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2012 A Spiritual Transformation This Is The Time Now

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posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 12:32 AM
Im glad you came to share this info on ATS Aleon
I appreciate it hehe...

may peace be with ya....

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by d-dave-b

You will find he only answers in the vaguest of terms and actually does not respond to anyone with questions that can be addressed in very simple terms...........

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 02:59 PM
CmdrAleon, do you know anything of the being which is the center of much excitement at this time, in your society? The one who will teach of a new way of ascension.

[edit on 24-12-2007 by monolocci]

posted on Dec, 24 2007 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by omega007
You will find he only answers in the vaguest of terms and actually does not respond to anyone with questions that can be addressed in very simple terms...........

Indeed.. If it can't be answered with "mystic vibrations" or "spiritual transformation" or "your third eye opening" or "i'm an alien", he just ignores the questions.

I wonder why...

[edit on 24-12-2007 by deezee]

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 01:55 AM
Aleon, ignore my last post to you. I have learned somethings since then. I must say, remembering how the vibrations work is rather awe inspiring. I can't wait until I get all of my memory back. One step before the other though.

btw, you and I are more similar than I previously thought.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 04:30 PM
My understanding of the implications of 2012 and of et's is more in line with the insights of Terrence McKenna. Perhaps all of these alternate realities are other dimensions that we tune into with our crystaline dna when our consciousness is altered by either substances our brains produce (dmt) or substances from plants and drugs that have that psychedelic, pineal gland stymulating effect. This person's dilusions are a reality that he has tuned into. It could be a dimension that is created in agreement by a group of collective consciousness, so it seems very real to all of them. Physical reality is nothing more than a hologram of our common agreement, so alternate realities are bubbles of holograms created by a collective within the larger human group soul. Nothing can be proven. Everything that exists is nothing more than a hologram that was imagined by the godhead, and we are that godhead. One person's reality can be a delusion to another.
Perhaps 2012 is an alarm clock that we built into our own matrix system, to jar us out of our dream, should it have become a nightmare, which it has. This reality is a living nightmare for far too many of ourselves, and we need to wake up out of this and create a garden more close to our original intention. War is over, if you want it. John knew the truth. We create our reality. We all need to just change our minds.
2012 our sun, the center of our solar system, will conjunct the ecliptic of the milky way, the galaxy that we are about to join. It is a high energy area. There will be solar flares and magnetic disruption. The grid will probably fail before we hit the center. The ruling elite are building their underground cities where they plan to ride it out, but where they are likely to be entombed. The energy of the milky way may be just the boost we need as a collective consciousness to begin to manifest physical reality from our thoughts in a much faster and more efficient way. Did we create this time loop to wake ourselves up? Or does the physical reality exist without us to percieve of it?
Whichever did come first, the chicken or the egg, the clockwork of the solar system, or the consciousness who created it, 2012 is a point in the physical universe where our sun will be exactly conjunct the center ecliptic of the milky way. Pole shift time? No one knows. Perhaps it will be whatever the collective consciousness decides it will be. So let us decide that it will be species wide enlightenment. Let the water bearer of the Aquarian Age be Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion, pouring out the water in her pitcher into the mouth of the very dragon himself.

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by monolocci
Greetings Monolocci,

In my society and in this Society the one who has been to many Planeteary Worlds and who is going to be here on the New Earth Jesus Christ himself.

I am not using this in Religious understanding as Earth based Religions speak of his return .

Jesus Christ has overseen many transformation before Earth.

I know some will look at the name Jesus and have there own viewpoints etc .

Jesus will bring all life into what you have asked regarding Ascension not by himself but with an armada of many vessels of Christ Consciousness.

This Ascension will be assisted by what are called the Ground Crew and those within the Earth .

Their is only Love in this coming change .

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

[edit on 25-12-2007 by Cmdraleon]

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Zionide

Greetings Zion,

Happy Holidays and thank you for your kind words.

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by monolocci

Greetings Monolocci,

Sorry for delay in answering your question I am not on all the time here so thats why you did not originally get a reply.

