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Australia governed in secret?

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posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 08:28 PM
As if we need a report to tell us what we already know...

Read this to confirm how the Australian government has been operating in a culture of secrecy post 911.

It's a disgrace.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

Welcome to the "free world". What, have you been under some rock in the outback for a while? It's all getting like this.

And by-the-by, welcome back. I haven't seen you post in some time. Glad you're with us once more.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 08:38 PM
I knew it all along, that the government operates in secret. For years, I have watched our freedom being plucked from us in small doses.

At least an article like this - for what it is worth, goes to show that other people are also taking notice. Not that anyone in Australia will give a damn about it! Don't you know, we're 'The Lucky Country'?

I've been around, mainly reading more than posting, of late.

posted on Nov, 4 2007 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by tezzajw

Well don't avoid us. We may not always agree, but we love you as the other side., 'cause you would always be "from the heart" on any subject.

I hope you don't go all silent again.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 03:22 AM
Good find! I can't say this is suprising though - this is precisely why I refuse to vote.
I will NOT vote for anyone who deceives or conceals.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 04:37 AM
Australian people seem to be losing more & more freedom all the time with what we can say, what we can do With the election day due soon all we seem to get is promise after promise from both sides.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by tezzajw

I believe aus has been a propoganda testing ground for the NWO for a few years now. We are ideal as we already have a rebelious/mutiny culture anyway [once were convicts] so if one approach works on us it's nearly guarenteed to work on more populated countries.

..we do have our limit and even channel 9 want Howard out of office. They had the political debate and when the 'worm' went against howard the actual goverment tried censore/take the show off air and so 9 rebelled.

It's not good to get the media off side.. they seem to have it in for him now.
Thing is when that happens the government is no longer the puppet master. Things seem to be changing.

[edit on 11-11-2007 by riley]

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 05:06 AM
for some reason i've had a feeling for a while that when the nwo takes charge, its main hq will be in australia..always feel like they play a big role even tho no one hears much about them

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 05:44 AM
I find the way so many governments ratchet up security and implemented measures to take away rights after 9/11 to really look like a coordinated effort. Almost as if world leaders sit around a table and plan this type of thing.

On a side note, Australia is a current lingo word used in pop culture to signal those that are trying to resist the NWO and its methods. Check out music videos you will see lots wearing Australian colors.

You will also see the color of Gold used alot to indicate the NWO or the secret societies. Especially Gold Cars.

But I am digressing.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by riley

I don't know your politics down there, but watch out, when the media all jumps against a candidate, make sure they are not just moving in a replacement who is in the same group.

Have leader do crappy things.
People get upset
Make leader look real bad
Then sneak in your next monarch pick as opposition party candidate, who only says how bad current leader is, so nobody looks at them and sees they are the same way as original leader was.

posted on Nov, 11 2007 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Redge777
Then sneak in your next monarch pick as opposition party candidate, who only says how bad current leader is, so nobody looks at them and sees they are the same way as original leader was.

Our current Prime Minister has a virtual clone, being the current Opposition 'Leader'. They are one and the same, it's frightening. If I can steal the promo line from Aliens vs Predator: "Whoever wins, we lose."

By 'law' I must attend the voting booth to register my name on election day, however, the 'law' can't force me to tick a box to support ANY of them at all.

Channel 9 are only doing what they have been told to do. So any slant against Howard would have been instigated from orders above. Who knows, maybe the Whitehouse want a new Prime Minister for us, to start a new team with the new President when (s)he's appointed?

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 05:44 PM
I think everyone was missing the point of the article. Some parts of government must be secret otherwise it would open up then entire system.

Exactly what freedoms have each of you personally lost?

I'm sure you'll know this one "Please Explain"

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 05:51 PM

Our current Prime Minister has a virtual clone, being the current Opposition 'Leader'. They are one and the same, it's frightening. If I can steal the promo line from Aliens vs Predator: "Whoever wins, we lose."

It's the same in the Uk. the difference between the 2 main opposing parties is minimal. Going back 20 years, there was a huge difference. Both parties are now the same politically.

