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END The Alex Jones GAME

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posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi
I guess no one has anything to say? More information than you wanted to hear about him? Don't want to believe he's controlled? What's the story?

I never paid any attention to Alex Jones, or members of the Borg Collective parroting his talking points. It cracks me up to see folks claiming to be open minded or enlightened, and all they're doing is regurgitating info, just like those they complain about on the other end of the idealogical spectrum.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 12:45 PM
I noticed something about this video and the Newt Gingrich interview on the Today show this morning. David de Rothschild said in the video (phone interview with Alex Jones) that "...being environmentally sensitive and making money are not mutually exclusive. There's plenty of money to be made.". Newt Gingrich said the exact same thing almost VERBATIM on the Today show this morning. Funny thing is, in that same Gingrich interview he said that we're between a 3 and a 6, on a scale from 1 to 10, on a global warming seriousness scale. Gingrich plays down the seriousness of global warming, then he parrots Rothschild EXACTLY.

They still try to keep us divided even though their ultimate goal is the same. Further proof that any perceived difference between left/right, liberal/conservative, pro GW/anti GW is just an illusion for our consumption in order to divide us.


posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
David de Rothschild said in the video (phone interview with Alex Jones)

That reminds me...

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

I believe that's the interview. I can't listen to it because my speakers are screwed up, so if it's not the interview, someone let me know.

But, not only does Alex Jones blow up in that interview completely unprovoked (I hate the Rothschild's too, but this explosion is, but David de Rothschild mentions twice that Alex Jones owns oil stocks, and Alex Jones doesn't even deny it. He doesn't do his usual screaming about it, nothing. He just remains silent as Rothschild says it.

So, you're against the "NWO", but you own stocks in one of "their" key tools? Not only are you helping oil companies profit and continue to bring down the middle class, but you're also helping ABC profit by using their satellites?

Sounds like a real committed guy.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

I know that the real threat is not Alex Jones, It is the NWO. That is really all there is to it.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

What about Rothschild's blatantly erroneous information about the order of the planets from the sun in trying to justify how the Martian polar ice caps are melting because it is closer to the sun than earth?

Pure fiction, blatant cointelpro tactic.

Does he (deRothschild) try to correct himself or admit he is wrong? No, first he didn't try, then he couldn't be heard over a pissed off Alex calling him Redshield!

Yes, I pay Alex a measely 5.95 per month. He Earned It.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi

So, you're against the "NWO", but you own stocks in one of "their" key tools? Not only are you helping oil companies profit and continue to bring down the middle class, but you're also helping ABC profit by using their satellites?

Sounds like a real committed guy.

As far as Alex Jones Investments, that is his own private business. I myself do not own any shares in Oil, although I do own some FRPT, and I bought it when it was under $2/share.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 03:02 PM
I have followed the actions and information that AJ has provided to the public since 1989 when I found his show on the shortwave radio.

I don't think he is a misinformation or disinformation distribution point; at least not a purposeful distribution point.

One thing that he consistently shows with his analysis of "mainstream" news and media distribution is the information dispersed is uniform with, and clearly indicates, the motives of the NWO agenda.

The only people who call AJ a disinfo agent, or part of the NWO, are people who have not done the research.

AJ's one short-coming is that he presents so much information in a very short amount of time that people often cannot follow his "linking" of data-points. It is not really "his" fault though.... it is caused mainly by the ignorance of the listener/reader.

Bottom line is he knows what he's talking about and if one does the research, which consists of many hours of reading and book ordering, etc; One will find that he is in fact very "on point" in his analysis of NWO agendas and milestones.

Rather than fight each other fight the common enemy..... the NWO......

Don't kill the messenger just because he is a bit excitable, passionate for the cause, and likes to yell.


posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by tha stillz
What about Rothschild's blatantly erroneous information about the order of the planets from the sun in trying to justify how the Martian polar ice caps are melting because it is closer to the sun than earth?

You're completely twisting the argument here. I said I hate the Rothschild's, so you bringing this up is just a blurring and diverting of the real discussion.

But as long as we're on it, that's still no reason to blow up like that. Alex Jones is either an actor or a lunatic. Either way, I don't trust him.

Originally posted by tha stillz
As far as Alex Jones Investments, that is his own private business.

Ok, then Dick Cheney's investments in Halliburton are his own private business.

Please, stop making excuses for the guy at every last turn. You people act like he's some god and he can't go wrong, and his motives are always innocent and well intended.

I mean, we basically have three sides in this world. We got the mainstream side that never questions their authority, aka, mainstream media and their government. We got the conspiracy side that never questions their authority, aka, alternative media and their heroes like Alex Jones. Then we got those few people that hang out in the middle and question both sides.

