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Proof Positive: WTC-Controlled Demolition

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posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Tomis_Nexis

They have and tried. But certain people in the public (look at yourself) still won't believe it. How about you do some research on demolitions.

A nice cop out. Some of us HAVE done research, hence not buying into all the BS from the Woo side. And of course you don't want to bother providing the information to back up your claims. Because when you say "research" You mean reading through conspiracy tabloids mostly run by Holocaust deniers looking to find any way to blame Jews for the problems of the world and ignoring all logic.

How about you do some REAL research on demolitions?

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by snoopy
Because when you say "research" You mean reading through conspiracy tabloids mostly run by Holocaust deniers looking to find any way to blame Jews for the problems of the world and ignoring all logic.

Uh no, I think he means research. You know, come up with something to the contrary rather than your opinions. You guys demand proof here demand proof there, then think just because your opinion cooincicdes with the official bologna we got ahnded, that you don't have to do anything but jeer and nod in agreement.
What does the Holocaust, or the Holohoax if you like, have to do with 9-11? Has it come to that already?

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by snoopy

lol, my source is biased ? that's a good one.

I'm not asking for theories or explanations, I'm asking for evidence. Are you telling me all this time has passed, and there isn't a shred of physical evidence supporting the demolition claims, just youtube videos ?

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:19 PM
Oh I see!!!!

When you guys make empty claims that amount to nothing more than opinion it's considered research. Gotcha. And therefore anyone who points out that there is no basis for your claims and asks for evidence of it, is simply NOT doing research. I understand now.

You make the claims and don't have any obligation to back those claims up, yet it's the obligation of anyone who disagrees to provide evidence proving something they doesn't exist. That must really help prolong ones fantasies well (for lack of a better term).

OK, let me try this. The WTC was taken down by killer clowns from outerspace. Now unless you can prove my claim is wrong, you need to do real research. This is really fun!

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:25 PM
Well let's see, what, if any evidence, you have to the contrary snoopy, I'll be damned if I'll sit back and let you turn 9-11 research into some ridiculous claim of anti-semitism.
I'll go a step farther and claim Mossad was probably involved

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by twitchy
Well let's see, what, if any evidence, you have to the contrary snoopy, I'll be damned if I'll sit back and let you turn 9-11 research into some ridiculous claim of anti-semitism.
I'll go a step farther and claim Mossad was probably involved

Read my post above. Do you have any evidence to back the claim being made?

If not, then I still stand by my claim that killer clowns from outer space are proof positive of the cause of collapse because no one is offering any evidence to contradict it.

BTW, nice attempt to pretend I am making claims of anti-semitism. I am sure that added some good dramatic effect to win some hearts and minds.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by snoopy

I'll take that as a no, that there isn't a shred of physical evidence exlosive charges brought down the WTC

BTW, that isn't asking you to prove a negative, just asking you to support a 6 year old claim with evidence. Evidence isn't a narrated video, it's wiring, blast caps, detonators, you know, stuff explosives are made of

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by snoopy
Because when you say "research" You mean reading through conspiracy tabloids mostly run by Holocaust deniers looking to find any way to blame Jews for the problems of the world and ignoring all logic.

Originally posted by snoopy
BTW, nice attempt to pretend I am making claims of anti-semitism. I am sure that added some good dramatic effect to win some hearts and minds.

LOL, nice attempt to weasel your way out of it. I think "good dramatic effect to win some hearts and minds" was YOUR intent.
If you have some evidence that killer clowns from outer space were involved, then we're obligated as a matter of common courtesy to have a look at it, if you don't, then I'm forced into thinking that you're being kind of being a jerk.
As to evidence we have presented, open your eyeballs and read what's been posted here already. Here's some of this evidence your demanding, and probably won't read or respond to...

This one in particular, if you can debunk anything I've posted in this one, then let's dance...

Otherwise you're the one that has nothing to offer.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by snoopy
Because when you say "research" You mean reading through conspiracy tabloids mostly run by Holocaust deniers looking to find any way to blame Jews for the problems of the world and ignoring all logic.

Don't forget that to some of these 9/11 conspiracy people, YouTube is another valuable research center.
Some loser uploads a video to YouTube and all of a sudden its fact.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 11:58 PM
As someone who has been reading this board for many years (without posting) I have decided to actually create a user name to post a reply to this thread that I've been reading for the last hour. More than likely I'll never respond again to another thread here and go back into the shadows and lurk again.

I am not going to single out any particular respondent for their opinions or "research," or "agenda," because it all leads down the same dead horse path. I have watched countless hours of video, read through thousands of pages on the web, and discussed this day to death with friends over the years.

What I find online time after time in forums such as this are people that flat our take the intended discussion into the "he said," "they said," "expert this, and "expert that," distraction.

Then it usually follows into lame user bashing.

No amount of video or testimony is going to change someone's mind if they won't open their eyes to see the obvious. Pro nor Con.

