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"9/11 Truthers Are the New Timothy McVeighs"

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posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by yahn goodey

Well, they were very skilled, not only taking down 3 buildings with 2 planes but some of them also surviving the crashes.

[edit on 24-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 04:06 PM
Here is the 2 major points I got from what he said.

1: The government is just to stupid to pull it off!
Ok then why should we trust the government to investigate it? If they are so stupid would it not make sence then that the official story is wrong? If the greatest power on earth cant bring down 3 buildings then how could we fight wars. Or even function as a country?

2: The media would have reported it if it was so!
Im not sure how anyone would think this is a good defense! I think we can all agree the media dose what the government tells it to do?

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 05:26 PM
I could only watch 1/3 of this video because this guy is the idiot and annoying to watch.He belongs on the Faux Noise Network.
I appreciate the post and I thank God everyday that I don't live in America.I used to travel their frequently but I'll never set foot on U.S. soil again.
I have many friends I'd love to see so this decision wasn't made lightly.
I need a passport to enter the U.S.????????????To hell with that.

I'm surprised that Bush hasn't been impeached along with his minions,brought up on war crimes and strung up from the nearest tree.G.W. is responsible for at least as many deaths as Saddam was and I'm excluding 9/11.

The nay sayers will be the first ones in FEMA camps because they won't have a clue.
I'm impatiently waiting for "We the People" to reclaim their country and they better do it soon.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 05:47 PM
Since the hell when is the word "Truth" some kind of derogatory term? Since the truth became harmful to the perpetrators of 9-11, that's when.
My god what double speak.

[edit on 24-10-2007 by twitchy]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by Copernicus

thank you for the video----wow---- talk about a chess game where the players are moves ahead in what they plan as their goal before the actual "checkmate" and as to what we think we see going on ! like i have said on other occassions------what sense does it make to get rich for awhile in this life walking all over the poor to rob them only to die anyway-------they cant take all the stolen property with them--------the only answer i can comprehend is that they are insanely deceived by the false god and lying system they worship.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 07:25 PM

i picked up a funk notation notebook
i tricked out crunk rotation rote, look
shook to crumbles like caspers life ending disaster
haphazardly planned animation creator
my life is like a cell image
a frozen moments insight into the plight of man
the last flight of the navigator
i travel with a razor to shave daily.
bail me out or dial it in
phone home sickness
riddled sadly in the midst of makers
rake the sky's eyes in a mad grasp for penance
learned lessons are like rules made to be broken
in the olden days children were made to be seen and not heard
is there anything more absurd than stifling brilliance?
this old race has run its last.
a planned gamut rabbit hat game
a dusty miser sighing
a yelp for help in the skelter
helter was belt fed
break bread with the brazen slaves rising
insurrection at its best at the behest of the master.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by ProfTom

You sir are part of the problem...and sound to me an awfully lot like a close minded individual....

[edit on 24-10-2007 by SilentBob86]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 11:54 PM
Actually the new Mcveighs are riding around in humvee's by the dozens in Iraq as we speak, if you really want to get technical. Mcveigh was a vet and disgruntled over the raid of the Koresh compound. I know it's not justified, but neither event really compares to 911 in scale or outcome. So it's really stretching to say that about people that think up theories. You might as well say every math department in any College contain the seeds of the new Unabomber, it's just not sane to do such overgeneralizations. You just end up muddying up the matter at hand.

The 'whole truth' has seemed so obviously unattainable to some as to cause them to despair of human communication in general. They see so many barriers to prevent us from obtaining truthful knowledge, let alone communicating it; so many pitfalls in conveying what we mean.

How can a physician, for example, tell the "whole truth" to a patient about a set of symptoms and their causes and likely effects? He certainly does not know all there is to know himself. Even all he does know that might have a bearing--incomplete, erroneous, and tentative though it be--could not be conveyed in less than weeks or even months. Add to these difficulties the awareness that everything in life and experience connects, that all is a "seamless web" so that nothing can be said without qualifications and elaborations in infinite regress, and a sense of lassitude begins to steal over even the most intrepid.

