posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 04:02 PM
I can see the Iranian president now...
"Well, we WEREN'T developing nuclear weapons, but now that you're threatening us with all out war... sounds like a possibility."
I can also see Al-Qaeda saying...
"They weren't helping us out, but now that the US is on their doorstep, they may need a little help... lets go."
In my opinion, anyone who is for a war with Iran needs to have their head checked. Iran offered assistance with the war on terrorism way back, the US
refused. Iran gave assistance to the Iraqi civilians by sending engineers to re-construct the power grid... the US took those engineers hostage as
"enemy combatants".
Iran requested an open discussion on it's nuclear power plants... the US told them they wouldn't talk unless they dismantled their nuclear
weapons... but Iran hasn't got any nuclear weapons to dismantle .
Regardless of Iran's stance on any subject matter, the only thing the US wants from them is war.
Everything could be rainbows and lollipops over there, and the US would still want to bomb the hell out of them.
Simply put, the US wants war. No reasons, no justifications, no good or evil, no glory... just bloodshed. It's like the Bush administration is hungry
for blood... They should all be in a mental institution, not running a country.