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Ramblings of Finnish school shooter

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posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by starviego

You mean to say they knew eachother?
interesting indeed.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by Boondock78

What a great post Boondock.

Reading such peaceful, intelligent ways to share your thoughts with others, it makes you think that this kid, this murderer didn't belong to the 3% of intelligent people, but in the 94% of "mass/robot people".

He was a confused robot that malfunctioned, offering pain to innocents.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by panther512
reply to post by Boondock78

What a great post Boondock.

Reading such peaceful, intelligent ways to share your thoughts with others, it makes you think that this kid, this murderer didn't belong to the 3% of intelligent people, but in the 94% of "mass/robot people".

He was a confused robot that malfunctioned, offering pain to innocents.

thats what i am thinking too.

lt me just give people an example of a way to get your 'message' out..
lets use me as an example..
i don't know how many posts i have here but i think it is a couple thousand..i am getting my voice/opinions to people...i could get an ats blog if i wanted to and it would be read by whoever on ats wants to read it.

i post on a music forum and i have about 15k posts there and always debate in their off topic, there are 15k of my opinions on that board being read by who knows how many.
i have my own forum with a hundred or so core members.

i post on an mma board in their political forum and have about 9k posts there. so, lots of people reading my stuff.

i just cancelled my myspace account but i used to write a blog every day and make it public...look how many people are on myspace.....
i edit videos...things like gay rights and other things i am for(cause i want to get my voice out there)..i set it to certain pics and a song and it up...putfile it up....THOUSANDS of views on one video.

one of the last vids i put up has 189k views. now how many of those people downloaded and saved my vid to upload it to another site and pass it off as their own or just share it is getting hits that i can't even count.

i have done several audio an interviewee i mean...
on the music forum i post at, one of the mods who lives in new york called me and interviewed me for like an hour and then chopped it into about a 35 minute interview...he put it on soundclick and for a few days it was like top 5 'files' listened to in the section it was in.....who knows how many people heard me talking.

i also narrate things and put it on the web.
i have a voice recorder and i talk into it about whatever i want to deal with....i plug it into the pc and snatch the audio with audacity(free program) and export it as an mp3. then i upload it to putfile or set it to pics and pass it on...

so there is no chance i am ever going to believe that you can't get your voice heard....these are the days for that.
you could have your own forum up and running and 1 day.
you could have 10 minute long audio clips on youtube in 5 minutes.

tons of ways...

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 09:59 AM
panther, click this link...i just made this for you to show you how fast you can get your voice on the is only 14 seconds long....don't have your speakers up high cause i did not turn the mix down

how long did that take

6 minutes

[edit on 12-11-2007 by Boondock78]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 11:23 AM
Ahhh, why bother...

[edit on 12-11-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 02:49 PM
Here's some more on the Cossey/Auvinen link up:
PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A teenager who admitted plotting a school attack near Philadelphia had chatted online about the Columbine massacre with a teenage outcast who killed eight people and himself in a high school shooting in Finland, the Pennsylvania boy's attorney said Monday.

But the teen was "horrified" when he found out about the Finnish attack and said he never would have suspected him of following through on a violent act, the attorney said. ....

[Comment: Oh I see, they were not planning anything. They were just "chatting." And of course the guy who was planning his own school attack was "horrified" to learn of the Finnish school shooting. Riiight....]
.While (Finnish)police said they would look at the... possible U.S. connection, a senior police refused to assign it any importance.
--Authorities in Pennsylvania said the reports of a connection between the two teenagers were "sketchy" at this stage. "The Finish authorities have said that there might be this connection. But they don't cite what makes them think that," Bruce Castor, Montgomery County District Attorney, told CNN.

[Comment: ...uh... didn't the origonal Times of London article clearly source the cyber-crime guy from the Helsinki PD? Why do I get the feeling this computer-guy has since been reassigned to a small police outpost somewhere up by the arctic circle?]
Von Hertzen said Finnish police had not yet(on Monday, 11-12) been in contact with their U.S. colleagues about a possible link between the two teens.

[Comment: Any day now....]

--"We had heard when we first got this guy(back on 10-10-07) that he had contacted other people through Web sites," Plymouth Township Deputy Chief Joe Lawrence said. "We wouldn't be shocked by it."

[Comment: Way to follow up on them leads, Chief.]

--Cossey's attorney, J. David Farrell, said he doubted his client was involved in planning the Finnish attack. "Knowing my client as I have gotten to know him, I would be surprised if he were engaged in any true planning or encouraging behavior to an individual in Finland who was planning some sort of school attack," Farrell told CNN.

[Comment: 'Course not. The kid who admitted planning his own school attack wouldn't do such a thing!]

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 05:18 PM

I had enough, i'm really irritated by the fact that they are now showing crying people on TV news. These are people that had nothing to do with the tragedy, they didnt know anyone involved, they are just crying cause it's so damn horrible. Yes it is horrible, but why are people crying in the damn national TV.
They had nothing to do with the event, if they are so sensitive, why don't they cry at home where i don't need to watch em.

Same thing goes for the daily magazines, they have 20 page reports on the event, they are happy as hell this happend, now magazines sell so well. They don't give a damn about people who died, they just want to get all the juicy details and sell more papers. Now people are happy, they have a tragedy to talk about.

