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So here's my opinion on Aliens

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posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by strange1

It is a poem of my own device.
Everything is necessary, but not necessarily.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 05:05 AM
I quite agree, it's very uinlikely ETs are visiting us at the moment, I see no evidence to support that however:

Originally posted by Drzava
halleluhja [SIC]
most stars are almost same age.

This is simply not true at all!!! Within our sphere of 30 light years we have a complete range of stars from very young (Vega, Lyra), through to sun like stars (Alpha Centauri) right through to very old stars like Barnards Star. There are even older population II stars in golbular clusters which form the galactic halo.

Originally posted by Drzava
- we must of have something special for them to come here, and as far as i know, we are a piece of crap planet.

I don't think that's true, this is a delightful little world. Some of it's inhabitance are a little unpleasant, but by and large it's all right!

Originally posted by Drzava
- and they have to be very close to earth, even tough if they have the power of the speed of light, 150 years is too long for a worthless trip to earth.

This would depend how long their life cycle is. If they live to millions of years old, then a journey from Alpha Centauri to Earth might just be an incovienient sojourn. There are plenty of extra solar planets within 30 light years!

Originally posted by Drzava
if they managed to work witht he wormholes, we dont really know if they exist, or what can really happend to a living thing inside it.

Stable worm hole solutions to the Einstein Field equations do exist, and safe entrance/exit would be fine. The problem is finding enough exotic matter with a negative energy density. This type of matter does not exist naturally on Earth, and it's high unlikley to exist naturally elsewhere. However, maybe someone has figured out how to produce it.

I don't support the ET visiting Earth hypothesis either (and the number of people claiming to be abducted by aliens on here everyother day do severe damage to the field), and I think most of Ufology is largley a culture based thing, however the arguments for why they are not here must be accurate, otherwise we look as silly as the people who scream "they're here" every time a plane goes overhead!!!

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 05:13 AM
Hi NewWorldOrder.

I have to say if this is true:

Originally posted by NewWorldOver
The accounts of E.T. contact are sometimes so incredible and frightening that it's hard to believe. But as one of the best informants said, "Grown men who survived 20 years of military service and mortal combat, have broken down in tears and cried like babies when confronted with the presence of actual E.T.'s."

then it's just plain silly! Who on Earth would cry like babies when confronted by ETs? If these are military men then they're easily upset!
I should dearly love to meet an ET. My observatory is always open, but so far not a flicker.

It's stories like this that continue to make me a disbeliver I'm afraid. A couple of years ago I was the astronomical advisor to a local UFO group. I used to go out on UFO watches with them, and everyother plane was a UFO. Those of us who voiced objection were frowned into silence. I'm not saying that every UFO beliver is like that, but you must admit there's a lot of nonesense to filter out...

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 09:50 AM
If our planet never got visited by ET's, Then how do you explain ancient art and paintings from 500 years ago, way before anyone had any Idea of aliens or flying saucers. And how about Foo Fighters and the battle of L.A. back in the 40's you gonna tell me thats bulls**t too? Eather they've been here or someone has been trying to fool us since the beginning.

It just doesnt make sence, Ya I do believe that there are allot of people these days trying to make a quick buck with all this crazy ufo hype but do you actually think everyone is lieing to us? I dont think so.

then it's just plain silly! Who on Earth would cry like babies when confronted by ETs? If these are military men then they're easily upset!

Ok so your sleeping one night and you wake up to find that your paralized in bed and that there are 4 or 5 of these bug eyed little buggers stairing at you.. You wouldnt be afraid?

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by The_Crimson_King
If our planet never got visited by ET's, Then how do you explain ancient art and paintings from 500 years ago, way before anyone had any Idea of aliens or flying saucers.

There is a big problem with this argument. You are looking at pictures from 500 years ago with the mindset of 21st century Earth, i.e. with ETs in mind, they happen to look what we think of as UFOs and aliens. However, when people of the 19th century looked at these they saw then as evil spririts, indeed the alien abduction equivalent at the time was a visit from the "Old Hag". The point is, we can't take our notions and thoughts and apply them directly to what people were painting and drawing 500 years ago unless it is very very obvious.

Originally posted by The_Crimson_King
do you actually think everyone is lieing to us? I dont think so.

That is the problem isn't it? How do you filter out which story is ture? Which conspiracy theory has the most merit? Who has the most politcal interest etc.

Originally posted by The_Crimson_King
Ok so your sleeping one night and you wake up to find that your paralized in bed and that there are 4 or 5 of these bug eyed little buggers stairing at you.. You wouldnt be afraid?

Afraid, are you crazy? For God's sake no, I would be delighted! An alien speicies that has travelled hundreds, no probably thousands of light years through space and has chosen me from the 6.6 billion people on this planet to make contact with. Wow!!!

