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a very real conspiracy

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posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 08:25 PM
I found this video of Naomi Wolf on youtub:

I don’t care if you believe in some nwo, illuminati, military take over, or none of it at all. You should all be able to agree with her. If you are an American than you owe it to yourself to take the time to watch and understand this video, because this is the REAL conspiracy. Freedom is a very rare thing, don’t be distracted from it.

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 09:07 PM
As always, I'm up for more info... I'll be happy to watch the video. Thanks for the link.

Welcome to ATS, as well.

[edit] Skimming through the video, Naomi Wolf seems to put together some good information... information that's already running across the internet and many many books nowadays. I'm glad to see that she's taking the step to do something for the American populous.

[edit on 10/16/2007 by Infoholic]

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:03 PM
I have always assumed bush and other leaders were trying to push a movement like hitler, stalin, and other dictators did. This confirms it. Thanks for the vid, very informing, will show it to everyone I know (who would understand).

posted on Oct, 16 2007 @ 10:33 PM
Thanks for the welcome and I'm glad to be here, keeps me thinking.

It's not so much that what she says is unknown, it's that she puts it together in a way you can‘t deny. She doesn’t speculate. She spells it out and backs it up. I’m glad you like it and you said you’ll spread it around. Can you imagine if that was a presidential debate or something?

I don’t really know what to do about all of it. Maybe we should all just buy a gun, chill out, and vote Ron Paul?

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by captainplanet

I don’t really know what to do about all of it. Maybe we should all just buy a gun, chill out, and vote Ron Paul?

thats what im doing
actually i've already done the first two, number three comes in a few months.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 06:10 AM
I found a pretty good clip of her fighting through some satirical criticism on the Colbert Report:

It’s shorter, if the video in the top post was too long winded and rambled for you to get into. But you should still watch the whole video in the top post. It’s 48 minutes of flawless logic if you can stay with her.

We should always keep in mind the reasons we formed our constitution in the first place, to protect us from abuse of power. Don’t let them distort freedom. Don’t think from your stomachs. Just because you are full, does not mean you are free. Open your eyes to your real problems, the users, and stop empowering them. They are just bullies, and would not have control if you didn‘t fear them. You might not feel scared, but if they threatened your livelihood or stuck you in jail you would.

“You can have it your own way!
If it’s done just how I say!”
Metallica - Eye of the Beholder

Without mass fear, they have no control but force, and they don’t want that, it’s not efficient. Force would be very hard, our constitution set it up that way. That’s why we can’t let them make us forget it exists.

We still live in a democracy, we all effect change everyday in the decisions we make. If something is wrong, simply don’t do it, I don‘t care what the consequences are. Eventually, if we all do this, the systems that are wrong will no longer function and then they will break or be fixed. It’s evolution. Don’t just follow the leader.

If your boss threatens your job because you’re not screwing customers or clients for as much as you could, then quit or get fired, better yet, make a youtube video or ATS post exposing the company’s dishonest conduct. How can you say that you are free when you cannot even do what you know is right without repercussions? Why do sketchy institutions make people follow a strict set of rules, or pay money, in order to get the “credentials“ needed to gain power? Because those are the kinds of people they want to have power, because those are the people who go right along with the system and ignore its fundamental flaws because they like the rewards. The best trained dog always gets the treat, he’s your favorite one because he does what you want. If you can “suck up” dishonesty in the name of reward, they’ve already got you. Never compromise honesty, for the truth shall set us all free.

WATCH THE WHOLE VIDEO!! Control is a process.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 06:13 AM
...we could all vote Ron Paul, yet Rudy will be the Republican and the Dem
to Hillary, w/ the electronic voting fraud going on, hope seems nil for the ol US

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 04:39 PM
If you can't mock this post, FLAG IT. It's important.

If you can mock it, try me.

Saying Ron Paul can't win doesn't count, it's speculation, and while it might be true, it's that mindset's fault. It's also a bigger issue than that, he's just one possible cure. Propose another.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 08:02 PM
good video man, half way though and i'm enjoying it

thanks for point this out to me

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 08:45 PM
OMG, i wish she would get to the point faster, instead of talking rubbish for a good bit of the time.

I know the informaiton that she is talking about though, and looks are starting to look bad, if you look at all the Executive orders being passed, and the laws that state if we go into a state of Emergency, the US law no longer applies, but we go to UN law, scary stuff.

