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Aliens Are Real-Naturally! So Why The Fuss And Skepticism About UFO’s?

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posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:30 PM
I've heard a good way to contact aliens is to learn how to astrally project. I know there are a lot of skeptical people about this phenomena, but don't knock it till you try it. There are many astral travelers who have come across all types of beings on the astral realm.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:40 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
God created people not Aliens.

Do you have DNA or any protoplasm evidence.

Well perhaps some people have said so but peer review has never
been established or Aliens interviewed on FOX NEWS.

UFOs are just Tesla blitz craft.

There is no proof that God created man or that we all came from a primordial soup. People apply these two theories to every planet in our universe because it's all they're taught in society. Everything on this planet is just a belief system, what I don't get is why people buy into it?

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by TeslaandLyne

God created people not Aliens

You say that like your mind is made up and nothing could possibly change it. Here, I'll be the first to admit it. I am Agnostic and I do think it's possible that God DID create us; however, before making up your mind 100% based off of a book, here is a quote I think you should seriously ponder:

"When you understand why you don't believe in MY God, you'll understand why I don't believe in yours."

Think about it, then you might see why people are debating this issue.


[edit on 10/28/2007 by bigbert81]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 03:40 PM
did anyone ever see that special on aliens having a base on the dark side of the moon? its kinda funny they say they kicked us off the moon and we havent gone back since. and i havent heard anything about anyone wanting to return to the moon either.... it be funny if we started building a base/station and returned to it for further contruction only to find it destroyed. i wonder if that lady was right about aliens helping speed up our genetic evolution. wouldnt that piss off a lot of religious believers?

[edit on 28-10-2007 by S.O.Blilbobby]

[edit on 28-10-2007 by S.O.Blilbobby]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 03:44 PM
its still kind of hard for me to believe that one thing or one being created all matter and gravity in the emptyness of space. maybe some believe the bigbang was the good lords very thought. but then how did he get there and who put him there? are we all just his dream? hmmmmmmmmmm. i wonder?

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 04:19 PM
"God created people not Aliens.

Do you have DNA or any protoplasm evidence.

Well perhaps some people have said so but peer review has never
been established or Aliens interviewed on FOX NEWS.

UFOs are just Tesla blitz craft."

THATS GOTTA BE THE FUNNIEST THING I HEARD SINCE JESUS WAS GODS VERY SON. If there were a GOD/GODDESS he/she would of been responsible for the aliens too. who's to say aliens arent our distant cuzin's or some #. so whats a Telsa blitz craft? is that a fancy word for time machine? it would also make sense to say GOD is not human in any way if he/she did exist at one time. nevertheless you could veiw GOD as someone you probably would never reconize becuz he/she actually does not exist.
Man created GOD. just like man wrote the bible not GOD. no one thing alone can create everything. for all matter theres anti matter, for all space there is vaccum & gravity to go in it. for all force theres a opposite force. for every imaginary friend a priest has we call him GOD. so what formed the matter in the emptyness is another question for tomorrow. what came first? the emptyspace or the matter? maybe the bigbang was gods fart and he blew all of us out his ass?

[edit on 28-10-2007 by S.O.Blilbobby]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 04:24 PM
Most people base their opinions about ufo's etc... on technology known at present time.

First think about the technology that will exist 300 years ahead.
(Yes, you cant imagine...)

Secondly think about the past 100 years on earth. Are those years the only years in the billions of years of the existion of the universe where there has been some form of evolution in technology....
Yeah right!

Of course.. This is only my opinion.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 04:25 PM
I think there is no one who suggests there is not life in the universe other than ours for that would be ridicules, but having alien visitations here on earth is a very big leap from believing in other life. For that to happen you would not only need to believe in other life, but also that it is plentiful to the point that it is close enough to us and in many forms. Another big leap is that all this life is space fairing, and they have some kind of technology that we could use as has been suggested over the years. I just do not think people really understand just what alien is. We seem to always adopt our own views and thoughts on to the alien template, and that is where the skeptic steps in.