9/11 should be taken into context and observed along with other things that have changed in America and around the world since. 9/11 has been used as an excuse by many people with agenda's far beyond what most of us could even conceive or begin to understand. Break it all down to basics and then begin from the obvious. Was it a CD? Who benefits? Where did all the evidence go? What happens to people that speak out? What happened to your freedoms since?

In my own personal experience I've met MANY people that after discussing 9/11 and the obvious conclusions have said flat out, "I know it was known before hand and it wasn't what we were told, but what can I do?"

"What can I do?"

It's all about control. It's all about illusion. I'm not going to sit here and bicker with someone over the i's that aren't dotted and t's that weren't crossed. Most people have become so dumbed down to truth they can't see past their reality tv and whatever they are told in the news.

9/11 was the excuse to take your rights away. And most people when asked about this will say "I don't have anything to hide, so it's ok if I lose my free speech and the police or government can search through my belongings and tap my phones, or trace my bank statements." These are the very people you will never convince with facts even if their lives depended on it.

The video that started this threat doesn't need to be explained. It doesn't need to be captioned or have red circles and highlights to point out the obvious.

People that accepted the lie will continue to do so no matter how many video clips you post showing them what they'll never believe.

[edit on 29-10-2007 by enufalready]

[edit on 29-10-2007 by enufalready]

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest
reply to post by snoopy

I'll take that as a no, that there isn't a shred of physical evidence exlosive charges brought down the WTC

Again for the cheap seats!

physical evidence of explosives being used to help WTC 1 and 2 completely collapse. If not for these shape charges. Your "panckake theory" would leave about 60 and 80 stories of the inner core structure still standing, just like in the CGI video YOU posted of the collapse.

Syrinx- your ability to just ignore stuff you don't wanna answer to or deal with amazes me. at this point. Personally, I will no longer read your posts or rebut them, because you just ignore anything that doesn't fit into what YOU think you KNOW happened, and nothing is gonna change your mind, so it's wasted energy.

I'd advise anyone else arguing with Syrinx to do the same. At this point it seems he is just trolling for the fun of it.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Damocles
reply to post by exitestablishment

seriously? no, i dont mean that to be confrontational or facitious, but seriously?

do the red circles help at all? if the building was REALLY collapsing at "free fall speed" then the circled items wouldnt be in front of the collapse wave by even a little.

see where i was going with that? am i still the only one that sees this?

LOL, you just proved that WTC was a controlled demolition. You just proved that forces other than fire and gravity made the tower collapse. Those pieces that are falling faster than the building are falling faster than free fall. They were accelerated downward with a force other than gravity. You can time it yourself. Of course a disinfo agent like yourself would NEVER try to prove yourself wrong and actually do research, or video and image analysis.

How anyone can even look at the picture above and come to the conclusion that "gravity" is controlling all those debris. All those 1,000+ lbs. of steel being ejected, and accelerated, away from the building, and you all think it is "gravity" and "fire" and "air"??????? Geeezzzz

Generally when something naturally collapses due to gravity, it will fall straight down at the acceleration of free fall. In the images and videos though, we see things flying outward, and falling downward faster than the acceleration of free fall. This is proof of an outside force helping the destruction of WTC, and you can't deny it. Well you can if you are payed too.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by snoopy

A nice cop out. Some of us HAVE done research, hence not buying into all the BS from the Woo side. And of course you don't want to bother providing the information to back up your claims. Because when you say "research" You mean reading through conspiracy tabloids mostly run by Holocaust deniers looking to find any way to blame Jews for the problems of the world and ignoring all logic.

How about you do some REAL research on demolitions?

Tabloids? Holocaust deniers? What the hell are you talking about?

Sounds like a last ditch attempt, sad.

Edit, I just realized all the other fine posts by fellow ATSer's. Good on them, the cavalry least that's how I've felt when dealing with Snoopy.

[edit on 29-10-2007 by Tomis_Nexis]

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by Soloist

You are truly blind, deaf, and dumb

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 12:25 AM
I started in the Field Artillery (105mm), and onto Germany with (155mm), and finished with EOD in the USArmy. I've shot live chemical rounds in Hawaii, Iraq & many many other places I will never want to remember. Some people seem to only think about Iraq because of our current war. To be honest, we shot live chem rounds as late as 1988-1989 on the big island (even while all the nice tourists enjoyed surfing and ironmen enjoyed training), and I'm the USArmy has done so for years before I was assisting. I definitely know what explosions look like, and feel like, unfortunately for me now.
It's good to see so many enough to care about what actually happened, even if nobody will be able to "pin" it on a responsible party.
I can promise you all that a responsible party will not be held accountable in our lifetimes.
Obviously, physical evidence was carried away quickly. Obviously (and thankfully), video evidence is all we will ever have.
You can argue all you want about how this fell and that doesn't really matter.
We also have video evidence of how JFK was finished off. People can place blame and even proof on "whodunnit," however, I highly doubt those responsible will ever be brought to justice. It's such a shame that so many died & had not a clue as to what was to come. It's even more of a shame that certain others knowingly went back in to save more even after hearing the explosions. No matter how much video evidence, no matter how many were there... the agenda still comes to pass. Thanks to all who have contributed. Thanks to all (even you deaf dumb and blind mofo's) to at least open the eyes of others who also feel the pain.
This tragedy is just one of so many that none of you even know about...
Thanks again to ATS for waking some sleeping peeps up at least about this! I'm happy to be alive to have such equipment to capture such atrocities, even if it doesn't seem to put anyone to justice!

