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Is ATS becoming Increasingly Anti-Christian?

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posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth

However, I have noticed that almost every other thread here at ATS is either an anti-Christian one, or soon devolves into one. Of course, there are certain posters, not naming any names for they should know who they are, who can only relate to any topic by inserting an anti-Christian comment into a thread.

[edit on 19-11-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

I think the reason that there are posters who have a knee jerk anti Christian response is partially because some people see the need to insert a Christian line of reasoning into every thread. Ex. The U.S. is in decline. Christian logic answer: It's because we don't have 1950's Christian values anymore. You see, not every topic is in any way related to Christianity, yet some people use that for an explanation for everything. Not to mention, just on this specific point you could counter point that non-Christian nations are improving, ex. China, just to debunk their logic, but they'd just find some other way to twist it and make it about their religion.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by intrepid

Intrepid, "knowing" Runetang, he probably was. Rune is my bud.

[edit on 19-11-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Merle8

Didn't know the 1950s had Christian values, just thought they had better values, but okay. I see your point.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 04:56 PM
Bush has given Christianity a bad name. Here is the truth.
At some point in the near future the coming of Shiloh will glorify
the people whom God loves in this earth. Everyone will know whom God loves and accepts.
A holocost is coming against true believers. Woe unto all who offend or hurt one of these. They shall rise as their Lord arose but those who
act against them in any manner to cause their harm on this earth will pay with untold agonies. God's chosen will literally walk on the ashes of those who persecuted them. Turn to Jesus today while salvation is offered.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
reply to post by hlesterjerome

You do realize that the approximate global IQ is only about 85, right? I hope you do.

And sometimes it appears to be slipping rather than advancing.

But, what was the average IQ level 100 years ago?

200 years ago?

1000 years ago?

5000 years ago?

Do you belive the avaerage IQ level of the human race has been static for the last 10,000 years?

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by cantyousee
Bush has given Christianity a bad name. Here is the truth.
At some point in the near future the coming of Shiloh will glorify
the people whom God loves in this earth. Everyone will know whom God loves and accepts.
A holocost is coming against true believers. Woe unto all who offend or hurt one of these. They shall rise as their Lord arose but those who
act against them in any manner to cause their harm on this earth will pay with untold agonies. God's chosen will literally walk on the ashes of those who persecuted them. Turn to Jesus today while salvation is offered.

Grow up and go back to your Bibble study group...Opps did I say bibble I meant babble.

Signed your friend


posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 06:06 PM
These religious battles have raged on forever. ATS really isn't the place for religious discussions- besides there is so much interpretation that it really doesn't matter anyway. If someone is becoming anti-anything they have a right to be anti.

Just try not to take things so personally and we'll all get along just fine.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 06:17 PM
i find it "odd" that buddhism is never mentioned in these "world domination" discussions, considering it's older than both and was taught specifically to royality, lessons designed to teach how to rule! could it be the haircuts?

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 06:20 PM
Yeah I was joking, I got warned fer it, but I deserved it .. I shouldn't forget that sarcasm doesn't work on the internet. People take you for your word even when you are joking.

I used to think ATS is anti-christian, but now I realize that its just a byproduct of a bigger problem with western society as a whole. It's like.. take any portion of society, and within that portion, you will have your respective levels of anti-christian people .. and anti-christian threads on forums etc.

So I guess I am saying most of western society is anti-christian, particularly the ones where people express themselves in music and art and .. protests and.. counter cultures and 'scenes' of alternative music and so forth. Naturally you get alot of anti-christians because momma and daddy were christians and raised the rebellious youth on christian morals and ideals and so forth, so naturally this is what they rebel against.

And then people like me who are raised liberally, we seek for ourselves, and come out with Jesus' teaching on the other side proclaiming it as truth despite all of these rebellious people speaking down about it and gaining easy points with the fellow man in doing so.

Nay! We stand tall like skyscrapers that get hit by suicide pilots..

Although, the ATS Radio Show people DID do a show with Atheists, but then when it was time for Christians & Monotheists, they backed out for lack of interest. They said not enough people were willing to talk on the show. It was just me and this one other person .. but .. there were only 2 or 3 atheists on the Atheist radio show, which makes me wonder. Is the Christian perspective such a minority that its so unpopular that they dont even wanna cover it?

[edit on 11/19/2007 by runetang]

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 06:26 PM
Personally, I get sick of every good debate being ruined by somebody interjecting with, "This is just like the Biblical Prophecy says!" or "This happened because so-and-so does not follow the word of God!"

You can't debate real, observable events when people bring in illogical statements about spirituality. Because you can't counter a religious point without debating basically the entire religion, It forces the entire debate to change course into a discussion of God instead of the topic at hand.

It's exactly that sort of thing that atheists refer to when they talk about having religion "shoved down their throats." A group of people will be having an enjoyable and informative discussion about, say, the Iraq war and all of a sudden a few of them decide they're going to use the thread to debate Biblical prophecy instead.

