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a very real conspiracy

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posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 10:03 AM
Americans may want to consider putting aside their bickering and personal agendas for a little while. Perhaps they should consider uniting to save their country from the impending dictatorship.

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by captainplanet
Thanks for the welcome and I'm glad to be here, keeps me thinking.

It's not so much that what she says is unknown, it's that she puts it together in a way you can‘t deny. She doesn’t speculate. She spells it out and backs it up. I’m glad you like it and you said you’ll spread it around. Can you imagine if that was a presidential debate or something?

I don’t really know what to do about all of it. Maybe we should all just buy a gun, chill out, and vote Ron Paul?

I'll buy a gun, vote for RP too.

p.s. don't forget the ammo too!

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 04:28 PM
I am watching Beyond thunderdome right now, here are just a few examples of the symbolism. Just in case you still don't believe there are symbolic undertones in the film. I am not saying symbolism is right or wrong, I am saying It Is There!

Auntie takes a bite of the apple and the attack begins

Mel Gibson when fighting stops the song of the saxophone

Mel Gibson is chewing the apple when he makes the deal

Master Blaster is family, things must be done subtly

Master Blaster is in the underworld(from the perspective of the ones up top)

[Master Blaster]he can beat most men with his breath. (hint hint speaking)

Master Blaster declares an energy embargo (a strike? or maybe 3rd world trying to take control? This includes American common people, Union strikes and other common organizations claiming power.)

Master blaster has broken English Yoda? (or is this again third world)

Does anyone really think the Gulug(name of political prison camps) punishment, putting guy backward on a horse with a puppet head riding alone into the desert, is really just a random thing? It is symbolism

How do they punish Master? They lower this 'family member' down amongst the pigs that generate the power for barter town. Come on it is so clear.

I find it so interesting the levels of stories being told.

[edit on 21-10-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Oct, 21 2007 @ 05:08 PM
Thanks checkers!

This is a REAL step to fixing it:

Go there, read/edit it, put your information in, and send it. Pass one of those “bla, bla, bla” bills someone was talking about before. Lets fix this crap. Flag this thread. Put that link to the fix anywhere you can think to; other boards, other threads, emails, whatever.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 12:13 AM
I might be getting paranoid with all this small cap, but in the spirit of denying ignorance, here is something to speculate about…

To my knowledge, Blackwater is a mostly Republican funded war corporation and they just got that big contract for the US. Bush has made it possible for any president to declare martial law and subvert many other things. The people usually like the future dictator. They loved Hitler.

Wouldn’t it be really smart of them to put Ron Paul in there as the country saving underdog amongst all these talking heads who obviously don‘t represent the people? Someone even Democrats could vote for? They were smart enough to get George Bush elected, TWICE, and dishonest enough to start a war in Iraq…

Who is Ron Paul?

Maybe the news casters don't like him because they know who he is, because they know how "they" work? Because those are their bosses...

[edit on 22-10-2007 by captainplanet]

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 10:48 AM
Hi There,

I really enjoyed the video. Chilling isn't it! As I watched and listened many thoughts went through my mind, particularly on the one crux issue: after one becomes self-informed about the dangers to one's own country's liberty, how does one go about making a stand for that liberty...indeed, is one a bearer of such fortitude and character and resolve to see the fight all the way to the bitter end...regardless of the consequence?

Your founding fathers put their lives on the line to establish the founding liberty of America. Are each of you willing to put your life on the line to re-establish that founding liberty? I'm not saying that that is what it will take, but I dare say that the time has passed whence the line could be drawn that warned your incumbent and incompetent administration not to cross.

I do not doubt that slowly the American people are waking up to the danger, or if not waking up, are already aware of the situation they are embroiled in. Each and every individual American was given a choice by Bush..."You're either with him or against him." To prevaricate, to obsfucate, to delay one's choice is dangerous. A section of American society wants everthing their way, and no law or constitution will be allowed to stand in the way of their goal. It is only a tiny section of the society, but it is a powerful one, because it holds the reins of people-consented power. The first step in weakening their grip is to no longer consent to them your own subjugation...but by peaceful and non-violent ways. Peaceful civil disobedience is the way to go, through strikes and non-buying of their products. Continued mass protests on the street that have voices that cannot be silenced. Do not allow them the bounty of their agendas. Ultimately, you the ordinary man and woman are the greater power. It is your country...not their's to do with has they wish. You are not their chattel, or their cogs in their machines.

If you the ordinary American can turn around the situation that has made your country an intolerable one, the whole world will support you and love you for will make the world a safer place. Be under no illusion, we are all sliding toward and into the dark abyss.

Best wishes

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 12:14 PM
Democracy / socialism / communism - one and the same, when you look at the basics. These are merely the degrees of comparison for Humanism. Of course, the higher the degree, the fewer the privileged equals and the more the oppressed many.