When you take let’s say a billion planets that could support life and you start to narrow that life down with factors like intelligence, builders, space faring etc the billion quickly becomes a much smaller number to the point you might need 10 billion or more planets that have life on them to get one with the combination to produce space fairing aliens. Now many get around this with theories like we were seeded or other type of theories, but if that is not the case then alien life is not the big headed green men in spaceships as much as a pile of mold. This is where you start to move away from statistical probability into science fiction as we decide just what alien life should be.

[edit on 28-10-2007 by Xtrozero]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 04:40 PM
well said xtrozero, not to mention that all civilized beings only live for so long so there is a huge time constrant keepin us from communicating with other intellegent beings. they could of lived a million years before our signals going out or they can live a million years after our signals. i guess if you fallow sci fi realm you would minipulate black holes to travel at certain times of the universe. i wonder if us humans will live long enough to travel in terms of time?
"wow i got negative 493 points...... can anyone beat that"
[edit on 28-10-2007 by S.O.Blilbobby]

[edit on 28-10-2007 by S.O.Blilbobby]

[edit on 28-10-2007 by S.O.Blilbobby]

[edit on 28-10-2007 by S.O.Blilbobby]

[edit on 28-10-2007 by S.O.Blilbobby]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 05:47 PM
As far as 'belief' in whether there have been alien visitations to earth are concerned, it would help if we were fully informed by the government on the matter -- Not going to happen.

Also, before we start using the "you can't get here from there" reasoning, we should probably wait to see what the physics of the future brings or has already, secretly found. If we are to consider nonlocality as a possibility then it may turn out that time and distance aren't even even an issue.

[edit on 10/28/2007 by uv777bk]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
Kaku and his type I , II , III civilization classifications - it shouldnt need pointing out , but ................

they are only a concept , there is no evidence that any exist

sure an alien civilization [ if it exists ] might conform to his criteria - but its equally likley that it will not

so please do not use the label as evidence

I didn't say it was evidence. I just think the way he put it is a nice neat way of saying what I already thought. We aren't even a fraction of a fraction of a fraction as advanced as we seem to think we are.

And hey just because you haven't experienced these things doesn't mean they don't exist. Let me give you a reality check, man. They DO. Don't trust me? How about millions of other people all over the planet who either believe they exist or have seen them in person?

Just an observation, but you are incredibly close minded to think that they don't exist. We are not special, mister high horse.

I suggest that you do your research over again with an open mind, and stop the petty cries for evidence of aliens, because people get really sick of that. It's childish.

Be open to the probability that, since we exist, they most logically exist, too... and you might be surprised what you uncover for yourself. Maybe so much so that you'll be in our shoes, having people get all snide and rude with you about providing them with evidence.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 08:19 PM
I try to look at things in different perspectives all the time and now I'm wondering about the past and the future. Look at what we didn't know 100 years ago to what we know now. Hell think a thousand years back if ya want. But just imagine 100 years from now

I bet there's gonna be things happening that we could only dream of before. Aerospace may be a thing of the past and Atrospace the norm who knows? What will be the norm 2000 years from now? That's if we don't blow ourselfs up in the process. But basically time will only tell. Imagine if the human race is around 5000 years from now. As long as the human race can survive and flurish our intelligent minds will keep upgrading just like our computers do now. I just hope I'm around long enough to see a flying saucer and ride it to the moon.

I do feel that we're being watched and studied. But I can't prove it. I just feel it. So an alien for now in my mind is just a figure of everyone's imagination.

[edit on 10/28/2007 by Solarskye]

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 08:32 PM
By the way, the reason cries for evidence ARE petty, as any abductee/contactee/UFO sightee will tell you, is because you won't know until you're ready to know, and even then you aren't really too ready. Do you know what it's like? It's like having the world you knew explode around you into a million pieces, and you're left struggling to deal with the broken mess once the experience is over. You have to look around and see all these zombified people walking around blind, and you can't say anything to most of them because either they'll just giggle, OR you'll completely lose all respect... and most time, that happens, because it's such a big event that you NEED to share it with everyone around you, but there's nobody. It feels really lonely and frustrating, and you have hope, but you don't know for sure because you only have a small piece of the big picture now. That is why I get so frustrated with these absolutely ruthless skeptics on this site. I thought we were all here to share, not to put each other down and make people feel stupid. Am I mistaken?

