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American Women

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posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan

Did the thought ever enter your mind that she was afraid to stop talking to you until she had another man backing her up? I know I would be!

As far as the foot in mouth goes, that honor belongs to you!

No, it didn't. Why would she be afraid? I really don't think you know what you're talking about.

She wasn't a coward. You know there are people in this world that are cool with being alone. Did you just admit that you don't have the guts to be without a man?

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by Conundrum04

"Your response is a direct reason why divorce rates are so high in this country. I would never be with a woman that lacks humility and never admits to being wrong. Your type of attitude is a cancer to this country."

I don't think you will ever have to worry about getting a divorce, because who would want you?

Your whole rant is about how you find all American women to be "pigs." Let's not forget what started this lovely conversation.

I would never be with a man that had no humility, either. It's a two way street, but men like you don't realize that, and that is why the divorce rates are so high in this country!

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan

I would never be with a man that had no humility, either. It's a two way street, but men like you don't realize that, and that is why the divorce rates are so high in this country!

Then stop trying to be the equivalent to men and embrace your feminity. Start being the nurturers not the humiliators(the root of pigginess), it would make this country a much better place.

[edit on 8-1-2008 by Conundrum04]

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by Conundrum04

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan

I would never be with a man that had no humility, either. It's a two way street, but men like you don't realize that, and that is why the divorce rates are so high in this country!

Then stop trying to be the equivalent to men and embrace your feminity. Start being the nurturers not the humiliators(the root of pigginess), it would make this country a much better place.

[edit on 8-1-2008 by Conundrum04]

Do you realize what century you are living in?

I don't appreciate being told what to do by you.

Have you ever heard the expression, "you get what you give?"

Good luck to you. I have a feeling you are going to need it when you finally decide to settle down, and I really mean it. Best of luck to you!

Now was that nurturing enough for ya? You have my deepest sympathy, and so does any women that ever has to deal with ya!

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan

Trust me, I don't need your sympathy. Like I said before, I turn down women.

I am an Alpha male, I admit that, and women will alway be attracted to our types no matter how we act towards them.

I bid you good luck with your feminazi self.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 11:59 AM
If there do exist non stuck-up, un- bratty bitches... (oops, is that against the T&C?) that will commit to monogamy and actually sit down to listen and have a nice discussion instead of always wanting, wanting, wanting, needing, needing, needing... and worth nothing more than hate sex and drama addiction... I'd like to meet one... because quite frankly... I'm tired of putting time into women, genuine time... and having it thrown into my face as if it meant nothing...

I love you can be thrown around so loosely now days... oh and wear the clothing I gave you while you go out and screw him in front of my face. Nice stuff. Don't forget to talk to him and flirt with him while telling me you aren't... then going ahead and hooking up with him after we're through.

I agree with the O.P. You're all pretty much the same now days... untill I receive evidence that veers my conclusion otherwise... my case is closed.

Women... chill out...

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Enthralled Fan

'Do you realize what century you are living in?

I don't appreciate being told what to do by you.

Have you ever heard the expression, "you get what you give?"

Good luck to you. I have a feeling you are going to need it when you finally decide to settle down, and I really mean it. Best of luck to you!

Now was that nurturing enough for ya? You have my deepest sympathy, and so does any women that ever has to deal with ya!' everything is gonna be okay as long as you uh, 'ladies,' make all the rules, eh?

and most guys don't need to 'settle down'
what they need to do is to get their act together and do some research
before they get involved in something they'll regret later.
yes the divorce rates are high, but what is far worse than this is that most married guys are 'whipped.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 02:00 PM
All I can say about this thread is wow. 7 pages of bickering back and forth about how both sexes are pigs and how nobody themselves are. I'll be the first to admit that I can be shallow when it comes to picking a potential girlfriend. Hey, that's my right. But the truth is when you think a man in a relationship is whipped, perhaps he actually cares about his partner. From what I've been reading it seems that a few of the guys here only want a sexual relationship. There is so much more needed for a successful relationship than that. If you can't respect your partner for who they are, don't be in a relationship with them.