If arrogance there be, it lies rather in the immobilizing impatience with all that falls short of the "whole truth." this impatience helps explain why the contemporary debate about deception is so barren. Paradoxically, the reluctance to come to grips with deception can stem from an exalted and all-absorbing preoccupation with truth.

"Truth"--no concept intimidates and yet draws thinkers so powerfully. From the beginnings of human speculation about the world, the questions of what truth is and whether we can attain it have loomed large. Every philosopher has had to grapple with them. Every religion seeks to answer them.

And somebody put on the headquarters of a certain building in langley VA "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." Now I wonder just who seeks the truth in all these matters and whom are the most arrogant in revealing and force feeding millions of people what they believe is the truth? Is it just a few people up to no good or a whole army of secret citizens full of secret informations planning secret operations, to just protect us from the truth? That doesn't seem logical to me, in fact it appears to be a major flaw or kink in the machine that calls itself a "government". There job is to reveal the truth to those who seek, yet most don't seek and most assume the governments job is just the opposite. Somebody's not being straightforward or honest and as luck would have it their moment in the spotlight is about to be flushed out. Is the truth actually knowable? I would have to say no. No the government can't tell us the truth and that's not a surprise, but neither can the conspiracy theories reveal the entire truth either. There no sense in losing your cool and throwing insults at each other though, you only confuse yourself and make it harder for you to figure out for yourself. Maybe reality is just plain messy and people like Glenn Beck can't handle spilled milk or the CT's want perfection, maybe unpredictable anarchistic evolution makes more sense than some sort of planned outcome. Nobody knows which way the wind will blow tomorrow but we will someday find out which way it did, even if a majority has to be dragged there kicking and screaming all the way about how scary the truth is and that "we should watch what we say and watch what we do" or the big bad wizard of OZ will get mad at us.

"The perceptual influence of the mob of those who've gone before us and those who stand around us now can be mind-boggling." Howard Bloom

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 05:20 AM
What do we make of this....There seems to be awesome lot of stuff here. Unfortunately I do not have a broad band connection.

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by ProfTom

This is common denial and rejection. Its the first stage in accepting the truth. I can see your frustrated so much you had to come post here your objection stating most of the guilty parties. Ill explain it for you. 9-11 was an inside job. Get over yourself and your fealty to the decider. Your logic and moral direction is a self delusion to keep you shopping and paying the masters hands. Get it? America is iin a phase of transformation by bulshavik liars who steal life and culture. Its a sickness and disease of the mind to claim authority over anyone with tyranny via acceptable loss and preprogrammed engineered fealty by a generation.

If you actually stopped feeling unpopular and stopped perhaps maybe you drink too much? Most people I meet who deny it are heavy drinkers. And sports addicts. What im saying is they are in a paradigm of apathy and stuck in the clique popularity contest mindset. Afraid to step outside the box constructed by a series of brainwashing techniques applied over time, i saw it in my life and is why i can point it out..cartoons, is manipulated to steer your thoughts incrementaly easier, they utilysed this im sure before and after 911 as its denial that leads one to mock without reason or falsly.

And how do the industries you listed get tied together easily?
Secret Society Connections, Bohemian Grove , business intentions.

Ask yourself who benefited most from 9-11 as well. Theres more than one person/company... and they all get tied together by the pieces of evidence cought on tape. Sadly officials after 911 confiscated much of the good security tapes that might show us all the truth. So continue please in your denial and ignorance knowing one day, your encounter with reality will hit you harder than people who accept truth. Which pertaining to 911 have not been fully found yet. On either side, but the truth side has a more valid evidence vault than the official story.

[edit on 25-10-2007 by mastermind77]

posted on Oct, 25 2007 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by mastermind77

you know, as crazy as it sounds it has a ring of truth to it. i wouldnt put much past our govt. these days...

posted on Oct, 26 2007 @ 09:39 AM
Timothy McVeigh joined the army and found out what the government was up to. So much deception, lies, and government operations that he learned about drove him nuts and he wanted to get them back. He knew about civilian casualties and wanted to take "revenge".