I visited the local store and all people were talking about the event, this old lady in the line said to me "That was so horrible tragedy, where is this country going", i replied with an evil grind "get over it granny, much worse things happen everyday". That really pissed me off, this is the reaction the shooter wanted, and now the citizens are enjoying it. This is many days after the event, can't we move on?

Few days ago i was smokeing in my balcony, AND THEY HAD LOWERED THE F"#ING national flag to half (This means someone died in our house), it appears we had some sort of mourning day for the whole F"#"ing country. I'm so sick of it, i bet 500.000 people must see their shrink right away, because ITS SO HORRIBLE! OMG!!!! People need to grow up, there are 1000 of people dying in other countries, in war, in poverty and other things all the time.

My personal feelings about the event:

The event was horrible
The shooter was intelligent, but crazy. (had some points right, just wrong approach)
I feel sad for the victims and their close ones.
I feel sad for the shooter and his close ones.
When it happend, i was thinking about what led to it, but i don't think about it anymore, one day was enough for me.

So the point is, can we just get over it? If you can't visit a shrink, not a local tv station.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by FaxMachine

Nicely said man, nicely said. I couldn't agree more.
I know what you mean too, I had a similar experience in my city,
everyone crying their eyes out, making a big thing out of
absolutely nothing. Everyone fake, trying to find a purpose for
their meaningless existence, only to be seen on television, sickening.
The world is a giant popularity contest, this proves it.

posted on Nov, 12 2007 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by FaxMachine
Yes it is horrible, but why are people crying in the damn national TV?
Problem, Reaction, Solution. You have to have lots of national trauma(the Reaction) to shove restrictive new laws and security measures(the Solution) down the throats of the public. Your entire nation is being victimized by a giant psy-op.

posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 04:09 AM
an antisocial socialdarwinist.


posted on Nov, 13 2007 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by kekenalii

How old are you? You sound like an 8 year old.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by OutShine

Originally posted by starviego
You are assuming that Auvisen actually posted all that stuff himself. Leaving a false trail electronically would probably be no big deal for the covert operators.

Well, well, well..... :
(T)he Internet teen networking site said it is cooperating with Finnish authorities investigating the recent school massacre. But the company said in a statement that it knows of no connection to Auvinen because a MySpace page, which has been taken down, proved to have been put up by an imposter.

[Comment: It would be interesting to find out when this "imposter" page was put up. What if it was put up before the shooting in Tuusuula?]
MySpace said in a statement: "Even though we were unable to locate any connection on our site, we are in contact with local enforcement in Finland to provide any assistance needed." The statement also affirmed that the alleged profile of Auvinen was fake and has been removed.


Some more info on the search for internet contacts between Cossey and Auvinen:
An analysis of .....Cossey's computer confirmed that he had been in Web contact with (Auvinen) but there was no trace of the information they exchanged, Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr. said.
--"We do not know what the nature of those contacts were," Castor said.

[Comment: I seriously doubt this. Somewhere out there in cyber-space, everything they wrote about is preserved.]

--The county could seek an out-of-state warrant for the bulletin board postings but that would be a lengthy process, said Castor. As a result, authorities have had to rely on the Plymouth youth and his recollection of those contacts, according to Castor.

[Comment: In any real investigation, the internet providers for Cossey's and Auvinen's computers should have been contacted soon after the incidents, and asked to provide info, voluntarily or by court order.]
--The (Montgomery County)district attorney said he expected to have information from the forensic analysis of Cossey's computer "to determine if the screen name from the suspect in Finland comes up."

[Comment: A more complete search would be one using the ICQ number unique to Auvinen's computer. Apparently the idea that Cossey/Auvinen might have been communicating under different names has not occured to Philly's crack team of cyber sleuths.]


Now here's a couple of fascinating quotes:
(The chief superintendent detective of the Finnish Central Criminal Police)Jan-olof Nyholm said the two may have visited the same Columbine-related sites, which the Finnish official said are routinely monitored by U.S. law enforcement for hints of potential copycat plots.
The FBI does not monitor such blog sites, unless agents are tipped off to a specific threat or crime, said agency spokeswoman Jerri Williams.

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 06:48 AM
And as predicted by me and others the killer was using SSRI antidepressants !
Theres a surprise...

". A message written by "Sturmgeist89", a pseudonym used by Auvinen, appeared on the Internet a short time ago stating that he took the mood-enhancers, although he hated them.
In a video that he placed on YouTube, Sturmgeist89 displays packages of Cipralex, Zoloft, Luvox, and Prozac pills. The video "SSRI-One Pill A Day Makes You Happy" criticises medicalisation.
The drugs in question are Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the perpetrators the massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado in the USA, had said that they took pills in the same class of drugs. "

But the MSM won't cover this of course...

posted on Nov, 16 2007 @ 08:19 AM
how come when people see the ssri's, they are fast to blame em?
i mean, how do we know the ssri's did not keep him chill enough not to do this a year ago?

just saying....those meds benefit a lot of people and whnever something happens nasty and a person is on them, they are to blame...

i bet a lot of the 'hero's that were at 9/11 and katrina and the bridge collapse etc were on them too.

ssri does not = freak out?

something i feel i MUST always say with these meds, is the most important thing with these are taking them as directed, all the time..

you can't take em when you want, doublt up, miss days, etc....

a LOT of people on these meds to not take them properly. not the docs fault nor the med..

some people are just jigacked

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