Hi all,
Im surprised nobody has mentioned BLOOD ELECTRIFICATION!
I've been researching the above method for the last 6 months and it seems like a lot of people that have had Cancer, Aids, Heart Disease, Hep C,
Herpes etc. have tried blood electrification and it has worked!!!
Have a look at this video:
Suppressed Medical Breakthrough - Dr. Robert C. Beck:
Wikipedia Link about it:
Scada Research RSG-1 for Hulda Clarke Zapping and Beck Pulsing:
There are other machines out there that do the same but the above machine is a 3 in 1 machine which does the Zapping, Pulsing and makes Colloidal
Silver, a substance which is believed to be able to cure almost all diseases. The colloidal silver along with blood electrfication is all you need and
your dad will make a miraculous recovery if he uses both methods!
Curezone Forums about Colloidal Silver:
"Silver Kills Viruses - New Study Finds!":
Different Disease Dosage for Colloidal Silver at Curezone:
I've been using a Zapper called a Don Croft Terminator II for the last few weeks and have noticed massive changes in the conjunctivitis in my eyes
and my bad leg and bad lower back, feels like the tension is lifting unbelievably!
Im so impressed by this new form of healing that ive decided to setup a website selling these machines as well in Ireland.
Here's the story about how they discovered it... Back in 1991 Dr. Robert C. Beck came across a US Patent describing a blood electrification process
by a machine which goes inside your body by Dr. Kaali and Dr. Lymann. They discovered it by accident when a test tube full of Aids infected blood had
some live wires fall into it. When they tested the blood again, the Aids virus had been completely killed off or disabled in some way.
More research into this by Dr. Robert C. Beck found that all these parasites, microbes, bacteria and fungus etc. all vibrate at a certain frequency,
as does the human body...
He found that he could develop a machine that could be worn on your wrist which could send micro-currents into your blood at these specific
frequencies and disable their "shields" so that they could not reproduce and could be flushed out by your immune system.
Im not sure what the actual figure is but most of us have an immune system that is operating at well below 100% because of the amount of crap in our
blood preventing the immune system from operating properly. I'd guess its around 60% - 70%, maybe less...
Killing all these parasites can free up your blood flow so much that your immune system goes back to 100% and when that happens, your body can pretty
much take care of itself!
When you think that the average american has 2lb's of parasites in them and that there are over 300 species of parasites you begin to think that they
could be the things responsible for pretty much any disorder or disease in anyones body...
I've had my machine for the last 3 weeks and have been telling everyone about it, my girlfriend has even bought one coz she noticed big spots on her
face disappearing after just a few days from using mine. I then bought one for my parents, one of which was noticing increased freedom in movement of
his hand which he'd been getting Arthritis in for the last year! This thing seems to work on everything!
Research this technology now, its the most important form of alternative medicine that ive ever come across.
The reason this information has been suppressed boils down to this, the Mafia in America own 51% of the Pharmaceutical industry, they lose billions if
this gets out there!