Overall, it seems like she is doing an OK job, but its not the best put together presention, but pretty good for doing it on stage!

I would recomend some further viewing material.
America: Freedom to Fascism

You tube it, or google it, you will find it, i can't link because the link is so long..
ok, i don't know how to embed it either....

[edit on 10/17/2007 by TKainZero]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 09:23 PM
For the quick and dirty, read this. She sums thing up neatly.

Fascist America, in 10 easy steps

...If you look at history, you can see that there is essentially a blueprint for turning an open society into a dictatorship. That blueprint has been used again and again in more and less bloody, more and less terrifying ways. But it is always effective. It is very difficult and arduous to create and sustain a democracy - but history shows that closing one down is much simpler. You simply have to be willing to take the 10 steps.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 09:41 PM
She made some excellent points.
One problem: She neglected to mention Waco.
And that, my friends, is all the proof you need to realize that
the top dogs are all on the same page. Using fear of
Nazi Germany, they've managed to convince and rile up
an entire sector of the population that this is
the fault of fundamentalism and monotheism, that fascism
is the result of believing in a higher power than yourself,
and that fascists are always believers in said higher power.
What did Hitler do ? He convinced the populace that a particular
religious group was the problem. What's happening at the top
So called christian spokesmen are blaming the jews, and so called
jews are blaming the christians.
Who is at fault, in reality? People posing as believers on both sides
of the coin, who are actually not even remotely interested in the welfare
of either christians or jews. They view this entire thing as a survival of
the fittest scenario in which belief in a higher power than yourself
is anathema. Divide and conquer.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 10:07 PM
Thank you for posting, great speech by the lady. I think this type of thought should be taught in school. History as a indicator of the future.

In case you can't watch whole thing, here are the good points I got out of it.

Ten steps used to create a dictatorship. Taken from examples in history.
Our current view of history of America, and the one taught is a Hallmark type view of democracy. Freedom, Patriotism, Expansion, woot woot.

The truth, Our founders wrote the Constitution from the dread of an American despot arising in America. Checks and balances. Human nature would abuse power if it is unchecked.

The ten steps used over and over to break a democracy into a tyranny.
1 Invoke a terrible external or internal threat, sometimes real, always hyped. Stalin used term sleeper cells to describe fictional Capitalist terrorist, a hyped threat. Pinochet, hyped threats with fake documents.

2 Secret prison system outside the rule of law, military tribunals, including use of torture. This pressures regular society, also no one, can name a government in the past that used secret prisons and torture, that did not later turn those prisons against its own citizens. Starts with the people society doesn't like then moves into those who question authority, finally anybody they choose.

3 Paramilitary force - Blackwater. Used to intimidate those who are under the governmental rule of law, while Blackwater only answers to people who pay them money. They have been given billion dollar contract for inside the USA public emergency. New laws, National guard no longer under state control (federal/state) check and balance broken.

4 Internal Surveillance apparatus on ordinary citizens. You don't need to watch everyone, you only need people to think they are under surveillance, fear to keep people from speaking. Also create list of people who speak about abuses of power, Constitutional lawyers, anti war protesters, ACLU, and sometimes their families also. My note "Do not fear! Bravery is a requirement for real freedom!"

5 Arbitrarily detain and release citizens to change rules from justice to authoritative control.

6 Infiltrate citizens groups, protesters, UCLA, environmental groups. Breaks citizen trust of each other to chill speech and stop organization. Economic actions against those that speak up, firing of key people, press, entertainers, or speakers.

7 Restrict the press - Drumbeat to charge reporters with espionage. Last used to round up Americans, critics, anti war activist, journalist, and mass arrests, this was before WW1.

8 Call criticism as espionage, and dissent as being a traitor.

9 Declare martial law, as is now being drilled, and practiced in Oregon.

I missed one, while listening to speech.

Dictatorships do not suspend elections they corrupt them. Despots through history had elections, USSR, Nazi Germany etc..

If you cant watch the whole thing watch last 5 minutes.

Great thread, stared and flagged.

[edit on 17-10-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 10:12 PM
To prove my point, I direct you to this image, which was shown on CNN in one of its many incarnations:

Follow along, to see the REAL conspiracy. How did this happen that we went from a diverse nation composed of people from every faith on the planet, to a completely christian "Jesusland", composed of the uneducated and low IQ members of american society (based entirely on the concept that belief in a higher power proves you're an idiot)?

