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END The Alex Jones GAME

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posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

All valid, yet I'm not sure you are on point somewhat.

You seem to be a great user here. I hope you are not on a text messaging phone or you will blow out your thumbs.'
' You seem to be amped up on this subject.
I can tell this is important to you. Without retort or specifics can you tell us your feeling for the importance of this. Sometimes the details obscure the main point.

We know you have problems with Alex, and Aliex has had some problems , but everyone has problems, and most we can't see. He is so public that anything he says is recorded and scrutinized. I know that if I had a mic or camera in my face for the days work that it would catch enough for a reality show miniseries. So fare I see he exaggerates to make a point of importance, but I have no glaring examples of disingenuous data. So. did he concern you on some specific issue?

When you don't have all the answers, don't pretend you have all the answers.

Agree, but what is your point? I tend to believe that someone believes what their saying so I can consider it more completely. Did he say that he had all the answers? Or just imply in his dramatic?

I'm attempting to alert people of the many inconsistencies surrounding Alex Jones. If you people aren't for facts, then let me know and I'll leave your support for Jones alone.

Facts are subjective depending on who and how stated. We should expect him to have some chinks in his armor. Because no one is perfect, exactly how do you quantify such things to be able to determine he is too wrong to be right? Can we say he is at least as credible as us, all considered? Think about all our own screw ups and tell us that if ours where public some would discount our truthfulness unfairly in this way. He's has not made enough errors or been caught in enough dishonesty I think to discount him. George Bush might be an example one however deserving of the distrust.

Are you referring to Bill/William Cooper or Bill O'Reilly?

I'm sorry, William Cooper. He seems pretty mainstream left. I did listen. He is probably a bit envious of Alex's freedom.

If he were a puppet, how would he be risking his life?

I guess if you have some empirical he is a puppet there would be no argument. Any facts we can get other than subjective impressions though? Judged before evidenced?

You should only listen to yourself and do your own research. Don't let others feed you what you should believe.

Agree, but there is no practical reality to that. Too much to cover. We have to work this out as a group, each sending a piece to the table we all eat off.

Boycott nothing is an awful strong statement when you think about what that really involves.

It means voluntary abstinence in protest or disagreement. Isn't that sort of a redundant idea, you volunteer to take action on a feeling? Too many steps. Just do what you feel. But I don't think boycotting information is right, or smart.

((Wooh, 5.6 earthquake here, had to take a break. I am just north and 9 miles above the ep-cen.) (of course Mom calls too))

And, nice New World Order graphic. Can you tell us about that?

Actually I had only the Latin to go on. The symbol was interesting in context, but I was more interested in the deeper aspects. I study symbols from Heraldry to Petroglyph's and I have not looked at this one. The numbers and types of the rays all down to the proportional relationships have meaning, sometimes secret. I cannot find any data and thought you might have some source. Some seemingly innocuous shapes and such can speak volumes. I did an animation for the Nevada Symphony and Jon Anderson called Sundisk and melded all the historical sun symbols into a performance piece by Vangelis for 15K folks and would have used this. I am thinking on re-doing the animation. Thought your tenacious nature would have source.

Thanks for your comments. You can't keep this up though. You are laying yourself on the track of a freight train of people ready to challenge your argument on points. Aren't you exhausted?

A respectful point by point posting method though. You don't mind if I tried it?


posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

A lot of people have not been as "privileged" like you apparently to know this stuff early on. For some of us it actually took someone like Alex to help wake us the F#$K up! So for that, I am grateful. We should have more people like him that will be "pro-active" and help spread the truth. I sure didn't get to learn about this from you.

Also you should realize that most people are actually smart enough to do there own research. Alex Jones for a lot of people might be presenting information that they simply never knew before. Building 7 is a great example. After learning about this from him, most people (like me) are smart enough to do further research to make sure that this is for real. You seem to think most people are "stupid" and wont do any independent research to verify the things that this guy has said. Why not "Thank the guy" for shining light on these issues and "Provoking" people to then do there own research? This will help "Speed up" the process of waking more people up! What is wrong with that?

[edit on 31-10-2007 by hero_25]

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 03:40 AM
It is all just an illusion. Even Alex Jones.
So choose your illusion wisely.
Remember, you can lead a human to knowledge,
but you can't make him think.
People speak who they are !

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

Anybody interested in Alex Jones should read this:

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

Right there... You cant claim to be this third party and have a biased opinion...