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:00 AM
I think the simple answer as to why people and organizations which are in positions of authority don't ratify the claim that UFOs and aliens are real, is actually due to a primitive human desire: control.

People want control over things. We want to feel like masters of our own destiny. So much so, that in some people the limit isn't reached once it's clear that they can do what they want for themselves; they have to tell everyone else what to do.

Our world is a system of hierarchical control structures. Those at the top of the pyramid depend on the trust and faith of those below them.

When it is discovered that there are beings so utterly beyond anything we could imagine in terms of technology, history, science, experience, and raw IQ, the masses will begin to look to them for answers and guidance, if not in their reply, then by their example. And the agenda which our human masters have is not one of us growing to reach our individual and collective human potentials... because that would threaten their stranglehold on our lives.

So it's about control. Admit that there's a much bigger boss in the neighborhood, and you look weak and insignificant.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:11 AM
for any religious folks on this site I APOLOGIZE. I speak on behalf of my opinion. hope im not offending anyone. im sure half the people on this site take science over religion when it comes to explanations of how we got here.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:27 AM
In response to that statement by Michio Kaku about different types of civilizations, I would propose a different set of measurements:

Type I:

This type uses muscle power to get things done. Hands, animals, blood, and sweat.

Type II:

Type 2 civilizations discover mathematics and chemistry. They are capable of using chemical reactions and machines to do their bidding. Everything from gasoline powered engines to chemical explosives are employed, as it is easier to use mind and matter around us rather than our own muscle to get things done. We are struggling to move out of this stage into the next one.

Type III:

This civilization has discovered nuclear energy. Today we have messy, radioactive forms of this, but clean and safe forms are theoretically possible. More effort needs to be put into understanding the physics of these processes and to further the development of this kind of technology. The transition to type 4 is a rocky one, because the beings here must overcome their selfishness and greed and become a connected community to move on, otherwise they destroy themselves.

Type IV:

As each step into a higher-order civilization is met with an exponential increase in prosperity and power, the type 4 civilization is where things really begin to take off. These civilizations have put forth the intellectual resources to discover energy sources which do not require fuel. They can also manipulate what we call gravity. Gravity, magnets, zero-point energy, some kind of field resonance, discoveries in unified field theories, a reevaluation of electromagnetic theory, various research, luck and serendipity are elements of this transition. However it is discovered, it will prove once again that there really are no limits to what can be achieved in reality given enough time and enough smart minds committed to the task. There is more that we don't know today than we could possibly imagine.

Type V:

Anything a type 5 civ needs to sustain themselves, anyplace they need to go, anything they need to build does not get in the way. They are masters of matter and energy. They have discovered, through advanced understanding of physics, how to manipulate matter, energy, and time. However, the type 5 civilization's unique contribution is a profound understanding of the role of consciousness and willpower. Their minds have melded the immense volume of technical understanding with an almost mystic understanding of the nature and purpose of life, existence, and the universe. They possess the ability to manipulate matter using only thought, project their consciousness to realms outside their body, see elements of reality outside their moment in time, sense auras, intent, feel and hear the thoughts of those near them, transcend death and reincarnate into other bodies. To some extent, humanity has touched on these abilities, but they are discredited as there is no widely accepted scientific explanation for them. The truth is that the area of study which is needed to gain knowledge about these things cannot be subjected to scientific scrutiny or it breaks down. It is a field of study which humanity has not codified and legitimized in the same way as science and mathematics, but will one day.

The type 5 civilization is what you see in the typical gray/ufo/alien visitor.

