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"9/11 Truthers Are the New Timothy McVeighs"

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posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Dr Love
What happened to having guests with viewpoints from opposite sides of the issue? Fair and balanced media?

There's no doubt the PTB are scared when the media resorts to completely biased reporting.


Yes, i like it when the people that believe the official story insult and call people names that have some intelligence and common sense to try to find the truth of what happend.

They are afraid to do research becasue they might be proven wrong and have to face reality.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

SEALS! We don't need any stinkin SEALS!

Just like the fact that WTC was not a CD because according to NIST all you had to do was take out columns 79, 80 & or 81. . . Nothing to see there I guess also. Move along now-


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:06 PM
You can tell from this thread that there's nothing left to question about the days events & 100% put your beliefs in what you've been told. . .


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by 2PacSade
Just like the fact that WTC was not a CD because according to NIST all you had to do was take out columns 79, 80 & or 81. . .

Well we have this statement from NIST.

Fahim Sadek, Michael A. Riley, Emil Simiu,
William Fritz, and H.S. Lew
Building and Fire Research Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
U.S. Department of Commerce
[email protected]
Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation
of the World Trade Center Disaster
Baseline Structural Performance and Aircraft
Impact Damage Analysis
June 22, 2004

The tower maintained its stability with the removal of columns in the
exterior walls and core columns representative of aircraft impact and
also after losing columns in the south wall due to fire effects with some
reserve capacity left, indicating that additional weakening or loss of
other structural members is needed to collapse the tower.

Except we also have the statement from fire chief Nigro that contridicts Silverstiens comment that PULL it meant the firemen being pulled out of building 7.

Chief Nigro stated that he evacuated the firemen from building early in the day without talking to anyone.

Also chief Hayden made the statement that if they let building 7 collapse it owuld have spread more fires.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:33 PM
Beck asked the guy from Skeptic magazine what the most obvious lie the conspiracy theorists are promoting. He said the theory the WTC buildings had the appearance of a controlled demolition is the most easily debunked. The reason he gave was that the buildings collapsed from the top down beginning at the plane impact point.

Well ofcourse we all know WTC 7 was not hit by a plane and collapsed in a classic controlled demolition style bottom up.

So can I trust this expert from Skeptic Magazine?? Man he should have phoned that one in... that was pathetic.

Remember it's OK to ask questions(Meigs- "you should ask questions" thanks Jim!) if you want to be like Tim McVeigh.
Because people who question the official explanation are like Tim McVeigh.
You know terrorist bombers that kill innocent children. How many millions of people saw that message?? Sheesh!

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Leo Strauss
Because people who question the official explanation are like Tim McVeigh.
You know terrorist bombers that kill innocent children. How many millions of people saw that message?? Sheesh!

Exactly, and it's further evidence of something more sinister in the works.

Everyone will see in due time. All you can do is look out for your own.


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Copernicus
reply to post by wsamplet

Dont be a ignorant sheep. Look into what the truthers are saying. Dont disregard it as nothing just because you dont believe it could happen. Do you honestly think they would make such a huge fuzz about nothing?

I think this documentary is a must watch: 9/11 Coincidences. Everything in it is verifiable evidence that you can check for yourself.

[edit on 23-10-2007 by Copernicus]

If you listen to the dialog of one of the interviewees (not Glenn) he'll clearly state that "it's okay to ask questions." I think calling CTs "Insane" is a bit over it. I think the only insane CTs are the ones who have no evidence of their claims (they aren't involved here).

It's okay to ask questions, but you should expect honest answers. Finally, how do we know that all of America voted that poll? It could've been a flood vote for all we know. Still, I agree that he's wrong to call me "the next Timothy McVeigh." However, he IS right that there are CTs out there that are that insane (just not all of them).


posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 04:01 PM
I think it's sad that anyone who asks questions is pressumed insane. What would life be without questions and passions?
Personally I think the reason the media tells only one side of the story and makes the other side look insane is because they don't want people to ask questions and most people don't want other people to think they're crazy so they just go along with whatever their told too.

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Copernicus

This one is easy. The Media is a Business. They either make a profit or go out of business. It is that simple. Such a tiny Minority of their viewers think the 9/11 Conspiracies are even remotely true they CAN NOT side with them. It would be financial suicide to do so.