In your opening post, you clearly try to distort the opinion of any who reads it by informing them of all the negatives. That's not neutral buddy, I dont know what your thinking.

And whats this of people who think their telling the truth? That's the most ass backwards response I've seen since Bush gave that one of how Iraq wasn't involved with the attacks on 9/11.

Its cause of stuff like this that leads me to believe no matter who's in power, humans just wont be able to get along.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 05:54 AM
Personally I think AJ is an idiot and anyone who blindly follows him (such as half of this forum) is just as blind and ignorant and the people you guys are constantly saying blindly follow so called "Faux News", if anything you guys are even worse since you refuse to admit your ignorance and instead try and conceal it with pathetic claims like "denying ignorance".

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 08:26 AM
Your probably going to hate me for trying to support your argument with this, but whatever, i don't really care.

Doesn't surprise me. The guy gets off on fear. Its pretty sick. Hes worse than fox news imo.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 08:56 AM
The author of this thread works for the gov't as a disinfo agent.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by CPYKOmega
The author of this thread works for the gov't as a disinfo agent.

That sounds like a personal attack. Why would you do that? Is it possible that AJ works on the 80:20 rule. That 80% of his information is dead on and that the other 20% is off. He denies the role of the Holy See and the Knights of Malta because that is his role.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 09:57 AM
ZeroGhost, hero_25, and Praafit, I responded to all three of you in this post. It goes in that order too.

To ZeroGhost

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
Without retort or specifics can you tell us your feeling for the importance of this.

Basically, at the very least, I hope people will take what he says with a grain of salt and do the research on their own.

If you do the research on your own, you stand to become more knowledgeable on the subject than if you just read an Alex Jones news article.

The history, the factual specifics, these are things he leaves out, or, that his writers leave out, and they replace it with trying to be sarcastic to prove a point. I'm all for being sarcastic to prove a point, but when you're throwing in a lot of that to water down the amount of facts you're giving, it kind of becomes counter-productive.

I'm not saying go to CNN or FOX to get your news. What I used to do was get Alex Jones headlines and look them up for myself. At the very least, I think that's what people should do.

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
did he concern you on some specific issue?

I, personally, don't like his lack of coverage of the Vatican's involvement. From what I've seen, there's at least reasonable doubt there. There's enough evidence there to confidently want to continue researching.

There's a Jesuit Oath in the Library of Congress. You can read the text here, and see the document here.

In my mind, that alone is enough to at least want to mention it and have people look into it. I'm not saying believe it instantly, but look how many people believe in this UFO/Alien phenomenon simply because of some grainy possibly edited photographs? Yet we ignore this oath that's in the Library of Congress?

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
Did he say that he had all the answers? Or just imply in his dramatic?


Originally posted by ZeroGhost
Can we say he is at least as credible as us, all considered?

Yes, that's fair to say.

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
He is probably a bit envious of Alex's freedom.

Well he's dead so I don't know how envious he is now.

Died under suspicious circumstances as well.

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
Judged before evidenced?

Nope, my opinion that he's a puppet. But you're asking me to comment on something that I don't think is true. I believe you asked me why he would risk his life for lies, and I just don't see it that way, so I can't really answer it.

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
Actually I had only the Latin to go on. The symbol was interesting in context,

Yeah it's a symbol for the Society of Jesus.

I'm basically trying to make the point that the Jesuits, or Vatican, are involved in a "New World Order" plan.

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
Aren't you exhausted?

As long as people don't continue to ask me the same questions that dozens of others asked me before them, I'll gladly continue to discuss this with them and answer their questions.

But yes, I am getting exhausted with answering the same things over and over. It gets a little frustrating eventually.

Originally posted by ZeroGhost
A respectful point by point posting method though. You don't mind if I tried it?

Not at all


To hero_25

Originally posted by hero_25
We should have more people like him that will be "pro-active" and help spread the truth.

I do agree with you here. We should have more people being pro-active.

Originally posted by hero_25
I sure didn't get to learn about this from you.

I never claimed you did

Originally posted by hero_25
Also you should realize that most people are actually smart enough to do there own research.

That's good. I do truly hope you're correct about that.

Originally posted by hero_25
Alex Jones for a lot of people might be presenting information that they simply never knew before.

And it is that part that I don't have a problem with. Again, I think what he says is true, aside from the obvious (to me) censorship of some topics.

I just don't happen to believe that he means what he says.

But I guess that's where we must agree to disagree.

