posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 12:25 PM
Hi There,
I must say that having read through this thread, I now feel sullied and soiled. The OP has deigned it his intention to provide a most contemptuous and
asinine thread. Clearly the truth is in his action, which is to create a highly ignorant persepective of a well-documented, well-evidenced event of
systematic slaughter commited by one racial identity upon that of many others.
History is littered with the corpses of wholesale slaughters and massacres accountable to the self-serving power-addictions of certain individuals
that are rightly condemned and villified by the historical records: yet still, mankind throws up such people whom continue to haunt and plague us with
their horrendous machinations and inhumane ideology...genocide (a term coined by Lemkin in 1943), is an appropriate word that lends its usage
to contemporary events as well as to historical ones. The problem is that genocide always begins in the minds of those that perpetrate it, but never
commited (in their minds) as contextually genocidal, but simply as appropriate measures to be taken to support the 'intent' of the ideology
from which the slaughtering is made both consumable and digestible.
The paradox is that ideologies are not born genocidal, but become so as they unfold and expand into regionalities; but the one factual note of
significance is that genocide is always committed by the 'stronger' upon the 'weaker'. Lemkin's address to the Legal Council for the League of
Nations in 1943, in which he was proposing to the Council to make illegal crimes that fit the term genocide, concerned himself with the massacre of
the Assyrians in Iraq in 1933, which ironically, is the year in which the Nazis began their own systematic genocidal cleansing of certain people types
under the term of eugenics. Hitler's ideology of a pure Aryan race is what led to the Nazi concentration camps, and to the Jewish Holocaust,
and of course, encapsulating these, the European theatre of WW2.
Of course, if Hitler was the only one whom believed in the pure Aryan race ideology, very little would have transpired, but he wasn't the only one,
and he surrounded himself with those whom shared in his view, and they disseminated their ideology down through the growing ranks of the expanding
Nazi party, whose adherents eagerly carried out their orders.
Although it has become known as the Jewish Holocaust - for Jews were the primary targets of the Nazis, other minorities were also placed into the
'cleansing' program. Bear in mind, that Hitler wasn't seeking to 'relocate' the Jews, or other so-called 'defectives' to some other part of the
world, his program was to achieve total and unambiguous cleansing of the Fatherland (and eventually the whole of Europe), not only of the Jewish
presence physically, but also ideologically, historically. It was a program of wholesale eradication off the face of the planet! He wanted their
extinction...nothing less!
The 'deniers' of these appalling events can obsfucate and spin them all they wish. They can take the records of historical facts and re-rationalise
them to fit their own blinkered and blurry panoramas. However, when they seek to disseminate such denial, and dress it up in seeming rationality, they
require rebuttals applied with the same force the allies brought to bear upon the Nazi cleansing machine. To deny the holocaust is to support the
ideology out of which it came about, and rightfully and humanely, we must deny the denier.