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Demons & proof that perhaps the bible is a lie!!!

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posted on Nov, 8 2007 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by sethdarke
Well thanks to all you guys for your concern over my soul, but as everyone has a different opinion and belief in life so do I, and I for one refuse to worship a god blindly like your christian god expects, i refuse to worship a god who threatens his subjects into submission with fear, the fear of everlasting torment because of temporary sin, i refuse to worship a god who murders the whole world just because no one on it cared about him, i refuse to worship a god filled with vengeance and hate and is wrathful and jealous....

Lucifer is the one who set us free from gods control, god wanted us to be robots in worship of him, and Lucifer gave us knowledge, Lucifer set us free, it is god who is the messed up one, not Lucifer people...

We were set free of our bondage by Lucifer and now god is setting his revenge upon us...

I was going to respond quite differently to this till I came to this post.

I'm not going to tell you, "You need Jesus". I'm not Christian. I will say demons or parallel sentient non human entities are a Universal phenomena among almost every religion. Demons, Spirits, Jinn, Nymphs, or Fey are defined as having free will. In other words they dont come running to prove their existence to just anyone. They also view humanity like animals or with contempt as lower lifeforms.

I'll offer some insight. advice, and some ideas. One: I take it you were born in a Protestant Christian home. You seem to believe in what Christians define as Satanism or Devil Worship. You can throw most of that out the window. Do some real research on the origin of the Satan. Satan from the Bible is more like the being you defined in your first paragraph and in addition is a loyal servant of the Almighty. Your probably thinking "What, but in the book of .....". Focus on what you probably call the Old Testament, dont worry about the rest. But what about Lucifer?
Lucifer is the name of a Roman god who is the son of Venus. It was used to translate the name Helel in the book of Isaiah. Helel is or was human. Read the whole chapter in context you will see that he was mortal, killed by people, and his children are also killed. This Helel was or will be the King of Babylon and has nothing to do with Satan.

Two: I was like you once, long ago. I felt powerless and turned to the darkside. I read tons and tons of books. I was so misguided by pop culture and society. I didnt understand the darkside. I read LaVey's books which are misguided and more interested in shock and profit. I learned about the Temple of Set and corresponded with Col. Aquino. It too was misguided and more interested in profit. I listened to heavy metal thinking it was a path to power. I was so misguided I even played Dungeon's and Dragon's thinking this stuff is evil so it must be powerful. I loved HR Giger. I read HP Lovecraft and bought that stupid Necronomicon from Avon books back when it was first published. I played with Ouiji boards. All of it for nothing. It's all crap. The only good thing out of any of that was Dungeon's and Dragons which is actually a fun game and has nothing to do with evil. You can thank D&D for help creating great people like Stephen Colbert. Improvisation and comedy really defines D&D not evilness.

Three: I didn't wake up to all off that crap till I realized one day that this Ouji board is made by Milton Bradley, this Necronomicon is published by Avon, and LaVey's whole life is nothing but lies. Pop Culture and Society was filled with liesss and pure crap. 99% of it driven by profit and ignorance. This goes for many Churches, Ministers, Pagans/Wiccans, and New Age sects, all driven by profit and greed as well. I became less antagonistic and more objective about life.

In other words, the answers you seek are out there and they are not pretty. Be prepared for culture shock and a paradigm shift in your thinking. If you think humans are mean, prejudiced, and arrogant just wait till you have an encounter with the Weird. Fortean Anomalous Phenomena exists. It doesnt prove the existance of the Divine or the authenticity of the Bible, but it does prove something bizarre exists that is ignored by mainstream science due to it not being able to appear at a whim. I can guarantee you already experienced Synchronicity. Thats just the tip of the ice berg. You have to break down cognitive dissonance. I would suggest two books for you Daimonic Reality by Patrick Harpur and The Trickster and the Paranormal by George P. Hansen.

A warning though, its a Psychologically dangerous path. Its runied many people's lives including high ranking military officers who dealt with it at Fort Belvoir. It can corrupt you psychologically, leaving a mentally broken person resorting to lies and fantasy. It becomes difficult to tell reality from fantasy. The barriers, cognitive dissonance, in your mind that allow you to function in society will break down. In a sense Lovecraft was right there are things outside reality that can make you insane. Mutilated Livestock being dropped at NORAD in the 1970s would be an example. So have fun.

[edit on 8/11/07 by MikeboydUS]

posted on Nov, 9 2007 @ 01:17 AM
U make alot of sense, i'll get hold of the books

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by dznetworks

Hey man, you fasination with demons, it intregues me, what aspect of it is the most attractive to you?

please feel free to email me, [email protected]

Lord Xavier

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by sethdarke
Whats the issue with "Demons" ?

I think they don't exist, or at least that they don't exist in the way the Bible portrays them...

I have read hundreds of books on the occult, I use the ouija board ( it never works ) I have tarot cards, I try call up spirits/demons...

I even have this tattoo

but you know what, NOTHING ever happens, and i've tried everything, including selling my soul to the "devil" contract signed in blood and all...

