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"9/11 Truthers Are the New Timothy McVeighs"

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posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:20 AM
The idiotic media in the US as always have no clue about 9/11 being an inside job, and CNN brings in the Popular Mechanics guy to pat them on the back. Glenn also makes the point that it would be impossible to execute a inside job without the media writing about it... which only shows his obvious ignorance of who owns the media in the US.

Email Glenn at [email protected] to give your opinions.

Do You Believe 9/11 Truthers are Insane?

Go To CNN and Vote Now:

Current score: 72% No, 28% Yes.


[edit on 23-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:37 AM
This video is right on target. I could not have said it better myself.Truthers suffer form over active imaginations in my opinion.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by wsamplet

Dont be a ignorant sheep. Look into what the truthers are saying. Dont disregard it as nothing just because you dont believe it could happen. Do you honestly think they would make such a huge fuzz about nothing?

I think this documentary is a must watch: 9/11 Coincidences. Everything in it is verifiable evidence that you can check for yourself.

[edit on 23-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by Copernicus

dont waste your time trying to point the blind in the direction of the truth... they will think what they want,but only to wish they had listened when they are in line for the draft.... or under ML.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by KINGOFPAIN

Its just dangerous to me. With the amount of people who dont realize this was a inside job, its like giving the government a green light for doing it again. Six YEARS after 9/11 and still only 12% of the american people have realized what a big joke the official story is. Thats sad.

After the second false flag attack, I fear martial law will come and then there wont even be a chance to have a discussion about it because of the massive tragedy it will be. People will be in severe shock, just like after 9/11.

[edit on 23-10-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:40 AM
I think the Media is becoming really scarred of the growing "Truth Movement". I am a big fan of Bill Maher, as well as the 9-11 Truth!! I think that the people at "We are Change" have done some great things, but they might have gone a little too far with this!!! Yet, I share it many of the frustrations this movement is having and total blackout of 9-11 Truth.
I think as America continues to march towards a Corporate Fascist Society that groups like "We are Change" as well as anyone who believes in 9-11 Truth are going to be labeled "Terrorists" and enemy combatants!! When this kind of segment gets aired on National TV and there isn't one person that represents the 9-11 Truth it paints us in a poor picture.
At the same time I do feel that time is running short and this movement needs to work harder at getting this issue out to the public and in front of the MSM. Standing up for what you believe is often a difficult challenge especially when the Media is whole heartedly against you. It's too bad that most of the American Public is too scared to even consider alternative explanations for 9-11

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:41 AM
I noticed in the Glenn Beck show how the mentioned that if you googled buildings being brought down intentionally,that you would notice how it doesnt look like the WTC towers that collapsed that day.
I agree with them on that,although,they didnt say that WTC 7 dosent resemble a controlled demolition.In fact WTC 7's collapse looks exactly like all other controlled demolitions.As it collapsed from the bottom.Funny how they left that building outta things.
Also why not try and explain away the molten steel at all 3 WTC sites?
Or maybe explain away why the Pentagon dosent release all the tapes that recorded the event that day.

Its a nice attempt by a media puppet,but no dice.
He failed.

[edit on 23-10-2007 by Black_Fox]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by wsamplet
This video is right on target. I could not have said it better myself.Truthers suffer form over active imaginations in my opinion.

Well for you to paint this issue with such a broad brush just goes to show a huge lack of thinking and imagination on your part. . .

You actually believe everything we've been told by the government is the truth??? C'mon now!

History has shown us time & time again that our governments, and anything else that is "organized", lie to us all the time to protect their individual interests. It human nature at it's finest!

Why do you think there are so many top secret organizations of government out there? So they can gather intel to get the truth out there to us?


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 12:50 PM
Glenn Beck is a media puppet. He gives these alternative views and alternative news, but goes against Ron Paul and calls 9/11 "truthers" insane, and really provides little evidence to back up his claims and never gives a fair and unbiased approach.

If he was truly for freedom of speech and the alternative view, he'd be unbiased about this.

All we need to do is prove one, ONE, thing about 9/11, and we can blow it wide open. But people always want to focus on holographic planes, mini nukes, and directed energy weapons, so any effort that we could put together to even prove one thing is diverted and hampered.