Just because you have been mis-treated by the opposite sex does NOT mean that all of them are pigs. Perhaps it is just you who is looking in the wrong places.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by secret titan

'But the truth is when you think a man in a relationship is whipped, perhaps he actually cares about his partner. From what I've been reading it seems that a few of the guys here only want a sexual relationship. There is so much more needed for a successful relationship than that. If you can't respect your partner for who they are, don't be in a relationship with them.

Just because you have been mis-treated by the opposite sex does NOT mean that all of them are pigs. Perhaps it is just you who is looking in the wrong places.'

first, looked up what 'whipped' stands for, and reread what i posted.
only those into family planning need a 'relationship' serves no other purpose. those that do it just because its 'the right thing to do' are definitely making a big mistake.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 04:30 PM
Look guys (and girls) both genders have positive and negative sides to them. If you take a close look, then you will realize that all the things you are complaining about regarding the other sex, there are similar or equivalent malfunctions in your own gender.

We are all human, we are not perfect, we have our good traits and bad traits no matter what gender we are.

I feel that all this bickering is useless. Can't we see an individual for an individual and not stereotype them by their gender?

A relationship should be two people working together equally to create something beautiful. Both partners should take turns leading and following, both should talk and both should listen. No one should be trying to control their mate or trying to play dominant/submissive (unless you're into that for leisurely reasons).

Why do we have these society roles on what men and woman should be like? Why can't we just be ourselves?

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by snowflake_obsidian

I completely agree, but I didn't make this to post to have the revelation that we are all the same and have good qualities and bad qualities between the sexes.

We live in this society(a huge pigpen) of gluttony, excess, selfishness, out of control ego's, etc, etc. Most American women revel in this pigpen that I just mentioned. They accept it without question and men cater to womens piggy behavior because it will get them laid.

Now, I understand that it was men that created this nonsense, but like I said, women accept it because they seem to think(if they think at all) that accepting the pigpin will make them happy.

Drop the romance novels. Forget about those diamond rings and gold necklaces. Living a fantasy along with toys and shiny objects should only fascinate kids. If women really wake up and realize that they are playing in the slop of a giant pigpin, maybe piggy behavior will stop.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by snowflake_obsidian

well of course snow, but not everyone is cut out for that sort of thing or even wants it. relationships suit those planning to have a family. people really need to wake and smell the coffee.

posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 11:40 PM
American women are just fine by me... 'cept for the one who stabbed me with the scissors, but she's dead and buried 20 years on.

I recall when American Woman was a protest song about American Imperialist foreign policy and napalm distribution to the poor and not some latter-day punk named Kravitz' attempt to be a Republican poster-child.

The real American Woman, 100% Canuckistani. It's a YouTube "feature related" title so one may need to click the direct link.

The Guess Who - American Woman 1970


[edit on 8-1-2008 by V Kaminski]

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by Conundrum04

You are continuing to stereotype american women and that is why I said what I said. I know many women, myself included who can't stand romance novels and not flattered by diamonds.

And please don't even try and say that men don't live in fantasies or become obsessed with "toys". There are plenty of men who have obsessions with motorcycles, sports, muscle cars and computer games. There have been men that have become so obsessed with pornography that they could not get turned on by the non porn star women in their life.
That sounds equally as "piggish" as the romance novel obsessions and what not that some women have.

You can not say that American women need improvment and deny that American men need improvment as well.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 03:22 AM

Originally posted by phatkhat

what they need to do is to get their act together and do some research
before they get involved in something they'll regret later.
yes the divorce rates are high, but what is far worse than this is that most married guys are 'whipped.

It would be hard to say "most are whipped" ,under a lot of pressure for sure.

This thread shows a lot if you look closely,notice the whole first page with women with similar comments.Then read photobugs post from the perspective of a male husband/father in a far worse situation than the OP with no venom toward his wife from the women.Women and men jump at the chance to call men pigs.