Still - nothing happens

So whats the issue here ? the bible says all these things about possession and blah blah and here i am begging for contact with a demon and nothing happens,,,Any thoughts on this ???

Perhaps someone out there can prove to me they do exist, or give me a way to call one up ?

Your not spiritual and ill bet your not balanced. that wont stop negatives from contacting you though but chances are they have no interest in you or want to keep you spiritually ignorant so by focusing so much on the foolish ways (sold your soul to the devil? if you had any real experience you would know better than to even try something like that) you've effectively closed yourself off from ever having a real meaningful experience. you've been looking in the wrong direction and the wrong places
question is do you have what it takes to turn it around?

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 09:38 PM
here's a demon for you and here's the demon

i dont have enough left to witts to Elvis i know it's not a bible but it is Rockifear chosen by violence and nothing works on me i'm earth conquering and suplying dope to grounds students at the UNiveristy of SOuth Detroit or something like that i dont worry about names only names that influence my life i am a demon talking, talking through a demon in trainings of becoming a demonfied Casfear and Rockfear i don't know what to say i'm done what else to say?

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by Dobbie

What's between the red and the black, which seems like light but doesn't shine at all, have you seen the real dark without opening your eyes? have you heard nothing at all, and still, have you heard it all? do you know the size of the universe, when you have taken it between your bare hands?. then how?

there's no mistery at all, those who really want to know, can see, those who want to know but resits the truth, suffer because of them self, there is not much left to know before the awaking, we are as advanced as we need, we just resist to really open our eyes, don't we? or explain, lighted one. there is no need to hide the truth from the others or do you have a reason to do this? explain. I am rebel against hiding the truth, i have not been punished because of it, state your reasons to hide what you know.

As for the original poster, please remember, nothing is as movies or books make you believe, want to learn about real demons? look into yourself, don't learn from crappy books or some ridiculous movie, i tell you how don't get fooled, practice martial arts, look at old art, look at new art, understand what it means, hear music, hear poetry, read poetry, understand the real meaning, then, look at the souls of the people around you, understand how they feel, look at the eyes of the people around you, feel their pain, feel your pain because of theirs, understand human feelings, then understand yours, laught at yourself when you feel bad, when you feel good, when you feel anyway, remember your mistakes, do not care about that, get to know the human feelings as something below you, feel like something else, feel the power inside you, anything is possible, have no doubt about it, then, and only then, you will understand, then and only then, you will be able to sense, there are no eyes that can see anything else than you can see right now, but, the human eyes are not needed here, when you are ready, you will know how, don't listen to the new age stuff, you don't need that, listen to the animal instinct, that's where the truth lies waiting to be awaken, do you dare? some have tried, some have failed, that's the way of nature, that's the way of God..

There is only one truth, but at the same time, many, it is easy, everyone can see their own way, isn't it? choose and be bound by it, nobody can help anymore, once a choice has been made.. that's the beauty of it.

[edit on 19-5-2008 by Kaifan]

[edit on 19-5-2008 by Kaifan]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 05:04 AM

Originally posted by danachua

You wanna make contact but failed because they didn't wanted to see you. I sensed weak spiritual energy, so weak that spirits can attack you. Thank your guides for this one, I'm a creature of the Dark and I still got attacked. You had better be careful. Around your bodies you have a lot of protective guides guarding you so you won't have a problem.

For me, when I was still new to spirits, demon etc, I rely on myself. Actually, maybe not, I have strong spiritual energy so I often got attacked by Demons but I was protected by protective guides so I was lucky. Try not to play the Ouijia Board again.

Kind regards,

Dana, forgive me as i say these word to you, but, no, he has not been attacked by demons because he is not very strong spiritually, while he may be extremely strong, spiritually wise, it is only because he is not sure about which way to go, he is actually very strong, that's why he has doubts and can see in a different way as the others, he must be tempted, what he lacks is faith, which is, by the way, not related to any side at all, either he could have faith on the dark side or on the light side, that depends on him, and nobody else, anyone can show the way, but, only he himself can choose its own way, isn't it like that? you have been attacked by demons because of the same reasons as i have, because of doubt and maybe lack of real faith and because once you were trapped on the other side, if they have managed to, you would have been a powerful ally to their cause, because of reasons we don't know, or do we? neither both of us unless you are working two sides, i hope not, how lucky you managed to survive, isn't it? or not? anyway, let's get rid of all those words which have no real reason but to add to the confusion, it is time to break through, now, at this time, only one thing else to say, nothing... needed your answer may be, as yoda woud say, or not, maybe..

[edit on 19-5-2008 by Kaifan]

[edit on 19-5-2008 by Kaifan]

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 05:21 AM

Originally posted by razor1000
hey why not try that whole mirror under water thing i read about a while back.

Not a mirror, but a cat or a dog, look deep into those wise eyes, look deep into the soul that is not supposed to be there, look deep into that "mirror" under the eyes water, do you dare? how can you feel? let us know what happens next. have faith while doing it. Ask to those eyes, dare to exchange when you feel the need.

