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Ramblings of Finnish school shooter

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posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 11:25 AM
I really need to get myself a credit enslavement card...
people actually waste their money donating to no name websites?
Man, that's wack. I'll consider your proposal, I'm gonna make a
website either way in the future, I just needed the how to, thanks for
some of the info.

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by Silcone Synapse
Boondock is talking sense.
Well said that man.

Good attitude

thank you...i appreciate that...i am no techical wizzard but i have managed to get a couple forums off the ground. i edit videos with movie maker and host em to get my 'message' out...

this is the greatest time in the world to reach as many people as possible and for cheap as hell.

ask whichever one of the 3 amigo's started this place how much it cost to get it wasn't much.

i know sherdog is a huge ma forum but i remember going there when it was a proboards place. now they have mma credentials and are like the espn of mma.

there is free software to do all this stuff. you rent a host and their tech support will walk you righ through you to get it up and running.

the bigger it gets, the more you do.
donations, merchandise, banners, ads, etc...

you figgit out

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by Radekus
I really need to get myself a credit enslavement card...
people actually waste their money donating to no name websites?
Man, that's wack. I'll consider your proposal, I'm gonna make a
website either way in the future, I just needed the how to, thanks for
some of the info.

yeah, they do...
if you're running some half assed looking site and are not really serious about it i would not count on it..

i got donations and it didn't take long...

you just talk to people man...
whayever your subject matter is gonna be...pick out a good domain name...moderate it properly....get some traffic....after a bit of time, add some features and maybe set your donations thing up.

a lot of sites give members premium services that donate kinda like ats does with their points.
you can give your members or choice members an email at the .whatever you are using.
i already told you about the shirts and such but check out a website called cafepress

it is NOT hard to get communications going with people.
there are websites that allow you to do podcasts and all sorts of things...

take a look around you(meaning the net)...

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by Harassment101

If you read what he wrote, he was not insane, but his choices and actions are not the ones that I would have choosen, and I do find them regretable. However maybe the wisdom of time helps.

no, he was deluded in very much the same way as those who seek power over others are.

his ideas, his perception, true or not are not pivotal to the world we live in. what he did was to reduce our chances, because no-one will resist the new gun laws in Finland now. iirc, only Switzerland remains without draconian gun control and that's only the tip of the iceberg. the surveillance fraction will rejoice over this, among others. then there's the nutjob angle, which does tremendous damage to countless people because now there'll be even more thugs who willl believe they're doing the right thing by selectively eliminating people. you know very well, Harassment101, what i mean, such 'lone nut' stereotypes, real or via false flag give gangstalkers a free ride, as long as they can sell the 'threat' angle, even fewer people will condemn them.

so, call it what you want, what he did worsened what he tried to overcome, simple. he was not the only one who had a problem with the world we live in, but he decided 'somethin' had to be done and now. that's again the same logic as used by the system. speed kills right?

if you oppose to establishment at least try to be different. this applies to both, patsies and real terrorists.

[edit on 9.11.2007 by Long Lance]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 07:56 PM
This shooter's mindset is common — he was a nobody in a sea of nobodies. The citizens of the world today feel hopeless and helpless as a handful of elites lay down the laws and social guidelines, enforced by unquestioning police and military drones. Elections no longer determine the course of government. Everyone has his own worthless opinion, which is the only true "equality" between human beings.

In a world that stifles and crushes individualism, these people (terrorists, school shooters, mass murderers, to cite a few examples) need to exert some tiny measure of control in a way that will send ripples across the globe. As insignificant a gesture as it is, taking out a few citizens with a handgun may appease the shooter's longing to control something — to control anything — if only for a few moments out of eternity.

I mean, face it, this guy in Finland was a professed atheist, so he had no illusions of an afterlife, he had nothing to fear from God. When you respect no divine authority, and you see that human authority is invariably corrupt, then you may believe that any man's values are equal to any other's. That is to say, in a world where the very best "authorities" are critically flawed in your view, then there is no right & wrong, no dark and light, no charity and barbarity, et cetera. You are making up the rules as you go, and who is to challenge you?

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 11/9/2007 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 01:11 PM
Hi Silcone Synapse.

I think there are many ways to revolt, violence is one choice, and telling the truth is another, out of several dozen.

For me I like peaceful protests. I realise this is not always the answer and different time periods have to make different choices.

Again I think I want to make it clear that what this kid did was not the way to go. I think he wanted to make a political statement, but killing people was not the way to do it.

What I am now saying is, we have to make the most out of this tradgedy, with discussions and we need to try to understand what he was saying.

Hi Radekus,

What made you decide to not confirm when given the oppertunity?