I can tell you: It's not true. It isn't true. IT IS NOT TRUE. This is a false stereotype. It may be predominantly christian on hospital records, but a goodly portion of those not only don't practice it, they don't even believe it. It's just on their hospital records in the event they die. Or to them, a higher power might be the sun, or some nameless force in the universe. Just as many christian people, under this pretense, voted democrat as republican and many voted independent. On top of that, the stereotyping was so rampant, the democrats created a bumper sticker with the jesus fish and the word HYPOCRITE embedded in it! What the freak were they thinking? Don't they like their own voters? They needed a boogie man, just like Hitler did, and christians were the target, even if it meant isolationg, stereotyping and insulting 1/3 of their own voters.

For example, how does Bush win the election due to manipulation of voting machines, if it's the fault of christians in jesusland that he's in power? Which is it? Voting machine manipulation or Christians?

Come on folks. Figure it out.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 10:15 PM
I agree that religion can be used both to bolster false results in elections and deceive many. I also agree that many Christians do not follow the agenda of the current power. And many have woken up in the last 8 years.

I hope this does not turn to a religious topic, even though it is a issue, it is not the focus of her speech. I don't think she mentioned it at all.

And she also did not mention that Hillary is the same corporate party as Bush, but I wanted to mention that.

[edit on 17-10-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Redge777
I agree that religion can be used both to bolster false results in elections and deceive many. I also agree that many Christians do not follow the agenda of the current power. And many have woken up in the last 8 years.

I hope this does not turn to a religious topic, even though it is a issue, it is not the focus of her speech. I don't think she mentioned it at all.

And she also did not mention that Hillary is the same corporate party as Bush, but I wanted to mention that.

[edit on 17-10-2007 by Redge777]

It's relevant because it's the same approach Hitler used. Locate a problem (usually a religious group), blame them for the ills of the nation and the world, then harrass, threaten, malign, insult, and murder them under the pretext of being evil, homosexual hating, bigotted, gun toting, fanatics, who belong to wicked cults like the Branch Davidians or Islam or Judaism, etc.

Conversely, having the opposing party do the same thing to another group, all under the pretext that it's the fault of the religious viewpoints of the people involved. It's the fault of Islam. It's the fault of Christians. It's the fault of Jews. It's the fault of Pagans. It's the fault of Atheists. Etc

But who's fault is it, really? An isolated group, at the top, who are all on the same page, inevitably, even if it doesn't seem to be initially.

I firmly believe that their end goal is not a world without religion, even though several of their followers may believe that's the end goal. I believe their end goal is to eradicate the entire human race, by compelling them to fight each other to the death.

[edit on 17-10-2007 by undo]

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 11:53 PM
A few years back, upon returning to the U.S. to visit my family, I discovered that I was on the FBI's watch list. We had asked the girl behind the Southwest counter why the check-in process has been taking so long as it seemed to be worse this time, and she said I was on "The List."

Now I have since been removed from that list, however my wife is routinely hassled upon arrival in the U.S. every time, as well as when we fly domestically within the country - specifically because she has a Middle Eastern ethnic background. On a flight from Dallas, she (and she alone, mind you) was taken aside and searched while the full flight proceeded to board. And what's odd is that she in fact works for an airline, so one would think that she would be one of the more trustworthy individuals amongst the 80 or so people on the plane. Numerous times we've had our bags picked out of the pile and searched meticulously, because according to the the security personel, they were 'Flagged' (like I just did to this thread).

And also, as with every other foreigner entering the U.S., she is photographed and has her finger scanned - she is then asked why she's entering, how long she'll be there (which is normal now unfortunately), but then is sometimes scrutinized beyond what I consider normal, and there for awhile we were honestly surprised when the customs officer would hand her back her passport & allow her to enter. And one thing that really angers us lately is that the customs person stamps her passport in the middle of 4 squares on one page rendering the other 3 squares usless for 'stamping' on future visits - and I'm sure they think it's funny.

Needless to say, I dread coming home for these reasons. What should be a happy occassion like seeing your family for the first time in a year and a half is turned into a run of the gauntlet. The scrutiny seems to be getting worse, and on top of that tempers are flairing on both sides. More often I'm seeing security officers and police decked out in Metal Gear Solid outfits (soon to be Halo suits I'm sure), and yes, it's intimidating. Try visiting New York when there's a bomb scare - Good God.