Freedom comes only though Jesus Christ. The real one, not the Charismatic/ RCC/ coming Anti-Christ.

posted on Oct, 22 2007 @ 04:58 PM
God is good, religions can be pitted against each other by corruptive people. They are all right and wrong. Thats enough about religion, this is politics.

on a second read, i think your just trying to inspire the strength of Christ/Gandhi/MLK, in which case, absolutely.

[edit on 22-10-2007 by captainplanet]

posted on Oct, 23 2007 @ 01:15 AM
I just want to clarify that Ron Paul still has my vote. Seemingly perfect people just make me suspicious(I‘ve known some pretty good con artists). I’ve never heard him say anything that isn‘t true to freedom, and he seems to speak from the heart, not a card. He doesn’t appear to be the typically over assertive dictator type when you look at previous ones, he just always has to defend himself because he speaks truthfully, and no one else on TV does that.

I‘ve never heard him talk about getting rid of any kind of person, just corrupted government systems (I hope the CIA doesn’t shoot him), and I really don‘t see him jailing all their employees. Ron Paul sound more like a founding father than any politician I’ve ever heard, and I think we really need to get back to some basics because the world pretty much hates us right now for acting like sheep and allowing our government to stick it’s nose where it doesn’t belong. That’s why the non crazy people hate us anyway, I’ll exclude the extremists from that statement.

But I do challenge anyone to find something bad about Ron Paul. Because I haven’t. It’s just hard to trust perfect and I don’t want to be a victim of ignorance.

You should still all go sign that bill I posted above if you haven‘t already, we can at least help give it some attention, even if bush can just veto it away. It only takes about 2 minutes. Your not voting Ron Paul into presidency with it, so even if you’re a devout Democrat, your just trying to fix some of the problems Bush has put into place. It could be very important if it got enough signatures. They can only ignore so much. So please, at least go read it.

Read Elysiumfire’s post above again. He is a true American, I don’t care where he’s from.

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 01:07 AM
Hell man, I don't know what to think. Here's a video of someone else who wants to know who Ron Paul is.

It makes some good points, and you know…..maybe he wants our troops out to gear up for something bigger? He voted to impeach Clinton but not Bush? WTF? And despite what I said before, he is very assertive and does read from a card.

Is he the dictator? Maybe he really is too good to be true. What would happen if you got rid of some of the systems poor people rely on? Would people go homeless or resort to crime? Would he then round those people up in those prison camps we have?

This is some real crap going on, what do you guys think?

[edit on 24-10-2007 by captainplanet]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 02:37 AM
I know I post too much in my own threads.

But maybe now I'm breaking Godwin's Law. I'd like to see Ron Paul have the balls to turn coat. We're Americans, we can take it. I'll support him, he's the only chance we have. I won't let the propaganda screw my head.

[edit on 24-10-2007 by captainplanet]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 02:43 PM
Very interesting video.

Last night, while watching tv news... they were talking about a guy that is going to get extraded from canada to his original country (tunesia) for some "minor" reason. He is living in canada for 10 years and now we want to expulse him because when he came here he didn't say he had a file in the police department.

He claimed that he was going to get tortured and maybe killed in his country if we expulse him and you know what, I won't be surprised at all if he gets killed.

We expulsed him, even if we know that he might die, even if we know that he married a canadian woman, that she is pregnant, etc.

The guy will NEVER be able to come back to canada and will almost certainly be tortured.

That reminds me something I saw in the OP video....

[edit on 24-10-2007 by sc4venger]

[edit on 24-10-2007 by sc4venger]

posted on Oct, 24 2007 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by sc4venger

I don't know what he did but that's very sad. This crap is real man, send it to anyone who will listen. If they don't know, they can't help.

posted on Oct, 28 2007 @ 02:53 AM
I didn’t post this because I’m afraid of fascism. I posted it because it’s the only conspiracy I’ve seen that makes perfect sense. It is proof to me that people need to start paying and doing real things and stop being distracted by crazy ideas. This could be a crazy one, watch it and decide for yourself. The point is that you need to focus on the real provable issues at hand. Stop being distracted by the unreal. People figure out something is going on and go to media or politicians with seemingly crazy and un proven issues and it only hurts your causes. I hope this didn’t feed any of that.

I just want to say that people need to focus on the real problems. I don’t see how going to places yelling “911 was an inside job!” and the sort helps. Sometimes we sense real problems and associate them with crazy conspiracies. Don’t find solace in them, it can lead to contempt. I think that’s where a lot of people fall off. You need to focus on provable issues through the proper channels.

Just relax and pay attention, prove something. Don’t be swayed by people. This thread, and all ATS threads, are meant to make you wake up, not got nuts. Keep up good discussions but don't lose your heads.

posted on Oct, 30 2007 @ 04:21 AM
She is trying to do something about it on Nov 6th:

With the talk on ATS about Nov 5th, something could be happening if you want to get involved. It appears people are beginning to move.

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