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Is ATS becoming Increasingly Anti-Christian?

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posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 09:22 PM
Oh my..what amazing egos.
Bravo to the Buddhist

I thought about putting on my biz cards: "from Saints to Synagogues."

Really, I did. Ya see, I've done a couple of art shows in Temples and Cathiolic Churches recently, one on a a Sunday and the other on a Saturday.
I've stayed in a Catholic Convent deep in the Muslim Quarter in Old City Jerusalem (yes, recently)...before and during the high season/celebration. In and out of the West Bank...I collect pottery for my crosses. I believe the Bible is an allegory of the sun passing thru the zodiac...and the constellations are HUGE, figuratively and literally. I've meditated with healers and priests. I adore them all. Equally.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 09:52 PM
I don't follow any certain religion, but I do believe there's a "God".

What I don't like is when people try to force a belief on others. I don't hate anyone that doesn't believe in the same things I do. I have friends who believe in different types of things and I don't force any of my beliefs on them at all, they don't try forcing anything on me either.

SOT you said you follow "your definition" of being a Christian. You said you don't push it on others, but reading your original post at the start of the thread, all I could think was that you were trying to force your belief (in your words, your definition of a belief actually) on others.

So how is this thread any different than any of the other "anti-whatever" threads on ATS that you say you're sick of?.

That's what I don't like about people forcing a belief on others. It shows they have no respect at all for other people or what they believe. When I see people forcing a belief on others I feel the need to say something to them. I won't even try to think about how many times I've had people on bikes ride pass me then turn around to stop right in front of me to pull out a bible and want to talk. I tell them I'm not interested in a polite manner and walk away, only for them to follow me and start acting pretty rude because I'm not interested. That's actually happened soo much to people in my town they had to put a notice in the newspaper asking this group of people to calm down and not hound people. I completely respect the Bible, I just have a different take on it than others.

If I ever have children I'll leave it up to them to choose what they want to believe in. I'm not going to force anything down their throat simply because of what I believe, because my beliefs are my opinions and that doesn't mean any of it is fact. I could be completely wrong and I'm perfectly fine in saying that. There's still plenty of times I question what I believe myself.

An example of people forcing a belief on others. Take some threads that used to show up a lot on here about reptilians in YouTube videos. Those people were (still are actually) saying that a reptilian alien race is currently controlling Earth and unless we pray to God and have faith, these reptilians are going to enslave us all. That's clearly pushing a belief on others and that's when I start to speak up. Now if they had said something like "My theory is that...." or "In my opinion" or "You don't have to take what I say as fact" I would've respected what they were saying and moved on. But they felt the need to push it and say it's all fact and is happening right now without any kind of proof at all. Playing on the beliefs of others to push their own belief. That's taking it too far.

I'm just going to end it here because this is getting too long and I could talk forever on how I don't like when religions/beliefs are abused to force a belief on someone else.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by runetang
Yeah I was joking, I got warned fer it, but I deserved it .. I shouldn't forget that sarcasm doesn't work on the internet. People take you for your word even when you are joking.

Yeah,that's why I try to be careful... Admittedly, there have been times when I probably should have been warned as well. The moderators have been good in deciphering most of my comments in the past though.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by mek12

Mek, the vile hatred I hear is frightening to me as well. AS I stated in my original post, most Christians who post on this board probably do not consider me Christian at all because I have been just as critical of the religion as anyone else. I can see what is happening, and I don't like it. If you get time, look at the thread link I posted in my original post.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by jimbo999

Strange that you should say that really - as I find ATS becoming far too much of a soapbox for radical & extreme christian fundementalists!

Jimbo, admittedly, that is becoming a disturbing trend. I have had several confrontations with fundies here myself.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by jimbo999

But - if you believed that the fuzzy white light in a photgraph posted somewhere here was a UFO - but others could PROVE to you it was just a reflection of a light on a window pane - according to your statement above - that would mean we would not be able to point out the fallacy of your observations! And that is ludicrous!!

No, that just means that she stilld oesn't have to agree with your conclusions. There are a lot of things that are "debunked" by some of these skeptics around here that I still believe in. That is my choice.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by nightmare_david
I don't follow any certain religion, but I do believe there's a "God".

SOT you said you follow "your definition" of being a Christian. You said you don't push it on others, but reading your original post at the start of the thread, all I could think was that you were trying to force your belief (in your words, your definition of a belief actually) on others.

Well, I can relate to the first sentence of your post because it probably most adequately describes me.

I tried to force my definition of a Christian on others? Really? No, I was asked a question. "How does one define a Christian? I explained what a Christian is to me. It certainly doesn't fit the mold that modern day Christiatanity would have you think being a Christian is.