I am sorry to hear that, but don't give up hope. There are others out there who are bright and intellegent and who are not going along with this system, male, female, rich, poor, every culture. You may find someone suitable if that is still a goal for you.

You are also pretty young, so maybe age is not the determining factor. I think if this kid believed in something more than himself, he might have made other choices.

I agree that open rebellion all too often leads to being singled out by the system. We can only hope in time that people will come to understand this.

Until very recently, I did not understand that there was a problem, or even a system in place like what you speak of, and I am somewhat more advanced than you are, time frame wise. So I think we have to hope that with awareness, people will hopefully come to understand, and maybe be willing to make a change. (There is always hope.)

Hi Boondock78.

I am not going to debate his sanity. I think he was sane, I think his actions were not right however. I know most people will not be able to seperate the two, but I do. Eg. If Jesus had gone and pulled a sword on a bunch of people when it was time to be arrested, and commited a violent act, then he would have gone down as a nutter, but his ideas would still have been the same, and I think those ideas were relavant.

Now with this kid, I don't think his ideas of natural selection are correct, or his right to kill people, I am not agreeing with those ideas. I am also not agreeing with his actions. I am trying to draw attention to the other things he was saying about the system we live in, and about what democracy really is. That's what I am trying to point out, and get people to understand. I think he expressed those ideas very well, and eloquently, and it's one of the better explainations I have heard in a long time. That and what he was saying about how people confirm to the system. That's what I meant.

Youtube is a great format, that is why I fully endorse using forums, youtube, whatever to get the message, and ideas out there. I thing getting the truth out there in these ways is the way to go. However since this tragedy happened, I feel the need for us to try to make some good out of it, by having discussions like this, so that people feeling the same way, can know that they are not alone, that others feel the way they do about the system, and hopefully encourage them to find other none violent ways to deal with what they are feeling.

Just because you are dead it does not render you stupid. Martin Luther king is dead, John Lennon, Malcolm X, Jesus, all gone. They just choose a different path than this kid, but they all ended up dead none the less.

I am also in no way shape or form, putting this kid up there with them, my point was to refute your statement that the kid was not intelligent, because he be dead.

No we don't need a rampage to get people talking. I never said that we did. What I did say, just so you don't put words into my mouth, is that out of this tradgedy, it will and should get people like us talking. Which I personally have been doing, ever since I woke up to the reality of this bs.

Just so that we are clear.

Hey Radekus,

You don't need money to make money, do a google search, free website hosting. Look for one with no banners. Want some tee-shirts made free? Cafe free press. There is so much you can do on the internet.

See in having discussions like this, we can take someone like you with all these energies and ideas, who feels frustrated with the ways things are, and direct you to positive outlets, where you can hopefully make a difference in a positive way, whatever that is.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by Harassment101]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 01:29 PM
Hey Boondock78,

I think you are helping me prove my point. By having this discussion, you are showing others how easy it can be to try to make a difference. How many people don't realise how easy it is to start a forum, blog, myspace page, youtube video channel, etc?

Out of this tragedy, we might do something good by having these discussions. It's sad that this happened, but since it has, a difference can be made by having these discussions.

Hey Long Lance,

Good to see you around. I mean in the sense that he played judge, jury and executoner, yeah that was wrong, but the point he was trying to make was not deluded, just the way he did it.

I don't believe in natural selection. I very much believe in a God, I don't think this is world or time period is by accident, and I do believe we are better than animals, though we don't always act like it. I don't believe we have the right to enforce what we believe on others the way he did, it was just so wrong, and sad.

I totally see what you mean about him ruducing the chances of gun laws being resisted. I do see what you mean about this giving the snitches/gangstalkiers more reasons to go for the threat angle and to feel justified in what they do to innocent people.

What I want to do is get what good we can out of something that is bad. So maybe the next kid who wakes up to this, will not feel that way, maybe there will be something there for the next one, something they can believe in, hang onto, to change the outcome.

You know as well as I do more will be awakened to this, and if they have no hope, other kids will react the way he did. If there is open discussion about this enslaved society, about the fact that democracy is not really freedom the way we have been taught, then maybe the next kid will not feel so alone, and will make other choices, that is part of the hope in having these discussions.

Again good points, if you oppose the establishment, then don't do as they do, try to be different.

Hi Doc Velocity,

Extreamly well said. I do think if this kid believed in something he would have made other choices. I think when you do not believe in a God, afterlife or consequences, then this is what will happen. We have a world that is teaching these same principles to the upcoming generation because it suits their agenda very much, and yet at the same time, when kids don't want to go along wtih the agenda, they will take these actions, because they have been taught that there is nothing to believe in.