You people that drool over Alex Jones are no better than the people that drool over Bill O'Reilly.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 03:26 PM
Interesting how this thread is developing.... at first, I didn't think twice about the guy, watched his 'documentaries' and looked at his sites from time to time. Lately and awhile ago, I researched his 'background' and been having these kind of suspicions about him and the massive platform he uses to only a certain degree.

Like I posted in the Endgame 'reviews' -- he doesn't go into the Iraq war at all in the new video. A lot of his information is so loaded w/ the buzzwords, it gets tiring, which is probably why I don't bother w/ him anymore.

But the point remains: is he an operative, grooming us for a nwo? Probably, has to be my conclusion. The fact that he used to, don't know if he still does, pushes the story to no end and always, (absolute statement-wise here) I mean, always goes into the tirade about "this is from a mainstream media outlet folks" -- like he HAS to a be different conspirator and you HAVE to believe him. Not that I do, it's "public knowledge" as Mr. Jones likes to say and that's more then a grain of salt personally.

Get my drift? He pushes the agenda to the point of you become used to it, you don't fear it -- it's expected almost. Then, something happens in the first worlds, everything Stops. Media FEMA executive order #10995 happens. Look that one up. See if a Mr. Jones is even remembered, let alone cared about as he's safe and sound in Mt Weather.

Omega Agency (ATS special) report on the NWO, they can "implement it in 5 days" from whenever *they* want. This is different then that mushroom cloud that loomed in the city of New York for months but again, I digress. Or is it?

We're at a pay-per-click status or something like this happens to the Internet anyday. That thread -- no responses. Shows where conspirators heads aren't.

As per the postmodern person -- seems like we're still feeling it out, let alone experts at being a people in the 21st century, instead we're "kidnapped by grief." And consumerism -- we consume the terror oil colour war(s), almost embracing through culture. Countless topics and products enhance what we are spectators to. Glorifying violence, greed, racism and countless 'isms' in mediums that aren't even defined. So yeah, I think "Alex Jones" could very well be an Also Known As.

Language, linguistics and unseens of that nature. To exploit and to conspire AS verbs -- it's pretty easy to do in the postmodern age.

Here's one more executive order I'm staring at: #11000 - seizure of all American people for work forces under federal supervision including the splitting of families if the government finds it necessary.

There's about 15 pages of executive orders. Maybe we the people should understand what COULD happen to us and go from there instead of alarmist after . . . .

((power is cut -- tv, radio won't turn on -- hoping the dramatic point of view is conveyed to ATS members as I'm Still typing, on the edit))

[edit on 29-10-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi
You're completely twisting the argument here. I said I hate the Rothschild's, so you bringing this up is just a blurring and diverting of the real discussion.

But as long as we're on it, that's still no reason to blow up like that. Alex Jones is either an actor or a lunatic. Either way, I don't trust him.

Out of curiosity, how have you come to hate the Rothschilds? If not by a guy who actively exposes their deceit towards humanity, then how?


posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by Dr Love

By "a guy that actively exposes their deceit towards humanity", are you referring to Alex Jones?

If so, no, it wasn't by Alex Jones. It was by personal research, basically of the Federal Reserve, which led to the bankers, then the Vatican. Of course, the Rothschild's are very much a part of all of that, so the name came up.

But, I'm a little slow in picking up the "popular" things, so I actually knew about the Rothschild's before I knew who Alex Jones was.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

So why have such disdain for a man who's really the only person other than David Icke (YIKES!) who can educate people on a mass scale, relatively speaking, about the Rothschilds?

It seems counterproductive is all.


posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by Dr Love

Well, I think he's employed by "someone", so it's hard for me personally to just let it go and allow him to reach people because I think he's reaching people with the intention of diverting their research efforts IF he convinces them that there's more going on than they know.

Maybe I'm biased. I don't know. But I just can't seem to ignore the fact that he doesn't give people the whole truth, and he doesn't really allow people to think for themselves. He's got this attitude about him that you believe what he believes or you're a sheep or disinfo. His listeners reflect this attitude.

What we need is someone not interested in thrusting themselves in to the spotlight, and someone interested in fighting the corruption with facts instead of a loud voice and a bullhorn. That's the "alternative" we need to fight these people. We need to form into a collective one voice, rather than sitting around listening to one guy with one voice.

[edit on 10/29/07 by NovusOrdoMundi]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi

Ok, then Dick Cheney's investments in Halliburton are his own private business.

