(Reply to Anti_) ...
Normally I would say if you'd been reading about a specific historical era and felt like you may have lived during such a time, that it was not
necessarily an indication that you had. But because you have a physical medical problem that represents a site of injury then it becomes more
I call these 'snap-shot' images of a past-life see this link about my own ...
Back when I first became a PLRT, I had a guy come to me (just out of curiosity), who was convinced he'd been a Celtic warrior in a past-life because
he'd always been drawn to that history etc. But during regression he recalled an extremely detailed account of a past-life he'd had as a North
American Beaver Trapper.
He was very disappointed but as I explained to him ... that did not mean he'd 'never' been a Celtic Warrior ... just not in that session, because
obviously at that time in his present life, those particular memories bore no relevance ... wereas the memories he did recall held helpful advise to
what was going on in his current life at that time.
Because of your physical chest problems I would say that your 'thoughts' are more likely to be a past-life snap-shot, than my client being a Celtic
(Reply to EnthralledFan) ...
Keeping a notepad beside your bed is a brilliant idea ... you'd be surprised how many things come to the surface just prior to sleeping/waking ...
not just past-life stuff but all kinds of spirit info.
(Physical Trauma); I've had several clients who have had birthmarks that corresponded to a physical trauma they had recalled during regression. This
also applies to psychological traumas too.
(Regions/Races); There appears to be no restriction on either, whilst some of my clients recall lifetimes in the country they presently live ... many
more recall lifetimes in other parts of the world eg;
1/ My most recent incarnation prior to this one was in Richmond, Surrey (England) ... I was called Maude Faulkner and died in the same year that I was
born in this lifetime (aged 70yrs old - in a nursing home suffering with Demensia - died of natural causes). And of course my Cornish lifetime was in
2/ I recalled a lifetime in Egypt ... born in Heliopolis (4th dynasty) ... birth name - Khentakawes ... temple name - Themah. Death by falling (was it
an accident ... no), in my 32nd year.
3/ The other lifetime that I recalled in great detail was as a NAI. Born into the Peigan Crow tribe (a deaf mute) ... brought-up by Blackfoot (long
story), from the age of about 3-4 yrs old ... the Blackfoot called me 'Pasha Napi' (or something that sounded very much like that) ... died
naturally of old age.
(Different Gender); Absolutely (see cavemanDD's post above). This is very common and usually quite a shock when the client first realises ... but
you'd be surprised how quickly they accept it ... the further into the recall they get.
(Same People); I also believe we cross paths with the same group of souls in our different lifetimes ... who like us have different connections eg;
someone who was a very big part of a previous life may only pass through your current one very briefly (and visa-versa) ... there are infinate