Happy Holidays .

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

posted on Dec, 25 2007 @ 10:04 PM
I am one of those many, in search of my true potential. I have found I do get closer with meditation practices. My question to you is this:

Do you believe in a "Universal Mind" principle? Where if one person comes closer to enlightenment, that they will unknowingly spread this knowledge or interest in that subject to others through a singular conciousness? If so, do you believe that this will act as a catalyst, speeding up the process and letting the human mind do the legwork to achieve the desired spiritual state?

Just a thought.
Thanks in advance

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

Hi cmdraleon,
It's nice to hear someone repeating the self same words i have been submitting to various sites now.
There are many light beings now at this very crucial time, of course we have been unaware of our limitations until now it is all coming to pass.
At this time we feel immense strength although we still fight against those who make our task hard.
It will not be long now my friend we will be leaving to reunite with our true creator.
Our time here is over.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 08:49 AM

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 02:47 PM
Hello Cmdraleon, I thank you for the vast amount of information that you have given through your posts. I was just curious as to what your outlook on Nibiru and the Annunaki that reside there is? Thank you again.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 04:37 PM

I have been reading this thread and though I have not read it in full (and so may be repeating something another has pointed out), I am moved to give my input.

First, I want to point out that this information is not fully new. I am reading The Keys of Enoch (published first in 1973 and copyrighted by J.J. Hurtak, Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 76-55939, ISBN 09603450-4-3) and find that what the OP presents is of the same resonance as this work. This may be “proof” of a sort.

To the poster that asked why the information is not telepathically given, rather than posted on boards such as this, I would like to point out that, like radio, if there is not a functioning receiver, any message sent will not be received. And if the receiver is functioning, there is no need to explain it. So consider the message here as an attempt to instruct in the building of a functional receiver. [smile]

Personally, I have felt the vibratory resonance in this Universe all my life, yet had nothing to explain it – until I began reading the esoterica of this resonance. And though I see dimly through that inner window these other realms, I do see. And that dark glass I look through becomes clearer as “time” goes on.

As to putting this in Skunk Works… I wouldn’t. That would label the thread in such a way that one is predisposed to discount it. And I suspect that to discount what we are being told here would be a poor choice.

Granted, I am merely one humble soul, but this is how I see things.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 05:54 PM
CmdrAleon, was that your pet slug they ran over on mars? it was kind of cute until the rover they sent to mars ran over it and squished it. Oh and since your from there maybe you can explain the huge black hole that is there on the planet?


posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by hildar
CmdrAleon, was that your pet slug they ran over on mars? it was kind of cute until the rover they sent to mars ran over it and squished it. Oh and since your from there maybe you can explain the huge black hole that is there on the planet?


There's no need for those two first sentences dude. The last question was fine; you didn't need to add the snot.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
Oh, great. Here we go again.

Show me some proof that you are not "from here" and maybe I will start believing

Its people like you that discredit the 2012 conspiracy

No offence intended but I just wanna seem some proof that you are who you say you are

Wouldnt the only proof be found in awaiting the time of the prediction, to see if it unfolds as said?

Im just gonna wait and watch.

Asking these ppl that question a million times isnt going to solve anything. lmao
of course theres no proof yet.

this is how predictions work.

its a shame these threads go on forever...and im guilty of adding to it

[edit on 26-12-2007 by muzzleflash]

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Frank_Rizzo
Greetings Frank.

The simple answer is yes they will.

Many good people do things unconsciously without realizing the change they have started .

At some point they also can become conscious beings and see all the change they bring about through there own light within them.

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by unicorn 123

Greetings Unicorn,

Yes the time of Limitations on this World is coming to a close.

The Cosmic Brothers and Sisters are close now to Earth and the New Earth is also very close to reality.

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by unicorn 123

Greetings Unicorn,

Yes the time of Limitations on this World is coming to a close.

The Cosmic Brothers and Sisters are close now to Earth and the New Earth is also very close to reality.

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

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