posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 11:55 AM
I can't imagine what you are going through, but as with anything, keeping and upbeat outlook is the first thing you must focus on.
As far as treatment, many holistic studies are now pointing to lemon juice as a therapy for cancer, and that it someday may be considered a treatment
for many diseases. As it is told to me, cancer cannot live long in a body with a PH in excess of 7.4. Yes, lemons are acidic, but they actually raise
your PH to basic once they hit the acids in your stomach. The proper treatment is to drink the juice of 3 lemons each morning with honey to help with
the taste. I believe you can super dose it, but don't go much further than that.
I have actually been using this technique, and while I don't have cancer, I do feel much healthier and cleaner.
As with many holistic sites, they say to try apple cider vinegar. Its unproven but a method that's been around thousands of years. I also believe
that a clean digestive system does wonders- ie. Drink plenty of prune juice.
As far as the "Remedies they don't want you to know about," no disrespect to the poster, but most holistic researchers do not give the book any
credit and say that some of his methods are actually dangerous, most answers tend to be simpler than the ones he gives.
Either way, I wish you and your father the best. I hope any of this might help you and you are in my prayers.
All the best,