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END The Alex Jones GAME

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posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:23 PM
to the OP: I commend you for the effort put into this post, but you are being myopic.

Truth is, Alex's opinion on his own radio network is no different than any other news network. He admits on his own show, and he's even ranted on how much bullpoop he has to deal with because of them. Actually there were at least 2-3 shows that he spent the entire hour complaining about how his network was owned by the same people he was fighting.

I am opposed to the war, and the whole "blood for oil" thing, but I still need to drive a car, and use oil in both direct and indirect ways. I need oil to drive to work and earn money, to buy more oil.

Does that make me greedy, or in support of big oil? No - its just the only resource available to me to go on with my responsibilities.

If you are a MEDIA person, you will indeed need to use the MEDIA for exposure. Where is confusion?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by scientist

You really only addressed one of my points from the opening post. I'm not saying address them all, I just hope that you don't think that since you stated your opinion about that one point, then the rest doesn't matter and should be ignored.

Not trying to fight with you over that, I'm just sayin'..

Anyway, to your points:

Yes, oil is vital to driving your car, but it's hardly an even comparison to the issue of him using ABC satellites. I doubt that it's mainstream media satellites or nothing in the case of radio. He could set up a web radio or web tv broadcast to get his message out. Using mainstream media satellites isn't a last resort.

But I'm more suspicious about them letting him use their satellites than I am him using their satellites. I'm just wondering what their justification is for that. If they're against this "conspiracy" talk like all mainstream media is, why are they allowing it to go on and actually assisting in it?

It just seems to me, if AJ and ABC don't have some prior agreement, that they see him basically as just selling lies. They see him as a source of revenue. If they see it that way, then isn't it logical to assume he's doing very little if any damage to "them"? If he was doing any damage to "them", ABC would shut him down, because "they" have control over ABC.

He's entertaining and he sells. If he was telling the truth, I think his satellite contract would be a little different.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

if a majority of your argument is hinged on the satellite, I don't see the problem. Web based media would eliminate a huge portion of AJ's demographic. His public access shows in TX are huge, and his radio show is even bigger. I was aware of Alex due to his radio and tv shows long before I looked up anything AJ related on the web.

What is the alternative? To buy his on satellite? I mean, come on... that's not an alternative at all. the only other alternative you mentioned would again, eliminate large portions of his audience.

p.s. I don't think alex is anti-ABC. He recognizes that ABC is owned and used by bad people, but you are suggesting a throwing the baby out with the bathwater in a sense.

[edit on 2-11-2007 by scientist]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by scientist
if a majority of your argument is hinged on the satellite

It's not. I don't know what would make you come to that conclusion. I mean, as long as you read the whole opening post, and not just the first point about ABC, then I don't see how it could be said that I was basing my argument on that.

Originally posted by scientist
Web based media would eliminate a huge portion of AJ's demographic. His public access shows in TX are huge, and his radio show is even bigger.

That's fine, like I said, I'm more concerned as to why ABC is allowing this to happen. They clearly see him as a source of revenue and not as a threat like he thinks of himself as.

Originally posted by scientist
p.s. I don't think alex is anti-ABC. He recognizes that ABC is owned and used by bad people, but you are suggesting a throwing the baby out with the bathwater in a sense.

Of course he's not anti-ABC.

And how am I suggesting throwing the baby out with the bathwater?

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:35 PM
Alex Jones does expose a majority of truth mixed in with alot of lies and ommisions. All counterintelligence has to contain a big portion of truth in order to lure in thinking individuals. That Will Cooper Y2k clip was one of the things that opened my eyes to Alex's disinfo strategies so I'm glad you linked to that, those with eyes to see shall see. I also discovered that GCN is in cahoots with ABC and their all seeing eye a few weeks ago and everything began to make sense to me then. The Jesuit stuff is also a dead end and a diversion to a certain extent although they are powerful they are just one lower block of the pyramid. Also those Opposing Digits people are full of anger and hatred and highly intolerant of any "Opposing" views to their the Vatican did it ideology so your crew isn't any better than the Alex groupies. Also you seem to be very angry also and that's quite understandable as I go through my stages as well but always remember that you become that which you hate and this can be observed in people who claim to hate one of their parents but they always end up reacting just as that person would when they have their own families.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 06:48 PM
sorry, but due to the nature of this sort of communication, your intended message was not received. it really seemed like you were implying that AJ is a fraud, because he uses satellites owned by a corporation.

about not allowing him to use the satellites, wouldn't that give him even more fuel for his fire?

