
Cheney the liar also says that he was whisked from his office by the Secret Service and taken to the bunker by force, as if he was just there to wait
out some threat..but NO!! He was ' fully in charge ' at 8:20 and ordering the stand down. Recall the ' young officer ' that would come in and
announce periodically about the ' plane ' incoming: " 40 miles out, Sir.....30 miles out..". At 10 miles out the officer asks Cheney: " Do the
orders still stand, Sir ?". Cheney, pissed off, whips his neck around and snarls at the officer : " Have you heard anything to the contrary?" and
dismisses the concerns of the officer.
BUSTED!! THAT is what is called a ' smoking gun ' in the hands of a perpetrator. Cheney had given an ORDER to disable all Pentagon defenses. It
was a highly UNUSUAL order, no doubt causing great concern with the military people there: For an officer to actually question the VP of the USA like
that meant a lot: It meant that they were concerned: Here was an obvious target approaching them and they had to turn off all the defenses!! They did
so and we all know what happened. Had Mineta not been there, we would never have known these important facts.
WHY did the 9-11 Commission NOT CALL the ' young officer ' to testify as to what the order was? Because we all KNOW what the order was, and they
had no intention of letting any of the hundreds of worms escape from their box. Had the order been to PROTECT the Pentagon, as was the standard
operating procedure, they would have done so and repelled, or attempted to, any attack from the air. That is what they are ready for, with a complex
defense system: this is the Pentagon, for God's sake!! Imagine the Kremlin having no way to defend itself from Chechens or anyone else..unthinkable.
They have vast safety precautions and they work: Unless they are turned off, and that was Cheneys job.
Cheney is and was the linchpin between the Neocons and their Israeli handlers and the white house, the highest political offices are beholden to the
cabal, and Cheney is the inside man. Thats right, I am saying that the Vice President of the USA is a conspirator, murderer, traitor, horrid
criminal, and all around wicked and evil man with no discernable soul and cetainly no morals whatsoever. He has a heart so black that only machines
and frequent tune up keep that hopeless and dark organ pumping on. Only greed and a fear of facing a Hoily God keeps that old monster alive; He lives
to see more death and destruction so that vast money can be made..he lives for the carnage and profits.
Bush, the ninny, was kept pretty much in the dark; The big players may use the weak and petty cokeheads and drunks to get what they want, but they
never trust them with the big picture. Bush realized how deeply his pals were into the dark side as he sat stunned reading ' My Pet Goat ' in
Florida, his face a mask of fear and horror, barely contained. just look at the photo's of him there: Knowing that the plans he had heard whispered
about were actually happening..knowing that Cheney was no doubt fully up to his neck in it, as well as all the Neocons who had taken over the key
positions at Cheneys behest.
Recall " Angel is next "? Recall Bush having to fly to Offut airbase out in the middle of nowhere to meet with Warren Buffet and a few other
billionaires, who ' happened ' to be there? Recall how Bush was warned away from Washington, DC until things settled down? Ever wonder why all that
disappeared from the news? it was all part of keeping Georgie boy well away from the action: The last thing the perps needed was Bush interfering in
their plans, and they made sure he did not. Of course, now Bush knows quite well what the truth is and he is doing the expected job of ignoring the
truth while claiming innocence for any wrongful actions.
His Dad, Bush Sr., and James Baker, along with Kissinger and a few others, are the real players in this world, as far as Americans go. There are
about two dozen men who make up the backbone of the NWO efforts here and are responsible for the ' terrorist ' actions seen worldwide. The intel
guys run the terrorists cells, using them so the governments have excuses to crack down of rights and install an all powerful government and a fascist
society. They import and sell drugs, murder their enemies and those who represent a threat to them in any way, and use the rule of law to make sure
that the ' right ' people profit from the awful deeds they do.
The USA is almost lost, folks. We are seeing it happen, and sometime in the future, when some little kid asks you as an old man, " Why didn't yopu
stop them from doing this "? you can reply: " Well, kid, its like this, no onw was winning to speak up and take action because it would do no good
anyway, the bad guys controlo it all". If that satisfies you, or him, then we will have tyruly reached the bottom of the barrel of our efforts as
people and will deserve what we get. The bandits are not only in the house, they have the deed!!