Again just an excellen star quality post

[edit on 10-11-2007 by Harassment101]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 01:33 PM

op by harassment
"For me I like peaceful protests. I realise this is not always the answer and different time periods have to make different choices.

Again I think I want to make it clear that what this kid did was not the way to go. I think he wanted to make a political statement, but killing people was not the way to do it.

What I am now saying is, we have to make the most out of this tradgedy, with discussions and we need to try to understand what he was saying."

I hear ya.No worries Bro.

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 02:13 PM
I don't believe anyone should just open fire on innocent civilians. However if you really read what he said, it isn't different that much from the Patriots in America.
We all know that the Government and the public schools and ad infinitum, try to control every acspect of our lives. Maybe if he knew others who thought as he did they could have found a better or healthier outlet for his anger.

I would never kill anyone, except maybe myself, but that is only because I have already died so I know where I would be going. But I understand his anger and frustration.

No one really cares any more, unless we see something like this. But we don't care about our fellow humans in the moment. They have to die or be dying, or very sick or in a fire, hurricane. toranado,etc. They may need a hand up but we look the other way.

If anyone is to blame it is all of us and are disregard for one another until after the fact. With the right outlet and the right understanding he could have used his intelligence to change the system.

Instead of blame maybe we should ask, what are these people demonstrating to us about what the world is doing to us all?

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 03:20 PM
Very interesting link here, about the Finnish school shooter's link to Dylan Cossey, 14, who was arrested in his own school shooting plot a month previous:

"The YouTube killer who shot dead eight members of his school in Finland before turning his gun on himself had internet contacts with an American teenager who was planning a shooting spree in a high school in Philadelphia, it was claimed yesterday.

"The disclosure could turn upside down previous assumptions about the dynamics of school massacres. Until now, teenage killers were regarded as depressed loners whose imagination had been stoked by aggressive computer games. Now it seems that information may have been shared by potential killers over the internet: a virtual community of young people who idolise the 1999 Columbine High School murders.

" “It’s highly probable that there was some form of contact between Pekka-Eric Auvinen and Dillon Cossey,” a spokesman for the cyber crime department of Helsinki police said. .....

"Dillon Cossey, 14, was arrested last month on suspicion of planning to storm his old school, Plymouth Whitemarsh. .... Less than two weeks later Auvinen, already a member of a shooting club, was buying his first gun — a .22 pistol — and expressing interest in a 9mm semi-automatic.

"Police do not believe this to have been a coincidence. The two youths are thought to have made contact over two MySpace groups, “RIP Eric and Dylan” — a reference to Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, who killed 12 schoolmates at Columbine — and “Natural Selection”. ....

"Police are trying to establish whether the Jokela massacre was in some way a copycat event or whether it resulted from an exchange of tips across the internet. Across Europe cyber-crime experts are nervous that some of the abuses on the net committed by Islamic fanatics could become a model for other marginalised groups. ..."


I wonder how this will effect Cossey's criminal case. If he knew about Auvinen's own plan he could possibly be charged with murder, not just conspiracy to commit murder.

And how will this reflect on the local PD? If it turns out clues about Auvinen's plot was found on Cossey's own computer, and they didn't bother to warn anybody, they could end up having some serious 'splainen to do. Or maybe they did warn someone, in which case the Finnish cops may have some 'splainen to do. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
In his lone MySpace page blog post, dated March 29, Cossey wrote about recruiting for his "military group"
--Cossey refers to himself as the leader of the ".I.C.A.," the Imperial Cobra Army. The group has only one other member listed and the only post on the group's MySpace page is from the student, who wrote the group's cause is "to overthrow the corupt and evil governments of today and bring about a new world order of tommorow."

I guess the question then is, was Auvinen recruited by the Imperial Cobra Army, or, as some like to call it, the "Cobra Imperial Army(CIA)"

[edit on 10-11-2007 by starviego]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by Doc Velocity

You basically summed up the reason why I said what I said previously...

Originally Posted By SpeakerofTruth
This is what the atheistic, materialistic, egotisitical modern day philosopheies have brought to us.

People like this should cram all of their idealogy, "facts," theories, and Social Darwinistic attitudes directly, as far as they get can get them, up their asses!! Really, this guy was beyond sick...

If you look at what is going on, it becomes quite apparent that we have left one mind frame that ws creating problems, the religious one where "I am right and everyone else is wrong," to a mind frame that is even worse. It is the mindframe of "No hope. No authority. Nothing to look forward to. So I'll just kill you."

Do all atheists and unspiritual people feel this way? I don't think so. However, my point was that their ideologies are where such thought patterns emerge.