I'm not going to pick apart your entire original post, but there are a few things that stood out as being a bit myopic, as I stated before.

Later on, after filming inside the home, John Gray is informed that Alex Jones sold the tape to 20/20 for a rumored $700.

first of all, the source is extremely suspect. just as extremist as any other source you could have cited, including infowars, or fox news. I find it laughable that Alex would "sell out" for $700, but honestly this is all speculation on both of our parts, and the sources anyways. It's more reasonable to see it from the perspective that Alex wanted the video to get as much exposure possible, and as soon as possible. That is the nature of his entire business / lifestyle.

So, Alex Jones fans, what is so great about him?

I am most certainly a AJ fan. The one thing that always amazes me, is that for some reason if you say you like Alex Jones, or that you are a fan, people seem to assume right away that you are a head supporter and contributor. Is that how regular fans are with other things like sports, movie stars, etc? I mean, I'm a fan of Tom Cruise and Jenna Elfman too - they are both huge scientology pushers, and Jenna is a Peta pusher. I'm opposed to both of those organizations as well, but I'm not going to say they are both frauds. I digress... let's answer these questions.

What has he done? What truths has he let out?

to keep this post within the allowed character limit, i'll just say that a simple google or youtube query will answer this for you very quickly. Then again, if all his arrests are staged (including the one with Bush Jr, which would mean Bush is in on his game too) it doesn't make much difference with a closed mind.

What does he do besides sit and collect your money

You may or may not be aware of this, but Alex actively promotes all of his radio shows, tv shows and documentaries as free to watch on google, and many other outlets. He also sells his dvds at a fraction of the cost of any other business might be selling units, especially for being both the producer and distributor (having somewhat of a monopoly on a product usually increases the price).

I mean, I have been watching alex for almost a decade, and the only money he's ever seen from me, was to get 2 dvds for my friends to watch. It cost me less than $15 after shipping for two 3 hour dvds, that got more play than most of the hollywood creations that people escape into.

yell into a bullhorn, stage arrests for promotion, and lead you around circles of half truths?

The way you put this, is very trivializing. For example, I could put almost anybody's life into 3 statements and say "what's so great about that?" What do you do all day but waste time on an internet message board, work some trivial job, and get lead around by advertisements and half truths all day?

It's a cop-out to take that stance. If I knew the exact logical fallacy that fell under, believe me I would post it.

edit: It's pobably the Reductive Fallacy (Oversimplification)

To wrap it up, anyone who interprets something anyone says as 100% truth, is a complete moron - and if you are trying to address complete morons, you are wasting your breath anyways. I mean, who do you listen to or know that you could just listen to anything they say, and always assume it is totally accurate and in your best interest instead of theirs?

Boycott Alex Jones

How do you boycott someone who active promotes all his "products" as free on the internet, public radio and public tv? Boycotts work for people that thrive on money, not exposure. A boycott would mean promoting a boycott, thus giving AJ more exposure. You may want to reconsider your methods. Sun Tzu is rolling over in his grave right now

[edit on 2-11-2007 by scientist]

[edit on 2-11-2007 by scientist]

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:22 PM
He says in almost every show "don't take my word for it, go and research it for yourself". In fact he would prefer it if people were paranoid of the truth-telling alternative media because that way its easier to weed out government disinfo agents.

Also he's already addressed the satellite issue and has said that just because the show goes out through certain satellites doesn't mean he's connected with that company - believe it or not alex jones is not rich enough to send a satellite into space.

And another thing, the theory that he is controlled is completely preposterous because look at him - he's a fringe conspiracy theory paranoid broadcaster, telling everyone to fight the new world order and to do the exact opposite of everything the mainstream media were telling you to do. If he was controlled it would seem to me that he wouldn't be exposing all these things to people, he wouldn't be telling people to distrust the mainstream media. Asking yourself "who benefits?" is the easiest and oldest way of exposing a conspiracy and asking this of Alex Jones I would say the people and alex benefit, not the "new world order". If he is controlled he's certainly screwing the system.

Any move toward freedom and liberty is a step in the right direction, regardless of whether it makes anyone a star or makes anyone rich in the process.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:29 PM

Originally posted by MouseOnMars
Any move toward freedom and liberty is a step in the right direction, regardless of whether it makes anyone a star or makes anyone rich in the process.

excellent point, and that reminded me of a great quote I read the other day:

"The first duty of a revolutionary is to get away with it."

Abbie Hoffman (1936 - 1989)

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:44 PM

Originally posted by MouseOnMars
He says in almost every show "don't take my word for it, go and research it for yourself"

George Bush tells us the Middle East hates us because of our freedoms.

