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George Bush ADMITS Explosives at the WTC

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posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by dgtempe

Correct me if I'm wrong here...I'm serious. You're asking if I think Iraqi Freedom is okay, because "Hell's Bell's, the Democrats did it too"?

Hmm...let me think...

This isn't a matter of "keeping up with the Jone's". When a threat is made and a punch is thrown, I would expect ANY president to do exactly what Bush did. Got that? Democrat...Republican...Independent...matter's not.

What does bother me is, well, would this thread even exist if, say, Al Gore won in 2000, and then the towers got hit, and HE ended up sending troops to their deaths? Somehow, I don't think so.

How else do you explain a president rationing everything from rubber to steel, gasoline to lettuce, and dumping 47% of the GNP into a war effort, (let's not mention the 577,000 American troops and sailors sent to thier deaths ...on the other hand, LET'S) and then getting elected four times? I'm speaking of course of Franklin Roosevelt.

And yes, there were the isolationists, as idiotic as they were, who wanted us to stay out of the war, and yes they were, by majority, Republicans. But where is their voice, their faces, recorded? No where I can find. I didn't even know they existed until I was in College (no thanks to my History teacher, I might add.)

My point is, very simply, this:

Show me where it is printed Duke Ferdinand was actually shot by an American, to start WWI, or that the U.S. government was responsible for the attack on Pearl Harbor...or where U.S. troops were siding with the Japanese when we went to war with North Korea, or where the U.S. government threw the first punch in Vietnam. Lord knows, I've looked and can't find it.

[edit on 5-11-2007 by Toelint]

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 12:53 AM

Originally posted by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H
reply to post by ZeddicusZulZorander

This thread is not about when Bush saw the planes hit. It's about him saying " Opratives planted the explosives high up,so the people trapped above couldnt escape"

Jesus! Is it any wonder people don't even want to comment sometimes...

I watched the whole video. It's a nice chop of a comment, I agree. I was simply commenting on how things can get misconstrued by what people want to believe.

Oh and thanks for the warm welcome.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 12:54 AM
his facial expression says it all

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by ZeddicusZulZorander

Sorry its like 8am here ive been awake most of the night and have been getting U2U's abusing me over this thread i must be a bit grumpy sorry. But i was getting a little bit fed up with all the posts about people saying when Bush saw the panes,and like i said the thread is not about that,please forgive me............sometimes what you want to say and how you want to say doesnt come over the right way in print.

And your more than welcome, whats a thread without others input.

[edit on 5-11-2007 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by sneggiwt
Didn't realize there were so many morons on this board...

Funny.. when I read your post, I was thinking that same thing.
Are you really as smart as you pretend?

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 05:36 AM

....It's about him saying " Opratives planted the explosives high up,so the people trapped above couldnt escape"

Has anyone thought of contacting The White House & asking what he meant when he said that?

My guess would be '...when the hijackers ('operatives') hit the buildings with the planes, planting the explosive conflagration at a certain level above the ground to make it impossible for those then trapped above to jump to safety...' or something like that.

The guy is inarticulate and makes verbal gaffes all the time. We all have our particular favorites. One of mine would be 'A literate nation is a HOPEFULLER nation...'

Personally, I find it hard to read 'admission of conspiracy' into yet another of GWB's verbal gaffes. But some people choose to see conspiracy everywhere. They're entitled to their views, of course. Personally, I would need to see a bit more evidence than something like this.

And no, I don't believe the 'official version' of 9/11 in full. The collapse of WT7 in particular is hard to explain as anything other than a CD, which casts suspicion on the collapse of WTC1 & 2. But I remain open-minded.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

he was refering to airplanes being used as explosives, i have posted the evidence on this several times now.

its all there, research it yourself.

you can download the pdf transcript of the trial he is talking about and read it yourself.

weather or not Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is a patsy or nhot remains to be seen. but in the video thats who bush was refering to.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Copernicus

Every news medium does the same thing as FOX. OUTFOXED has been shown to be BS, and here's an example story regarding that point.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 11:33 AM
Operatives planting explosives..that does NOT mean airplanes hitting anything. It means what it says and hetre is what you all are missing:

Bush KNOWS there were explosives planted, and he purports to know why they were planted, as a means of preventing escape..right? Ok, now:

Bush was simply telling half truths, as all politicians are trained to do. He, like all of us, KNOWS that there were explosives at the Twin Towers..that is obvious to anyone who can see or read or hear the testimonies of the firemen, etc. He did not think he was saying anything unknown or unusual, he assumed that all of us know there were explosives, it is so obvious. I am certain that at no point was Georgie Boy ever sat down and let in on the operative details of the event: It is called Plausible Deniability and keeps people from knowing what they have no need to know.