Fathers commit suicide at higher rates than the average road toll here in Australia,because they are reduced to little more than an credit card with occasional visitation rights to his children,if he can even afford a car and petrol after the child support,while the women 99% of the time get full custody and can shack up with who ever earning what ever and she can earn buckets before the fathers payments are reduced.

Its for this reason that a women often in marriage uses these things to her advantage as threats to get her own way,even if its to the destruction of the family eventually.

As I said earlier I believe its about control of men by over empowering women

So it shouldn`t be surprising to either male sex when lot of men say "where`s the good women?" and the women say "where`s the good men?" because they are becoming more scarce,no one in their right mind would jump at the chance to get involved and those that do nearly half? end with divorce with the males ruined generally.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by snowflake_obsidian

The title of this thread is called American Women not American Women and Men. If you want to start a thread to vent your frustration with American men, go for it.

Oh course I'm generalizing and grouping all American women together and throwing them into the pigpin. Do I believe all Americanwomen are pigs? No. Have I dating non-piggies? Absolutely. But I started this thread as a rant because at present time I'm on the outside looking in and I see a lot of pig mentality out there coming for the female gender.

I do believe that American men are big time pigs too but it seems that women want to mimic mens attitutdes to "level the playing fields" which, of course, they can not. Women can't possess a penis so the playing fields will NEVER be level. Women that adapt the men attitude of sleeping around are morons because they think that they are empowering themselves but they are doing the exact opposite.

Once women realize and see that trying to be equal as men in all areas of life is silly, the world would be a better place, I think.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by Conundrum04

'Do I believe all Americanwomen are pigs? No. Have I dating non-piggies? Absolutely. But I started this thread as a rant because at present time I'm on the outside looking in and I see a lot of pig mentality out there coming for the female gender.'

'Women "withhold sex" to gain power'

'Modern living has meant around half the women questioned in a poll said they were often too tired for sex.
Yet even when they are in the mood, 40% admitted refusing sex with their partner because they were angry with them and 19% did the same "to be in control"

'Just 8% of those questioned said it would make them happier, way behind the 40% who would plump for a dream house.'

'Almost three out of 10 of the women polled would arrange to see a friend if they had an extra hour in the day, 19% would go shopping, and just 16% would make love.'

so only about 10-20% marriages are happy ones? pathetic

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 09:18 PM
If you don't like us American women "pigs" then maybe there's a nice, submissive, docile female for you in Iran or China. You don't even have to leave America to get one. I understand women can be ordered like car accessories out of catalogs. Mail order brides, I think they're called.

Or, if you don't want to pay the plane fare for one and still just want to satisfy your carnal drives, there's always men. Oh wait. You said that American men were pigs too. Never mind. You should just give up since there's no one good enough for you out of the 6 billion+ people on the planet.

As an American woman, what I find so offensive about your attitude is that you are offended that we don't just roll over and accept your view of us. We have the unmitigated temerity to have our own opinions, our own ambitions, dreams, drives, will and minds. We refuse to accept that we are subhuman beings; not quite as good or valuable as men. By God! We've gone too far and developed some self-esteem! It's the end of the world as we know it! Next thing you know we'll be wanting an education and, heaven help us, the vote!

Welcome to the 21st century. Enjoy your stay. I know I am because I have nothing to do with 12th century ideas or the people who won't let go of them.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by whitewave

You obviously haven't read the whole thread.

Anyway, through experience I found out that usually when someone gets offended by a broad generalized stereotype, it's because they fit the stereotype verbatim.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by phatkhat

Your right.

There really is no need to get married in this country unless you are serious about having kids. Why else would a man get married? It's usually because the woman want to. She pictured this perfect fairy tale wedding ever since she was a little kid. This is strictly fantasy that gets ingrained into their heads. Unfortunately, this fantasy world of marriage they live in gets reinforced when they see close friends and family members getting married.

American women need to evolve. Drop the romance novel and throw that chick flick into the fireplace!!

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