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 12:44 AM
a few more items...
Before my post becomes dissected & analyzed, I am truly angry about our entire state of affairs. Please understand that my post was only to state that it seems crazy to debate about shadows and how explosions came out at certain angles, etc. It's obvious to anyone with eyes what has happened. There are too many holes and unanswered questions to believe otherwise.
The frustration I feel goes beyond what could ever be described in words, especially with this incident.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that these were controlled demolitions.
What really woke me back up again was when I was watching Bill Maher try to eject someone in the audience for asking why building 7 came down without a plane hitting it? This is especially a sore spot with me after hearing the owner say in an interview that "they" decided to "pull" it.
How much more proof is needed??????????????????????????????????

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by 1e1l1e1v1e1n1

wow, calling me a disinfo agent cuz i disagree with the "truth" huh? wow thats original, and im fairly certain its against the t&c's but oh well.

research? well im sorry that unlike most of the "truth movement" i dont have a degree from google u with a minor in youtube studies...but i have 12 years in the WMD field and have actually set off more explosives than i can remember, so i think that probably gives me a head start on the research side. ive done calculations and posted them on ATS many times for how much it would take of various explosives to take out the core...but most of you "truthers" dont like to read that sort of thing as it really does make the cd theories look kind of silly. but hey, ya'll believe what u want.

when one of you takes the time to do some actual research into demo then read this and we can have an actual intellecual dialogue on the topic. but, if you dont know anything about demo other than what you see in tom cruise movies than to me your opinion isnt worth 2 drops of rat piss.

disinfo agent? rofl me a favor, email W and tell him my checks must have gotten lost in the mail.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 06:37 AM
Here's a theory I thought of awile ago, I didnt have the time tonight to go through the 6 pages to see if it has been stated or not but I have nerver seen it elswhere.

The Tower's where the largest in the world, correct. Now how much effort goes in demolishing a smaller building safely, quite a bit I presume. What would of happened when time can that they had to bring these towers down due to age etc it would of been an demolition nitemare. So in saying this where charges pre-rigged in the building while it was been built, it would be easier to target particular ares whist under construction that we where never told about so fear was never an issue.

Could they have been set off on purpose at time of impact or did the planes somehow set the trigger from electrical shorts etc.

As I said it was just a theroy

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by thinkofitnow
reply to post by Soloist

You are truly blind, deaf, and dumb


Now please crawl back under that rock or whatever large, smooth, cool and shady object it was you were under and feel free to come back when you learn to throw about a more "big-boy" insult.

I promise I'll keep my expectations low.


Hardly, I see things in this video (yaknow, the thread topic, the "proof positive" evidence) that contradict it's intended "dumbed down" message and deception. I have debated those things with others, however I still see them in the video, and I don't think they're going away. At least the others who disagree as misguided as they are and given how bad they want to believe have the class and dignity to debate their point, instead of resorting to one-liner name calling as it seems you have done.


Nah, even though I've played lead guitar in various metal bands over the last 20+ years, I would say my hearing is still alright and given the abuse they have taken they fared well. More to the point, I do not hear on *ANY* video explosions that would surely accompany the "demolition" of the towers.

The fact that everyone at the scene does not report these enormous explosions and the fact that video footage with audio shot at the base have no audio evidence of said explosions leads me to believe there were none.

Ask yourself this... why in the "proof positive" video are all the comparison demolitions that are shot close by have no audio track? Could it be because the makers of the video decided that if they left the sounds on there it might make people ask the question about the towers? Or... have we developed some super-duper ultra-secret silent explosive that can bring down buildings???

Dumb? Maybe.

But then again I'm not the one claiming this video which states :

"This short video will help people to see the truth of 911, and is made for dummies, it is so simple."

... is a "smoking gun". If anything it's a water gun *squirt*.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by Soloist

i have to agree with you on your points soloist. and ill even add as a response to the guys that are sure im a disinfo agent. IF the debris i circled in that pic i posted were being accellerated faster than freefall, um, wheres the corresponding explosions for that? do people realize just exactly how much HE it would take to do that? ive posted calculations no one wants to try to refute so their response is that im a disinfo agent.

well, that may be, (its not but w/e) does that change the math? id think not, but since no one can debate the figures they attack me also.

when you cant attack the logic or the facts i guess the plan is to try to attack the person posting the data. lol great tactic if your in a sandbox in kindergarden rofl

and people wonder why 'truthers' get called whack jobs...

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