Simply because someone says something doesn't mean they're a kind well minded person.

Originally posted by MouseOnMars
Also he's already addressed the satellite issue and has said that just because the show goes out through certain satellites doesn't mean he's connected with that company

Then just because he puts videos on Google for free doesn't mean he's not looking to profit.

That goes both ways.

Originally posted by MouseOnMars
believe it or not alex jones is not rich enough to send a satellite into space.

No one claimed he was.

Originally posted by MouseOnMars
And another thing, the theory that he is controlled is completely preposterous because look at him - he's a fringe conspiracy theory paranoid broadcaster, telling everyone to fight the new world order and to do the exact opposite of everything the mainstream media were telling you to do.

You clearly don't understand the concept of divide and conquer and the purpose of disinformation agents.

Originally posted by MouseOnMars
If he was controlled it would seem to me that he wouldn't be exposing all these things to people, he wouldn't be telling people to distrust the mainstream media.

Why? What kind of a disinformation agent would he be if he didn't relate with the group he was infiltrating?

Do you understand this concept and understand that it does happen?

Just because you like him doesn't mean he's not one or doesn't have a hidden agenda.

Originally posted by MouseOnMars
Asking yourself "who benefits?" is the easiest and oldest way of exposing a conspiracy and asking this of Alex Jones I would say the people and alex benefit, not the "new world order".

Please point to what plans of theirs, what laws of theirs, what wars of theirs, have been stopped by the all mighty Alex Jones?

Originally posted by MouseOnMars
If he is controlled he's certainly screwing the system.

How? By selling half truths? Hardly. You're giving him far too much credit, and giving them far too little credit.

Despite what you want to think, they're far from incompetent and they are very good at what they do.

Originally posted by MouseOnMars
Any move toward freedom and liberty is a step in the right direction, regardless of whether it makes anyone a star or makes anyone rich in the process.

That's great and all, but we're not moving in the direction of liberty. You people get caught up in the moment and think it's so great you have your little star speaking out for you and being your voice, and you get so caught up in that you forget that every single day we move closer to a dictatorship, and you, him, me, and everyone else are doing nothing, and can't do anything about it.

Step out of the light of your star and look at reality. We're worse off now than when he "predicted" 9/11, and his celebrity has gone up since then. So ask yourself what he's accomplished.

Alex Jones fame since 2001 = Up
Freedoms since 2001 = Down

Pretty easy to see what direction we're heading despite his blabbering.

So you're right, any move towards freedom is great, but that's not what we're doing.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 07:49 PM
Its quite obvious at this point you are just looking for an argument, and skirting every point brought up. Your counterpoints are logical fallacies, which are either because you have run out of steam, or have an extreme bias which is limiting your perspective.

posted on Nov, 2 2007 @ 08:17 PM
EDIT: I didn't see this post of yours until now, so I'll respond in this post rather than making a new one.

Originally posted by scientist
about not allowing him to use the satellites, wouldn't that give him even more fuel for his fire?

Do you honestly think they care about "his fire"? Seriously...?

Originally posted by scientist
first of all, the source is extremely suspect.

Originally posted by scientist
It's more reasonable to see it from the perspective that Alex wanted the video to get as much exposure possible, and as soon as possible. That is the nature of his entire business / lifestyle.

Yeah, giving the guy your word that you won't release it until after the ordeal is over, and the guy trusting you, then stabbing him in the back. Yep, nature of the business, and he's not to blame for anything. Little old Alex can't go wrong, can he?

Originally posted by scientist
it doesn't make much difference with a closed mind.

Right. Because only people who question Alex Jones are closed minded. People who eat up everything he says are open minded.

Isn't that right?

And I'm the biased one?

Originally posted by scientist
You may or may not be aware of this, but Alex actively promotes all of his radio shows, tv shows and documentaries as free to watch on google, and many other outlets.

Who cares? This excuses him from any wrong doing?

I can probably find a Bush/Cheney 2004 Election ad on Google and watch it for free right now. Doesn't mean they're innocent.

Yeah, that was a stupid comparison, but it's a stupid comparison for an equally stupid point.

You people keep bringing up that his videos are free as if that excuses him from ever doing anything wrong in his life.

Originally posted by scientist
I mean, I have been watching alex for almost a decade, and the only money he's ever seen from me, was to get 2 dvds for my friends to watch. It cost me less than $15 after shipping for two 3 hour dvds, that got more play than most of the hollywood creations that people escape into.

