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I Dunno What to Do...

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posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by SpookenYaMind
Now I'm even more scared..I could be mind controlled right now without even nowing it....*Cries*...He lives Near washington d.c. in a town called Bethesda...or something....But that Mind Control stuff scares me...what if my mom is gunna kill me
ahhhhh....the only alien thing i have seen in the past month's was a tuedsay special of Sci Fi Alien Abduction shows...but that was like 2 month's ago........Sometimes my mind wanders...and the thoughts of armageddon or some alien stuff...but everyone thinks about that stuff right?

I'm sure everybody has thought about the apocalypse more than just can't help to wonder. But an x-ray would be a good idea because if you do have some sort of chip in you, it would more than likely be somewhere on your face....behind an ear, in your cheeck, etc. I wouldn't worry too much about that'd know your being mind controlled if you would think of doing strange things that you normally wouldn''s pretty much common sense. It seems as if you are really afraid of this situation and I'm sure I'd be too considering I'm afraid of aliens as it is. Since the years of my early childhood I've been afraid of them...I don't recall any funny abductions or anything like that...I honestly don't know where is came from. I have people to talk to about it as well so I'm always calmed down about it. Yet there would be times late at night when I'd get a little spooked but I just tell myself "man it's lame to think this stuff". Besides I live in an apartment complex in the middle of orange county, california. It's pretty crowded here. But if you have anything to talk about regarding this subject James, I'm more than willing to help you.

by the way my name is Jeff and I'm 19 years old.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:47 AM
[Truth] When u mean Strange thoughts...You have to be more specific...since i've been having the dreams My mind has been wandering....As i said...I've been found staring blainkly into walls...and when i wake I can't remember a thing....One thing is for certain though I have been picking up Strange tendancies to read books on such things as Irrigation, Water workings, Water Mechanics, and I've had the Craving of Studying Blueprints and how things are built....I can't ask my dad about his work...Last time he threatned me to never ask him again, or I would be punished.....

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:50 AM
[Jeffrey] Thank man
I live in a Surburban area at a dead end street where my backyard is a creek line and then just fields of weeds and irrigation....But nice to meet you Jeff.....I just can't think of anything except it happening again....I dont wanna go to sleep or even blink.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by SpookenYaMind
[Jeffrey] Thank man
I live in a Surburban area at a dead end street where my backyard is a creek line and then just fields of weeds and irrigation....But nice to meet you Jeff.....I just can't think of anything except it happening again....I dont wanna go to sleep or even blink.

I don't know if you've checked it or not, but I listed a link on page one if it could help you any I'd feel alot better. Some of those remedies are said to actually work. I'm gonna go find something else......

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:59 AM

Wow incredible. water works, blue prints? whatever you do do not follow after thisidea, if its something that just popped into your head without
you letting it then do not explore it.

If you are chipped then this chip has frequencies that can cause you to carry out instructions that you do not want to do.

rememer John muhhomed, the sniper guy on the news a couple of years ago? he was mind controlled and was chipped in the military. This is why he got the death penalty, and lee malvo did not, he was just brain washed.

What I mean by thoughts is this.

Thoughts on carrying out evil plots.

killings, explosions, hunting someone down you do not even know. Or vioces in your head to do this or do that ect.. without you having any desire to do so.

im telling you ringing in the ears is a strong indication of mind contrl and you could have a chip in you. I could give you a website to contact on a man wh has studied these chips for decades and how they began.


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:01 AM
I dont want to hurt anyone..I just want this to go away *cries*....I'm not anyone special..Just a kid trying to live life....why is this happening

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:09 AM
here go here, im not saying you want to hurt anyone, im just saying what voices do you hear?

read this site anytime you can, and email this guy with any questionsyou have, also beg your mom to get a (full) body Xray.

It will explain alot, other than that get an X ray.


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:09 AM
Whoa, whoa, calm down.

Firstly, mind control is almost entirely out of the question.No surgery, no implant, right?

Next thing, calm down. Breathe slowly. Lay off the caffiene, it's making you jumpy and excitable. Don't let Truth get to you, he's paranoid...even by my standards. I'm studied some neurology, psychology, ect. in my life. I'll try to help you.

