Dont bother seeing a doctor for male/ female problems....especially out in California. The bulk of thier patients are most likely women. They would
not like to alienate thier meal ticket with something like good advice on this topic. These doctors tend to need the meal ticket coming back again
and again.
Thank you for correcting me in that you dont "date." I can see why it would be a complete waste of your time. Better you rent your women by the
hour. Keeps things simple that way.
If you in fact have it simple ..why the rant here?? You do have things your way ..correct??? You do also know that women are not ,as a whole,
impressed with men who reflect powerlessness or insecurity in their makeup. Right??
If I didn't have the experience in women and in life like I've had, I might of been affected by all these negative posts.
a martyr??
This is the first negative post I got from a guy. You are a guy right? Unless you're a lesbian because you said you like women.
LOL LOL..deep Conundrum04.....deep..very deep!! Makes me wonder what kind of guys you know.
Usually people who react like you are afraid of being alone.
Deep once again. I am usually alone. I work nights because I am not that social with the exception of a small selected crowd. I am not that intrested
in the rest of the world and its beliefs/standards. In particular the standards of California. What a train wreck that state is.
I find it very insulting the media who trys to imply that if we want to know what is happening in America and Americana...look to California and New
York. As if these two states represent all of America by default. What a bunch of flatulence. The media too for all that matter....flatulence.
I can see why you have problems with women living in LA.
I do however agree with you on one facet of your posting. Many women do not like being alone. There is some kind of social stigma among many women
that if you are not in a relationship you are not a complete woman. You are a cast off. Sometimes difficult to find women who are not on this type of
social drug. This is one reason I like to date older women. Most have made enough mistakes to get over this foolishness and concentrate on being real
women..not the appearence of being a woman out there in much of CA.
I tried to watch this program one evening..called women of Orange County. No thanks...turned it off very quickly. Just like I did trying to watch
Sex in the City. These are what I call "lowest common denominator " in programming. There are other programs like this too.
Are all women like not at all. It is just very common and implicit in the media and advertisers selling their junk and social religion to
these females. The merchandizing market out here is primarily dedicated to and directed to women. This should be a big clue as to why there are so
many train wrecks out here. Male and female.
As to being a alpha male...not intrested in this conduct either. Much of what I see as being male now day is ertsatz too. Phoney ...counterfit.
A proper male who is in fact a male does not spend time defining himself by how many women he gets into bed or his oil shortage. Nor his sports
heroes/gods. A male should be and know how to be so much more than sex/sexuality. Female too.
Dont care for hanging around a bunch of drunk/drinking males with a vocabulary of mostly four letter words. Nor drug users either..male or female.
Talk about a waste.
If it takes this to get into the soul of a need to ask yourself what is the caliber of the woman who responds mostly to this overated
I know a couple of women who can cut a "alpha male " to shreds, to his knees, and not break out in a sweat...nor break stride to get further down
the road. I admire these few women greatly. They are few and far between.
As to where I am is in Virginia ..on the sea coast.
As to women being "bitchs"...I'm not impressed with this kind of conduct. It is not difficult to be a Bitch. Horses ass either. If this is what
male and female relationships are coming to ..we are doomed.
The difficulty I find with many women is finding one able to look down into your soul and seeing what is missing from your life. Not necessarily what
you want or need but what is actually missing from your life. It takes a very perceptive woman to accomplish this task. Very much at odds with a
consumer oriented mentality. I find so many who want to get you to commit to what they believe and want ..while offereing only sex and beauty access
for this. I dont find this sufficient. They look at what they can get for themselves and sometimes thier children..not what you as a man really need
from them. This is a formula for male disposability and expendability if you are not careful.
You will learn this as you get older. I surmise that you are not far out of school.
I dont blame you one bit for getting your affairs straight for now. I think it is wise to do so. Just dont get caught up in a ertsatz woman like I am
describing. Out there in California the odds are very high that you will.
Learn to build yourself a good filter system. The women do why dont you?? And dont get all enamoured into all that Alpha male stuff. It is so
overated. There is a time for it and a time to put it aside...and just be a man.
As to that equality stuff in decision making. problem If a woman wants to do stuff equally I believe she should take equal risk. Not make
decisions and put the bulk of the risk off on a male. I dont go along with such nonsense.
One of my friends is a security guard where I am employed. The female guards dont like going down into some compartments on this ship and taking log
readings on temperatures and weighing fire extinguishers as part of their assignments. Some compartments are very far from the "comfort zones."
Difficult to get to also. They whine and moan and try to play the "victim" thus getting the males to make these rounds for them. Very easy to do
since one of the commanders is a female. Even some of the male commanders are dumb about this too. The males often find themselves doing twice the
work while the females head for the "comfort zone." This is standard practice among many women..and males today too. I dont care for this type of
conduct from males or females. They want the moneys but not the risks. No respect for it. If you want equality try equal risk..not call inequality
...equality. This is the nature of my reply to Snowflake. You want to make decisions or be able to take equal risk.
I am not intrested in excessive unecessary risk taking or unzipping to show who has the biggests be a alpha male. To me it is a waste of my
valuable time. I'd rather be alone.
Gotta shove off now conundrum04,
[edit on 10-1-2008 by orangetom1999]