[edit on 10-11-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Nov, 10 2007 @ 04:07 PM

Originally posted by Harassment101
Hey Boondock78,

I think you are helping me prove my point. By having this discussion, you are showing others how easy it can be to try to make a difference. How many people don't realise how easy it is to start a forum, blog, myspace page, youtube video channel, etc?

thats what i am saying too. i mean look at just myspace...MILLIONS of dude can't search people with the same views as him, write blogs and bulletins and such?

there are people on myspace with hundreds of friends. thousands of friends...
you get 100 people on your list and send a bulletin, thats 100 people that have your stuff right there in their face, and without killing nobody.

the list is on and on but you CAN get your message heard these days, no matter what it don't have to go whacko

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by spiritwomyn
If anyone is to blame it is all of us...

Ah, so it takes a village to raise a berserk child, also. "All of us" is sort of a sweeping generalization, and I think we can narrow it down a bit more — specifically, I think we can blame feminism, not only for the Finland shootings, but for whole decades of like carnage. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I could blame every problem we're now facing in this world on feminism.

Ever since the rise of feminism as a significant political force in the 1960s and 70s, we've seen a sure and steady emasculation of Western civilization. Political correctness and hate crime legislation (also known as thought control) are certainly the spawn of feminism. Affirmative action initiatives to "lower the bar" of academic excellence in order to ensure that anybody can graduate (also known as dumbing down) is unquestionably a feminist contribution to our crumbling educational system. Environmental hysteria is decidedly feminist, inasmuch as all hysteria is feminist. And I firmly believe that feminism is behind anti-gun campaigns worldwide, as well. You think I'm kidding?

Am I blaming women? Oh, no, don't get me wrong — I'm blaming feminism, the proponents of which include both women and men who think like women. In a nutshell, I don't believe that Western civilization has the balls to take on the world's challenges anymore — now we're all much too sensitive and thin-skinned to act with conviction and immediacy and courage, thanks to testicle-chilling effects of feminism.

And, thanks to the increasingly oppressive grip that feminism has on the West's testicles, the traditionally masculine activities such as hunting, fighting and waging war — for thousands of years considered the ultimate measures of human success — are now characterized as dumb and brutal behavior that must be eliminated from human society. Who decided that, I wonder?

Because whichever feminist genius it was apparently didn't have the foresight to understand that you can't eliminate 7 million years of masculine evolution with 35 or 40 years of social engineering. Rather, this feminist experiment in dehumanization is having quite the opposite effect — as they exert more and more social pressure to contain and extinguish the aggressive masculine need to control his environment, the more frequently are we seeing these outbursts of civilian gun violence.

I mean, we can look back to the earliest school shooting that I can remember in my life, the incident at the University of Texas at Austin in 1966, when Charles Whitman turned the campus into a carnival shooting gallery, killing 14 people and wounding over 30 others. Now, it's true that Whitman had a brain tumor, which could account for his rampage. But, interestingly, all of the school massacres (and Post Office massacres, for that matter) that I've heard about from that time to the present have been perpetrated by men.

What do you get out of that?

I get that real men are feeling increasingly shackled, oppressed, and even punished simply for obeying their instincts — the instinct to want control, the instinct to swiftly assess a situation and take immediate action, the instinct to rebel violently against oppression, for examples. I get that real men are looking at the world and are incredibly frustrated at the degree of inaction and vacillation on the part of our leaders, not to mention the feminist sentiments inundating our airwaves 24-7. And I'm not just talking about men in the USA, but all over Western civilization.

So, I guess when some men hit that wall, when they see their government controlled by politically-correct feminists (both women and men who think like women); when they feel the talons of the Global Union closing in around their testicles, threatening to disarm them and to criminalize free speech; when they see their liberty and masculinity being outlawed before their eyes; well, some guys just lose it.

And what better venue for making your last stand than at the rotten core of the whole System — the feminist indoctrination factories known as public schools and colleges?

Well, I for one can think of better ways to strike back at The System — by joining it, by immersing yourself in its absurdy, by actually climbing the ladder and excelling within The System, for years if necessary. By making yourself indispensable to The System, and then using your position and power to bring the System down.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 11/11/2007 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 06:24 AM

Originally posted by Harassment101

Hey Long Lance,

Good to see you around. I mean in the sense that he played judge, jury and executoner, yeah that was wrong, but the point he was trying to make was not deluded, just the way he did it.