The only reason it seems like there are lots of believers is the same posters who are here are on the other sites where 9/11 Truthers congregate. Some use different names on different sites. The truth about Truthers is they are so few the whole issue is not much more than a Postscript in History that will be forgotten soon. Unless some of their predictions materialize its been a lot of emotion for no reason other than a hatred of authority. Just like the Vietnam War Protesters the Truthers will fade into History as we laugh and say; Remember when?

History will tell if you are right eventually. Human Beings are not good at keeping secrets.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by Copernicus

This one is easy. The Media is a Business. They either make a profit or go out of business. It is that simple. Such a tiny Minority of their viewers think the 9/11 Conspiracies are even remotely true they CAN NOT side with them. It would be financial suicide to do so.

Well unfortunately you are right!

However our Constiturional republic protects the rights of minorities. Freedom of the press is a right that is protected by our constitution and should be given a bit more respect.

The press is considered by many the Fourth Branch... "the media's responsibility to inform the populace is essential to the healthy functioning of the democracy."
The founders of the country thought this "business" so important that it deserved constitutional protection. The press should function to keep the government as transparent as possible and help citizens make informed decisions. Well I guess that's an old fashioned idea and the press today is all about the art of persuasion.

911 was the justification for repealing our constitution, a "go it alone" foreign policy, 2 "preemptive" wars with apparently a 3rd preemptive war on the way be, torture, and the death of nearly a million people and counting. Not to mention obscene profits for the military industrial complex and big oil.

At a minimum the government is covering incredible incompetence. Close to 3000 innocent American citizens died on 9/11 and no one has been fired or even reprimanded for failing to protect our nation. Protecting the citizenry is the first job of any government. Where is the accountability??

So call me Tim McVeigh and strap me into the electric chair but I dare to think 9/11 deserves another unbiased investigation based on imcompetence alone. Then let the chips fall where they may. Don'
t we deserve answers to legitimate questions??

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 02:24 AM
Why you shouldn't even entertain any argument that a spokesman from Popular Mechanics produces.

Popular Mechanics is owned by Hearst Corporation.

Hearst Corporation is one of the pioneers of Yellow Journalism.

Moving on to New York City, he acquired The New York Journal and engaged in a bitter circulation war with Joseph Pulitzer's New York World that led to the creation of "yellow journalism" -- sensationalized stories of dubious veracity.

What is Yellow Journalism?

Yellow journalism is a pejorative reference to journalism that features scandal-mongering, sensationalism, jingoism or other unethical or unprofessional practices by news media organizations or journalists. It has been loosely defined as "not quite libel".

[edit on 24-10-2007 by blahdiblah]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by ProfTom

You 911 truethers or whatever your called - you got it right. The big bad american government is lying to us.

the media is lying to us.

the newspapers are lying to us.

the airlines are lying to us.

those people who lost loved ones are lying to us.

everyone is lying to us.

Us poor little sheeple. We are so stupid we cannot see that the whole 911 event was planned, plotted, carried out by how many people?

Oh, no, only George Bush, Dick Cheney, Carl Rove - "the masterminds" behind 911.

Whatever happened that day - "BUSH DID IT!!!"

You got something right, at least. good job on not being ignorant like some of the other hopeless skinbags around here.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 10:14 AM
I bet there has been several failed/foiled assassination attempts.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 11:02 AM
Lets see here, we got declassified documents from the 60's that the CIA wanted to falsely blame Cuba in false flag attacks against our own airlines in which the CIA WAS GOING TO KILL AMERICANS! JFK put an imediate stop to those plans and I guess he was a thorn in the side of these global elites because look what happend to him and his brother but I guess most still believe the official stories lol.

Just look at America's past and I conclude they (PTB) whoever they are do not care who they kill or hurt as long as they further their agenda. I could make a long list of things America has done to its own people that are evil and have caused deaths but people either believe or they dont because the evidence is not massive but its enough for me to know something is up.

I also work in construction and work with steel in building and have built a few big skyscrapers from Toronto to Calgary so I know a bit about structural engineering and I laugh when they say heated jet fuel cause 2 box steel girder buildings to collapse in on themselves. Its just doesnt happen like that I am sorry and never in the history of airplanes hitting buildings has one actually collapsed. WTC7? That one fell ON ITS OWN! Come on even the skeptics have to raise their brow to that lol? BTW isnt it also convienient that they found Mohamad Atta's ID but never could find the black box? Sorry skeptics to many discrepencies to make the official story true and maybe if they didnt do such a half assed attemp at a cover up there wouldnt be so many of us who believe what we do.