What Naomi Wolf is saying in this video is so true, it's scary --- in fact it's gut-wrenching. What I've been suspicious of over the past few years is becoming blindingly obvious. What's most infuriating is that how much of the population still hasn't awakened to this change.

Anyway, here's a video from a politics class by a professor named Michael's basically saying the same thing as the above video, however it's fairly blunt & to the point. It's 6 minutes long & worth watching.

No, I Will Not Comply:

All I can say is, get the word out, and keep telling people before they shut down the internet. And if it is ever shut down, they will blame some obscure 'cyber terrorist' but trust me, the government will be complicit. That's the last, big step before checkmate.

[edit on 18/10/07 by Evasius]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 12:27 AM

Conversely, having the opposing party do the same thing to another group, all under the pretext that it's the fault of the religious viewpoints of the people involved. It's the fault of Islam. It's the fault of Christians. It's the fault of Jews. It's the fault of Pagans. It's the fault of Atheists. Etc

But who's fault is it, really? An isolated group, at the top, who are all on the same page, inevitably, even if it doesn't seem to be initially.


That’s exactly what she’s talking about, and you’re the only one who said anything that opposed that. It’s not about religion.

Lets not be distracted by religious bickering, that’s what they want, it’s never been about God. Some people use religion like racism.

Here‘s my current opinion on religion if you want it:

I watched “Freedom to Fascism” a while ago and it’s pretty good, but it had a lot of “what if scenarios” in it if I remember correctly. I think this video is more the truth behind that conspiracy.

Great responses and keep it up. I’m glad we’re all on the same page, that’s a good sign. Spread it around. Show people. Flag it.

Sorry Evasius, and right on. I’ll check out that video.

Deny Ignorance!

[edit on 18-10-2007 by captainplanet]

Watch Evasius's video too!!

[edit on 18-10-2007 by captainplanet]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 02:07 AM

Lets not be distracted by religious bickering, that’s what they want, it’s never been about God. Some people use religion like racism.

Well, unfortunately, that's the platform the democrats are running on -- that christians are the cause of all evil in the world, that they support the military-industrial complex, that they have no concern for their environment, that they are greedy, money-grubbing, less intelligence, lower IQ, (all the same crap Hitler said about "practicing jews"), and especially fundamental christians (which pretty much leaves out catholicism, which until recently, had prided itself in being ecumenical). It's a slow massage to civil war and the democrats are just as fully on it, as the republicans, but this time, they have the prior civil war and nazi germany to use as cattle prods.

As you've been taught to believe in the public school system, only white christians had black slaves, only white christians killed the jews in Nazi Germany, and so on and so on. The whole thing is a huge propaganda machine, in which the human inhabitants of this planet are being told that it's the fault of those people over there. And every faction believes theirs will be the last one standing - a carefully crafted piece of war time propaganda, meant to pit everyone against everyone else till no one's left.

Edit: It wouldn't be so bad if she hadn't made it clear she felt the democrats were the only salvation from this situation. If that's true, why are they still banging the drum of christians vs. democrats, of white people vs. everyone else? There are moderate democratic platforms. why are the only things we hear about, the extreme lefts and rights? It's all part of the plan. Do you think for five seconds, that she'd be allowed to gain the kind of air time and popularity she has, if she were really a threat to TPTB? Not a chance in hades. She's right on the bandwagon with them. A handful of truth with just the garnish of lies and she comes out smelling like a rose (just watch out for the thorns).

I appreciate what she's saying but it's, unfortunately, just the same problem from the opposite extreme.

[edit on 18-10-2007 by undo]

posted on Oct, 18 2007 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by undo

I think you're saying you agree with the politics, and that you think Christians will be the next target. I’m not going to call that wrong. But if we stick to the constitution, that’s not legal. Religion has no place in politics. That’s what this is about, fixing it.

Anything that mixes religion with politics is wrong, it‘s propaganda, vote it away. If you think your particular religion makes you special, please step off the political stage and read my other thread:

Perception is a powerful thing, and you hear the word Christian a lot. That’s what she’s talking about, don’t let it happen to you. Stop thinking Democrat and Republican, nothing is black and white. Start thinking Freedom. It’s all their to distract you from it, it‘s a step.

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