posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 10:09 PM
where have i heard all this before.. oh yeah. the 60's, i know how it goes.
im on my manthly's so watch out ladies. oh and i stopped using manpons due to toxic shock scares.
women are such pigs! all they ever want is to grope my moobs (man boobs) and get to my man pussy.
/me chants "burn the manzier, down with manpons - use a manpad & free the moobs, shake your man pussy's"
/end sarcasm
lol, sorry i couldnt resist having a chuckle. it reminds me of the radical "burn the bra, men are pigs" womens libbers from the 60's
i prefer to think of them as a yankee rose. even the veluptious ones that are curvatious need some good lovin'.
[edit on 6/1/08 by Obliv_au]