Dude, I honestly don't care. The price of his DVD's has nothing to do with his motives and agendas. If he is a disinformation plant, which IN MY OPINION he is, then money wouldn't matter. If he is a disinformation plant, he's well taken care of already behind the scenes.

You people need to "OPEN" your minds and consider other things aside from his movies being free.

Originally posted by scientist
What do you do all day but waste time on an internet message board, work some trivial job, and get lead around by advertisements and half truths all day?

What does he do all day but yell half truths into a microphone while sitting on his fat ass?

You defend him because he's a "celebrity". It's sad. You people look up to him like a hero, and you people defend him to the death.

You can't name one significant thing he's done. I'm talking truly significant. I know his every breath is significant in your world, but here in the real world, you can't name one thing he's left his mark on that has changed society for the better.

Originally posted by scientist
How do you boycott someone who active promotes all his "products" as free on the internet, public radio and public tv?

I should have known you Alex Jones fan boys would run and hide behind his free products.

reply to post by scientist


That's the only thing you people have. Claiming I'm biased, a disinfo agent, ignorant, or any other over used bs excuse.

[edit on 11/2/07 by NovusOrdoMundi]

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 12:50 AM

Originally posted by NovusOrdoMundi
reply to post by TaLoN.NL

Care to indicate which particular show you're giving links to so people know?

Of course, it's the original footage I used to create the Alex Jones Reptilian vid on Youtube.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by scientist
Its quite obvious at this point you are just looking for an argument, and skirting every point brought up. Your counterpoints are logical fallacies, which are either because you have run out of steam, or have an extreme bias which is limiting your perspective.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 05:52 AM
Heres whats neat about it all. The leaders in high dark places can cause these kinds of arguments and get us to nit pick. It all boils down to polarities. right or wrong, strong or weak, beautiful or ugly, ignorant or knowledgeable, loveable or unloveable, worthy or unworthy, smart or dumb, rich or poor, good or evil.

Elohim: Genesis 3 verse 22 "Behold, the man has become as one of know what is good and what is evil"

Now that we have passed Genesis 3 verse 22 we all seem to be authorities in the art of polarities. The "322" in Skull and Bones isnt what you think it is much more.

The love you withold is the pain you carry. Please dont tell me where I got that statement..turn off the professor in the skull for a second

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by TaLoN.NL

I really don't understand where you people get this reptilian stuff. Every person you guys point to as a reptilian just so happens to be an ugly ass person. I've seen plenty of ugly regular every day people who have weird facial movements, but I've never looked at them and thought "REPTILIAN!!111"

It's all baseless and, I'm sorry to say, rather stupid. There's no proof of "reptilians" other than some weird facial movements and tricks of light on the eyes. That hardly is proof of a reptilian person.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 10:52 AM
OP smashes Alex Jones, then provides links to

Newsflash: NOTHING on that site is true.

posted on Nov, 3 2007 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by ModernDystopia
OP smashes Alex Jones, then provides links to

Did I call it or what? Some people are so predictable

I said this on the first page:

Now, before someone bashes my credibility because of these websites, I by no means endorse or believe everything on these websites. There are things that are over reactions, there are things that are lies, but there are things that can be verified on other websites.

So again, not everything on there is fact.

Thank you for proving my point.

Originally posted by ModernDystopia
Newsflash: NOTHING on that site is true.

That's rather bold of you. Too bad you're wrong.

Again, not everything is true, but there are some true things on there.

Here, let's do this..

Since you've obviously fact checked every single word on that website for you to be able to say nothing is true on there, how about you display your research point by point for us on here to back up your claim?

Easy enough, right? I mean, if you had the time to do it before, what's stopping you now?

Let's see it.

Originally posted by ModernDystopia


posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by NovusOrdoMundi

it has certainly occurred to me more than once that Jones' performance is so OTT that he is either mildly psychotic or a deep cover disinfo agent...

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by stcola_guy
Mr. Jones is motivated by two things; one is garnering attention and the other is the acquisition of money -- both are connected.

Thanks for clearing that up! And this whole time while his videos and streaming radio shows are free via Google and Infowars, I thought he was only in it for the money!!!! - can you believe I could have been so naive?

posted on Nov, 5 2007 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by tha stillz

And yet people still buy his videos and visit his website which has advertisements on it - both of which he gets money from, not to mention if he has any commercials what so ever on his radio show.

I can listen to Bush's radio address and watch his speeches on google for free, so that must mean he's a great guy at heart and wants to do whats best for everyone rather than himself.

Isn't that right?

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