I don't believe in natural selection...

it's not natural selection* if someone goes on a killing spree and i'm certain that such activities will not result in 'survival fitness' but rather a failed society along with its assorted waste of lives, talent and survivors' quality of life.

was he right about opression? i'd say yeah, he was. to put it bluntly, the immediate impression contains a lot of truth, which is more often than not denied and distorted by all who, (wittingly or unwittingly) subscribe to the paradigm, ie. go with the flow, using arguments based on centuries of experience at derailing peoples' efforts to understand, until the persons in question will either no longer believe themselves (immediate victory) or will simply shut up. this combination can trigger a lot of hate, but since few people are willing to admit that they harbor evil feelings and thought, they rationalise it all, preferrably using a forbidden or frowned upon concept like social darwinism (ie. social selectionism) or nazism, which are, incidentially, both clearly present in this guys pamphlets. you can choose to selectively overlook these tendencies, i for one think they were vital for his progression towards violence. sane or insane, well, i for one believe that trying to achieve one thing and doing the exact opposite is not really sane.

iow, the system supplies its outsiders with approprate, complementary but opposed worldviews, which in turn are destructive, thereby creating even more harm to these individuals than ostracism alone. this way, the system creates its own patsies, for free and without fear of people uncovering an underlying black op, because there is none. a perfect crime. clearly staged ops like Columbine or the Tasmania shooting seem to indicate that this kind of terrorist is hard to come by, though, which means one should always be on the lookout for a black op.

* the entire concept of NS is a tautology, because the outcome, survival, is also the only indicator of survival fitness. its seductive properties (deriving your own value from killing others) renders it relatively immune from logical argument. the mentality is ubiquitous, if you look hard enough. it's actually commonplace, seeing as, f-ex. any test or exam (or even surveillance protocol) that's designed to judge the person instead of the required skills has no real justification, unless you wish to attribute value to the person for the sake of it. the majority embraces this mindset, though, without being aware of the intricate consequences, because after a few iterations, full blown eugenics programs will inevitably resurface.

[edit on 11.11.2007 by Long Lance]

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Do all atheists and unspiritual people feel this way? I don't think so. However, my point was that their ideologies are where such thought patterns emerge.

Speaker, I'm quite disappointed with your position on this. I'm not picking on you, because there are others here suggesting the same old specious BS (and another one blaming feminism, lolz).

As I said earlier, in the last year or so we have two other major shootings in the US, one man who was from a 'fine christian family' who took out Amish kids and the other who was brought up in a fundamentalist family who decided to take out materialistic kids.

The same end-point. People dead at the end of a gun.

People go postal whether they are atheist or not. If you are an atheist you might rationalise your actions a different way than a theist, but the actions are the same.

But keep telling yourself this stuff, I'm sure it makes you feel better, but do ignore that you live in one of the more violent countries, which also happens to be one of the most theistic countries.

Moreover, feel free to ignore this post like the last one, and carry on regardless. Cheers.

[edit on 11-11-2007 by melatonin]

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 07:02 AM
Eeek. So good, posted it twice

As a freebie, here's a clinical psychology review of the risk factors in school shootings, appears that they missed atheism and feminism in society.


[edit on 11-11-2007 by melatonin]

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 11:46 AM
Given that psychology isn't even a science, I'll take that learned review with a grain of salt. Along with being the most boring and mentally disturbed people I've ever met, psychologists are notorious defenders of feminism and moral relativism, anyway, and their profession — sitting on their asses and doing nothing for their "patients" — is one of the greatest ripoffs in the history of humankind. Right up there with selling property on the moon.

Following the feminist lead, psychologists advocate talking rather than taking action. Feminism is very talky, and so is psychology. Talk talk talk talk talk. We should meet and talk with the terrorists. Can't we all just sit down and talk this through? There's no problem we can't resolve through talks. Lotta talk but no action. Talky talky talk talk talk. Bleh bleh bleh.

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 11/11/2007 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Doc Velocity
Given that psychology isn't even a science, I'll take that learned review with a grain of salt.

Errm, yes, it is.

For someone who dislikes talking you spew a lot of blah.


posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 12:22 PM
I don't dislike talk, I simply prefer action. Both psychology and feminism are pure talk and no action.

— Doc Velocity

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 05:05 PM
The big question is what did the local Philly cops do with Cossey's computer, and if they found evidence that Auvinen was doing his own planning? Perhaps coincidentally or not, the Philadelphia area suffered another school shooting incident this morning(11-11-07), when three to five shots were fired into the air after fighting broke out at a late night dance on the grounds of Villanova University. No injuries, and no suspects, even though the cops were already on scene when the shots were fired.

A warning, perhaps? Don't be surprised if this is the last we hear of any link of Dillon Cossey to the Finnish school shooting.

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