posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 08:53 AM
[ Waking Report ]
Friday, February 06 2004
The time is Now 6:11 am. The last thing I remember was talking to DuesEx on yahoo messenger at around 1:20-1:25 am. When all of a sudden I started to
get symptoms of which I could not understand...A Severe Paronoid and Scared state of Mind came over Me...Severe state of Anxiety and Hard of
Breathing, I found myself not being able to type focused on the keyboard ...My Speeche and Motor skills seemed to be Slurring...The screen on the
Monitor seemed to be flickering on and off....My fingers began to have been gettin Number as I typed, The Loud and Chaotic "Beeepings" began to Get
Louder and Heavier with each Sequence of their Occurence, My hands began to shake violently, first the left and then both. My breathing was getting
slower and harder and then my eyes started to burn....All i could do was watch the clock and at 1:24 am I was paralyzed with Fear....Not being able to
Type, think, breathe...but only to feel this unkown feeling of being watched....I closed my eyes as the tears began pooring from them....the Loud
Beeping then was the Only thing I could Hear...My brain seemed to thump...and then the rest is Black......
Between 5:15-5:25 am I found myself Disoriented and Cold, I was now in my Backyard once again like the previous Night....In a Fetal Position in my
backyard in the same spot...My clothes were wet and had grass and mud stains at my elbows, knees, and bottom of my pants...My first instinct was to
stand up but i quickly found out that waasn't going to happen just yet...So i began to crawl...Stable myself and quickly gather my thoughts....This
simple task was yet a hard one...The night was Humid and Hot and I couldn't Understand the dampness of my clothes....So i crawled towards the Fence,
and tried Pulling my self up, this worked, and I began to stretch and dust myself off. I now tried to remember what had all occured...this was another
difficult task...I began walking towards my back door which is a glass shutter with 3 locks...and it would not open....After my failed attempts i
walked to the side gate and had to jump the fence to get towards my front yard...I did so...and Hastely ran to the front door...It oddly was also
Locked....I couldn't understand how I would have gotten out of the house if...
1.) Both Entrances and Exits of My House were Locked.
2.) My mother wasn't at Home (She works Early In the Morning)
3.) The only key with the exception of my moms was in my dresser in my room.
So I began to play the waiting game....The thoughts of what Could of Happened Plagued Me...Sleepwalking? Insomnia? Nervous Breakdown?....Abduction? I
challeneged them all...Knowing of the Criticism I would Recieve after writing this....Minutes Seemed Like Hours...But surely after 25-30 Minutes of
wait...She approached the House questioning what i was Doing. The first thing i asked her was the time...She stated 6:01 am...And then Began the
questions....I said i would "Explain Everything Later".....She reached for her key in her purse...but i was Hesitant for her to open the Door....Not
knowing of what happened for Hours Kinda #s you up.....She opened the Door and Turned on the light and we both were horrified...the living room was in
utter shambles....
My labtop computer had been disconnected from my desk and literally had been flung into the hallway....the kitchen where i had put my journal By the
Choice words of Mr.DuesEx had been Recently Burnt lying on the floor....No matches, or Lighters or Evidance of which to burn it with was Found...The
cushions of the couch were ripped up.....pots and pans were lying all of the kitchen floor...and my cats had # all over the floor...they were shaking
like hell when i tried to grab them, i could tell they were scared by the way they were acting....
And Now I sit here Typing to you...Having to explain to my mom Some Lame Excuse Such as, My friends came over and we got Drunk " Had to think of
Something Fast"...This is for your Review and Criticism...I only ask of one thing....Don't Make Slanders of me Being a Crazy person....
I shall continue to post the more I investigate...Thank you for your time.....