Originally posted by hero_25
You seem to think most people are "stupid" and wont do any independent research to verify the things that this guy has said.

Well, it depends in what context we're talking about "most" people? Are we talking about "most people" in the world? Or "most people" in the "conspiracy world"?

If it's most people in the world, then yes, I do think they're too stupid or too lazy to verify anything, much less someone they see as a lunatic.

If it's most people in the "conspiracy world", from what I've seen, most people do research, yes. But I have run in to people who do blindly follow Alex Jones. I wouldn't say they're majority, but even one is too many.

Originally posted by hero_25
What is wrong with that?

There's nothing wrong with speeding up the process, as long as we don't get sloppy with our facts.

But I'm not thanking him for anything.


To Praafit

Originally posted by Praafit
In your opening post, you clearly try to distort the opinion of any who reads it by informing them of all the negatives. That's not neutral buddy, I dont know what your thinking.

What was I supposed to present in his defense? Everyone knows what he's about. I'd just be posting things people already know.

I present my information and/or opinions, and you guys present your information and/or opinions. That's neutral. It's even.

[edit on 10/31/07 by NovusOrdoMundi]

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 12:15 PM
The number one thing people attack Alex for is not blaming one specific group. They continuously call him a liar for not saying that the Vatican is really in power, or the Zionists, Jesuits, Israelis, Reptoids, aliens, whatever.
But imo NorvusOrdoMundi is a disinfo agent.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by Trauma
The number one thing people attack Alex for is not blaming one specific group.

Possibly. But I don't. I say blame whoever needs to be blamed. The Vatican is one that shouldn't be left out, though.

Originally posted by Trauma
They continuously call him a liar for not saying that the Vatican is really in power,

They have a lot of power.

Originally posted by Trauma
or the Zionists,

As do the Zionists

Originally posted by Trauma

Same thing as the Vatican, basically.

Originally posted by Trauma

Not so much the Israelis more than it is the Zionists.

Originally posted by Trauma

I don't believe in reptilians/reptoids.

Originally posted by Trauma

Highly unlikely that aliens control anything on Earth.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 01:26 PM
Well, Novus, some people are paid to post material such as yours. So who's the disinfomation artist, here? This whole argument sounds fishy to me.... And why so much protest now, at this point, during the darkest political moves ever toward a commercial North American union? Why would anyone agree with this, Novus? Are you suggesting that All in the (American) Family are thriving?

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 01:50 PM
Oh so hes a government shill just because he dosent fall hook line and sinker for anything AJ says?

Wow. Talk about IGNORANCE.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 01:51 PM
I only wish I got paid to do this. Apparently I'm doing a good enough job of it to get you people to think I'm a disinformation agent.

So, CIA, NSA, whoever is reading this, if you got a job opening, I'm all in. I have several references here if you need to check on my qualifications.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 02:03 PM
I don't think AJ has "left out" the Vatican as much as he's just trying to give people the Cliffs Notes version of what's really happening. Maybe he's not as educated on the Vatican's involvement so he wishes not to speak openly about it. Speaking openly about something he has limited knowledge of would leave his argument open to cherry picking, a popular debunking strategy. Also, any time you involve religion in any kind of conspiratorial argument, you run the risk of people losing the message, that's just reality.


posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
Also, any time you involve religion in any kind of conspiratorial argument, you run the risk of people losing the message, that's just reality.

Worked well with the War on Terror.

So maybe it's just hypocrisy. Islam = bad, Christianity = good.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 02:38 PM
Novus, I believe thou dost protest a bit too loudly.

Edit: P.S. You seemed to "forget" to answer my questions.

[edit on 31-10-2007 by I-330]

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by I-330

Take me seriously and respect my opinion and I'll take you seriously, respect your opinion, and answer your questions.

Throw in the over used accusations of me being a disinformation agent, and you get ignored.

posted on Oct, 31 2007 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi
Worked well with the War on Terror.

So maybe it's just hypocrisy. Islam = bad, Christianity = good.

I'm not really sure what you're trying to say.

Religion is a very powerful tool when it comes to fooling the public. Religious beliefs are deeply ingrained in a great many people. So I propose that AJ doesn't want to involve religion in his message exactly for that reason. Once he does, blinders that might have come off will immediately go back on again.

AJ does a pretty damn good job of sticking to what he can prove with news articles, videos, and historical record. IMO he doesn't even need to take on the Vatican to make a difference. Besides that, it would be next to impossible to prove.


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