posted on Feb, 6 2004 @ 01:39 AM
Listen don't be scared. if you are telling the truth here than there are people who can help
if you are being mind controlled, this ringing isusually a sie affect of a mind controlled patient. there ae ways to cleanse these chips
out of your body. first you would need an Xray, a full body scan.
The governemnt created mind cntrol a long time ago fo military purposes, to cntrol the masses and curve social behaviour and evnts.
Just answer this.
Does your mind have strange thoughts or instructions to carry out? Do you find yourself having wierd tendencies or behavioural changes?
Ask your dad direcly, seriously, what is mind control and what it does to people. He should know the answer if he realllyworks where yu say he
Dont worry though, your mom is not trying to kill you.