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Bill Clinton is Confronted by 911 Truthers

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posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by BlueTriangle

The fact is that several things happened during his Presidency that led up to the situation we have now. I'm not saying it was entirely his fault, but it's not entirely the current Administration's fault either.

Obviously one thing leads to another no matter what we are talking about. As far as my own knowledge on the topic good sir you have no idea my background. My anger often stirs my facts because I can't get it out fast enough.

Once again your missing the point BlueTriangle. Do you think it's the right thing to do to go scream at Bill Clinton? Do you think that's the "revolution" we've been looking for?

As far as the current administration, it is their fault because we had fighters deploid that didn't take down the planes. We had information that said 9/11 would happen and it was ignored. They stopped their meetings on Bin Laden after Clinton left office. They allowed 9/11 to happen to manifest destiny in the middle east.

[edit on 26-10-2007 by blowfishdl]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by blowfishdl
Howeve rmy point being he wasn't the president during the 9/11 attacks, and he didn't start the giant war we are going to have to live with for years to come. In fact, he wants to stop war and its probably the reason you say "he didn't want to go after Osama".

[edit on 26-10-2007 by dbates]

No it is quite obvious that your point was Bill Clinton had nothing to do with 9-11. Severely understated. Absolutely incorrect!

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:48 PM

Thats a way...

I am no fan of Bill C, but his answer was fairly classy I think. He was mad..

All you 'truthers' believe the same as Rosie O'Donnell.....need I say more?

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:49 PM
I'm surprised no one watched the video long enough to hear him talk about the Bohemian Grove.

Not that it wasn't more than a comment, but it's so rarely publicly talked about by anyone, and to hear Clinton talk about naked Republicans and trees gave me a good laugh.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by Jadette

Naked republicans in trees? I don't remember having Bill at my last party! Although, with his track record, he can come hang with us when ever he wants. All politics aside!!!

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 04:07 PM
Oy, here we go again!

This is NOT a Republican/Democrat issue. They are one in the same. They are establishment - aristocracy/plutocracy/oligarchy/corporitocracy and globalists. Do you not see the reign of corruption here? Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush and most likely Clinton, Clinton... get it yet?

Of course Bill had to play the part and act upset. It's part of the ruse. Now, did any of you ever stop to consider that perhaps the whole activist "truth" movement is a plant - a stage - by the powers that be in order to discredit the greater movement, as Spinger was trying to say?

You see, in order to make those out there who are making sense of the whole truth movement look bad, they simply need to associate their beliefs with these wacky activists who do such blatantly stupid things. As a result, the typically hasty generalizations will allow the kool-aid drinking public the necessary fodder to simply assume that ANYONE who believes that 9/11 was an inside gig is also a fanatical kook.

Um, didn't they do that with the entire UFO movement? Your honor, I rest my case...

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by blowfishdl
Obviously one thing leads to another no matter what we are talking about. As far as my own knowledge on the topic good sir you have no idea my background. My anger often stirs my facts because I can't get it out fast enough.

You're right that I know nothing about your background and I apologize if I offended you, that was not my intention. I saw several historical inaccuracies in your posts, so I was trying to prevent you from the experience of having your posts torn to shreds. Regardless, if you're so angry that you get your facts "stirred" up and your grammar suffers, it would be to everyone's benefit if you took a break and calmed down. Trying to debate when you're angry leads to nothing but problems.

Originally posted by blowfishdl
Once again your missing the point BlueTriangle. Do you think it's the right thing to do to go scream at Bill Clinton? Do you think that's the "revolution" we've been looking for?

Heck no!! I don't think it's right to scream over anyone. The greatest thing about this country is that everybody has the right to an opinion and they have the right to share it with anyone who will listen. I don't care if it's Bush, Clinton, or even crazy Ahmadinejad, let their opinions be heard. It's very ironic that these truthers (if that's what you want to call them, I prefer idiots) all complain that our rights are being taken away, then they go out and try to take the same right away from others.

Originally posted by blowfishdl
As far as the current administration, it is their fault because we had fighters deploid that didn't take down the planes. We had information that said 9/11 would happen and it was ignored. They stopped their meetings on Bin Laden after Clinton left office. They allowed 9/11 to happen to manifest destiny in the middle east.

You can certainly place the blame for those things you mentioned on the Administration (with the exception of the last one, I don't think the government let anything happen). Personally, I wouldn't want to have to make the decision to shoot down a plane full of innocent civilians, so I'm not even going to consider judging somebody else for being hesitant to do so. Having said that, I think flight 93 was shot down and the story was concocted for the benefit of the family members left behind.

I could just as easily reply that the terrorists were emboldened by the lack of response to earlier attacks. There were terrorist attacks in 1993, 1995, 1998, 1999, & 2000 with no response. He was also offered Bin Laden by Sudan and didn't act on it (this was during the time that he and Monica were especially intense, so that may have had something to do with it). So it's all Clinton's fault!! No, I don't really believe that, I think these events lead up to what happened and he's partly to blame, as is the current Administration. I suspect that your ability to overlook these items and purely blame Bush is rooted in your political agenda.

[edit on 26-10-2007 by BlueTriangle]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:33 AM
Edit... Stupid puter... double post.

read below

[edit on 10/27/2007 by coven]

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by deltaboy

They just love to get attention.