Type VI:

These beings exist more as energy than matter. Practically eternal, not concerned with agendas in the sense that we understand. Able to travel between what we call dimensions. Work through mental and spiritual connections to lesser creatures. They are near the end of the soul's journey. Spiritually wise, godlike, but not interfering. Perform their duties to the creator of the universe, exist outside of time. Considered "forces", "energy", "angels/demons", "gaia" and "life" in our vocabulary.

Type VII:


posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by mikesingh

Mere probabilities can't substitute fact. All you have are probabilities, but you present no factual evidence that proves the existence of extraterrestrials. Thus your research is pointless, since it's evident by the way you worded your title and post that your purpose is to convince us that aliens exist. You failed at convincing.

[edit on 29-10-2007 by Observer_PR]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by dionysius9
Type V:

Anything a type 5 civ needs to sustain themselves, anyplace they need to go, anything they need to build does not get in the way. They are masters of matter and energy. They have discovered, through advanced understanding of physics, how to manipulate matter, energy, and time. However, the type 5 civilization's unique contribution is a profound understanding of the role of consciousness and willpower. Their minds have melded the immense volume of technical understanding with an almost mystic understanding of the nature and purpose of life, existence, and the universe. They possess the ability to manipulate matter using only thought, project their consciousness to realms outside their body, see elements of reality outside their moment in time, sense auras, intent, feel and hear the thoughts of those near them, transcend death and reincarnate into other bodies. To some extent, humanity has touched on these abilities, but they are discredited as there is no widely accepted scientific explanation for them. The truth is that the area of study which is needed to gain knowledge about these things cannot be subjected to scientific scrutiny or it breaks down. It is a field of study which humanity has not codified and legitimized in the same way as science and mathematics, but will one day.

The type 5 civilization is what you see in the typical gray/ufo/alien visitor.

Type VI:

These beings exist more as energy than matter. Practically eternal, not concerned with agendas in the sense that we understand. Able to travel between what we call dimensions. Work through mental and spiritual connections to lesser creatures. They are near the end of the soul's journey. Spiritually wise, godlike, but not interfering. Perform their duties to the creator of the universe, exist outside of time. Considered "forces", "energy", "angels/demons", "gaia" and "life" in our vocabulary.

Type VII:


I agree with 1 thru 4, but 5 and 6 starts down a path that there is really no reason this would be part of the higher types. What I mean by this is no matter how powerful a mind is we can not assume that it can manipulate the physical world, also if there was some kind of ability that could it would just as easily show up in the earlier stages of the evolution process.

I would think a future race would master technology at the atom level or smaller. In this case they could live a very long time with a body full of nanobots fixing their cells at the quantum level. Generically engineered bodies would also lead to almost perfection. As races go you could easily have a race that mathematically solved 90% of the universe’s mysteries but be like dolphins never progressing past their mental abilities, or you could have a race that is more of a bee hive such as the Borg that is collectively a super race, but not individually.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 02:23 PM
Those who talk, dont know. Those who know, dont talk.
- 2007 Skyfloating

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by indierockalien
That is why I get so frustrated with these absolutely ruthless skeptics on this site. I thought we were all here to share, not to put each other down and make people feel stupid. Am I mistaken?

Are skeptics ruthless? With zero evidence how does an abductee’s story differ from another person’s story that is farfetched. If you really think about it the proof needed is not much but it needs to be undeniable, and to date there has not been a single bit of proof that determines 100% the case for aliens.

Our minds and ability to comprehend are also very limited. There was a test where a bus of people were driven past a made up site that juts had a few smoke flares and a few people standing like guards but had no guns etc. A month later many of these people were convinced that they saw fully armed Army guys and even a space ship and or alien bodies.

Since we are so easily confused and/or tricked by our own limited perception of the world the skeptic needs more than just a person’s word that the story they have is poof positive. When you also add all the kooks and scammers to the list of honest people who believe it becomes even more important to insist on empirical data that can not be debunked. I always say “throw that alien dead body up on my kitchen table and I’ll believe”

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