[edit on 19-11-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by jimbo999
reply to post by Marilyn

But - if you believed that the fuzzy white light in a photgraph posted somewhere here was a UFO - but others could PROVE to you it was just a reflection of a light on a window pane - according to your statement above - that would mean we would not be able to point out the fallacy of your observations! And that is ludicrous!!

If you want to talk congenially about religion in an atmosphere were no-one would dare contradict your precious beliefs, I would suggest you try a 'Christian Only' forum somewhere... There must be many hundreds available out there.

I have read a lot of posts here where folks take the time to express their opinions and show their proof on different subjects, and they manage to do so without cutting someone down personally. Is it that difficult to talk to someone without attacking their beliefs?

You can contradict my beliefs all you want, but saying my beliefs are ludicrous or that I should go somewhere else seems pretty rude and very disrespectful.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I (and my beliefs) are not going anywhere.


posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 12:50 AM
"How does one define a Christian?

You wrote that! He, he, he, he! Well, if I make a mistake on grammer, what makes anyone here think that mistakes are not made with interpretations of some religions? So according to the dictionary, and people you know what the dictionary is and how it is considered to be an authority on words and those meanings, but not necessarily 'feelings'.......

Christian (adj.) 1. Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on his teachings. 2. Pertaining to or derived from Jesus or his teachings. 3. Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Christ; Christlike. 4. Pertaining to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents. 5. (Informal) Neighborly; decent. --- n. 1. One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on his teachings. 2. One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.

Okay, anyone see "God" there in that definition? No! It is assumed because that is the way that religion is taught. Perhaps a valid assumption, so really that is not the question or answer.

Interpretation of the Bible: Ah, the big one and to me the problem!
Literal translation --- "Power!" used as the translation instead of "Grace".
Counterargument: "God is all Powerful"! and anything else brought up about the term "God".

See the problem!

Now, how can the other side called evil and mismangement or anything else that is considered to be the angry side or The Devil seep into religion?

Thus the problem in my opinion. Religion is Angry because people do not attend a Church. Well, I went back a few times, and since I was raised Catholic -- you see the problem. I said a few sentences earlier this year to a priest, and said to the priest -- "I thought it was about Grace". He stated (but not exact words since it is from memory) that they were following the Protestant Version since the Vatican II Council (which is now ended I think) and that the word they use is "Power"! Now how different is "Grace" concerning "Power"?

You see, there seems to be some kind of Fear implied by seeking to change to a literal translation of The Bible. It is considered to seek "Power"? I just do not plan to get any further into the debate over which words should be used -- which Testament should be talked about -- the Old or New Testament -- or the Ten Commandments God gave Moses -- but still I am a Christian with faults as a human seeking Grace but trying to live by the Two Commandments of Jesus. If Christainity happened according to the definition and is defined by the dictionary as being after Jeus or while Jesus was alive here then a True Christian does not Seek God, but Jesus and only through Jesus may you be Granted Grace and that God may even begin to listen. Stubborn Attitudes seem to prevail or perhaps it is just some senility perhaps, but whatever it is, it is still to me Fear Based about other Humans on this Planet. Break the Rules like some Churches seem to do -- and God will Forgive You. Who states that it is They Who Talk To God?

A Christian may not even want to enter into to the debate in the first place but live according to the Two Commandments of Jesus. 1) Do Unto Others as You would have Them Do Unto You. 2). Love your Neighbor as You Yourself Want to Be Loved.

Is that how Hate is Spread? I prefer to be Granted Grace so just perhaps, those humans going to Church are not praying as much as they should. I just prefer to end this discussion here and learn something else, something perhaps more practical then bringing up what a Christian really is. Did dictionaries go out of print?

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by AmoebaSized
Christian (adj.) 1. Professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on his teachings. 2. Pertaining to or derived from Jesus or his teachings. 3. Manifesting the qualities or spirit of Christ; Christlike. 4. Pertaining to or characteristic of Christianity or its adherents. 5. (Informal) Neighborly; decent. --- n. 1. One who professes belief in Jesus as Christ or follows the religion based on his teachings. 2. One who lives according to the teachings of Jesus.