[edit on 26-10-2007 by deltaboy]

that guy in that video is a looser (note donald trump accent) He has always been a looser and will always be a looser... I mean come on... who has time to do that stuff??? HES A LOOSER

*trump accent off*

seriously what the hell would drive someone to go through a walmart and intercom the 9-11 truth movement... Maybe get like 10 peoples attention?

and piss off a bunch of walmart workers???


P.s. S.O. Since I see you are reading these threads is it ok to us the quote of yours in my signature?

thanks! (u2u would be best to respond one would assume

also to stay on topic I love how clinton totally shut down the heckling... they probably expected to just shout him down. We all know billy boy is toooo smooth of a talker to let that happen though. I give kudos to the prez (the last one that was actually elected)

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 05:07 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
It's almost as if this "tactic" has been fashioned specifically to make "9/11 Conspiracy Theorists" look bad... and through association, anyone who believes in any 9/11-related conspiracy would be discredited.

my thoughts exactly.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 05:54 AM

seriously what the hell would drive someone to go through a walmart and intercom the 9-11 truth movement... Maybe get like 10 peoples attention?

Granted, the stuff he broadcasts is simplistic, naive & ill-informed.

He's got balls, though. More than I had at his age. And his video is being viewed on YouTube, so maybe it's more about small time teenage celebrity & self-promotion than making serious political points.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 12:04 PM
as much as i hate bill , i gotta say , GOOD GOING BILL !

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by bovarcher

exactly my thought... my big issue with it was I WAS that political at his age (assuming late teens) and It irks me to see kids these days harnessing a movement because 'its cool'.(hell I remember having that said to me when I was a teen... now I feel old
) Rebellion is not always a necessity; and if it is deemed a necessity only the smart rebels survive. Those that cannot quietly correct injustices are bound to face more injustice than they could Fathom.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 12:37 PM
Clinton innocent? A Democrate? Yet great friends with Republicans IE Bush Sr...Then the Demo's win majority, not much his wife is mostly likely going to win the election...a Democrate with Republican intentions and support. Republicate.

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 06:42 PM
They've posted a much larger version of the video on YouTube. There was actually quite a bit of conversation between Clinton and the guy/guys in the audience.

YouTube Video
MN C.H.A.N.G.E confronts Bill Clinton

I tried to embed the video using the HANDY? button that ATS provides. I couldn't get it to work. I could find a YouTube link, but I couldn't find the number the ATS tool asks for. I tried the part that came after the = sign in the YouTube URL, but it didn't work. Any suggestions?

posted on Oct, 27 2007 @ 09:10 PM
Perhaps they should change the name to "We Are Hecklers".

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 12:15 AM
As far as 911 being an inside job, Jim Marrs did a pretty good job of researching it for his book"Inside Job". Good enough for his attorney to respont "Im satisfied". I just read over in APFN that both Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both Christian communities. With this in mind. in the event that nuke that was stolen from Barksdale AFB somehow goes off in an American city, we should take a close look at the political/religious nature of it's populace. I think it would be a pretext for a war against Iran. Quo Bono.

posted on Oct, 29 2007 @ 07:57 AM
The problem with personal rants, is they are too quick to come to a logical explanation. Before you go on about doing one, just calm down....take a deep breat, count to 10 and walk around the block. Then come back and attempt to make a point. When you just go off and make general statements, with errors as easily caught as that, you lose all credibility in what you are saying. I saw that and pretty much ignored the rest of what you were saying. Not a good way to get a point across.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 08:29 AM
reply to post by kozmo

To say that there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans, is a huge oversimplification. They may use similar means to accomplish things, but they have pretty distinct differences in ideology and goals.
There are members of both parties who may be more or less fiscally/socially conservative, but on the whole the Dems lean left, and the Republicans lean right.

It's very presumptuous to think that that you know what Bill Clinton really thinks, and that it's merely a ruse. Why is it that some truthers think that he's really on their side, and others think he's part of a ruse? You all need to come to some sort of consensus with your conspiracies.

I also find it amusing to see truthers accusing other fake truthers of being too wacky in public as part of a conspiracy to discredit them, when I can read the exact same wackiness by truthers here. I don't see any inconsistencies in the wackiness levels.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 08:57 AM
The thing about these "Truthers" is that they are pissed and rightfully so. However they go screaming at people in Walmart and think they are helping the cause. They go screaming at Bill Clinton as if he's going to rip off his suit and reveal a superman costume, fly off and persecute the evil doers.

1.) Walmart -

These people are shopping for food, clothes, paper towels, and such. They don't even care who is on the PA system! Even if they were skeptical about 9/11, and listened to everything they heard on the PA system what makes you believe they are going to listen to any lunatic who grabs the phone and starts ranting into the speakers? Is this like supposed to be reverse brain washing? It will never work!

2.) Bill Clinton -

We can sit here and debate his presidency all we want. I am a supporter because he saved our economy. Not that it matters at this point since Bush has completely destroyed it but at the time the dollar was at its best value. We can scream at this man all day blame him for things, tell him why hes a bad president, etc. Even if it's true, even if 9/11 was directly his fault, what does this confrontation do? Is this going to magically make whoever is responsible come out and say "OMG THEY KNOW WE DID IT!" and they are going to come forward peacefully? Of course not. These kind of people make us look bad. We look like lunatics who raid wal-mart like brain washing terrorists. Lunatics people thats what we look like. This is simply not the way.

What is the correct way? I don't know, I may never know. There may be no way. I am glad these people want to help but this will never work this way. I laughed at the bill clinton vid but it didnt solve anything. If I didn't know anything about the "truth movement" the youtube video would make me shy away from it to begin with.

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