Cheney, the inside man for the cabal who pulled it off, kept Georgie boy filled with the ' talking points ' as to the evil terrorists who did it and their reasons and our responses, etc. But Georgie also mixes his own observations in with his talking points, and calls it banter. He has done this a lot in his career, and it is easy to tell he is very comfortable with lying because he often will mix in some truth just to absolve himself of blame should he be called on what he says. He saw explosions in the films just like we do and he justifies them, of course, by saying that the ' bad guys ' did it, the ' operatives ' who must have bypassed his relatives security net to place them !!

Bush is trying to explain the obvious explosions by making a very notorious claim: That ' operatives ' of the terrorists somehow managed to penetrate the Towers and rig them with explosives prior to the events. That of course unleashes the ' hounds of hell ', the people who ask hard questions and want to know the answers. How did they get in the Towers? When did they plant the explosives? Who fired them on 9-11? Remote? suicide? He is making a major claim and passing it off as a casual comment, not intending to light a fuse.

I believe that Bush was kept in the dark about the attacks..he was and is too unstabel to trust with that kind of secrecy and for those stakes. He knows the truth, of course; the look on his face in the classroom in Florida is priceless: a deer caught in the headlights..he looked like someone who was thinking: " Og my God they actually did it !! Those crazy neocons realy pulled it many hints and such secrecy with Dad and Baker and Cheney and wonder they left me out of those meetings "..Of course his job now is to parrot the official line whenever he can recall what it is, and not screw up too much.

They were able to feebly cover this one up by saying that ' operatives planting explosives ' is the same things as airplanes flying into buildings..but hey; you work with what you've got, right? What ELSE can they say? if they admit that there were explosives planted there then the jig is up. So all they can do is run around insulting the intelligence of the peoiple by saying things like : " Oh, the term ' pull ' means to withdraw the firemen that had not been allowed into the building for hours so we could wait a few more minutes and watch the building fall all by itself. We had no idea it would all fall stright down of course, but just in case we got ready and what do you know? It fell down right after Mr. Silverstein said " pull it " but thats just coincidence!! you see that don't you? "

Thats like this one: Operatives planting explosives is just another way of saying airplanes flying into buildings. If the purpose of the exposives was to keep survivors from getting out, what where they getting out FROM? If the airplane strike was the thing keeping the people from getting out, that would not be an issue anywhere except the zones above the strike, correct? So why the exposives talk? It makes NO sense, what Bush said and the official story also.

This is a slip of the tounge like Rumsfeld and the MISSLE slip up..they are saying things THEY know to be true, and mixing it up with what they are supposed to be saying..happens when you get older or abuse alcohol or lie a lot. They get used to having peoiple pick up after them and excuse what they say..they get complacent and let things slip. But the people who know better can put two and two together and realize the truth: What we see and hear is often what we see and hear!!

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 11:34 AM
weak, and loose. deliberately edited to perpetuate misunderstanding and innuendo. if this is the best the 911 conspiricists have, then its proof that the conspiracy does not exist. this presentation outlines what can only be recognised as barely qualifiable coincidences. barely. a real stretch.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by 4thDoctorWhoFan
I saw video on TV of the first plane hitting the tower less than 30 minutes after it occured.

Please provide proof of this. Because without it you are a liar. Plain and simple.

On Sept. 11, brothers Gedeon and Jules Naudet were in lower Manhattan
taping a documentary on the Engine 7, Ladder 1 firefighters when Jules
suddenly heard a roar from above and turned his camera upward. In doing so,
he captured the only known video of the first plane striking the World Trade
Cameras still rolling, Jules followed the firefighters into the heart
of what would soon be known as Ground Zero. Gedeon also rushed to the scene
with members of Ladder 1. Over the next several hours, Gedeon and Jules
Naudet captured video unlike any broadcast since, including 45 minutes of
footage from inside the North Tower as the rescue effort was underway and
dramatic scenes of escape in the minutes before the building collapsed.