So although we all know about the lies and deception of the government, we would actually have to seek revenge to be the "new timothy mcveigh".

posted on Jan, 27 2009 @ 03:59 AM
"Could you actually imagine that our Government was capable of successfully pulling off 9/11, and then keeping it off of the front page pf the New York Times?"

What an absolute idiot.

No. the Government could not possibly be capable of it, but a bunch of donkey driving cave dwellers are.

And I'm sure if they did it, the New York Times would be the first to dob them in.

The scariest thing about that comment, is that you have to be really, really dumb to fall for that one. And they obviously expect we are.

What the hell are they putting in out food and water!

[edit on 27/1/09 by NuclearPaul]

posted on Jan, 30 2009 @ 05:44 PM

Originally posted by twitchy
Since the hell when is the word "Truth" some kind of derogatory term? Since the truth became harmful to the perpetrators of 9-11, that's when.
My god what double speak.

[edit on 24-10-2007 by twitchy]

It is without question a sign of the times and you couldn't of put it better.

Also, I might add that it would not surprise me in the least if Glenns face fell off and exposed him as a android of some type. He just like all the rest of the Levins, Hannitys, will say whatever is put in front of there face that night so that they can keep living there cushy lives.

posted on Jan, 31 2009 @ 11:39 PM
I'd like to smack the crap out of all three of those guys in the video, and Bill Maher, until they learn to start thinking for themselves.

Not just regurgitating whats on the prompter, or not just being biased to oh our government would never do that...OPERATION NORTHWOODS you shmuck, google it. Oh thats right the millions of people on google are wrong.

Anywho, comparing 9/11 truthers to timothy McVeigh, talk about the pot calling the kettle black, when it was the government, along with the Main Stream Medias help who Blew up 3 and well lets say 1/5th of a building on one day.

I'm am glad this video is way over a year old though, and that 12% is more likely 40/50/60% by now.

I love the end; Bill Maher all 120lbs of him (soaking wet) pushing on the backs of his 5 security guards like he's the one actually handleing this audience member. I'm sure 80% of the mle adults in this country couldslap little billy around like a rag doll.

Oh yea by the way audience means to listen, it also must state somewhere in that latin definition to "applaud, when the applause light comes on, as well?" Screw of Bill.

Shermer, wow, he's grown alot this past year and a half,although still annoying, he isn't the out and out jerk we see here on this clip.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by ProfTom

Go to google video, and watch 9/11 press for truth and then come back
and tell us there is not at least something fishy going on.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 12:22 AM

Originally posted by guyfrom2007

What do we make of this....There seems to be awesome lot of stuff here. Unfortunately I do not have a broad band connection.

Even if you do not have a broadband connection you can read
the complete 9-11 timeline by paul thompson here:

It is the primary guideline for the show 9/11 Press for Truth.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by twitchy
Since the hell when is the word "Truth" some kind of derogatory term? Since the truth became harmful to the perpetrators of 9-11, that's when.
My god what double speak.

[edit on 24-10-2007 by twitchy]

We have to look back to the words of a famous and prophetic man:

"Speaking the Truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act."
-George Orwell ( writer of 1984 )

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 12:32 AM
Beck: If you google 9-11, What comes up?

James Meigs: You get about 160 million hits, and the vast majority of which are these conspiracy sites.

LOL... So all these websites must be full of ****? I mean let's be honest, we just like to make up stuff about 9-11 because we hate our country. We just want to tear it apart, or it's possible that we are just idiots.

I mean, Al Queda sure did lucky on this one... Not only did they knock down three buildings with two airplanes, but they also created a nation of conspiracy theorists.

Hey Beck... You want to know why when you google 9-11 and so many conspiracy links pop up... because there is a conspiracy you dumb ****.

posted on Feb, 1 2009 @ 12:34 AM
"9/11 Truthers Are the New Timothy McVeighs"

Originally posted by wsamplet
This video is right on target. I could not have said it better myself.Truthers suffer form over active imaginations in my opinion.

So truthers are the new Timothy McVeighs? It doesn't suprise me at all people think this actually. You were most likely programmed to believe this in 1998, with a Hollywood mind control technique called, "Arlington Road".

Yes, anyone angry at the Government could be a "homegrown terrorist".

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