The "new" prime minister Gordon Brown has been socialising with the ageing, decrepid and evil Maggie Thatcher....what's all that about?

posted on Nov, 14 2007 @ 06:20 PM
The first thing your guys need to do in Oz is to kick the Queen and the Royal family out once and for all and become a republic.

The Royal family are a very bad influence with evil ideologies working in tandem with the NWO.

The sooner your country breaks free of the Royal influence the better in my opinion.

#### the Royal family and the queen.

posted on Nov, 15 2007 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by justsomeaussie
I think everyone was missing the point of the article. Some parts of government must be secret otherwise it would open up then entire system.

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't a 'democratic' government meant to govern with transparency? What gives them the right to obfuscate and delude the population? The entire system is corrupt, it needs to be opened up.

Exactly what freedoms have each of you personally lost?

My old man was FORCED to hand in his 12-Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun and his Semi-Automatic 0.22 rifle under the knee-jerk legislation caused by the Port Arthur murders.

I am FORCED to wear a bicycle helmet, or I can be fined $50 (which has happened to me once) if I am caught by the police. Yes, I know there's probably a statistical significance that proves wearing helmets on bikes are safer. However, by forcing me to wear one, it takes away one of the SIMPLE pleasures in life, which is riding a bike leisurely along a trail. Sure, I might fall off and hit my head, but I'm just as likely to trip over when I walk the same trail and also hit my head! Why should I have to wear a bucket on my head when I am riding my bike around to the corner shop?

If the government was serious about protecting us from harm (like we can't make decisions for ourselves), then they would ban cigarettes, rather than force us to wear bike helmets! But, bike helmets don't generate as many tax dollars in revenue as cigarettes do.

I am not permitted to have open containers of alcohol on some city streets. Ridiculous. Being a responsible citizen, why should I suffer under laws like that?

I am FORCED to send my children to some type of school until they are 15 years of age. Sure, as a parent, I want to help to prepare my children for the future, however I have little faith in the stadard of the education system. To school them at home, I would be FORCED to prove that I can offer a suitable 'curriculum' for them. The education system is an insidious government propaganda tool that manages to delude most people in to thinking that it is worthwhile.

You might scoff at what I type, but I hate being controlled.

I wonder what would happen to me, if someone with a grudge called the Anti-Terror Hotline and told some lies about me. How many of my freedoms will I still have when I am locked away for days in a cell with phone-book bruises all over me during my interrogation and my family suffers if my bank accounts get frozen? What, did I say the word 'bomb' in public, or did I use the words 'kill' and 'President' accidentally in the same sentence?

Edit: Why don't I have the FREEDOM to know about UFO reports and investigations that are carried out by my government? I pay their wage, through my taxes, so I am entitled to know. The government works for the people, so why is the Australian government not releasing all of its findings and data about UFOs for me to read? Being told lies is a loss of freedom.

[edit on 15-11-2007 by tezzajw]

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 05:32 AM

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't a 'democratic' government meant to govern with transparency? The entire system is corrupt, it needs to be opened up.

You are wrong. It's not supposed to be transparent. I'm not sure what version of westminister you reading but it's wrong. Even wiki it. If we had your way, then all information would be free, sounds great doesn't it. Like your tax records, credit ratings, your porn rentals. Privacy is needed in all areas including the government. No one said it was supposed to be open.

My old man was FORCED to hand in his 12-Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun and his Semi-Automatic 0.22 rifle under the knee-jerk legislation caused by the Port Arthur murders.

Yeah dude, unless you can provide a valid reason why you needed a pump action shotgun you shouldn't have one. # using your logic we all should have machine guns as it is a "freedom" A semi auto is the same, it's the damage it can cause compared to a bolt action rifle. Again why do you really need one. Unless you are a farmer or a sports shooter it isn't necessary. Like hand grenades, you don't actually need them to live.

