So much of what has been posted here is great advice. ipsedixit has some
particularly excellent advice as well. Laughter, avoiding stress and surrounding
the patient with love are all good for the healing process.
Having an advanced stage of cancer is a toss up, but I believe he has a chance
of beating this.
My recommendations:
A - No white sugar, flour, salt, refined or processed foods. No caffeine,
red meats or dairy products. Cook all his meals with garlic and onions...
the more the better because it purifies the blood.
B - (Pure) vitamins and supplements - not all are created equal. Vitamark
Corp uses the most pure supplements, prepared under strict guidelines with
no additives. See links below.
C - At least 20 minutes of sunshine EVERY day, and as much walking as he can enjoy.
Watching children play would be very healing for him. Try and do this at the same time each day.
D - Soothing, gentle, uplifting music daily. No news, TV or anything
disturbing around him.
E - Does he play chess or another game? Have someone play his favorite game daily
with him at the same time. It gives him something to look forward to and keeps the mind alert.
F - Read something inspirational or spiritual to him daily. Nothing long, just
a few minutes to nurture and uplift his soul.
G - Have him drink water throughout the day - 6 to 8 glasses.
1 - LimuPLus (Vitamark Corp)
Improves blood, digestion and cellular growth. Because this is in liquid
form, benefits are almost immediate.
2 - Cell Rich (Vitamark Corp)
Chemo, radiation and drugs kill the good cells with the bad. As an alternative,
I think cell rejuvenation is vital to your father's recovery and anyone striving for clean,
healthy cells to fight the attack of free radicals. Cells need antioxidants. This product
provides A, C, E, Bioflavinoids, Tumeric, Grape Seed Extract, Bromelain and other key ingredients. (go to >Shopping >Products >Nutrition)
3 - Vitamin E with Selenium (Vitamark Corp)
Vitamin E defends cell membranes from damage to support the entire body.
Selenium fights free radical damage and boosts the immune function.
4 - Garlic Super Potency (Vitamark Corp)
Garlic is nature's antibiotic. Garlic impacts circulation, immune system,
respiratory and parasitic activity. Garlic purifies the blood so disease
is held at bay.
5 - Probiotic - Intestinal Enzymes (Vitamark Corp)
Synthesizes beneficial enzymes in the GI tract. Enhances absorption of
nutrients, synthesizes various vitamins, stabilizes the colon.
6 - Super Vigest - Digestive Enzymes (Vitamark Corp)
Even eating a perfect diet of the right foods does not guarantee a
healthy digestion and absorption of the nutrients and supplements we
so desperately need for healthy living. Super Vigest works to insure
the body gets the digestive support it needs.
7 - Revitalgen - Circulatory Enzymes (Vitamark Corp)
Good blood flow is critical to healthy living. Revitalgen contains
highly active immunomodulatory enzymes for acid, neutral, alkaline,
exo/eno protection.
8 - Vita-Che (Vitamark Corp)
This is a broad spectrum nutritional supplement that supports
circulatory health. It contains all the basic vitamins in high doses.
I saw a program on Veria TV of a 4th stage renal patient who
was positively treated by Dr. James Forsythe who uses homeopathic and
integrative therapies to treat cancer patients. If you can afford it,
I think he would be worth a try at this point.
I'm available to talk about this with you.
Wishing you all the best,
Marion Young
[email protected]