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2012 A Spiritual Transformation This Is The Time Now

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posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by xnibirux

It was not snot unless if some alien dropped a huge boogie. It was a cute little martian slug that was minding its own business, then the rover just accidently ran it over so NASA says. Accidently my backside. They were good questions, if he is from mars then he would know the answer. He also would have answered and he didnt.


[edit on 27-12-2007 by hildar]

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 11:52 PM
I for one am very excited for the upcoming changes...its just about time for me to go back to my home where i was from...I just know that my memory was wiped out but through help of spiritual mediums...I now am conscious of where i was from....Cizari is a planet that resides around Atlas in the Pleiades...does any1 else know where they are from as well??? if so please share.....
But the time of great awakening is can feel it in the air.....
peace and light my brothers and sisters

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 12:05 AM
I have one question in mind commander....My brother is an Indigo child and hes 13....but anyways he is a contactee of a being from Sirius A...and they talk through spiritual contacts, telepathy etc...but the other night my brother said he saw like a rainbow aura around me...and i was just wondering what does that mean??? he can see auras but he doesnt know exactly what they mean....anyways it be great if you could somewhat clear things up for me...thanks again Aleon..

Light and peace is always with all of us

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 12:56 PM
I just had a psychic attack/Possession in my sleep by Reptilian Dracos last night....its pretty insane but Something help me drive them off...and words came out into my head like:We Are Pure Light Soul Beings....very weird so to say...but they are after me for something..

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

u need to stfu =)

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by unicorn 123

Okay all this talk about meeting with the creator... and the world ending, must stop this is instilling and infecting people with fear we should no longer say these things or fret about it... If you want to meet up with your creator, go for it, but don't scare millions of souls in the process.

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by Cmdraleon

It is so nice to hear you speak, thank god i'm not losing my mind. hehe or maybe i have and you know what??? i'm glad!!! lol... I had a massage by a man at a place called Oriental Chi... ten minute massage, changed everything. I couldn't believe a massage could deliver to me so many messages. I must be wise and cautious. I was looking for God for oh so long... but wait... my glory... my redemption... Oh, my beautiful Goddess.

When in fear, in sleep paralysis... repeat to yourself "Golden armor of silver light, surround and protect me now."

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Zionide

My sleep paralysis has become stronger and stronger, I don't know who it is or what it is, normally i'll stay in it and share a visit usually, but not with these guys, who the # are these guys? I chanted to myself what my mother taught me when I was very young... (in my head cuz i have no control over anything else, except my eyes... when in sleep paralysis)
And I heard her talking to another woman, I can't remember what was being said... but finally it had passed, that thing that made my cat run in circles, scared the #ing death outta me and spun a wicked twisted thing crazy crazy crazy... was gone and alas after i chanted "Golden armor of silver light surround and protect me now"


posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 08:47 PM

Originally posted by Scarlit
reply to post by unicorn 123

Okay all this talk about meeting with the creator... and the world ending, must stop this is instilling and infecting people with fear we should no longer say these things or fret about it... If you want to meet up with your creator, go for it, but don't scare millions of souls in the process.

The term 'Apocalypse' that is used, and what is to be arriving soon, means nothing more than 'understanding' not 'end of the world' (what everybody is fearing about). No worldwide death and destruction, but a worldwide enlightenment and understanding.

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 10:05 PM
Are there hot girls in mars?

posted on Jan, 7 2008 @ 06:46 PM
In modern English the term 'Apocalypse' was been turned into something it wasn't intended to mean:
"...any universal or widespread destruction or disaster."

However if taken literally from the Greek word 'apokalupsis' it means to "uncover or reveal".

Here's an official definition:

apokalupsis [ap-ok-al'-oop-sis]

1) laying bare, making naked 2) a disclosure of truth, instruction a) concerning things before unknown b) used of events by which things or states or persons hitherto withdrawn from view are made visible to all 3) manifestation, appearance

Sometimes language is a very poor way to communicate...

posted on Jan, 12 2008 @ 02:01 PM

I am a believer of this light stuff. I have a few questions:

1, In Bringers of the Dawn, Youtube video 15, it was suggested we spin clockwise to enhance the rate our helix's grow. Does this work?

2, Do you know anything about Nibiru? Is it headed for earth? I have a feeling this is the planet that removes the Dracos everytime it comes around. Is this true?

3, What is the best way to become back in touch with my galactic family? I know I am here for a reason as I keep feeling like I took an impossible mission but my positive energy made me reassured that I could complete the task, this is a new feeling. Can you help me become back in touch with my galatic light family?

4, Have you yourself been able to see what you were in previous lives, or have you not achieved that level yet?