This is why I have no faith in the Truth Movement what so ever.

Stop focusing on the BS and start focusing on the concrete evidence. Stop letting your minds wander and start thinking logically. Either do that, or stop bitching about people not taking you seriously.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 12:55 PM

You 911 truethers or whatever your called - you got it right. The big bad american government is lying to us.

the media is lying to us.

the newspapers are lying to us.

the airlines are lying to us.

those people who lost loved ones are lying to us.

everyone is lying to us.

Us poor little sheeple. We are so stupid we cannot see that the whole 911 event was planned, plotted, carried out by how many people?

Oh, no, only George Bush, Dick Cheney, Carl Rove - "the masterminds" behind 911.

Whatever happened that day - "BUSH DID IT!!!"

Give me a break already. What have you people accomplished other than the fact that the rest of the world thinks your NUTS???

Have fun...What a Joke.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 01:11 PM

Originally posted by ProfTom
The big bad american government is lying to us.

They said they had no warning, even though at least a dozen countries warned them of an impending attack.

Condoleezza Rice had a conference where she was warned of an impending attack, yet she claims she didn't.

That's lying right there. So there goes your first point.

Originally posted by ProfTom
the media is lying to us.

The media reported that there was no warning. BBC reported Building 7 had collapsed before it did.

That's lying right there. So there goes your second point.

Originally posted by ProfTom
the newspapers are lying to us.

Is that not media?

There goes your third point.

Originally posted by ProfTom
the airlines are lying to us.

I've been involved in these 9/11 alternative theories for 3 years, and I haven't seen anyone say the airlines are lying.

So did you make that up? I think you did.

There goes your fourth point.

Originally posted by ProfTom
those people who lost loved ones are lying to us.

I've never heard this either. No one has ever said that. Yet you people try to use this weak baseless accusation against us.

There goes your fifth point.

Originally posted by ProfTom
everyone is lying to us.

Wouldn't that then imply that you are lying?

If it doesn't, then don't say everyone.

There goes your sixth point.

Originally posted by ProfTom
Us poor little sheeple. We are so stupid we cannot see that the whole 911 event was planned, plotted, carried out by how many people?

It apparently only took 19 guys from Afghanistan to do it. So how many more could it be?

There goes your seventh point.

Originally posted by ProfTom
Oh, no, only George Bush, Dick Cheney, Carl Rove - "the masterminds" behind 911.

That's all you have?

Sorry, bud, that's not proof.

There goes your eighth point.

Originally posted by ProfTom
Whatever happened that day - "BUSH DID IT!!!"

No one says that except people like you.

There goes your ninth point.

Originally posted by ProfTom
Give me a break already. What have you people accomplished other than the fact that the rest of the world thinks your NUTS???

I guess the Jersey Girls are nuts too, huh?

Don't know who they are?

Look them up.

There goes your tenth point.

Originally posted by ProfTom
Have fun...What a Joke.

As is your level of research.

I'll have fun if you do.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by 2PacSade

Well for you to paint this issue with such a broad brush just goes to show a huge lack of thinking and imagination on your part. . .

This is the problem, the imagination thing. I have looked at all the imagined evidence presented to me by truthers, and after careful consideration rejected it.

Your movement really needs to decide on one theroy, you are to fractured to be credible. Decide on holograms, controlled demolition, remote control, missile, death ray or dream up a new one. Just make a decision.

Also the lack of an F.B.I. report debunking one of your imaginary theories, for instance holograms , is not proof or evidence that there were holograms

Your biggest credibility problem lies in the way you imagine more and more grand theories to overcome the physical evidence. Example: holograms.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by ProfTom

You 911 truethers or whatever your called - you got it right. The big bad american government is lying to us.

the media is lying to us.

the newspapers are lying to us.

the airlines are lying to us.

those people who lost loved ones are lying to us.

everyone is lying to us.

Us poor little sheeple. We are so stupid we cannot see that the whole 911 event was planned, plotted, carried out by how many people?

Oh, no, only George Bush, Dick Cheney, Carl Rove - "the masterminds" behind 911.

Whatever happened that day - "BUSH DID IT!!!"

Give me a break already. What have you people accomplished other than the fact that the rest of the world thinks your NUTS???