You don't think there is at least a small difference between a syndicated talk show host and the VP of the US Dick Cheney? Of course there is a difference!

Even if Alex owns oil stock, the only conflict of interest the American people would need to worry about is whether they think that is hypocracy. With Cheney, well there is more to worry about.

I cant believe you even made that comparison.....

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi
I mean, we basically have three sides in this world. We got the mainstream side that never questions their authority, aka, mainstream media and their government. We got the conspiracy side that never questions their authority, aka, alternative media and their heroes like Alex Jones. Then we got those few people that hang out in the middle and question both sides.

And then we have the side who takes information, makes conscious decisions as to what the truth is, based on that information.

Alex Jones is not my enemy, he is my friend.

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi

You people that drool over Alex Jones are no better than the people that drool over Bill O'Reilly.


The people who are watching Bill O'reilly are drooling because they have mental disabilities.....


posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 04:13 PM
All for the "collective" voice but not for "fighting these people" since his cover, his storeroom "says" he's against the NWO. At that point, should be ignored at worst and used as a vehicle of info in the meantime.

Although to reach a 'collective' is truly tough. Either in front of these screens or the faces in the crowds, the suburbs. What can be done? More marches and people's minds realizing 9 $ trillion deficit in U.S. is not tolerated let alone war machines.

[edit on 29-10-2007 by anhinga]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 04:15 PM
to NovusOrdoMundi

I will admit that I am a bit concerned that Alex rarely talks about the Vatican. I have heard him address it on his radio program, and he does admit it is corrupt.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by tha stillz
You don't think there is at least a small difference between a syndicated talk show host and the VP of the US Dick Cheney?

Sure, but they're both the same in that they have a personal agenda, and Alex's isn't "fighting the NWO".

Originally posted by tha stillz
And then we have the side who takes information, makes conscious decisions as to what the truth is, based on that information.

Which is the side that questions both sides. The truth is right there in the middle of the two extremes, my friend.

Originally posted by tha stillz
Alex Jones is not my enemy, he is my friend.


Originally posted by tha stillz
The people who are watching Bill O'reilly are drooling because they have mental disabilities.....

Yeah, well...

You know what they say...

Crazy people don't know they're crazy.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 05:31 PM
What a joke thread this is. The OP based his entire thread off of one very very weak argeument.

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi
Media assets will eventually include ABC?

Yeah what part of "eventually" do you not understand? Does eventually mean right now? No.

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi
Well, as you may or may not know, GCN uses the satellites of none other than ABC.

Oh yeah, its funny you have no source. No proof, and no information to back up your claims. Whats new? Can you tell me the name of the satellite?

You then go off and try to discredit someone by highlighting the mishaps in ones life? This is as low as it gets when spreading disinfo. Yeah ignore the fact that Alex Jones is one of the most successful and active revolutionists in the world, and only concentrate on "creditability".

You see it doesn't matter how accurate his information is, or was, it only matters that this guy is acting upon it and stimulating minds all over the world with subjects people are afraid to debate about!

Whats better?

1: a creditable, never wrong, genius that is silent?


2: a semi-creditable, sometimes wrong, average joe, that is loud as hell and spreads the word?

I pick number 2, because it is the number 2's we need in order to frikken wake you sleeping zombies up!!!

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 05:50 PM
Novus, you make a fair point. But, I am confused on where you are going with it. There is not a single person out there that I know of the tells the complete truth in any sort of media. No one knows the complete truth. It is possible he is pointing us toward people that are a little bit down on the scale and not necessarily the true elitists, but he does at least help to get people to open their minds. Boycotting him is quite ridiculous considering all of his work is available for free.

Another thing, have you ever been arrested? To suggest his arrests were staged, would suggest that the conspiracy, which is happening, goes down to the lowly police officers. I highly doubt that. My suggestion is take him and his information, as well as everything else there is to learn, with a grain of salt. When you find someone who tells the complete truth and outs the real power behind the throne, let me and everyone else know before they put the person six feet under.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by 1e1l1e1v1e1n1
What a joke thread this is. The OP based his entire thread off of one very very weak argeument.

Wrong. Go read it again.

Originally posted by 1e1l1e1v1e1n1
Yeah what part of "eventually" do you not understand? Does eventually mean right now? No.

Nice spin

Originally posted by 1e1l1e1v1e1n1
Can you tell me the name of the satellite?

Again, nice spin

Originally posted by 1e1l1e1v1e1n1
I pick number 2, because it is the number 2's we need in order to frikken wake you sleeping zombies up!!!

Ok, thank you, come again

You Alex Jones fans crack me up

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