When can you get to a neurologist?


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:11 AM


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:14 AM
Honestly, I Don't know where the closest one is. And there all closed...It's 12:12 right now...And I don't think im gunna go to sleep tonight...I'm keeping all the lights on....and Gunna Stay in the Living Room...I just want to talk keep talking....I wish there were alot of people here...But everyones gunna think im crazy

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:16 AM
Dues, how come there have been stories where people have been abducted, then when returned they have pains in a certain area? In some cases they have removed micro chips from these people after their abductions? these stories
are not fake at all. these chips hve been around for a while and can e placed into you witout you even knowing it, even after your born they can implant youwith it, or in the military. have you ever heard of the rambo chip?

Im not paranoid, this is how sick government agencies are today.


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:19 AM

Originally posted by SpookenYaMind
Honestly, I Don't know where the closest one is. And there all closed...It's 12:12 right now...And I don't think im gunna go to sleep tonight...I'm keeping all the lights on....and Gunna Stay in the Living Room...I just want to talk keep talking....I wish there were alot of people here...But everyones gunna think im crazy

Nobody thinks your crazy. Actually this type of thinking is more common than you think amongst known "abductees". I'm not saying that you aren't, it's just that your way of thinking in this situation is not to far off in left field. But if you can't get an x-ray, use DeusEx's advise and go see a neurologist right away...and if you do so....tell him about last night and how you ended up in the fetal position in your backyard.

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:23 AM
The possibility is there, and I'm fairly well-aqquainted with cybernetics. The first thing that comes to midn the that you'd need a wee bit more than a chip to control a person.

Secondly, I've studied abduction phenomena from a scientific perspective. I believe there are alien abductions, and yes, this might be one. However, I've heard explinations that are just as valid as yours. I'm looking through my notes right now, will post in a bit.


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:27 AM
What happens if the doc finds a chip in me? I'd go freaken nuts...My whole world would be turned upside down...I would No Longer think of Life as an Excistance but as a Test lab for Freaking Aliens and Government Gorups!!!!.....I'm gunna try to watch some t.v. it's about to be 12:30 and the closer it gets to 1 am the more paranoid I find myself becoming.....*cries*

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:31 AM
Oh, junk. EEG is what you want. My bad. it's been a long day for me. Also, a thought comes to mind- are you near any power lines?


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:34 AM
There are Power Lines Down the Street, about 2 blocks....

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:34 AM
Man dont cry, it can be fixed. God showed you this website for a reason if your telling the truth.

If he finds a chip which he cant explain then he can remove it, they can be easily removed, my aunt knows some people who have had different kinds of chips
removed from them in the past.

True dues it does take more than a chip, but, if the person is weak minded it can control your thoughts and make you do stuff you do not want to.

just read the website I gave you spook, and stop worrying, aliens are not real but government projects.

Ill stay on here all night if it will make you feel better.


posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:36 AM
Thanks Truth, Thats Really Kind of You and I would Really appreciate It....

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by SpookenYaMind
What happens if the doc finds a chip in me? I'd go freaken nuts...My whole world would be turned upside down...I would No Longer think of Life as an Excistance but as a Test lab for Freaking Aliens and Government Gorups!!!!.....I'm gunna try to watch some t.v. it's about to be 12:30 and the closer it gets to 1 am the more paranoid I find myself becoming.....*cries*

Hey hey James it's time for yourself. Good thing you took some of my advise and did something to get your mind off that junk. And if they did find a chip in you.....your not a guinee pig for aliens or whatevers. There's no saying you have anything like that at all. However, did anything alien/ufo related terrify you when you were younger? How long have these experiences been accuring?

posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 02:39 AM
There are those little things you can buy that can be hung on the doors that make a noise if their moved. I used to sleepwalk although I was not aware of it. Until one night I had a dream about being outside and some men stopping trying to get me in their car, I managed to run away, thought I had dreamed it all until I looked at my grass stined feet and the sheet covered with grass clippng. My dad had just mowed rght before dark. Anway after that I started tying one wrist to the headboard. It worked I woke up a few times sitting on the sde of the bed. I think you should see a neurolgist to rule out any problems.

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