Still after 12 years of astronomy, alone under the nightsky, and not a flicker of activity, I guess there busy with you lot in the USA! Probably don't care for the British weather- I know I don't! 3 weeks since we last had a clear night sky here! Three !!!

[edit on 30-11-2007 by timelike]

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 11:39 AM
strange1- you are entitled to your opinion and your beliefs. You are also quite right that there are many hoaxers out there who lie and create videos and pictures and they are getting more and more clever with CGI.

However, when you see a UFO for yourself- you will understand the difference. This understanding will hit you like a ton of bricks and it will be an unforgettable experience that will freak you the frock out and you will be chilled to the bone... for REAL.

Your life and your mind will change- forever!

Until then- try not to be so certain- it will help you keep an OPEN MIND.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 11:59 AM

Originally posted by timelike
There is a big problem with this argument. You are looking at pictures from 500 years ago with the mindset of 21st century Earth, i.e. with ETs in mind, they happen to look what we think of as UFOs and aliens. However, when people of the 19th century looked at these they saw then as evil spririts, indeed the alien abduction equivalent at the time was a visit from the "Old Hag". The point is, we can't take our notions and thoughts and apply them directly to what people were painting and drawing 500 years ago unless it is very very obvious.

Why not? Sure People back then had their crazy belifs and all, but whos to say that what they were seeing (painting) then wasnt a ufo or alien being? Sure many of the sightings might of been space debris entering the atmosphere or mythical gods or imaginary friends, but some paintings clearly show circular metalic flying discs, some of them with beams of light coming out of them. What else could these be comets? meteorites? I dont think so.

That is the problem isn't it? How do you filter out which story is ture? Which conspiracy theory has the most merit? Who has the most politcal interest etc.

You can't, its impossible! But why do you think we are getting bombarded with all this craziness at this time? Obviously because something is up. And people are starting to realise that there are things flying in our skys that we even in our modern times cannot explain.

Your a brave one Timelike, I think most normal people would be freak'n out in the presence of an ET. Being as brave as you are I hope that ET will pop up behind you and tap on your shoulder when you least expect it.
Muhahahaha!! Be good Timelike, Be good!

[edit on 30-11-2007 by The_Crimson_King]

[edit on 30-11-2007 by The_Crimson_King]

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 01:21 PM
I believe 100% there is intelligent life out there. ( If not, that is one hell of a wasted space!

Are they visiting us? Maybe. Obviously if they are, then they are much farther up the techonological ladder than our species. Therefore their intent may be to study our planet & the life here, but they probably wouldn't try to make contact with us. ( We study cockroaches, but we don't try to talk to them! )

I believe that most sightings of UFO's are actually terrestrial craft. We find out about this technology 20-30-50 years after they have been around.

I also believe there's a good chance that they are "US" from the future. That would explain why they study us so secretly.


posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 01:57 PM
Edgar mitchell never had a sighting of his own..he heard from someone, who heard from...and so on. Corso, sold a book, and left the legacy of selling more books to his son. One needs to make a living you know, and the roswell mystery is a goldmine. I just recently realized how big business this is.
All we have is talk, talk and more talk. Nothing to show. Who honestly thinks that america could cover up ufo crashes in every country all over the world? they surely wouldnt be crashing only over there.. So the whole world would need to be in on "IT".
Ive been strugling between believing and not believing and just recently been thinking about the facts and how impossible the coverup would be. No one could keep the whole earth under wraps. Theres no "it". and thats about the aliens. the ufo phonomena is another story.

Im not saying im right and might change my mind again tomorrow

This is just how i feel now.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 02:18 PM
I disagree with the 1st post totally.

As a Christian I had a hard time accepting UFO's as being real. However looking over all the pictures, videos, shows, and papers there's no way it can be denied. Now what or who they are is different story, that aside I think a case for UFO can be made easily. I think nonbelievers take some cases too lightly or with a grain of salt.

Just look at the people who came forward in the Rendlesham Forest case. I think it's more likely that Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt and other sources are telling the truth, the alternative is the government appointed a whole bunch of nutcases onto a gov. base containing nukes, and these government appoint nuts can't tell a lighthouse from a craft. I'm not buying, that someone can be smart enough to make Lt. Col., but too dumb to know what a lighthouse is. I think anybody saying Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt don't know what he saw is not being reasonable. The air force doesn't let stupid people become LT. Colonels.

There are tons of credible people that have came forth just no one but us UFO nuts are listen to them. There are just too many credible cases for all of this to be a hoax, yet allot people don't want to believe it, thus it's all a hoax.

