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On October 27th: 11 massive demonstrations for peace throughout the United States

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posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by housegroove23

Anybody shouting about conspiracy theories will just be labeled a lunatic. That's not how you approach remedying this situation. There's not enough proof to convince the masses that these conspiracy theories are real.

A different approach needs to be taken. You can't mention conspiracy theories and expect to be taken seriously by the public, not unless there's clear proof. But you don't need conspiracy theories to take down the bad guys. You don't need to pin 9/11 on Bush, he's done enough to incriminate himself without any conspiracies needed. There's no need to talk about the NWO, talk about the large gap between the rich and the poor instead.

You can get the message you want out to the people, just leave the conspiracy talk out of the conversation, and it'll have a better chance of being accepted.


posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
Read this article, actually Iraq is worst now that it was before invasion and liberation from evil Saddam.
Our military is no gaining any support in iraq by the iraqi people, they are targets at every turn, including public opinion.

Obviously Iraq is worse now than it was before the war, I could have told you that before the war began, many people could have told you that before it began. But that is not the issue here.

I am asking, how do these people profess to march for peace if their solution is for an immediate pull out of troops? IMO such an act will make more suffering in Iraq, What will these people be saying when a civil war starts? Because, At the moment the blood in Iraq is on the hands of the Americans and the British, If they both pull out, because of the demands of these so called "marchers for peace" then the resulting blood will be on the hands of those people who called for a premature withdrawal.

Of course the Iraqi people don't like the American troops, they are the ones who started all this and totally ruined a working independent country, and killed more than 300,000 people doing it. But if they should not withdraw until Iraq has the means to defend & police itself.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 12:26 PM
reply to post by anhinga

Seriously, how many times are you going to post this link today?

Hello everyone, from rainy NY City.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by AllSeeingI

even if everyone protest marched in the usa to demand peace----no more war-----pres. bush and vice pres. chenny are "lame ducks" this is their end ---no more ruling after nov. 2008 ?do you really think that they will quit what they intend to do now as long as they breath air?-------i dont think so ------they will do what "is for our own good?" in spite of us if necessary-----my opinion.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 01:28 PM
If you want peace, prepare for war.” Roman general Flavius Vegetius Renatus.

One thing that bugs me, is when some peace marchers get violent, if you are going to march for peace, keep it peaceful.

Otherwise you are no different then the rest.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Kingdrakethe3rd

I appropriate the response and your thoughts Kingdrakethe3rd, at least someone responded to me.

I also see that you are fairly new to ATS, Welcome.

However, it would seem like you are uninformed as well. Please do me a big favor and click on the big yellow link at the top of the page that says "NEW VIDEO! 911 Mysteries" and watch the whole video, meaning all 6 parts. Pay very close attention because every single thing presented in that video is not a wild conspiracy theory but factual evidence.

Quality videos like these are going to be a big tool for us to use to get the public informed on the truth. The biggest challenge is going to be getting people to watch it. You see what needs to happen is so simple but at the same time very, very difficult. I have some really good plans and some really good ideas that I will present to ATS very soon.

Without people being properly informed on whats really going on, we have nothing and we will just be spinning are wheels going around and around in circles shouting, Stop the war, Stop the war! It just does not make since to do that anymore, we need to be smarter about this or we all are going to loose.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 01:39 PM
i only like 20 minutes away from salt lake city, so i will for sure be there to raly it up!

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77

Originally posted by Copernicus
So who here plans to take part? And please FLAG this to spread the message! Less than two days to go.

Isn't something like this against the site's Terms and Conditions?

For the life of me I can't find the word mod in your user profile, please enlighten us. His post is not unlike the many others that showcase a demonstration but that is just my opinion.