Gotta let you know something, i may have been talking a lot, this things, are not supposed to be told right? faith is the only way, always, no matter what, now i think i have said too much, well.. there is a time for everything to come to the light, i hope this one here is not hidden very soon, just hope so. Pray for me, pray for all of us, have faith, please.

Not much of a good english speaker, as i have to keep editing my posts over and over, ha ha, sorry.

[edit on 19-5-2008 by Kaifan]

posted on Jun, 28 2008 @ 02:49 AM
Funny that you'd mention not believing in "The Devil" as the bible portrays it. "The devil" as we often think of it doesn't exist in the bible. This might sound strange but it all has to do with the translations into English. The title Satan is actually a corruption of the word #an, which is simply a Hebrew word meaning demon. Therefore, the devil as a singular entity, "Satan" doesn't exist as we think often think it does.

As to summoning demons, I'm at a loss. I've explored into the occult only very lightly, but if you are looking for an argument as to how demons could still exist as in the biblical sense and yet you were unable to summon one here are a few things to consider:

1. As someone else noted earlier, it is possible that there has been little proof of recent possessions and other such demonic occurrences because man not believing in demons would be a great victory for demons if they do exist.

2. Another thing to think about is that a lot of "Christian" concepts behind demons aren't necessarily biblically founded but are often Christian dogma.

3. Texts written by earlier biblical scholars (and some current scholars and worship leaders) refer to "the god of this world" (this entity is synonymous with Beelzebub, the so called prince of demons) ruling over mans heart and this world until the second coming of Christ. From a Christian perspective if there is a devil it is certainly in control over a large portion of the world. Our modern world has a lot in common with the world describe in revelations, the world as it is to exist at the time of Christ's second coming.

Obviously, there has been hysteria about the end of the world, probably since the beginning of human society. It's an extremely complex issue, but I suggest looking at the issue from every angle possible and making sure to consider everything closely before making a decision about demons, and, on another subject, especially about religion.

I myself will probably spend the rest of my life exploring the options out there. Try to be open minded and explore your options.

if you want to chat, or need me to clarify something I said(I'm a very scatterbrained person, and I come by it honestly) you can reach me at

[email protected]

I hope something I said was helpful.

posted on Jul, 6 2008 @ 02:32 PM

posted on Jul, 7 2008 @ 08:54 PM
Perhaps you think too much of yourself, and they just are not interested. You dont care what one person thinks of you in a sea of 7 billion people, so maybe the devil felt the same about you and put your resume at the bottom of the stack.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 02:48 PM

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by sethdarke


Just so you know, the tattoo you have isn't going to be summoning any demons as it is a fake symbol. It is supposed to be related to the lesser key of Solomon but was made up in the 19th Century as a joke for a book. Sorry if that kind of ruined your day. Try doing some more research.

Good Luck!

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by sethdarke

I use the ouija board ( it never works )
why do you use them if they never work?

I try call up spirits/demons...

Sounds like they don't have to spend their time with you've already given yourself freely to their cause

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 05:32 AM

-A delete post button would be great.

[edit on 31-7-2008 by Raverous]

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 07:14 AM

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 07:43 AM
^ ^ Heh that ^^ post made me laugh..

Oh loll you're probably just not special enough for them to want to contact you

But seriously _why_ would do you want to go out of your way to contact demons?? I mean i could understand from your point of view being a non-believer in the Bible portrayal of "demons" - but there is absolutely an evil energy or force in existence and you probably shouldn't be messing with that whatsoever.

I suggest researching some tales of people's experiences with sleep paralysis and exorcisms and maybe even ask them on their opinion of these demons.

I have no doubt that they're real - maybe not in a stereotypical way, but they exist

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by sethdarke


on a pre christian and personal note.

oujia boards do "work"

On a Christian note, you are of no value to Satan and demons as you are doing nothing for God, in fact you are wanting contact, so why do they need to bother with you when they have many others to get involved with?

belive me my friend they do exist, you really do not want to find that out.

if you want some hassle then a true repentance and a cry for forgiveness to God and believe in Jesus. you will not go un noticed by demonic forces then, trust me.

i have been on both sides of the fence, stay away. if a dog doesnt heed you calling does it cease to be? NO


posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by sethdarke
Whats the issue with "Demons" ?

I think they don't exist, or at least that they don't exist in the way the Bible portrays them...

I have read hundreds of books on the occult, I use the ouija board ( it never works ) I have tarot cards, I try call up spirits/demons...

but you know what, NOTHING ever happens, and i've tried everything, including selling my soul to the "devil" contract signed in blood and all...

Still - nothing happens

So whats the issue here ? the bible says all these things about possession and blah blah and here i am begging for contact with a demon and nothing happens,,,Any thoughts on this ???

Perhaps someone out there can prove to me they do exist, or give me a way to call one up ?

First off, how old are you?

Second, uhh... not sure there is a second point. This is kind of pointLESS, imho.

posted on Aug, 15 2008 @ 08:46 AM
woo! its the 21st century and someone realises old age fables of demons and ghouls are not true! the shock and horror at such revelations! Demon believers please go back in your time machine..around about the 13th century should suffice.Thankyou

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