5, Last question, why do you refer to them as CHRIST family? Sounds a little too like the bible, doesn't it? It is the first time I have heard this term and I dont like the way it feels. Is it the new club the athiests have made?

Looking forward to your response!

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by quintar

Yes to be exact quinter,

The people of Mars live beneath the surface of the Planet and have some above surface stuctures .

On Earth people think that all people have to live as is here.

Mars is a very active civilization within the Planet .

Sorry I took so long to reply not on all the time.

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by widget

I am a believer of this light stuff. I have a few questions:

1, In Bringers of the Dawn, Youtube video 15, it was suggested we spin clockwise to enhance the rate our helix's grow. Does this work?

I have not tried doing this so thats an area I am not focused on.

2, Do you know anything about Nibiru? Is it headed for earth? I have a feeling this is the planet that removes the Dracos everytime it comes around. Is this true?

I know this that many people on Earth have varied understandings as to what they believe will happen.

I believe that Nibiru is real as what affects it will have on Earth are to be seen.

This Nibiru is bocked by the Suns Light during the day but it is real and with proper lens that can look at the Sun with a good Telescope you can see it.

3, What is the best way to become back in touch with my galactic family? I know I am here for a reason as I keep feeling like I took an impossible mission but my positive energy made me reassured that I could complete the task, this is a new feeling. Can you help me become back in touch with my galatic light family? Yes I can suggest a way to start on this if you know how to go into Cosmic meditation ask for the Christ to assist you always and you can start with the OM or the Hu in your Meditation.
Clear your mind first of all of this World and then go into your Meditation State.

If you do this daily in a quite atmosphere in your home etc you will make contact.
The key is to have your Mind Body and Soul vibrate to the highest levels possible.

4, Have you yourself been able to see what you were in previous lives, or have you not achieved that level yet?

I was in a past live in Atlantis but I come from Mars and have remembered this since Childhood.

5, Last question, why do you refer to them as CHRIST family? Sounds a little too like the bible, doesn't it? It is the first time I have heard this term and I dont like the way it feels. Is it the new club the athiests have made?

I refer to the word Christ because its a Cosmic level of Christ.

Your Earth based Bibles and Religions talk of Jesus in a limited time and space understanding.

Jesus Christ came from the Stars so when I speak of Christ its on a Cosmic Spiritual level of understanding always.

I enjoyed answering your questions and hope this will help you on your cosmic journey within.
Looking forward to your response!

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by Cyber_Wasp
Hey Cmdraleon !!!!!!!!

What is your take on the starships that are guarding a portal some 500kms from the Earth?
Their are Galactic people that are looking at those coming and going to Earth not just within the Portal you refer to but other parts of the Planet.

They appear to be stopping ships from leaving and entering the Earth from beyond the portal.
Has this anything to do with 2012?
Their are many Civilizations that have ships which have been coming to Earth before the current Human Race existed .

Now as we get closer to what is called 2012 those Ships and people who have come for the wrong reasons will be leaving the Planet which many have already done.

These are the 3rd dimensional beings that cannot ascend when the New Earth reality begins.

The portals have exists again in many places around the Planet .

2012 will be a time when those of the Christed forces within the Ashtar Galactic Command which represents many beings of Light from many Planetary Worlds will be seen .

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

Do you forsee a mass landing event in the near future?

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 09:56 PM

Originally posted by omega007
reply to post by Cmdraleon

I did a Google search using the string :" Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One " and found many articles about Cmdaleon and from him dating back to early 2005. I was very interested to see that you have a weekly show on a college radio station in Connecticut. The most telling article was at : In this message you sign it:

Blessings In The Light Of The Most Radiant,

Please tell us........who do you refer to as "In the Light of The Most Radiant".........from my research the Illuminated One, The Prince of Light, The Light Bearer, is Lucifer.....A.K.A. Satan, Hades, The Devil, The Evil this who you ask blessing of.....?

None of the above I refer to Jesus Christ and Ashtar aswell the Most Radiant One .I do not refer using Jesus in a limited Religious understanding but a Cosmic understanding .

And if my Greek Mythology is correct (and it is) Adonai is a reference to the Greek Adonic Feast honoring this wife Persephone.....who spent half the year on Earth and the other half in Hell as the wife of Hades (Satan)

This is not what on our levels Adonai means God so when I use Adonai it means God nothing to do with Greek Mythology . Adonai God the creator of all life .

You are asking people to "channel" unseen beings that you say are "good".
To communicate with unseen beings and invite them into our minds and souls..........hey call me paranoid but that sounds like demon speak to me.........I asked you a question back on page 9 about who do you say wrote the Bible but I see you skipped that question......? Care to share.....?