For the posters saying it's all a hoax or a misunderstanding of what people saw, I say to you, I believe you know deep down there something to it, but for whatever unknown reason you don't want to believe so you look for every excess to be a septic.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 02:42 PM
I agree. The number of credible eye-witnesses, military and government officials, the ENORMOUS collection of video and physical evidence that has been provided.

Denying the existence of E.T.'s and UFO's is far too easy for the average person, so deny they will.

The psychological impact of meeting an E.T. face to face was too much for many seasoned war veterans to handle. I am not at all surprised that the average person is unwilling to accept the evidence of their existence, or the credible reports.

It's all a cop out. To say that so many people are mistaking so and so for UFO's does nothing to disprove the mountain of evidence and credible sightings from officials. 'nuff said on my part.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by strange1

Ok, fine, the public is pushing and demands documents for disclosure.
So some countries recently followed this and they made their observations public. Guess what? Right. Nothing. Not a single hint that there was anything there. Sure, a bunch of neat stories but not evidence. Evidence that can be touched and reached by anyone. Evidence that's not coming from a persons mouth but lying on a desk in a museum everyone has access to. Nothing.

[edit on 30-11-2007 by strange1]


It's obvious that you have already made up your mind, buddy. If you think thousands of government reports from different countries, all corroborating the same evidence of E.T. and UFO contact is 'nothing' ...

*sigh* I just have to laugh sometimes
Just nevermind.

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 04:11 PM
If you think thousands of government reports from different countries, all corroborating the same evidence of E.T.

Show me one offical goverment evidence or of E.Ts. There are none. Unindentified flying objects yes. but no evidence of anything behind the wheels.

But since you allready made tour mind about it..nevermind.

[edit on 30-11-2007 by Forell]

[edit on 30-11-2007 by Forell]

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 05:25 PM
I have been contacted (abducted?) a few times, I have seen UFOs on 3 occasions therefore I can only disagree with the OP

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Forell

Show me one offical goverment evidence or of E.Ts. There are none.


Project BlueBook is just one of the best known government compilation of investigations. Countless reports have been verified as genuine UFO activity - BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT.

This doesn't even touch on all the government affirmed activity in the U.K., Netherlands, Japan etc.

I thought everyone knew this stuff by now...

posted on Nov, 30 2007 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by TheOracle
I have been contacted (abducted?) a few times, I have seen UFOs on 3 occasions therefore I can only disagree with the OP

I myself have seen at least 4 UFO's. That's not counting the things I've seen that I'm just not sure about.

I think it's a given that people who see UFO's are in it for life. Even if I had not seen UFO's before, I still would have given the existential evidence SOME consideration. I wonder why it is some people just cannot accept the idea of UFO's.

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 05:32 AM
reply to post by NewWorldOver

Reports of UFOS yes. But no evidence of aliens(E.Ts) whatsoever. Just reports of Unindentified Aerial Phonomena. None of the goverment papers conclude that there are aliens behind the phonomena.

[edit on 1-12-2007 by Forell]

posted on Dec, 1 2007 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by Forell
reply to post by NewWorldOver

Reports of UFOS yes. But no evidence of aliens(E.Ts) whatsoever. Just reports of Unindentified Aerial Phonomena. None of the goverment papers conclude that there are aliens behind the phonomena.

[edit on 1-12-2007 by Forell]

Exactly. And of all countries who have come forward up to this date with their observations/disclosure files they DO show some cases of UFOs, meaning they were just unidentified but NOT speaking of alien presence on or around earth.
I never said I don't believe that aliens exist, in fact I really do but what I feel, what others believe and what is known to be true are 3 different things.
I'm just saying that it's not officially proved by anyone and again, there can be so many "witnesses", thousands, millions, that doesn't mean it's true just because so many say that it is.

O.J. Simpson wasn't innocent but he had so many witnesses that said so...
Still, that doesn't make him innocent.
And again, believe and truth are two totally different things.
Millions and millions say and believe a christian God exists, that still doesn't mean "there's something to it".

You can laugh at me, sure, it's your right to do so, the same laugh I give to people who get misguided by some wicked religion. But that's ok. As long as noone is harmed by that, I'm fine.

But still, my point stays valid: No proof. No aliens here on earth.
I really like the saying: Absence of evidence doesn't mean evidence of absence which implies that there might be something out there, I don't deny that. I just say it's not here

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by TheOracle


Sometimes, in the process of growth, it becomes necessary to deny a reality in order to come to grips with it.

Like proving the existence of God, the paradox manifests when evidence in favor becomes overbearing in the face of deep denial.

And as you can see, there is another knower in here...

posted on Dec, 3 2007 @ 10:19 AM

they are just little babies who lost their jobs and want to screw the government.
-no aliens in here, only secret military weapons-- thats what she said---

and thats what i think

Jump ahead to 1h05 in the ufo greatest story never told video. Seems some who have come forward now regret doing so...


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