Well, most if not all of those definitions fall within the singular definition that I gave of what a Christian is.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 01:02 AM
Oh, by the way to me, if someone wanted to attack you, then why the heck do they think that it is not Christian to attack back? Afterall, Persecutions were already done a long, long time ago. But I guess still some people think that Christians should just lay down and die. Whatever? But I fail to see how Power does not let The Devil creep in where they state their soul does not want to go according to their preachings I guess of some of the standard so-called religions. Now if it is Power only Sought, then why perhaps should they not see a Burning Cross up in the Virtual Sky and Mohammad Chopping Off Head! Perhaps that is only what God does when neglected enough to think that many people really are not Christians anymore, but only seeking perhaps Power from the Devil? Is that dictating to God what He should Grant as Grace (or Power) to anyone? I think perhaps to me, that it may be that division, and why would anyone really be seeking some hate, revenge and spite on this Planet if really that was actually going on, which to me it seems to be!

It is all mixed up, but I am sure that I am not, so --
I fail to see their definition of Christian just because they state that they are -- Christians.

[edit on 11/20/2007 by AmoebaSized]

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 01:46 AM
Do you mind if I ask why religion is a topic on ATS? Unless it is directly involved in a conspiracy or something similar I don’t see why the non/existence of any type of higher entity or religion should be debated on ATS. I’m sure there are plenty of other forums on the internet for this type of debate.

Personally arguing with someone over “faith” or “belief” and asking for proof of it is about as stupid as arguing with a brick wall.

Previous threads on “Proof of the existence of God” or “Religion debunked” I believe should not have been allowed on this site in the first place, but is in itself anyway absolutely ridiculous.

Here’s why:

People who believe don’t need or want evidence because they have faith

People who don’t believe and want evidence from people who do believe can only give what they have and that is faith

It’s a sort of “catch 22” yeah?

Sorry just stating the obvious.


(No I’m not affiliated or a believer in any higher entity or religion)

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 01:54 AM
This is true.since I got here I have been bashed and beaten by the anti christians over and over. Specially, when I tried to prove the existence of god, people cried over and began to fight the idea of god. maybe it's just ATS? I never said, I was a total christian, But I do believe in god and you have to know how many people have disagreed with me.

I do sense a reluctance to believe in god and religion here in ATS. And i think it's ok.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 02:48 AM
I'm just anti-stupidity. If a religion wants to say that the world is flat, when science has proven it's round...along those lines is what makes me critical of Christianity and other religions alike.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by laiguana
I'm just anti-stupidity. If a religion wants to say that the world is flat, when science has proven it's round...along those lines is what makes me critical of Christianity and other religions alike.

christians never claimed that the earth was flat. that was the catholic church and science. So it wasn't the church, but scientits who said the earth was flat. So would you trust science then? I trust christians even more after what you said.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 03:01 AM
What strikes me is the blithering idiocy of people who don't realize that historically, it has been the free preaching and distribution of the Bible that has brought freedom to Europe and the USA.
You should be thankful for the King James Bible that freed you from the iron hand of Rome.
This site and your liberties exist thanks to the Book you hate so much.
Now that the free preaching and reading of the Bible is waning, so is freedom.
This is coming from an Arab, by the way.

And to all you pseudo-intellectuals out there who boast of studying every issue in depth, study this:

A Bible-believer couldn't care less about religion, including Christianity, nor do we think that all political leaders who claim they're Christian are therefore necessarily Christian.
You're the gullible ones, not us.

I stand by the Lord Jesus Christ and the King James Bible.
All other ground is sinking sand. Incidently, the Vatican has nothing to do with those 2 things. Christendom and religion can take a hike as far as I'm concerned.
So can you. There are no atheists. Only people bitter against God.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 04:01 AM
We should be against any religion. No religion of this world has the truth in it. They are all full of lies and deception. Some might have parts of the truth in them, but there is no religion to rule them all. IMO as long as we have more than 2 religions on this Earth they will exclude each other.

Right now, all religions are wrong. Why? Because there are more than 2 on this planet. When we will know the truth of our origin and self identity we will no longer need religion, because then we have the truth which can only be one.

Our religion should be truth, not lies and deceptions. Until we discover that truth, we should not fight over false ideas that can kill us. We should be open and accept the fact that we do not know yet. Saying that you know the truth and others don't is a sign of selfishness.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 04:05 AM
You mean the way you just did?

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 04:15 AM
Yes, I have noticed the anti-Christian tone on this board, and yes, it is annoying! In the past, atheists were shunned by Christians. Now, Christians are being shunned by the atheists.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 04:17 AM
I want to make a correction. I never said I was religious. I only said I was christian. meaning, I live by the word of jesus and I believe he was GOD in human form. I have accepted Jesus. I do not take part in religious rituals. I don't go to church every Sunday, but when I do, it's usually, just me going to my own church. I can pray anywhere, the beach, hills, school, home, bathroom. hope this clears things up.

[edit on 20-11-2007 by jedimiller]

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