This is why there are so many "anti" Christian threads; better those arguments happen there than in unrelated discussions.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 06:30 PM
I am a Christian...a firm believer in God, Jesus, the Bible, and the upcoming End Times. I try not to judge others and certainly would never make fun of non believers. What another person chooses to believe or not believe is their own business. There are a lot of anti Christian threads/posts here at ATS and that's fine too. What is not okay is seeing a non believer poke fun, make snide remarks, or tell the believer they are wrong for their beliefs. Whatever a person believes should be respected.


posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 06:38 PM
It seems to me that it is the Christian Religion itself that has become Anti-Christian these days.
But of course it's quite obvious the Christian religion has been hijacked just like Islam.
I hear the hate and venom coming from the so called preachers these days and it truly is frightning.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Marilyn

Now I have nothing to say as you took the thoughts right out of my head. I agree with you completely.

I have never nor will I ever speak rudely about another persons belief. I have friends of many different religions, including atheist, and we all get along fine.

It is time we put skin color and religious beliefs aside and concentrate on surviving.

Marilyn ( the name my mother gave me )

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:17 PM
I think it important that some members remember that this board is international. The rest of the planet is not subject to the daily assault of radical Christianity that a US citizen is subjected to constantly. They have their own views and opinions and, quite candidly, it's damn refreshing.

Less is more. The Europeans learned that years ago. When is America going to wake up to reality?

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by SpeakerofTruth

QUOTE''I guess my whole point is that I am starting to get weary of seeing the same tired, anti-Christian threads here. If you want to make derogatory comments about Christianity, why not revitalize a thread that is already existant on the topic? There certainly is no shortage of them here at ATS.''

Strange that you should say that really - as I find ATS becoming far too much of a soapbox for radical & extreme christian fundementalists! In fact - I would go as far as to say that any 'anti-christian' rhetoric you may see here on ATS is simply ATS members re-asserting some control over the dangerous right wing agenda that these extremists are trying to popularise here.

My understanding is that the ATS moto is 'Deny Ignorance', is it not? If organised religion is NOT, by and large, ignorance - I don't know what it is...
So it's within the right - if not the actual duty - of all ATS members to deny the ignorance of right-wing christian extremists at every turn - or any other group that tries to disemminate propoganda, dis-information or other forms of innapropriate agendas.


People here are quick to de-bunk faked UFO videos, dubious footage of Bigfoot, dodgy pics of ghosts or 'features' on Mars. So why not god? There IS no evidence for his existence - in fact, there is far MORE credible evidence for the existence of UFO's, Bigfoot, and anomolous images on Mars...



posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Merle8

Well said! And I agree completely.


posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by PrplHrt
I think it important that some members remember that this board is international. The rest of the planet is not subject to the daily assault of radical Christianity that a US citizen is subjected to constantly. They have their own views and opinions and, quite candidly, it's damn refreshing.

Less is more. The Europeans learned that years ago. When is America going to wake up to reality?

Well said. Don't let Bush's 'war against rationality' spook you into cow-towing to the rabid, christian right extremists. Otherwise - you may as well move to Afghanistan or Iran - right?


posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:34 PM
reply to post by Marilyn

But - if you believed that the fuzzy white light in a photgraph posted somewhere here was a UFO - but others could PROVE to you it was just a reflection of a light on a window pane - according to your statement above - that would mean we would not be able to point out the fallacy of your observations! And that is ludicrous!!

If you want to talk congenially about religion in an atmosphere were no-one would dare contradict your precious beliefs, I would suggest you try a 'Christian Only' forum somewhere... There must be many hundreds available out there.


posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 07:36 PM

Hear, hear - and well said my friend!


posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 08:28 PM
People, People, People...

We ARE being divided, we are being pigeon holed into one category or another...

Say for example an atheist is spiritual and happy...
yet a Christian (or sheik, or muslim, buddhist, taoist etc) is also happy...

Yet the atheist leads a good, morally strong life, as does the christian (taoist, muslim etc), who is to say who is right or wrong?

The atheist might say, 'hey man, I don't believe in God but i lead a good life, but I think you're a little over-zealous with your religious attitudes to life, the way you always bring it up in a conversation'...

Then the Christian (muslim etc) might say, 'well how dare you insult me, cos you don't even believe in god/allah, this is the way I've been brought up and it's served me well so far'

Then the atheist turns around and says, 'well my life is just as good as yours, I'm happy, married, have children, a secure home, a nice view, nice neighbours etc'

Christian/muslim/taoist etc etc says ' yeah but you ain't got God/Allah'

atheist, 'so what?'

Believer ' so... you obviously ain't living a pure lifestyle'

atheist, 'but you're limiting yourlife to what it says in a dusty old book!'

etc etc

and on and on and on...

Basically my point is, it's tedious, let people believe in what they wanna believe, but don't be offended if they wanna talk about it, but at the same time, don't be offended if the other person doesn't believe in what you are saying and respect the fact that that person might not wanna hear it...

It's when it gets on to the wider scale of things, that it gets out of hand...

...and then it gets complicated when you get Christians attacking muslims , muslims attacking muslims (sunni vs shia), christians attacking christians (Ireland anyone?), etc etc etc...

It is simply divide and conquer my friends...

The wool is being pulled over everybody's eyes....

Are we not human?

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