[edit on 26-10-2007 by brill]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 01:45 PM
Protests and demonstrations also in Canada, look up your local peace coalition! Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada :

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 02:17 PM
While I applaud we the people's rights to free speech and assembly, I think times have changed, drastically, since the 1960's and the oligarchy's mass media machine can, easily, power-roll over any fragmented million-man-or-woman march. Thus, peace protests, while allowing one to vent and demonstrate, aren't quite as efficient or effective a strategy for the long run as what I propose, which is:

  • Become well-informed
  • Be discreet and fly under the radar
  • Change your lifestyle, radically. Think 1850's.
  • Stock up on food and water - prepare!
  • Vote with your wallet and stop living luxuriously
  • Don't buy anything that isn't Made in the U.S.A., if possible
  • Stop watching mainstream media
  • Stop being an automaton for Wall Street
  • Stop believing in either political party or Washington
  • Form small community groups with militias - discreetly
  • Grow your own foods - store it
  • Learn how to live off the land
  • Don't hire illegal immigrants
  • Stop fighting with each other - Big Brother is your enemy
  • Get healthy in mind, body and spirit
  • Don't be addicted to anything the Man is selling
  • Become self-sufficient, don't rely upon governments
  • Create a sustainable environment
  • As long as you suck on the tit of Big Oil, we are doomed
  • Get off the grid - go green!
  • And a thousand other things...

When you limit or eliminate the elites' ability to control you, due to your addiction to the few fancy crumbs they brush off their table for the lapdogs to lick up, then you are only feeding the machine, which is diabolically designed to enslave you, keep you ignorant and mesmerize or terrorize you with faux news and stupid shows - all hatched behind closed doors by secret society members who are but puppets of the world bankers.

This country has no manufacturing base - very scary. This country's imports and trade deficit are our undoing. This country's reliance upon all things oil - is destroying us. The "Empire" is declining, mainly because the leaders are purposefully burning it down.

They leave the borders open, outsource all of the manufacturing, thumb their noses at unions, start stupid wars and shun diplomacy, which only creates more enemies, and they spend trillions of your tax dollars on bombs and missiles, but little on proper education, job training and infrastructure for its own people. It sends billions in aid overseas while watching its own foundation and Constitution crumble.

I believe in the original Constitution, but nothing the present administration has done improves our homeland security. They are fascist or communist imbeciles. However, the people are far more ignorant, because they still believe in the American Dream, but will soon awaken to the nightmare they've allowed to manifest. Why? The American people went to sleep, long ago, and living the good life has clouded their minds.

I have my doubts that we can turn the tide, now, especially without blood in the streets. Do not be surprised, if America starts to look a lot more like Iraq in your lifetimes. If you change your lifestyles and stand united, then you may have a chance to take back your founding fathers' dream. Otherwise, Rome is burning while Nero fiddles and the cancer within is eating away at the republic.

A march is a somewhat visual warm-fuzzy that is like an ice-cream cone on Sunday afternoon. It's sweet and sticky, but over in a few lickings. Besides, it's not the best thing for your health, in the long run. Since America is the land of the fatties, I wonder if they can truly tighten their belts, change their unhealthy habits and do what is right for themselves - much less the entire nation.

The time is long past for bandaids. We're bleeding profusely and haven't even made it to triage. Sadly, the surgeon's smirk is eerily o'ershadowed by the glint of gilded NWO insignia on his dark wool epaulets. Make no mistake, America, you are at war.


posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 02:47 PM
Thank You katmandu im glad to see that there are people that are somewhat on the same page that I am on.

The only good thing that I see coming out of this protest is the ability to test the waters and measure just how much freedom we have left. If things don't go well and get really ugly then we know that we are in big trouble. If things go pretty smoothly then we know we still have some time left to get things moving into the right direction. Then again it also depends on the behavior of these uninformed protesters as well.

If anyone here has not already I would like you to take a look at my last two posts in this thread -

Here]post by housegroove23
& Here]post by housegroove23

Im not crying for attention, I promise.
I just would like for everyone here to seriously think about what I am saying. Please respond with your thoughts on what I am saying, I would just like to try and measure where everybody is at on this.