To answer you directly I have not asked people to channel but have suggested to go within and through Cosmic Meditation using the universal languge of OM or HU daily one can ask that the Christ assist in the process of expanding ones Cosmic Connection to there Galactic Family.
When people know what they are doing their will be only good telepahic communications from the highest levels of Light.

From your question I can understand you have not experienced this yet.

I have spend many years in this area of communications and never had a bad experience nor do I channel .

Hope this helps you .

Blessings In the Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

"........Do not look behind that curtain, pay no attention to that man......for I am the Great and Powerful OZ......"

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by d-dave-b

I think the question that no one has asked that lends itself to true
understand is a belief about space and time, you have touched on this a
couple of times here but never really went into much details. This is
the basis of my question, and I believe it will perhaps help me to
further broaden my understanding.

I am open to broadening my consciousness, it is one of the reasons that
I educate myself and try and expand my level of knowledge - knowledge
expansion is more important to me than leisure time. One thing that
frustrates me about human existence is that it ends, it is frustrating
that it will end and I will not know everything, this is very selfish
but I am only me and only I can feel and understand the way I am at our
current level of consciousness. What I understand you to be saying is
that the collective human consciousness will rise above the current
level and then due to that greater understanding everything we have
achieved in our lives in a material sense will no longer be worth
anything, our belief and almost instinct to collect and create wealth
will become irrelevant because the true wealth is a wealth of knowledge
(or so I believe). Am I on the right track here?

My limit for a greater understanding comes from the construct of life
that I cannot visualise or understand. The limits that are created on Earth within the Human Mind can be broken down to a place where you can expand your awareness and Consciousness to a Cosmic Consciousness that is aware of everything.The key always is the Cosmic Meditation and learning to do this daily will help you in this way. You can use and I have shared this with others The word OM and HU they both are powerful words and also ask Christ to assist you I call Christ the Cosmic Christ because he is not bound by Earth limitations and belief systems.

Can you confirm or deny for me that a higher level of consciousness
bypasses space and time completely and it is one of an understanding or
an integration with the energy of the universe? One who leaves this Earth will and can once at a higher vibration level leave all space and time on this level of existance .
The vibration of the Body Mind and Soul are key factors in doing this.

I believe time, space and mass to be a limitation of physics which can
be explained in a mathematical sense, but this does not directly lead to
an understanding at a cosmic level - our existence, our cognitive
thought, our spirituality and the energy of the universe has not been
currently determined or explained by physics and therefore the current
restrictions set by physics are only physical barriers that need to be
broken in the same way gravity, flight and the concept of the sun, the
solar system were broken - the answer is more complex as our
understanding and knowledge broadens. I completely believe that before
human flight was created and believed people understood that it was
impossible, just like currently time travel and energy transfer or
creation are currently thought to be impossible. When this knowledge is
gained it will 'click' in our minds and it will be impossible to
understand the other way... we will just understand

Is the universe limitless?
simply yes just as all where I come from know that God is Love the Universe is endless.

I hope I have at least started to answer your questions here.

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by monolocci
CmdrAleon, do you know anything of the being which is the center of much excitement at this time, in your society? The one who will teach of a new way of ascension.

Greetings Monolocci,

The one that will and has taught many on other Worlds that have been through great spiritual transformations will be the one know as Jesus Christ.

I want to say that where we come from Jesus is not limited to anyone time and space in the Universe.

Only on Earth as Religions created this illusion .

Their will be others assist him in this Cosmic work including many on Earth who have come here from the higher dimensions of Christ Consciousness and the Great Central Sun.

Their is a Divine Plan in place now that will be activated before 2012 arrives.

Many are here to assist on the ground levels of Planet Earth when the time is right .

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

[edit on 24-12-2007 by monolocci]

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 10:16 PM

I have a question for you, You said with a good telescope people could probally see Nibiru? Is this Nibiru?

Make sure to plus that so you see it good.

Just wondering? Since I have some people trying to figure out what the heck it is.


posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by jarheadjock
Even i am getting sick of this kinda stuff........

So OP, is there anything else you can tell us that will aid us in our journey? Maybe give us some tips on the near future? OR is all this galactic stuff needed to be found by ourselves, so we can be enlightened on our OWN road of life?

Yes you can start by daily meditations if you have never meditated in a quite space this is the first step.

I call this a Cosmic Meditation which means using words that vibrate at the highest levels of Light to start OM and HU both are these words to use.

Again the first thing is to begin going within which will connect you to your cosmic self and then connect to the higher levels of cosmic understanding.

Their are many people on both sides of 2012 on the Internet in Books etc saying what will happen .

If you want to really findout learn to connect with your Cosmic Self most people do not do this. Turn off the Cable the computer and just take time to connect.

Clear all your beleif systems etc first before even doing this and the results will be positive ones for you.

Blessings In The Light of The Most Radiant One Always,

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