Here where I live I have talked with many and pretty much anyone even those who think I am a crazy CTer think the official story is bunk just like JFK.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by Retikx
I bet there has been several failed/foiled assassination attempts.

Assasination attempts on who? If you're talking in the history of mankind I'm sure there are thousands.


posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by wsamplet

Your movement really needs to decide on one theroy, you are to fractured to be credible. Decide on holograms, controlled demolition, remote control, missile, death ray or dream up a new one. Just make a decision.

Exactly!! That's the way the entire movement is setup. They come up with an alternative story, it's debunked, and the story is changed a little to ruin the debunking. Wash, rinse, repeat.

I've spent dozens of hours looking at all of this "truther" propoganda and the conclusion I came to is that the entire movement is run by a few idiots who managed to get a group of people to follow their every idea like sheep. And they call us sheeple...

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 11:21 AM
It was not said that all or even a significant portion of 9/11 "truthers" would end up as domestic terrorists, it was simply stated that one might come out of this movement. I don't find that hard to believe at all. Someone of a weak mind could easily be ensnared in these conspiracy theories to such an extent that they decide to take personal action against those they've come to believe are responsible.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 11:39 AM
The first attack: Back in 1993 the FBI was fully aware of the plot to bomb the twin towers. They had an informant in the gang. When the time came to blow up the buildings where did the explosives come from? We know that the first attack was not only preventable but outright facilitated by the FBI.
The Second Attack:The FBI knew of the 9/11 hijackers. They knew they were taking flight lessons and paying in cash. The flight school instructors informed the FBI of this. These are facts. I'm not saying that someone in our Govt. gave the go ahead for the attacks of Sept. 11th. 2001. But I've seen and heard enough evidence to know beyond a resonable dought that the attacks of Sept. 11th, 2001 could have been prevented.
The personal attacks by the media on individuals or groups that believe that the truth behind 9/11 is being supressed, looks to me like a desperate ploy.
CNN, MSNBC, FOX news ect.. are all owned by large cooperations. We stopped having independant coverage around the end of the Carter Admin. in my opinion. See all those financial commercials during the news broadcast. They are the people who pull the purse strings. Report on something they don't like and you answer to them. That is a fact. Take a long look at the list of the owners of these news networks. It is not suprising they give us Paris Hilton as the top story on the days that 600 people die in a bomb blast while grocery shopping in Iraq.
Please believe me when I say that this in NOT a Republican or Democratic issue. This is an American Issue.
There is a 3rd force at work here in America. They call themselves both Democrat and Republican and are working for only one cause. COOPERATE MONEY.
We need to turn off our Televisions and start taking a look at the voting records of the people we have up there representing us. We are not informed. We watch the thirty minutes or an hour of news on T.V. and think were well informed when in reallity we don't know squat.
Look at the news from overseas. It's not hard to do and it's free. It's like watching 2 different storys on the same subject. How many of you saw the Putin news conference where he bangs his fist on the table warning the USA not to put up a missle defense shield in Eastern Europe?
How many of you know that China, you know the country holding all those U.S.A. notes, considers the U.S.A. it's number one(#1) enemy?
How many know that over 80% of all Europeans think that the truth behind 9/11 is still not fully known?
These attacks by the main stream media is a welcome event in my opinion. Not only does it show that the accusations by 'TRUTHERS' are not as groundless as so many think but it's also betrays a sense of desperation by the media that we need to see.
Once again this is not a Democrat or Republican issue. Please don't just rely on one source for your information. Go outside the United States for just a sneek peek at some of the new stories your watching on T.V. and you will start to see a picture develop that is quite alarming. Just try it. PLEASE.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by mek12

I agree, I also recommend everybody to start viewing the international media instead of the US versions. Its like another world reading Reuters compared to New York Post or some other neocon paper.

Reuters may be slightly biased as well, but Ive actually tried looking for bias when reading some articles about Bush and Putin and so on, and only found that the articles usually tell both sides of the story and also ties it to previous statements to give a good view of why something is said or done.

So I recommend Reuters.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by Copernicus

whoever they are that (flew those planes into 3 buildings and killed themselves and the innocent passengers) its hard to believe that they were operating with a"full deck"i dont know of any republican voters as dedicated as these hi-jackers-------unless robots or religious extreamists like the ones in the middle east that strap pipe bombs to themselves and detonate in a large crowd of jews did it.

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