Very interesting topic, came across this linked when casually browsing the forum, for some reason had an urge to read ATS today.
I cant say I have much memory of a past life as such. My earliest dream memory is one of clocks spinning backwards. I dont know if this is just a
random dream or has any significance but for some reason its stuck with me all my life.
A scary recurring dream I have is about dogs, and they almost always attack me. I've never been attacked by a dog (had a couple of close calls).
Maybe theres something in this? I also dream about cats a lot too, and they are mostly (but not always) friendly. Often when they are not friendly its
because I have done something to them and it makes me sad.
I've always had an interest in Egypt, and to a lesser extent Atlantis. I've always believed there is more going on than we are aware. But not really
interested in Scotland. I know it played a major role in previous civilisations, but never felt any connection there. Ireland on the other hand I am
interested in. But it is just an interest to me, not a connection. To be totally honest, i've never felt any real connection at all with this planet.
Maybe this is my first time, or maybe we are reincarnated on and from different planets, not just Earth.
Your views on 2012 are interesting. I believe science DOES know about shadow DNA, and what it does, but are purposely suppressing it, and also
actively seeking ways to counter it. They are probably succeeding too. We live in a very twisted world, where ultimate power and control is the
ultimate aim of the elite.
Time is most definitely speeding up. Not only speeding up, but skipping fast, like when you skip through a track on a CD - it doesnt play it fast, it
misses bits out. (or maybe its just bad memory in my old age - im 30 next year
) It only seems like last week it was christmas. Its April. It also
seems that the weather is still stuck on christmas mode, time is going so fast the weather is lagging behind. I dont know whether the time increase is
because I'm getting older, or if its natural, or a side effect of all the craziness thats going on in the world. But its definitely real.
Theres things about me though that make me wonder. Stuff I dont want to go into on a public forum, things about me, things im into, things I hate
which are contrary to my upbringing. Where do I get these fears, feelings and passions from? They are just there. I have theories about some of them,
it could just be random but there might be reasons rooted in the past. Maybe I'll never know.
Im actually really quite worried about whats coming. I've not really taken any notice of predictions of the future although its somethign im
interested in, but theres definitely a storm brewing. There might be something in this 2012 stuff after all.
It was interesting what you said about 2007 being a testing year for people - for me it was a good year (relatively). I'd achieved some personal
goals that id set out to do a few years ago. However 2008 has been bad, ive relapsed with a physical illness, and things generally are getting worse
and a lot more testing than last year.
What with devloping a hatred for "god" or whatever humans have portrayed, not just by "his" total disregard for all life forms, but how twisted
his creation is, and things I discovered about myself, im not in the best place right now, and am looking for some reassurance. Discovering a past
life would help especially if I led a good life. But I believe I must have lived a bad one to be in this one now.
Or maybe i'm in a coma and this is all one big nightmare. When you dream, seconds seem like minutes/hours. Could explain all the gaps in time, and
the speeding up.
Cant you tell my head's a mess?
[edit on 8-4-2008 by Firefly_]