[edit on 10/26/07 by housegroove23]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:14 PM
Perhaps I will attend the protest in Philadelphia so that I can protest the protesters! The silent majority in this nation (those who support the troops and their mission) must be heard!

Hopefully the angry and hatred that consumes many of these protesters' minds won't cause them to react with profanity and violence as they so often do to those with differing opinions.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by housegroove23

My pleasure, housegroove23. Yes, it can be difficult to awaken the sheeple. Merely "entertaining," educating or comforting ourselves online in forums amounts to a very small fraction of what is needed.

For instance, as I mentioned in my earlier post, above, voting with one's wallet is an immediate act of defiance against all that is wrong in America. Here's a huge example:

Boycott of Bank of America Takes Partial Credit for Bank's Tumbling Profits

This is the type of action that is preferable to only taking some time on your weekend to show your resolve against the man. Trust me, until you start tightening your belt, daily, and truly sacrificing for the cause by changing your entire lifestyle, then you will continue to be laughed at by the oligarchy - all the way to their world banking headquarters - located under the nearest slimey rock, most likely.

Implement the hard, practical and very real suggestions that I gave, keeping the founding Consitution in mind, and you will see a dramatic change in America. Until then, the foxes guard the hen house and the sheeple are getting fleeced.


posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:47 PM
Thank you for your reply katmandu, very good points that you have made and I agree with them, Thank You.

Rasputin13 - The angry side of me defiantly agrees with you on that one and I have thought many times about protesting the protesters and knocking some since into them. But of course, that would no longer be a smart thing to do as it would only fuel more anger and create more problems.

[edit on 10/26/07 by housegroove23]

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by housegroove23
Thank you for your reply katmandu, very good points that you have made and I agree with them, Thank You.

Rasputin13 - The angry side of me defiantly agrees with you on that one and I have thought many times about protesting the protesters and knocking some since into them many times. But of course, that would no longer be a smart thing to do as it would only fuel more anger and create more problems.

I agree with you somewhat, but at the same time I think that we need to get out there and let it be known that we support the troops and the war. I think it would be an incredible morale boost for the troops if they knew that a ton of people were out there showing their support for what they're doing. It's not fair for those who put their lives on the line to turn on the TV or radio at base and see thousands of people in the streets calling their mission a fraud and evil.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:57 PM
I'll go to the one here in boston. Rain or shine.

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 03:59 PM
Bumpitty bump, Let's do this guys! I'll be attending in Seattle with my Wife a maby a Ferret or two!

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 04:03 PM
"....Obviously Iraq is worse now than it was before the war..."

That statement is only obvious if you happen to be a Sunni or one of Saddam's relatives. I suspect the Shiites and Kurds might have different opinion.

But common sense isn't in abundance on these boards, so I sometimes wonder why I bother.


posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 04:13 PM

Originally posted by TheAgentNineteen
"an immediate end to the conflict in Iraq."

If you really want this to happen, why don't you go overseas and help with the fight? Or even take up a support job with the DOD?

You don't have to directly get involved in the combat to help those who are. Doing a job like this will help end the War in Iraq quicker than any protest or complaining.

As for "blood on our hands", you really must be kidding. So many people seem to have lived a sheltered life, they seem to have forgotten the realities of the world. The reality is that this world is a tough place, and if you don't stand up sooner or later against those who wish you dead, you will be killed. You don't even have to go overseas to learn this lesson, because many Americans who live in the inner-cities already know and understand this reality. The people who act like life is all peachy and full of roses are the first ones to bite the dust. You can wish for peace all you want, but until you do something about it other than running around with a picket sign, you really aren't doing much. Pray for Peace, but don't be naive.

I bet your going to find a lot of support here...

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 04:44 PM
Saying that people who are against the war do not support the troops is complete bull. Should I be ashamed of myself for not wanting any more troops to die or lose a limb? There are many troops that are against the war...what do you "troop supporters" make of them?

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