I am FORCED to wear a bicycle helmet, or I can be fined $50 (which has happened to me once) if I am caught by the police. Yes, I know there's probably a statistical significance that proves wearing helmets on bikes are safer. However, by forcing me to wear one, it takes away one of the SIMPLE pleasures in life, which is riding a bike leisurely along a trail. Sure, I might fall off and hit my head, but I'm just as likely to trip over when I walk the same trail and also hit my head! Why should I have to wear a bucket on my head when I am riding my bike around to the corner shop?

Are you serious? You have problems with wearing a helmet? What about wearing a seatbelt? Honestly, I think you have some serious control issues if you can't wear a helmet.

If the government was serious about protecting us from harm (like we can't make decisions for ourselves), then they would ban cigarettes, rather than force us to wear bike helmets! But, bike helmets don't generate as many tax dollars in revenue as cigarettes do.

They are taxing the # out of cigarettes and will eventually ban them, it just takes time. It's a social thing, not just a government thing.

I am FORCED to send my children to some type of school until they are 15 years of age. Sure, as a parent, I want to help to prepare my children for the future, however I have little faith in the stadard of the education system. To school them at home, I would be FORCED to prove that I can offer a suitable 'curriculum' for them. The education system is an insidious government propaganda tool that manages to delude most people in to thinking that it is worthwhile.

Yes, we don't want any kids running around without any form of education. That's what every modern country on earth does. Show me one that doesn't force family to send their kids to school.

Edit: Why don't I have the FREEDOM to know about UFO reports and investigations that are carried out by my government? I pay their wage, through my taxes, so I am entitled to know. The government works for the people, so why is the Australian government not releasing all of its findings and data about UFOs for me to read? Being told lies is a loss of freedom

freedom to know about UFO reports? what if they simply don't exist? You could of just come off sounding like a redneck but now you bring up aliens. Nice, how is that anal probe going? . If Aliens have the technology and intelligence to fly all this way why would they bother dealing with our pathetic governments. Honestly

[edit on 18-11-2007 by justsomeaussie]

posted on Nov, 18 2007 @ 05:49 AM
Damn well that didn't edit the way I wanted.

But just to recap. You feel you are being controlled because you are being FORCED to:

Hand in firearms
Wear a bicycle helmet
Send your children to school
Not be allowed to read infomation regarding UFOs

Just reread those a couple of times and think, is it really that important? I would whinge about being forced NOT to have any education or being forced to work in a coal mine or many other things which has happened in various countries in the past. Tell someone from communist russia that one of your whinges is having to wear a bicycle helmet and they would of laughed in your face.

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 08:18 PM
I don't think that you completely understood what I posted, but that's ok. I never claimed that we don't have it 'easy' in Australia compared to other countries. Sure, we do. However, we are still controlled and we still lose basic freedoms that are taken by governments.

I'm not entering a point-by-point blow against your arguments, you have your opinions on what freedom is. We're not a 'free' society and we never will be. We do as we are told, or we are penalised for breaching the 'rules'.

You may, if you choose, think that you are totally free, if that helps you get through your working day. I don't mind.

I personally don't like being lied to by a government that is supposed to be open and transparent - especially with regards to UFO/Alien reports and investigations. Hang on, what's that key phrase - 'National Security' - they won't have to tell me anything anymore and I can believe what I am forced fed to believe.

[edit on 19-11-2007 by tezzajw]

posted on Nov, 19 2007 @ 09:01 PM
Mate, i hear your pain. It's been happening more and more every day. I think the unfortunate thing is that most Aussies are very chilled out. They are so chilled out the government can pretty much get away with anything. A lot of my mates think i'm paranoid, although most of my mates are your typical Aussies.

We should all vote Labour. The Liberals have been in power for far too long. They think they can get away with anything these days, plus they are linked too closely to the states.

posted on Nov, 20 2007 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Redge777
... Almost as if world leaders sit around a table and plan this type of thing.

They do plan these things. Aside from all the different secret societies in the world, there is the Bilderberg Group

This is a shady group of people, and a meeting you will never see reported in the press.

Also, please visit my recently posted string by clicking on signature. I realize that Australia is not America, but it should give some insight into the current state of Democracy in general. The U.S. tries to portray itself as the world champion of Democracy after all.

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