reply to post by Il Papa
Hey Il Papa,
So pleased you're back ... and back with some very insightful comments.
First things first ... I think it's safe to say that, that damn 'xmas spirit' has been well and truly exorcised Yah !!! At least for another year.
Ok, this is very 'deja vu', (so we're back on topic ... kinda).
I've just this minute finished sending a u2u reply to one of my other ATS friends, who sounds to be in a state of great distress too. So I'll begin
with my theory of the 'crisis episodes'.
It would seem that 2007, has been a particularly awful year for every person you speak to ... and on a personal level (there have even been a couple
of threads devoted to the topic here at ATS). The way the 'awfulness' manifests, is always in whatever way will effect the individual concerned at
the deepest level of impact ... it could not be ignored or dismissed ... it was an absolute attention-grabber ... and it was relentless. Just when you
thought it couldn't possibly get any worse ... it bloody well did ... with a smile on it's damn face.
Why ???
I have thought about the potential cause of this apparent pandemic long and hard, for months ... and I have formed a theoretical explanation that you
may or may not agree with, but it's certainly something worth considering.
I believe that 2007, was specifically designed to test our metal to the limits ... sort of SAS training for the soul if you will.
The reason (I believe), for such a global test-run, is the preperation for activating some/all of our 'shadow DNA'. As you know humans currently use
two strands that form a double helix ... but there also exists within each and every one of us, a further 10 strands ... that seem to have no current
application ... scientists derogatively refer to these extra strands as 'junk DNA', because they have no idea as to their purpose).
We are drawing ever closer to the infamous and well documented 'end-times' (2012) ... 'the end of the world - as we know it' (a very dramatic and
constant chant of all ancient civilizations, throughout the existance of mankind). Is this a mere coincidence ? I personally think not, I believe this
well worn statement refers to the next evolusionary leap of humans & Earth.
This is not me just being an old hippy, I promise you .
and yes, I could be totally wrong. Time itself will tell ! It just seems to be the most
logical explanation from both scientific and spiritual perspectives ... a common ground whatever our personal beliefs.
You only have to look around to see how the present phase of chaos, is gathering momentum on every level. Einstein said 'Time' is relative ... and
although I'm not a betting person, I would risk a small wager that all of us have uttered those imortal words ... 'Doesn't time seem to go quickly
nowadays' ... or ... 'I cant believe how quickly this year has gone' (or some such statement), at one time or another.
The truth of the matter is ... 'Time' is moving more quickly ... not in the literal sense of course ... but our sense and perception of it ... even
children are feeling it.
The reason behind this is because the changes within us are already underway. At the risk of sounding melodramatic, our extra strands of DNA have
already been activated !
(Il Papa);
In reply to the comments you posted to 'indierockalien'. Which incidently tie-in with this theory very neatly and might help me to explain myself a
little better (hopefully).
1. (empathy - picking-up on negative energy); I couldn't agree more. Besides our individual crap ... we are also picking-up on the crap of those
around us because we are becomeing more sensitively aware. Even the people who don't consider themselves to be 'sensitives' are being effected
without knowing why.
(note); Black Obsidian emits a very strong vibration (too strong for some people). A suitable alternative is 'Apache Teardrop' ... same qualities
(metamorphic ... quickly cooled volcanic glass), but a little gentler.
2. (upgrading a computer); Again I'm in total agreement. Everytime I've experienced some kind of life trauma, I come out the other side feeling
stronger and revitalized. This is because we've taken onboard the lessons laid before us. Not everyone learnsthe lessons of a particular situation
and feels weakened rather than strengthened after the event.
(note); I also believe this is the reason why more and more people are recalling their past-lives ... during this incarnation. A sort of
review/revision of experiences and lessons learned throughout our soul's history. This is also why I believe we are about to undergo
cellular/planetary changes ... the reason we need to retrieve the knowledge now.
3. (being at one with nature); Cycles of nature (chaos/order) ... life/death/rebirth ... what could be more natural ? And we ARE undoubtably at one
with that natural cycle. I agree with the smoking/drinking/clothes taking us away from that intimate connection with nature ... (solution); become a
witch ... go 'skyclad'
nothing like it.
But most of all I believe our 'at oneness with nature' comes from the memory of or hereditory
ancient lineage. This is why we feel either tranquility/terror (depending on those instilled memories), when we spend time alone in the heart of
nature (beach/forest/mountain). The real magick is learning how to extend that feeling of connection during the more mundane parts of our life. The
real beauty is knowing that as mere humans we can never achieve that ... but it's an amazing thing to keep on trying.
4. (cynical/sceptic head); I don't think so my friend.
you put it beautifully. It's only when we learn to accept that we and our world consists
of both light and shadow ... that we can begin to understand what it's all about ... and whilst we may well be endowed with 'free-will' ... we
don't get to call all the shots. That is the true meaning of faith ... at the end of the day we're just along for the adventure ... and what an
amazing adveture it is ... if we take time to take in the view occasionally.
Phew !!! What the hell is going on with all this deep philosophocal s@?# ... must be catching.
Ok when you stop laughing/rolling your eyes or saying 'what the f#@!* is that girl on' let me know what you think.