So, you saw footage of the "only known video of the first plane striking the WTC" 30 minutes after it happened? While the Naudet brothers were still filming inside the Towers? Please explain.

You are either misinformed or a liar. Take your pick because there is no other known video of the first tower strike.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 01:05 PM

For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out. That is valuable information for those of us who have the responsibility to protect the American people. He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high -- a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping.

Must be Bush's flubbing on his speech, since the way he talks, I guess the terrorists must have jumped out of the plane and landed on the side of the towers, plant explosives to make sure that the people within can't get out.

Or....that the operatives make sure the planes' EXPLOSIONS make sure the people can't get out high enough.

After all, why didn't the planes hit at the bottom? Why higher? Hmmm....., guess the hijackers followed the instructions as planned.

[edit on 5-11-2007 by deltaboy]

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by 4thDoctorWhoFan
However, I know what myself and my entire office watched that day.

I want names and numbers to verify this. Until then, I believe you should be put on post ban until you can prove it. Because if you are not aware, posting known false statements is a cause for banning on this forum. Prove it.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 01:08 PM
"This isn't a matter of "keeping up with the Jone's". When a threat is made and a punch is thrown, I would expect ANY president to do exactly what Bush did. Got that? Democrat...Republican...Independent...matter's not. "

That would be assumimng it really happened. You are not talking to a bible thumper here. I, like many millions of others beleive otherwise.
But that's an opinion of mine brought on by lots of evidence pointing to this determination i have made.
Sorry to make you mad, but we shouldnt get mad all over again...Isnt this kind of old stuff to be arguing about?

Got that.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by 4thDoctorWhoFan
Its just to easy to edit video these days.

And yet you believe you saw the first plane strike on 9/11?

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by snoopy
And then you add in the content of what Bush says as well, and his inability to do simple things like ride a bike, etc. It's a pretty safe bet that the guy is a complete idiot.

Yay!!. We have found some common ground, Snoop you and me.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by jprophet420

Thanks for that, ill try and find the PDF file. Is there any chace you can post it please, and maybe a video of the speachin full.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 02:05 PM

Originally posted by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H
reply to post by 4thDoctorWhoFan
So your saying you saw the first plane hit on the TV that same day? what news program did you watch that on ? and did you see this on TV before or after the second plane?
[edit on 3-11-2007 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]


I distinctly remember watching video footage of the first plane hitting the tower after I got home from school that day. At least, here in America. Maybe some of you chaps on the other side of the pond got left out of the loop for 24 hours or so - but we saw it here in the U.S.

And, I realize you guys think Bush is a moron... but - you are not really serious in believing that the government would be so sloppy with a conspiracy. "Yeah, we blew up our own buildings - don't tell anyone, okay." .... I can't help but think logic is completely out the window, here.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by Liamoville
2. I saw the 1st plane hit on 9/11. So Bush would have. I remember it very well, i was in middle school (year 7 so i would of been 11 i think.) ... And i went to my aunties that day from school and saw it all on the TV's showing BOTH planes hitting. No mistaken the 2nd for the 1st. I saw both. So some footage obviously was released on 9/11 NOT the day after.

Please provide any evidence to the contrary that the Naudet brother's film was NOT the only film of the first plane. Thanks.

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 02:46 PM
I only heard it on the radio at work, I don't think I saw anything on TV till much later.

Let's also get one thing clear don't have to do a lot of super-technical editing to make George Bush sound as if he doesn't know what he's talking about.

His public speaking is difficult for me to watch. It's as if he's mixing everything up, knows it and tries to fix it but makes it even worse...then the audience (knowing that he's blundering but supporting anyway) blindly applauds out of obligation.

I have no idea what President Bush meant or was attempting to mean. I literally was scratching my head here on this. Rumsfeld's comment was the one that really made me wonder. He said they shot down the plane. That's a serious mistake to make.

Good thread, interesting video.

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