Have fun...What a Joke.

The big bad american government is telling us the truth.

the media is telling us the truth.

the newspapers are telling us the truth.

the airlines are telling us the truth.

those people who lost loved ones- are us too. . .

everyone is telling us the truth.

Sounds just as stupid doesn't it?

Again- Don't paint everything & everybody with such broad strokes or you just might miss something important that you have yet to think out for yourself. . .

Have a nice day there Professor-


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by ProfTom

Well you seem to think the government wouldnt lie to us about something as serious as killing 3000 people on 9/11.
Well do you think they would lie about something like the Iraq war,which has already killed 3,400+ already?

If not,here you go,maybe this might help conveince you otherwise.

If they can lie about one,you can believe they would lie about the other as well.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by wsamplet

This is the problem, the imagination thing. I have looked at all the imagined evidence presented to me by truthers, and after careful consideration rejected it.

So you believe EVERY detail & have made up your mind already? Funny you can do that when NIST is still trying to explain how buildings collapsed & changing their story along the way. How bout the fact that the FBI, NTSB, CIA, NSA, etc., are still investigating the incident and the only person to be convicted in an American court to date was Moussaoui? The only thing I'm "imagining" is the fact that there's a lot of facts out there left to be discovered. . .

Your movement really needs to decide on one theroy, you are to fractured to be credible. Decide on holograms, controlled demolition, remote control, missile, death ray or dream up a new one. Just make a decision.

It's not MY movement dude! I think for myself. Again, you're herding everyone that questions anything about this into one group, and again, that just goes to show that you have not put much thought into the fact that there may be someone out there that knows something important! But you'll totally miss it because you've got your mind made up already.

Also the lack of an F.B.I. report debunking one of your imaginary theories, for instance holograms , is not proof or evidence that there were holograms.

Agreed! But again- It's not MY "imaginary" theory. Just because I may question aspects of the attack scenario does not mean that you have the authority to classify me as, "one of those silly truthers". This again shows your narrow-mindedness on the subject IMHO.

Your biggest credibility problem lies in the way you imagine more and more grand theories to overcome the physical evidence. Example: holograms.

Just because I may believe that there's a conspiracy & Oswald didn't shoot Kennedy, or wasn't the only one, doesn't mean that I HAVE to subscribe to the belief that he was shot by the limo driver. . . But according to your thought processes I do.

We're not all black & white wsamplet- Nuf Said. . .


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 02:29 PM
My 2 cents,

1. We had plenty of warnings, from our intell and foreign intell agencies.

2. High ranking government and military people were warned not to fly that day.

3. There is too much evidence that is being held onto and has not been released.

4. Why wont the FBI release the videos from the Pentagon and nearby buildings?

[edit on 23-10-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
My 2 cents,

1. We had plenty of warnings, from our intell and foreign intell agencies.

2. High ranking government and military people were warned not to fly that day.

3. There is too much evidence that is being held onto and has not been released.

4. Why wont the FBI release the videos from the Pentagon and nearby buildings?

You forgot about the holograms you silly truther you!


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 02:39 PM
I love how the survey asks if truthers are giving the government too much credit.. ... are they serious?!? Does cnn actually think that a group of 19 people living in caves are much more capable then the U.S government at pulling off something like this? puhhhhleeeze.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by 2PacSade

You forgot about the holograms you silly truther you!

I am looking for the truth not conspiracies, like the official story conspiracy.

I have not seen anyone who still believes the official story come up with a good reason why they believe a story that has been proven time and time again to be missing or left out information, and no real evidence or official reports to support it.

Originally posted by hikix
I love how the survey asks if truthers are giving the government too much credit.. ... are they serious?!? Does cnn actually think that a group of 19 people living in caves are much more capable then the U.S government at pulling off something like this? puhhhhleeeze.

I love it how people who still believe the official story say that the governmet could not have pulled it off.

I guess the 19 hijackers were better then any of our special ops groups. I guess we need to hire these terrorist and get rid of our SEALS and other special ops.

[edit on 23-10-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 02:46 PM
What happened to having guests with viewpoints from opposite sides of the issue? Fair and balanced media?

There's no doubt the PTB are scared when the media resorts to completely biased reporting.


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